(Jordan Cheyenne and her son pretending to cry – Day Admin)
If there could be any better proof the so called ” social media influencers” are just cunts, this tips it into child abuse .
I don’t get people who give their professions as blogger, vlogger, media influencer, and any other made up job title you can think of.
In fact, I’d be interested in any I missed, so I can avoid reading about these self regarding cunts.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
The mask slips……
Cheyenne-you stupid bitch?
The fact that there are half a million cunts following her, tells you are with society in 2021.
*tells you WHERE WE are..
Very true General, it is a sad indictment of modern life when kids see being a YouTube influencer on makeup or critiquing video games for example, as a viable career choice.
Since any random cunt on the street was given a platform to talk about anything through vlogging or social media in general, society has gone down the shitter.
At least the scrubber was embarrassed enough to close down the channel. How long she can deprive herself of the money and, more importantly, the attention is another question. Not too long would be my guess. You can almost smell a Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas comeback looming over the horizon.
These kind of people have been with us a long time, she reminds me of those preachers who go on tv in America. Asking for money, and getting it, and then they get caught spending it on drugs and prostitutes.
The next night they’re back on tv, sobbing and asking for forgiveness. It’s the silly cunts who give them any attention that’s the problem.
The big problem with religion is that it’s all to do with the afterlife; heaven or hell.
God needs to be more interventionist. More lightning strikes removi g undesirables. Removing the Bermuda Triangle to somewhere in the Channel (nb. applies to cheapo dinghies only). Miraculous flooding of Houses of Parliament (Augean stables springs to mind). I fear God may be a Karen…
Half a million. She probably gets about 5-10k a month in donations.
We’ll, she ‘got’ them lol.
What a fucking cunt. Probably poisoned the fucking dog, the narcissistic shit bag.
Absolutely a case of child abuse. But hey. It’s for likes and idiots giving donations.
Single mother.
No shit. Render it down for glue.
Call girl could be a goer, see what i did there?
What an absolute bell end. Questions everything else she has posted. Most of these ‘Influencers (cunts) are full of shit anyway. Just out to make a quick buck by taking advantage of spastics that follow them. Social media is dog shit. 1000’s of feel-good stories that are probably fake. Full of sanctimonious, virtue-signaling cunts. I genuinely hate the world. It is plummeting into chaos where the rich are getting richer and the rest of us can fuck right off. Corruption is rife everywhere, no more so than in Charities. Fuck them all. Fuck off. Cunts.
If you have to be coached to cry over a ill puppy something is deeply wrong.
Shes a true airhead, pretty vacant.
Vlogging a dead horse.
Who watches these silly cunts?
“the rich are getting richer and the rest of us can fuck right off”.
And don’t forget the dumb are getting dumber as well as the terminally stupid, narcissistic and state-compliant growing at an alarming rate.
Several of these fucking “social influencers” find their way on to Wireless 4’s Uou & Yours Programme each lunchtime. Invariably, though wimminz in their twenties or thirties, in their pathetic attempts to sound young and enthusiastic they sound like girls of 12 or 13 – “thanks for having me on” or even “INVITING me on”. These totally deluded tarts (there are very few males, and the few males there are usually talk about make-up or fashion which suggests they are poofters – no doubt when the public interest in Harry Hewitt and his whore dries up, Mr. Omid his biographer (or hagiographer) will revert to being a YT nancy boy), – are so far up their own arses, they don’t realise how ridiculously elf-important they are – and however girly they talk, fail to understand the impertinence of imagining any adult with normal intelligence would be, in any way, influenced by anything they had to say. We all know they do it for money and be given things, rather than having to pay for them, as “ordinary” people do. Some of the sum even bully or blackmail companies into giving them things. I admire the companies who tell them to fuck off – what a blow to their fragile egos.
Vacuous self advertising and shallow empty bullshit.
Perfect for the modern world.
Don’t forget to like my comment.
Follow me on Twatter.
I liked your comment, dude.
Do i get a month’s free Hulu subscription or a loot crate?
What a colossal cunt, these fucking retards will do anything for some attention even if they have to make it up, maybe she should apply for a job in Sky news.
Amazing that people swallow the endless flow of verbal diariah from these useless fuck monkey cunts.
Like her vlog her and her ugly crying brat should be flushed down the fucking tiolet, hopefully to float all they way to Calais so at least we can have a turd exchange program.
