(Woke Plod in action – arrest the innocent, give a pass to cunts – Day Admin)
I feel obliged to cunt this bunch of idiotic arseholes who think they can save the planet by sitting in a busy road and stopping thea traffic.
I’ll declare an interest: I am in complete agreement that man-made climate change threatens the planet, and urgent action is required even to limit the damage to something vaguely tolerable. And I even agree that rather than HS2, or NHS management, serious money needs to be spent on home insulation. But antagonising the public? That’s on the far side of counterproductive.
These cunts are not only cunts for blocking emergency services, essential transport and even the poor bloody commuter. They are cunts because they might just as well be working for Exxon. Because they exactly fit the image the oil and coal industries would like to project, of anyone who objects to the fossil fuel industry’s cries of “lalalala, nothing’s happening”, and they alienate the public they should be informing.
I am aware that the Trumpeters among us will disagree with my reasons. But I am hopeful our conclusions will converge. These people are cunts.
Nominated by: Komodo
Agree Mr Komodo. Environmental issues have been hijacked by total arseholes.
Wonder how much extra CO2 went into the atmosphere as a result of these demonstrations? And where is that police brutality when you need it?
Police brutality is reserved purely for honky anti vacc/lockdown protesters.
Literally every other group gets a free pass.
If world governments really believed climate change was going to destroy life on earth they would be doing more. So either they know it’s too late or they know it’s over egged.
Compare the reaction to coronavirus which was never going to be a massive threat to humanity to the passing nod to climate change.
Insulate Britain are a bunch of juvenile Tarquins and Jemimas playing at being eco-warriors on their trust funds. But by and large, this is the green movement and always has been.
The lot that really need Cunting are the useless police who tiptoe around them and offer them cups of tea.
The whole lot are cunts.
You can almost smell the acrid aroma of stale lentil and hummus farts emanating from these faux eco-warriors!
They’re probably only doing it for some attention on their Fuckbook page.
“Look at me!! LOOK AT ME!!! I’m about to be dragged away by the plod and kicked to death!!!
Police brutality, Totalitarian State…
Oh, hang on, they’re just standing around watching us and having a cup of tea with a nice slice of Victoria sponge! Oh!”
Good nom K
Controlled opposition in my opinion.
Go and clean up the copious amounts of plastic off a beach or something if you want to make yourselves useful.
Or protest properly like that fucking Buddhist monk back in the 1960s.
I would laugh my balls off if these cunts got back into their 4x4s and/or electric cars and then got held up by some pissed off HGV drivers protesting on the same motorways further down the road!
They’d be bitching and crying and stomping their feet, squealing into their Apple and Samsung smartphones (built by slave labour in a continent far far away), whinging that they can’t pick up Pippa and Rupert from Early Learner’s School because of these horrid working class types blocking the road!
Boo fucking hoo!
Run them all over then go for a full English.
cooked over a bonfire.
Notice 6he lack of diversity in these psychotic middle aged white cunts? That is a crime in itself. Other cuntries would wade in with extreme violence, pepper spray and batons. Not here, Peppa Pig minces up in his rainbow car and dishes out packed lunches to the cunts on the road. Meanwhile back in the real world, China opens a new coal fired power station.
Apparently some of the idiots glued themselves to the M25 – they should have been bodily pulled up and made to walk down the motorway with their arses hanging out of their trousers.
Somebody made the point in a newspaper the other day that the “protesters” were out on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, but not Tuesday – the day of heavy rain throughout most of Britain. A possibility, but equally it might have been signing on day for benefit claimants.
I guess a lot of people who take part are out of work to be at liberty on weekday mornings in autun, so they should have their claims stopped.
Drive over them slowly in a steam roller and reverse back over them.Bunch of children
Taser the cunts. If they come back again, taser the cunts again.
I thought obstructing a public highway was a criminal offence? I know it seems a ridiculous notion nowadays, but shouldn’t the police simply arrest these twats for breaking the fucking law? And if the order comes from above, you’d be a rich ex copper from the compo you’d get if they sacked or disciplined you for arresting law breakers. Seems clear cut to me.
Seems that if you’re a woke cunt that you can do what you like.
Try blocking the road in protest against the Joe Daki rape gangs and see if you get tea and cake with Dibble, while they arrest they bloke going nuts at you for blocking the road.
