Well well well, here we are again some peaceful cunt stabs six shoppers in NZ.
Good action by the coppers there by slotting the deluded fucker. I do applaud that they shot the cunt dead, so what drives these wankers to do this on an irrational basis? (No doubt a police enquiry will be called and the cops subsequently blamed for killing the cunt – Day Admin)
It’s about time the horse faced horror of a prime minister cracked down on these carpet kissing cunts hard.
Why can’t we as just rub these jihadi cunts a la Dodi & Diana?
Nominated by: CuntyMort
(I wonder if plod turned up in one of those colourful Police/Pride cars? Day Admin)
And this from Dark key cunt
Islamic extremism
Go onto this link and do Ctrl F (control F) and type Islamic. No mention of the word.
Apparently it was ‘ISIS Ideology’.
The word ‘Muslim’ is mentioned towards the end of the article. I have no issues with Muslims in general. But the nutter was clearly a RoPer so fucking say it.
I got a text earlier today from a Muslim friend of mine about far right extremism and how no-one mentioned it (on another issue). He’s been doing this for about ten or fifteen years and ten years ago, maybe he was right. But not now.
Now, we can’t mention Islamic extremism because it might upset some of our vibrant brethren.
Fuck this shit.
It aint all of ’em. I have Muslim colleagues who are excellent Britons. Believe me, they exist.
(Moggie, leave it! ;-))
But the NZ attack needs to be called for out for what it is. And for those of you who think ‘Sri Lanka?’ , think again. Even the Portuguese got there. Dirty dago cunts.
(His name has finally been released – Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen
News Link – Day Admin)
The Prime minister of The Woke and of The Piranha Teeth stated that they did everything within the law to stop this cunt.
A sick joke.
The gloves only seem to come off after the evil cunts attempt or commit murder.
Time and time again we shall here Lessons Will Be Learnt.
No they won’t because the political class are cowards.
If they knew he was an extremist and given their modus operandi then he should have been shot years ago.
Then there would be no stabbed pensioners.
Or in our case blown up children.
Fucking filth.
On the BBC News website I saw a comment from the horse faced one made after the gunman shot 50+ people a few years ago she said ‘ Muslim people must be allowed to live their lives in peace’. I await her statement regarding non Muslim people being allowed to live their lives in peace.
Im not one for violence, never have been. But I look at these fuckers now and honestly believe a single campaign of nuking or butchering the lot of them Halal style to be the only solution for a ‘peaceful’ existence.
I don’t think I have ever seen anything but wasteland and destruction where the sandal wearers roam. That includes the UK.
Let muzzies live in peace in the middle east not the west.
Keep the cunts out. We have nothing in common and the cultures will always clash.
1s1am is NOT a religion of peace, wtf will foll realise this ?
You can imagine Shergar and her advisors fretting in their offices, trying to apportion blame elsewhere. She’s more concerned about the welfare of Muslims than the indigenous folk. But then again they’re the very same people who voted for her in the last election. So you get what you deserve!
In fact I am reminded of the late-great Spike Milligan and his Q9 TV shows back in the 70s, and one particular clip showing him and colleagues all muttering “What are we gonna do now?”
One thing is entirely clear in this world: Wherever there is Islam, there is trouble.
BBQ the cunts lifeless corpse in pigs blood as a deterrent to all other would be muzzie terrorists. Fucking cunt!
Whitey’s fault, they misunderstood him…….. Always innocents involved, not the leftist cunts who let them in.
Not that I would wish it on anyone. but hypothetically could you imagine of a few Islington Woke Lefties/luvvies were stabbed up in the local Waitrose by someone like Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen!
It would be on MSM of course, but his name probably wouldn’t be mentioned, or if it was, the media would suggest good old mental health issues affected his judgement, rather than the cunt being an “incel” terrorist loony-tune!
There’s a ‘Little Waitrose’ opposite Highbury Corner tube. One stop down from Finsbury Park and its famous house of peace. Let’s see it happen!
