Insulate Britain (2) – A Personal Take

Insulate Britain, now they are a bunch of cunts,
Let me tell you why.

I have been at war with the local council over my flat, we have (had) a massive damp problem and it was fucking cold too!

Their logic dictates that I should go and glue myself to an A road, I did not.

I took a thermal camera and took a look at where I live, I live in the end flat of a block.
I then researched the archives and found that in changing from provider to provider that the plans of my councils housing stock had gone missing and they were unaware that the flats were a Bison cross panel build from the 1960’s.

I politely contacted them and said that the outside render had failed causing ingress of water into the cavity causing the problem which was then multiplied by the new gas central heating.

Go back in time to central heating, it was normally a forced air flow unit central to a property that moved hot air drying the property.

So I suggested to the local council that a simple fix is to clad the outer wall (concrete slab) with insulation and render over it.

Now I am not sure if Grenfell is fresh in their memory or they have their heads up their arse…. so.

They rendered the outside wall with pebble dash….. they then needed to check the cavity wall insulation….. (never done in the 60s) ….

I got fed up waiting for them and cored the wall myself (inside to cavity) to discover that the wall is 5 thick of plasterboard indicating that this has been going on for some time and they have patched over it! oh and no insulation.

Now again at no point did I feel the need to glue myself to anything.

So after almost a year of wasted time and visits the council sends their head chap, he looks at the findings of the reports and suggests that insulation be applied to the outer wall and rendered over!

only took a year and a half!

so folks, the parable to the worthy, I live in a “right shit hole” my neighbours live upon your taxes to survive ( let us not go there) some of these people will not be able to heat their flats come winter, yes I know Brexit and Crack prices and all that, but as I pointed out at the beginning of my fight with the local council, better insulation reduces bills and benefits.

at no point in my argument did I glue myself to anything.

The others are a bunch of moronic twats!

Nominated by: lord benny(not quite deceased, but close)

And on a slightly different take, there’s this from Cunty McCunterson

Liam Norton of Insulate Britain

The potato-headed cunt has embarrassed himself every time he has opened his mouth and therefore needs a massive cunting. This smooth-brain has been repeating this banal David King quote “What we do in the next 5 years will determine the future of humanity” incessantly as if repeating this magical incantation absolves him of all moral responsibility for the damage he and his hordes of wastrel morons have done.

It doesn’t. It just makes him look like a 5 year old incapable of communicating on his own without daddy to help him. A simple quote doesn’t get it done, pal.

He clearly hasn’t thought through anything beyond the first order of analysis. So, whenever he’s backed into a corner by any journalist (which is often), he panics, the two synapses in his brain suddenly spark, and hey presto! The David King quote painfully stutters out like some broken action figure from the 1980s had its pull-string tugged too many times. “What we do in the next 5 years will de…termine the f..uture o…f h…uma…nity”. It’s sad.

How a person this unappealingly thick has managed to rise to the station of ‘spokesperson’ for any organisation is baffling beyond comprehension. I mean you’d HAVE to be pretty dense to think staging protests on the M25 is going to win hearts and minds over to your cause in the first place. The world of work is not missing the next Elon Musk here.

But, to add to the guy’s endless list of charmless attributes he has compared himself to Churchill!!! Okay, he’s saying sometimes popular opinion isn’t right in the long run. After all, Churchill had to fight to convince Britain we had to stand up to the Nazis. Right? But, what Churchill didn’t do is pop on a hi-viz jacket, walk onto a motorway putting lives and livelihoods at risk by shutting down infrastructure and then dribble out mindless turds from his mouth on the news in justification.

Nope. He made his case intelligently, using the force of conviction, his ability to communicate, charm, persuade, and most importantly, the democratic process.

All Liam ‘omelette brain’ Norton has done is piss on everyone’s head from a great height and tell them it’s for their own good.

Liam Norton is not an outlier either. It’s now a middle-class trend to throw a spanner in the works every time a weather scientist trots out another book. In fact, any social justice book seems to get these guys in the mood for a day out fucking up everyone’s day. You get the sense that common sense is in short supply among his eco-warrior ilk. And we all know how common sense is – not very.

The only insulation we need is from cunts like Liam Norton. Long may he dance in traffic.

83 thoughts on “Insulate Britain (2) – A Personal Take

  1. Hopefully an eight legger will hit him, adding another layer of insulation to the tarmac.
    What a bellend.
    Sorry to hear of your troubles, Lord B, if only some people had more than one brain cell, eh?