That pic says it all. If Plod did his fucking job and moved the cunts on, the bloke going about his normal day wouldn’t be going nuts.
Plod IS doing his job.
Protecting the wealthy and privileged from the rest of us.
It’s never been anything else really…
Reverse a fleet of clapped out diesels right up to the little shits and blast them with the exhaust fumes.
The police just stand around for hours, congestion and a major accident caused by these CUNTS but strangely it only takes a few seconds to move protesters if your are the PM
Yes, it would be interesting if these same cunts blocked the entrances leading into Downing Street or Buck Palace.
They’d get short thrift, and no mistake!
Love the face of that dopey soy-boy in the picture.
Not a care in the world.
He would have had poo in his pants if the angry bloke had got to him.
The road haulage association should take a civil case against these soy twats for costs incurred due to business disruption.
Where do these plastic ecos think all the food comes from when they go shopping at their local Waitrose?
Waitrose don’t have a magic garden in the back; most of it, including all the shite they eat, is delivered by the very same HGVs these cunts are blocking!
Hope they don’t bleat about food shortages and empty shelves!
They can blame Brexit.
The cunts…
These cunts will be a minor inconvenience compared to what will coming down the road, yesterday the UN (who else) say we must reduce Carbon by 45% by 2030, unfortunately the prediction is for a rise of 16% by 2030.
Roll on COP26, you ain’t seen nothing yet, we are fucked, Gas wholesale prices going up, Electricity going up, all due to supply issues. The human incubator that is Africa will spew across Europe and eventually end up here, just wait for the 5000 a day numbers crossing the channel with Priti Patel on the White Cliffs crying ‘go back, go back’
Roll on my fucking funeral ?
The government will rue the day it effectively put a stop to fracking in this country, not to mention nuclear power.
Energy independence needs to be made a priority in the UK.
Anyone who thinks that Russia is an honourable trading partner is deluded.
In the U.K. we have energy sources for the next thousand years and yet the lights will be going out.
Yes, depending on other counties for supply is very dangerous.
Almost 40% of Leccy is produce from gas and there is very unlikely that it will be replaced completely, if the UK doesn’t seriously start a proper nuclear strategy we are heading for the dark ages.
We need to secure a 100% domestic gas supply ASAP.
Agree Ruff.
Why oh why are we buying Gas off Putin and his thugs ?
Nuclear power is the only way forward in a country like ours that’s so over populated. which incidentally is the elephant in the room , global warming is just a symptom of overpopulation.
They are all daft wee girls and boys with no skin in the game. If they tried to stop me going about my lawful business I’d be up before the break on a charge.
Self absorbed deluded cunts.
The words ‘a claw hammer’ and ‘get into them with’ spring to mind.
Heard the chief Jemima on the radio. It was put to her that U.K. causes less than 2% of carbon emissions, China causes 28 so why don’t you kick up a fuss outside the Chinese embassy or, even better, Chinkyland itself?
The posh bint was ready for this….oh but 6,000 poor old pensioners die from “fuel poverty” every year blah blah.
Oh so it’s not about about the climate it’s about poor old cunts then? Fuck off Lady Muck. You don’t give a fuck. If it was about that the coppers would kick shit out of you and you would be banged up. These posh cunts are playing the Establishment’s game and they fucking know it.
One copper yesterday walked out and stopped the traffic to allow these stooges to take their place safely in the road. That’s aiding and abetting a criminal offence and he should be arrested. Meanwhile his boss, the world’s most useless copper, is celebrating a 2 year extension to her contract. Great.
These posh twats like to compare themselves to the Suffragettes, fighting a just cause, history will prove them right blah blah woof woof.
I seem to remember those ladies went to prison and then went on hunger strike. These cunts ain’t getting banged up in a million years and, as for going without their vegan burgers and Starbucks, you’re having a laugh mate.
Get a new Manhattan Project to crack fusion underway and better fission plants and a lot of the problems are solved, although we still need to mine for the metals so is 45% reduction in CO2 by 2030 in any way realistic? We’re already beyond the 400ppm threshold so there’s really no point in panicking.