Get a proper job you lazy twat and stop trying to get others to drum up content for your poxy channel and fuck wit followers…… What a cunt
The world’s gone mad.
It’s a wonder any of us ‘normals’ can stay sane in this shitty, faux, arse about face, ‘society’ we now live in.
Send me back to the 50’s… please !
Send me back to the 30’s
Sadly, I never knew the 50s, but am all for a bit of time travel. From what my late – ex mother-in-law said, better times…
I don’t. I’ve gone completely anti-social.
Perfect Thatcherite.
hopefully one day soon one of these helmets can ‘influence’ themselves to knock on my door and advice where I’m going wrong
The absolute WORST social media influencer without question is Char Borley aka CharBFit…real name Charlene H.
I would do a cunting but you would never publish it.
She parades as a model,tv presenter,fitness instructor etc etc.
Yet this is the same women who made a TON of scat porno and some DOG FUCK porno under the alias SKYE BLU.
Its very well known. Here a DigitalSpy thread from 2006
https://forums.digitalspy.com/discussion/937561/to-all-the-jodie-marsh-haters-part-4-part-2/p21 seems shes besties with Jodie Marsh.
Anyway… if dog fuckers and shit eaters are nowadays promoted as “influencers” then there is no hope.
And I thought I wallowed in the cultural sewer.
Cheyenne that’s a red indian name .
What’s her Dads name ? Chief Bully Woolly ?
Fucking stupid names .
Do you mind?
Cheyenne s my mothers name!
And my brother Apache will be furious when he sees this.
Gather them all up and strafe them
Her village is missing their idiot
Social media is one of the most loathsome aspects of 21st century life and is a major catalyst in the overall decline of Western civilisation.
It’s disgusting, dangerous, lowest common denominator horseshit and I fucking despise it.
A perfect summing up Ghee.
I couldn’t of said it better. ?
Social media influences please may you influence your adoring fans to do something useful about the state of our fucked up society.
I LOVE those selfies where you can see an express train/clifftop/world’s biggest constrictor snake just sexonds/inches away.
Why does their make-up always look like Krispy-Kreme Donuts??
‘California-based Jordan Cheyenne…’
Lol! From the airhead capital of the world!
How empty are the lives of cunts who give these the time to engage with their ‘content’? As far as I can tell, all these vlog/blog/influencer cunts do nothing out of the ordinary, so what is the attraction?
May as well write a message in a bottle, at least it’s journey would be interesting, far more than any of this crap.
I scrolled down for Daily Fail’s comments (it crashed my phone as usual due to the shit on there) and saw a picture of that Mtubiu or whatever the fuck she’s called from the Sugarbabes.
Fucking hell, she looks about 80. What the fuck happened there. She looks like the world’s oldest (and fucking ugliest) woman type thing.
But back to the nom. The article also mentioned the oxygen thieves who filmed pranks on their own kids, including telling one he was adopted, another smashing up the kids’ X-Box with a hammer and telling one kid that the entire family are going to Disney world… apart from him.
The only good thing is that they lost custody of the kids. If the kids have a bit of sense, they should ‘prank’ them back and tell the cops that mummy and daddy touched them in private places.
“See you in 30 years, you cunts! Tee hee!” they can shout at them from the courtroom.
That’s why, Mr. C.
It’s child abuse, and I’d love to ” educate” these idiots with a lump hammer.
Silly cow.
Bet she likes the back door boogie, looks a bit porny.
Influencer : How to turn thick impressionable teenagers into total cunts.
Most don’t need a lot of help.
Anyone who puts pics of their young kids on social media or uses their kids to get noticed online should be strung up. Putting your own kids online so every joe ronce and fiddle o’diddle creep in the world can see them? I wouldn’t put my cats on social media, never mind my kids. People can be utter frigging cunts.
I don’t suppose any of your cats are grumpy? Just asking for a friend…
Influencers…..yet another modern term denoting a talentless, good for nothing cunt who measures their self worth on the number of followers they have on their shitty social media channels.
Bunch of fucking spastics!
I wonder if the Russkies, dinks or Fatso Jong-Un might mistake her for Cheyenne Mountain and send a few Megatons her way.
I hate a social media pile on and cancelling but I made an exception for this cunt
Jonathan Pie isn’t a total cunt…