HMG Tells Plastic to Fork Off

(Apparently at their last demo in London, plastic-hating XR left 120 tons of rubbish (including plastics) behind! – Day Admin)

HMG banning picnic cutlery is a cunt

The fucking country is bankrupt due to a fucking flu bug, unemployment is at its worst since 2015 with another million to be added when furlough ends next month, the NHS has collapsed, foreign policy is in the shitter and we are importing terrorists by the fucking thousand. What does our piss poor ‘Government’ make a priority? Banning fucking plastic spoons!

News Link

The uselessness of the cunts in Whitehall and Westminster is beyond parody. Central Government is now little better than a glorified a local authority.

Fuck off Environment Secretary George ‘Useless’ Eustice, fuck off Clown Cunt, you utter, utter, twats.

Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

40 thoughts on “HMG Tells Plastic to Fork Off

  1. “We are facing a plastic crisis” says the tree hugging bitch. Yeah, we seem to face one imitation, made up crisis after another. This is what I don’t get……my waste plastic goes in the recycling bin….so how the fuck does it end up in the fucking sea? Somebody is being paid a shitload of taxpayers money to take it away so what the fuck are they doing with it?
    There’s where the problem is but no, let’s blame and punish the filthy peasants. The campaigning middle class will feel so much better about themselves knowing they are pushing us around and telling us what to do yet again.

  2. Im going to have to carve chopsticks for eating our Christmas dinner!!
    We normally borrow a few blue plastic forks from the chippy.
    Its plastic water bottles that do most enviromental damage anyway,
    And who drinks bottled water?
    Middle class lefties and jacinda types.

    Those plastic water bottles have also been linked to shark attacks! I shit you not.
    Saw something about sharks on telly,
    Bloke was crinkling a empty one in the sea, within minutes,
    Fins everywhere around the boat!!
    Apparently the sound of a empty plastic bottle crunching sounds very like the sound of fish bones splintering to a shark,
    And they show up expecting a dinner.
    So, thats Miserables almost interesting fact for the day.
    You go swimming in Australia or Hawaii dont tàke bottled water in with you.

    • Most of the plastic in the oceans is from the fishing industry, i.e. nets, lines, so you’ll be alright with spoons from The Lucky Dragon chippy. Just wash them first.

    • I’ve noticed slimeys buy bulk amounts of bottled water, maybe they’re afraid tap water will turn their hair yellow and eyes blue. I daresay that’s the reason why they don’t wash either.

      • Bottled water is one of the biggest scams out there. It’s hugely expensive and the standards required of the purveyors don’t come anywhere near those imposed on your local water company. Some may remember a few years ago when benzene was found in the water bottled by one of the biggest companies in the business.

      • It’s an established fact that bottled water is spiked by the Russians, with the woke virus. Lefty politicians and MSM executives are its main consumers.

  3. A while ago it was straws causing the “crisis” and before that plastic bags. What about all those discarded face masks? Oh no, the libtards want us to wear those 24/7 so they couldn’t possibly be a problem. They are fucking us over and taking us for mugs every single day.

  4. I can easily buy plastic straws and filament lightbulbs. What a load of bollox. Plastic is inert, its not poison. Twats.

  5. Well I’m already doing my bit …I burn all my plastic…goes lovely with a few old tyres and a splash of waste-oil.
    I expect Greta’ll be round soon to give me an award.

    • Yes – my home-made waste-oil burner keeps me warm and toasty in the winter. Almost no smoke as it burns so hot.

  6. We meed to be doing more to save Greta’s future!

    Do away with plastics
    Do away with paper (don’t bother wiping your arse any more)
    Do away with glass
    Do away with meat
    Do away with sugar/salt/chocolate/junk food (rename “curries” cuz its racist, innit)
    Do away with petrol/diesel cars
    Do away with gas central heating
    Do away with genuine freedom of speech
    Do away with white privilege
    Do away with old fashioned cash
    Do away with true history/literature
    Do away with Christianity
    Do away with proper education
    Do away with the Union Flag/St George Flag
    Do away everything that made Britain great….

    …. but just make sure it doesn’t affect the middle classes, the luvvies, the woke soapbox gobby cunts, and the workshy rent-a-mob fuckers who expect the usual suspects to make these sacrifices while also paying for the privilege.

  7. One of the real issues is completely overlooked

    “from 50–80 years ago there has been a stronger driver in our growth and biosphere transformation: accelerating consumption.” – Toth & Szigeti (2016)

    A lot of it comes down to overconsumption, greed and mismanagement of resources.