NZ was the best place to move to on earth. It still could be the case.
Not easy to get in, but once they took in a few carpet kissers (refugees or bullshitters with the right contacts) it was over for them.
If that makes me a horrible racist cunt, so be it. There are some decent Muslims out there.
However, I simply look at all the areas that they seemingly take over on the UK, and what utter third world shitholes they then become. Every single time. There are no exceptions to this. Then, they only vote for things that favour them as a group. Fuck the country. Only they fucking matter. Well fuck that!
Horse face will turn NZ into a giant version of Bradford within a few decades. Once they’re in, your country is fucked. She wears a fucking headscarf when a nazi goes mental and invites more and more in.
Only her over the top fear of covid (zero covid is impossible) and closed borders is giving kiwis a brief delay in the inevitable.
And most kiwis I know (granted, not many!) love the goofy tart. They are fucked. In 30 years they’ll wonder what became of their lovely country.
Ultimately, this cunts rights outweighed the safety of others. How much money they spent on this unashamedly jihadi cunt, following him 24/7 was a complete waste, as he achieved his aim. And how many more are getting this treatment, both here and there? And more to come.
It is about time that the cost of keeping tabs on these cunts was made public; the figure must be astronomical.
And for what end?
Anyone in the UK that wants Sharia Law should fuck off to Afghanistan, they’ve got loads of room to spare now. I can just imagine the Afghans who come here will start demanding Sharia Law here when the get their feet under the table of their new 3 bedroom house.
These are people with big families I don’t think 3 bedrooms will be appropriate. I’m thinking 5 or 6 bedrooms and let’s make sure the hotel they stay in first is nice.
Gonna end up bankrupt looking after them and there’ll be fuck all benefit. Some of them will be okay but some will be dodgy or will turn. How much are the houses, translators, health care, benefits and everything else going to cost?
Wonder how much this ungrateful cunt cost New Zealand?
Western nations are fucked by globalists.
Every day and twice on Sunday.
No such thing as a Muslim extremist. The Taliban are orthodox Islam. And they are threatened by ultra orthodox Islam in the form of Isis.
Can anyone name a fair and equitable muslim country? Or one not involved in some sort of war? Often against the ‘wrong’ sort of Muslim?
“The Taliban are orthodox Islam”
No, sorry. That’s an almost meaningless generalisation. They’re Sunni, nominally, but also Deobandis, a sect originating in India whose original aim was to end colonial rule. Interestingly, without partitioning India.
They’re less coherent now, with Wahhabi tendencies, no doubt because they were funded by Saudi ( and the US, without much religious influence there!) against the Soviets. I would say that while some Taleban favour IS, others see it as a competitor for the governance of Afghanistan. They look homogenous, but that’s because we haven’t spotted the fault lines, and we are cunts for that.
Don’t want to pontificate, but it is a lack of understanding of the details which gets us into shit situations like Afghanistan. The Russians and Chinese are wiser and more pragmatic on this one. Keep your friends close…and your enemies even closer, is the correct motto for this bunch.
It was all kicking off in City Rd Cardiff yesterday afternoon. No identities mentioned, which makes me fear the worst… Probably drugs-related.
NZ said they had been trying to get rid of this cunt for years – to no avail. Well, they have found a good method now, and I would urge any country to follow this example, including that cunt of a “preacher” in Ilford, imprisoned for years, now released and last week urging the Taliban to do their worst (“strict” imposition of Shira Law, as if there were any other sort). Come of Cressi – do your macho Jean-Charles Menezies routine on him – except of course J-CM was innocent that bloated bleeder of a preacher is not.
“It was carried out by, not a faith, not a culture, not an ethnicity, but an individual “ says the mega toothed Blairite. Yeah, we got the message bitch face, we could have written it ourselves. Along with “lessons will be learned”.
Exactly the same scenario in Streatham last year and exactly the same response.
Deja vu cunt.
She didn’t say that with the nutter in the mosque, did she?