    • Thank you, it is a constant battle, more between MRS B and myself than with the council, when the building was re-clad in tasteful upvc the rock wall fell out and was not replaced by the contractors.
      when the bathroom wall fell off, MRS B agreed that I fix it so we now have an insulated bathroom and floor to ceiling tiles!
      I just wish she would stop calling them to come round and break the flat!!!!

  2. High time the police tear gassed the scum. A few object lessons involving the judicious application of force should do the trick. Hurt the bastards and they won’t come back. Middle class wankers, no fucking bottle.

    • Sorry but I differ, at that point out come the clippers, there you go son, a nice shit hair cut for you, followed by a tar and feather paint job, might take a piss on you too.

  3. A steam roller would work as well. Put the cat’s eyes in at the same time. Lovely. Sorry to hear of your struggles with the local authority Lord B.

    • It is not a struggle, a number of housing associations have lost their building plans, even a few buildings, just they will not admit it, that is how it is.

  4. What gets me about these cunts is how pleased with themselves they seem to be. As for the plod, they seem to be as concerned about making sure that the demonstrators are comfy as they they are about keeping the traffic moving and allowing the public to go about its business.
    Why they don’t just hurl these twats into the wagon and cart them off to the slammer is beyond me.

    • From the pictures I saw last week, they were busy restraining pissed off motorists who were doing their job for them and trying to clear the road of these cuntwipes.

    • Exactly – there is now the legal grounds to lock them up but plod let them go to make a nuisance of themselves the next day for a repeat of the whole process. They ought to stick the lot of them in clink for two years, no appeals and no bail while waiting for trial.

      I’m only surprised some poor done by commuter hasn’t knocked seven bells out of the cunts yet. But, maybe that’s what plod are doing, protecting these cunts from the people whose lives they are fucking up.

      • You compare the police response to these Insulate bastards to that given by the police to the miners in the 1980’s and you wonder what has happened to the country.

    • I’d use a flamethrower to clear the road, but probably a high-powered water hose would work as well, and be more humane when dealing with cattle.

  5. I remember been a passenger in a van traveling from slough to Tilbury in the late spring early summer of 1986
    We went through London and passed the Wapping strikes at 7 am.
    The police on mounted horses, the police with full riot gear and we were held up as they laid into a front line of strikers with no quarter given .
    We eventually got through
    I can only imagine what the miners strike was like probably 10 times worse.
    This is how they handled things back then but Maggie encouraged that response
    The strikers still held there ground and didn’t disperse

    So I’ve like many have no time for woke whingers today
    They wouldn’t have lasted a second in those circumstances

  6. I was listening to Peter Tatchell over the weekend. There was a time I couldn’t stand him and once had a run-in with him on a radio phone-in. However I admire his courage in trying to arrest Mugabe and various other stuff he has done. He made the point that to for a campaign to be successful you have to win over the public, he said the worst thing he and Stonewall did was block a High Street for about 30 minutes and when it was pointed out to him he said sorry and left. You don’t win campaigns by pissing everyone off, not if you are serious.

    Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain are not serious they are just hard left agitators out to disrupt.Now it has started to rain a bit they will soon pack it in.

    • You’re right there Wanksock. Many of us will remember the bunch of dykes who camped outside the air base at Greenham Common for the best part of twenty years. Afterwards some of them moved to Fylingdales to be a nuisance. Didn’t last long though, soon discovered that camping out in Yorkshire in all weathers was quite a different prospect from camping out in central Berkshire.

  7. The one positive thing this lot have acheived, is that we all now know that the Law is a n arse, plod are fucking useless and there is a desperate need for vigilantes.

  8. I like the identical hi viz jackets (paid for by whom I wonder?) that all these virtue signallers wear. On the one hand you might say how very sensible, how very middle class of them.
    I think it’s simply that the drivers are more likely to stop, thinking that they are workmen who have a legitimate reason for stepping into the road. All very ironic when none of these posh wankers have ever been near a proper days work in their lives.

    • A lot are pensioners too. I wonder if they are all in eco-friendly biodegradable nappies? After plod has done the rounds with the cups of tea they will be needing them.

    • There the type Freddie that pull out in front of you and then say they had there indicator on , after the accident of course

      Mega cunts

      • Daughter took her car in for a service, part of the HP contract they signed ( mugs). They told her she needed this, that & the next thing doing.
        They took the car home and looked at the dashcam footage. It hadn’t been touched from when they dropped it off to pick up.
        She went postal on them. They gave her all the service money back. Now, she’s a cunt you don’t want to get on the wrong side of.