    Big business encourages overconsumption – Amazon Prime day, Black Friday, Boxing day sales and so on.

    “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi

  8. If it’s popular, convenient and useful the government will either ban it or tax it.

    The UK – still a nation of lions run by donkeys.

      • Spot on RTC. Infantilising the general public is a conscious deliberate policy of the politicians. It puts the people in the right mindset to be compliant and it’s a great way of creating jobs: you can’t do this yourself, you need to call in an “expert” . The main instigator and support for all of this was the EU which was why our MPs shat themselves when we told them where to put it.

  9. I fail to see the difference with plastic pop bottles, which fly off the supermarket shelves in their billions.

    Is there a call for a ban on these? Back in the day we had Corona pop in a glass bottle, which when empty, you took back to the shop and collected your deposit money.

    The big problem is greed an convenience. Oh and successive governments promoting “great ideas” until it is found in later years that these “great ideas” need to be culled as they are harmful. Diesel cars is a case in point.

  10. Always pissing around with stuff like this while they spend millions paying France to keep letting ILLEGAL migrant men in (before putting them up in hotels).

  11. There are rivers in the Far East which are blocked with plastic and other shit, the bottled water the cunts consume is ridiculous and lots of the populations live on or near rivers, there is fuck all in the way of waste collection so all the shit, including plastic bottles end up in the river and eventually the sea.

    There were figures some time ago (from the BBC, so must be right) that 90% of the plastic in the Oceans came from 10 rivers in Asia and Africa.

    But nice to know we are doing our bit by banning plastic forks ?

    Can’t find the BBC link, but there is a one from sky

  12. The majority of plastic milling around in our seas and oceans comes from rivers such as the Yangtze, Ganges, Mekong and biggest carrier of oceanic bound plastic that big river in the Philippines whose name eludes my addled brain. I think that Nigerian one is pretty bad too.
    The moral of my disjointed rant is that I have reason to believe that none of these polluted fuckers flows in England’s fair isle. Even with all the money going to share holders etc the water companies in England do a reasonable job controlling discharge into the ocean prompted I’m sure by the efforts of generations of surfers and such who got pretty sick literally of swimming through raw sewage. Bit like CO2 we produce say they equivalent of an ant colony’s worth yet we are looking at reverting to the pre Industrial Age because our leaders take so much notice of a bunch of cunts that have not the balls to take on the real problem countries. If lazy bastards on the beach etc picked up their fucking bottles that would help a little.

    • He is, I think the exception to the rule. I work with a lot of young people, and when they’re not laughing at tik tok videos or thinking they know everything, they’re busy proving my theory that we’ve gone from a young generation who cares deeply about the environment, to one where the simplest action is far too much trouble, and consequently, they don’t give a shit.

      My housemate and his generation, who may be the subject of my first ever nomination in the near future, are so thick and lazy, they think a pair of worn out car mats are suitable for placement in a garden waste bin. How’s that for environmental awareness! Cunt.

      • Kudos to your housemate at least he put the mats in a bin not at a bus stop or my back yard. Really sad, but J you are so right. Keep the faith mate I find copious strong beer cures most ills.

  13. Those like me who do not allow phone companies into their bank accounts will be delighted to learn that EE and probably others no longer supply plastic topup cards for their PAYG options. Because….plastic. Or, more likely because coercion to accept sticky fingers grabbing direct debit because no fucking option.

    And see also smart meter scam.


  14. Fair nom, but I do feel strongly about this beautiful planet of ours, and try to do my bit. I don’t mind the odd bit of single use plastic, as long as it’s recycled, but even at this stage in the environmental debate, we’re still finding things previously made of things that will rot and disappear, with plastic. Plastic egg boxes for fucks sake. Recycling them costs money and energy, whereas an egg carton made of papier mache will be gone in weeks. As someone said above, we’re being told it’s our problem, even after it’s left our homes.

  15. So what’s the endgame? We all live in mud & grass huts in loin cloth eating berries and drinking rain water? Of course the cunts who mandate such things will be looking down from the window of their private jet at us. It’s as though every modern innovation and convenience is being demonized.

  16. If we did away with plastic, my nextdoor neighbours won’t have an exercise bike.

    I heard them exercising whilst what sounded like they were watching a documentary about bees. There was a buzzing sound. I think she was scared of them as she was screaming a lot.

  17. I hate that the oceans are polluted with plastic. I’m glad plastic spoons are banned but its pissing in the wind.

    As for the state of this country; 1,000 aliens were welcomed today. Why is that Patel person still in a job that we pay for? Expect another 30,000 by mid October until the weather puts them off.

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