If only Germany stopped pretending solar was the main solution (at this time) and the greens stopped deluding themselves that this can be achieved without nuclear power then i’d take the ‘climate emergency/collapse/disaster’ more seriously.
When Government discusses immigration and global population , then I will take interest. Until then. Fuck right off, run all bastard demos over with snow chained tyres. ( always better to prepare for winter I think )
They’re always welcome to protest in the streets of Moscow, Kiev, Beijing, Singapore and Riyadh.
The plod in those countries don’t fuck about with eco-twats and such like. Plus some of these countries (Singapore excluded) probably produce more pollution than Western Europe, with the Saudis producing and selling all the stuff to make it happen.
Come on then, you eco warriors – show us that you care and book your tickets to the countries named about, do a bit of protesting and wave a few placards about, and then tell us all about it!
Oh and don’t expect the British Embassies to bail you out when things get tough!
I wonder how many lofts these cunts have lagged and boarded? How many cavity walls they’ve filled? Answers on a postcard. I’m trying to get an EPC on a small commercial property at the mo, the govt. eco zealots suggest solutions that amount to financial suicide, make no practical sense with zero compromise. I wanted to put in a proposal to heat the place with rocking horse shit and the rainbow farts of unicorns, but alas, these are all covered by existing policy.The road to hell indeed.
The worst wasnt the arseholes blocking the road. In the clip I saw a female plod was asking the fuckers if they needed anything. It’s the fucking police who should be cunted.
I saw that. She should hand her warrant card back with her fucking head held low.
They had a van load of umbrellas standing by Just in case it rained on the poor Ruperts.
Made in China obviously.
Yeah, and paid for by local council tax bills, probably!
They needed something alright; a fucking size 12 HGV driver’s boot up the fucking arsehole.
Useless sanctimonious cunts.
I like the way these brave heroes all wear identical high vis jackets. How very sensible, how very middle class. All paid for by George Soros no doubt.
Maybe the chief of Hertfordshire Constabulary should take over the Met.
“Officers arrived on scene at 10.47am and the road was cleared by 11.05am.”
With a few cracked skulls, too, I hope. Fucking inconsiderate, self-righteous, selfish wank-stains.
I sure hope you’re given the green (blue?) light to drive through these pricks, DCI.
Scattering them like skittles in order to save whoever’s in the back of your ambulance would be entirely justifiable.
If they glue their hands to the road, as some of these cunts do (in the unjustified belief that their unsticking will be painlessly conducted by DCI in accordance with approved NHS guidelines) the skittle-like scattering will be even more fun!
I think a flame-thrower for the melting of the glue should be in NHS guidelines!
On my last day, pension safe, I’d be crying tears of joy doing that!
One good tug, hand will be free minus a few skin cells, it’s a lesson kids learn early on when playing with glue ?
‘Officer, I have glued my hand to the road’,
‘Sorry I don’t believe you’, tug, scream, ‘yep you were telling the truth’ Ooops.
Great nom, K. Even though I think the idea of man significantly influencing climate change is hubris and is being used as a lame excuse to tax the ordinary Joes until their eyes bleed, I agree that XR are a bunch of soap shy cunts who are being given far too much tolerance by a Government that has totally fucked up priorities.
Good morning, everyone.
Attention seeking cunts. Not attention for a cause but for themselves. What happened to peak oil by the way?
When they recognise that overpopulation is the biggest threat and start gluing themselves to childbearing women then they can fuck off.
Population control is one of the favourite conspiracy theories of the lunatic fringe, and I almost wish it were true. Doing it through the vaccine programme? Imagine that, all that would be left would be gym wankers, stones and loonies. Talk about a socially awkward future…?
All that food aid going to Africa needs to be laced with chemical sterilisation.
Or Rat poison
Useful idiots. Establishment plants at some demo’s.
The government / establishment have kept the climate bullshit simmering away in the background, all through the “pandemic”.
The next stick of fear to beat, coerce and control the great unwashed.
Cunts all ?
A heavily loaded HGV accidentally on purpose failing to stop and driving right over their sit down protest would be just the fucking ticket ?
A few less cunts in the world is always a good thing after all.
I bet these deluded fuckers would throw a fit if they were about to pick their kids up from Charterhouse school or Eton and couldn’t get there because fuckers like them were blocking the road