      • Another necessity jeezum, fuck me how much shit do I have to have to prove my identity and innocence in life’s mundane activities
        Cunt of a place this world we occupy and fucking thanks to the legal Wokies and there guardianship

        All I ever wanted was a shack by the sea where I could look at 3000 miles of ocean and enough food and warmth to see me to the End

      • I advocate the wearing of the personal body cam. Who knows what naughty things you may film to ” discuss” with interested people?

      • I hope i don’t bump into Jeezum and your body cam
        Ive nothing interesting enough for people to discuss

  9. So what would plod do if you effected a citizens arrest on these wankers? They are clearly breaking the law.
    And Wtf are the courts doing saying they can’t do it again at the same place? It should be that they are not allowed to do it anywhere in the country.
    Total wank.

  10. Good luck with the council spazzes Lord B.

    As for those trendy protesters I’d happily pop down to the Imperial War Museum and borrow Monty’s Grant tank to crush the fucking swine.

  11. I guessed this from the start that the scallywags would have a vested interest in property from the start. They want taxpayers to pay for their private portfolios and business ventures. Cunts!

  12. I decked some cunt who had something to do with this Insulate Britain mob after he knocked on my door and asked me if I was interested in getting felt up in the attic….

  13. ‘Insulate Britain’ from foreigners.” Now that would be popular. Instead of waving their fists at them people would be getting out of their cars and trucks to support them. A lot of beeping of horns.

    • ‘Insulate Britain’ sounds like a company. A company Ted Moult say would have advertised.
      There are a lot of insulation companies.
      Doesnt it occur yo these people that it would be better use of their time to offer to go in and insulate people’s homes for free?

      • They offer nothing only protest Miles
        Will never achieve what real people do for society without asking for recognition
        Disruptive , my face , it’s me that made the difference, I showed you all
        As Jordan Peterson said , “ try to clean out your room first and then someone might take you seriously “

  14. Good nom. The whole of Britain is now geared to time wasting, doing fuck all and hoping whoever is facing difficulties gives up or dies. Our number one industry is inertia. In the case of Local Authorities it is a war of attrition to wear down anyone who is genuinely in need of help to the point where they just fuck off. In the case of the NHS it is a case of creating endless lists for sick people to inhabit and keep them believing something might happen to ease their pain some day. Then they die.

    This is no real surprise as the country is largely populated by useless cunts.

    • No they wish to protest on a political bandwagon of energy savings and get the poor to pay for it. Champagne socialism at it’s finest. I’ve seen loads of cases of it. It infects all walks of society. Greed! Issue is the system allows it.

      • Good evening, CCCM, I was thinking of Lord Benny’s experience with his housing. The Insulate Britain cunts are less useful than dog shit.

      • Lord Bennys situation is very familiar with me. People and Councils not taking responsibility for their own liabilities. I feel sorry people being robbed off constantly. I hope your situation improves Benny, it’s certainly a minefield out there.

  15. Is that Thundercunt mong behind this?

    For the love of God, will somebody please go elbow deep up her chuff? Might shut her up for 5 minutes.

  16. One of these protesting cunts called Joshua Smith has a multi million pound property empire where a large proportion of his houses have an energy rating of E and F.
    What a cunt!

  17. Five years, ten years, however many fucking years you want to pick, it’s immaterial.
    You could insulate the whole fucking world and the problems this god forsaken planet faces would not go away.
    The uncomfortable truth, is that there are simply too many people.
    Politicians won’t provide a solution.
    ‘ The people ‘ won’t provide a solution.
    ‘ Activists ‘ won’t provide a solution.
    But Mother Nature will.
    And it won’t be pretty.
    Good evening.

    • Hi, Jack (see what I did there?). Perhaps we could insulate the whole world with hair from Toyah’s minge?

    • Also Jack, China has over 1000 coal fired power stations and is building more for its neighbours.
      You don’t see these cunts protesting outside their embassies.