She definitely saw a link to ‘far-right terrorism/white supremacy’ then.
But now some camel jockey she didn’t kick out of her country has done a similar thing, in the name of his religion, like fucking thousands of other desert rats have done too, by the way, it’s now just down to ‘an individual’.
Fuck right off!
I can’t imagine what you thought I might say about your post. I don’t think I know any peacefuls but, then again, since I don’t have any friends of any persuasion, religious or otherwise, that’s not exactly saying a great deal.
Didn’t mean to rope you in mate. I apologise wholeheartedly.
One line that politicians like to spout is that the perpetrators of these atrocities are ‘not real Muslims’.
Well it doesn’t matter what politicians think.
It doesn’t matter if leaders of other faiths say that they are ‘not real Muslims’.
It doesn’t even matter if other Muslims say that they are ‘not real Muslims’.
What matters is that the terrorists believe that they are real Muslims.
And that is the only thing that matters.
Worth reading Richard Dawkins on this particular example of double-think.
The only good peaceful is a dead peaceful.
Preferably before they go on a stabathon, this cunt seems to have been so dangerous he was on 24/7 watch. What is the point in waiting until he kicks off (inevitable), just shoot the cunt in a dark alley and make him disappear.
Sorry to go off topic, but Alastair Campbell is pontificating on BBC2 at the moment! WTF? Why?
For money? BBC pays top dollar for bollocks.
If the Kiwis voted this arsefaced bitch in their Opposition party must be as shit and hopeless as ours. They obviously got the same result as well……a spineless waffling cunt for a Prime Minister.
Love the ‘header’ picture; cunt’s face virtually invisible due to a wrap-around rug, and the eyes pixillated.
Fucking brilliant!
At the time this was nominated his identity hadn’t been revealed – DA
Oh I know; still think that the ‘header’ was a brilliant, wonderfully ironic choice for this nom tho!
Apologies if you thought I was perhaps being sarky DA, didn’t mean it if I came across that way.
The pixellation of an already unidentifiable individual just struck me as humorous and ironic, and I assumed that was the intention.
Nah, I didn’t, I was just clarifying. – DA
I’m not one for violence, but instead of following this cunt around for god knows how long and waiting for him to actually attack innocent people, wouldn’t it have been better to proactively smash his bollocks in with boots and truncheons, then move on to his guts, then upwards to his back and chest, and finally cave his fucking head in?
This is only offered as a suggestion to be considered, and should not be misconstrued as a manifestation of ill-feeling towards those with a different creed and culture, who as yet remain a minority in civilized countries.
Diversity is, well a fucking BIG MISTAKE, the Muslims can stand each other, the Sonny and Chers, both lots hate us cos we don’t kiss carpets.
They are a waste of space, oxygen and benefits.
Whatever excuses and spin the usual leftist apologists come out with, the simple fact is it wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t let the cunt in.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Deport the fucking lot. They have no place in the west or the rest of the civilised world .
Thanks DA for the name.
Ahamed Aathil Mohamed Samsudeen
Clearly a Mossad agent. Fuck off.
He entered NZ on false papers, claiming to be a Tamil refugee. That alone should have been sufficient to kick him out. Then he was imprisoned for violent behaviour and was known as an extremist since 2016. Probably managed to stay in NZ thanks to the yuman rights lawyers, same as the cunts here.
I hope they feel comfortable with the result, as they indirectly have the blood of six people on their hands.
Buddhist Sri Lanka , where the cunt came from, had the right idea of how to deal with the cunts. Drive the cunts onto a beach and then rain down artillery fire until they’re all dead. We should carpet bomb Bradford as a start.
What I don’t understand is how these religious types believe in an infinite afterlife, but can’t wait for this joyous period to start, and have to do their deeds right now. This life on earth is over in the bat of an eye in comparison.
Or am I missing something as usual?
It’s been stated that Iran and Pakistan create, harbour and support these cunts, remind me again what benefit does our country get from these two mass imported peaceful types. Sounds like an agenda of self destruction.