    • The motorways of Britain are fucked enough without these tarmac terrorist’s.
      M6 is mostly 60mph or 50mph if not sat in traffic tailbacks.
      Who drives at 60mph on a motorway?!!!
      Fuckin poofters. Thats who.
      The police have done fuck all,
      Hugged em, texted them a selfie,
      The police are poofters as well.
      Coppers should be slaughtering these hippy fucks.
      Peterloo Manchester,
      Coppers cavalry charge killed people!
      Walking wounded everywhere.
      Did we moan?
      No. We thought it was fuckin marvelous.
      One man with a pickaxe handle could clear the likes of Insulate Britain.

      Oooohh im angry.

      • Evening MNC. This country is infested with ‘Reds’. I remember when the cunts were strictly under the fucking bed.

      • Evening 20?
        We need Joe McCarthy to sniff them out.
        He could find communists anywhere could Joe.
        Like a bloodhound .

      • The coppers are too busy in their cars getting free McDonald’s and putting the mobile gaybar stickers. Police none political? Not a chance. Same with the court system. Systematically corrupt by labour and their cronies.

      • Is it just Insulate Britain you’re angry with MNC, or the fact you had to go to Oxford? It’s truly awful isn’t it?

      • Arfur@
        Your Colombo like observation is spot on.
        Yes, Im out of my comfort zone darn sarf.
        I passed a place called Shirley.
        Made me sneer.
        Then Bicester ?
        Started tutting.
        Then bloody Gaydon!
        Started foaming at the mouth .
        I was much happier when I saw the beauty of the peaks in the distance.
        I get homesick ?

      • Glad you made it back MNC in one piece
        i hope your not gone all gay and enlightened on your visit South
        i will monitor and scrutinise your posts from here on in just in case you drank the water from the Thames

      • Evening Mecuntry,
        Ive started wearing a cravat and putting asparagus in the mushy peas.
        Shaving my head earlier
        Cut myself said
        “Heavens above!!”

        Ive lost my ecky thump.

    • Also Jack, China has over 1000 coal fired power stations and is building more for it’s neighbours. You don’t see these cunts protesting outside their embassies.

      • The germans didn’t even know what a tank was before it turnt up on their doorstep. Same again.

      • A white flag bloodied under that tank , Jack
        Surely that would signify the West is awake and fuck off the sleeping Tiger

      • The West has got its head up its fucking arse.
        The Russkies and Chinks are running fucking rings around us.
        Even the goat shagging, stinky as Allah’s arsehole, kiddy fucking Taliban are laughing at us.
        But still want Western Aid !!!!!
        And they’ll get it.
        The cunts.
        Get To Fuck.

      • What makes it even harder is we had a empire.
        Our name was a guarantee of quality,
        Ingenuity and invention? Famed for it.
        Dealing with troublesome foreigners?
        They trembled at our name.
        Which makes it a very bitter pill to swallow how its all gone tits up.
        But we punched well above our weight didnt we?
        Little island and we ruled the world….????

    • a fuck Mis , shaved head ,like like ,Right said Fred
      you were only down for half a day
      did you get a tattoo as well , with all the colours of the rainbow

  18. Its shit show now Jack. that no one ordinary knows or understands
    bet the cunts running it , have hedged their positions many times recently

  19. Seeing them claiming to be glued to the road surface (ensure the surfaces are clean and dry with no loose particles etc..)
    I would love to glue their arse cheeks together to teach them a lesson. Most of them could do with scrubbing their unwired stinky clefts with surgical spirit and acetone to enable optimal adhesion.

  20. It takes courage to do what they’re doing. This country is going to keep suffering in the hands of politicians and anyone who does stansd up to it will be shot down by the rest of the sheep because the brits love to moan by majority don’t have a backbone to stand up in the face of oppression. Atleast they’re taking matters in their own hands and doing something about it than keyboard bashing esp in light of this:

    The fuel poverty charity National Energy Action says that the new household support fund announced today (see 8.54am) will not stop vulnerable people being “at dire risk of premature death” this winter. Adam Scorer, the NEA’s chief executive, said:

    The massive devastating increases in energy prices will drive over 500,000 more households into fuel poverty, leaving them unable to heat or power their homes. Just when they were needed most, the uplifts to universal credit are also being withdrawn and inflation is soaring.

    The new household support fund will provide some welcome support for those that can access it, but on its own it is not enough to halt the erosion in incomes and deal with rising prices. Without a wider package of support – keeping UC uplifts and more rebates to protect those on the lowest incomes from spiralling energy prices – vulnerable people are still at dire risk of premature death this winter.

  21. Ahh, Sir David King, the anti-science former science advisor who thought the Large Hadron Collider was a waste of money.

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