Dawn Butler MP (4)

Hand me down ma’ walkin’ cane, as I wade in the water admiring ole man river, putting on my burnt cork as I salute again, with two fingers, that raddles old hag from Brent, Dawn Butler – one of the biggest and most brazen culprits in the second homes scandal a few years ago, she has suddenly developed the George Washington complex, and has become whiter than black, to the extent that she plans to introduce a bill in Parliament to “Stop Lying In Parliament”.

News Link

If she means politicians stop lying full stop I’d be with her. She might have a word with Dame Keir, for constantly claiming his “dad” worked 13 hours a day every week – so a 91 hour working week all his life, is that Keir?. He only stopped for one hour between 0800 and 2200 each day, at 1700 for his “tea”. Tell us the old, old story, Keir, dear – he did it most recently at the TUC conference on Monday (13th September)

If you believe that, you’ll believe anything

Let’s end this tribute with the rousing Labour call:

Sexism!, Racism!, Homophobia” Amen.

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs


63 thoughts on “Dawn Butler MP (4)

  1. Dawn is like a downs Floella Benjamin,
    One of those that has made a career out of screeching racism.
    But hates whitey.
    A socialist anti capitalist that would root through dogshite for a tenpence piece.
    A proud feminist till she has to change a lightbulb.
    Shes full of shite.
    I pay no heed to anyone who got a job simply by their skintone or sexuality.
    Theres not a original idea in her frizzy fuckin head.
    Politicians not lying?!!
    Its all they do.

    • Floella Benjamin, Derek Griffiths, Tessa Sanderson, Trevor McDonald.
      The best British black people and they’re all old.
      Are there any more decent fuzzywuzzies?

      • Cant think of any modern ones that arent cunts!
        Must be the odd one?
        I was partial to the comedy antics of George Floyd ‘cant breed’,
        But someone said hed died?
        Think theyd of mentioned it in the media wouldn’t you?

      • Daley Thompson, Laurie Cunningham (RIP), Cyril Regis (RIP), Junior Giscombe, Jobn Conteh, Eamonn ‘Marigold’ Walker, Norman Beaton (RIP). All top black lads.

        Lenny Henry was and is a complete cunt though.

      • I liked Lee “Scratch” Perry but he carked it a few weeks ago, so no, in my book there are none left.

    • My next door neighbour Winston. Very good bloke, 30 odd years in the Navy as a Royal Marine. Email address includes the word Snowy. Not a cunt at all. I worked with a lad when I was 16 in 1974 called Lesroy, a great lad, still see him from time to time.

  2. Stop lying? You may as well ask them to stop breathing. In fact that’s exactly what i’m asking them to do. Especially this lying, race baiting hypoocrite bitch.

  3. All MP’s?or does she just mean Conservative MPs.

    Butler the Bullet Proof Black, expenses, praising the XR cunts blocking press freedom (that’s not very democratic) and the ‘they stopped cos I is blick’ affair when clearly the driver didn’t have dark skin. What a lying cunt.

  4. I’m so fucking glad this Medusa banshee hybrid isn’t a parlemongtarian over here. My ancestors lost a few wars, but England stopped the tribal shite (for the most part) and Madge is a Jock. Being a subject of the Empire is as Cecil Rhodes said is like winning the lottery. Tirim do suìle banphrionsa (dry your eyes princess) or fuckoff back to Guyana.

  5. The most amazing thing about Dawn Butler is the fact that this is only the gobby, arrogant cow’s fourth cunting.
    If she didn’t have a shoe-in Labour seat in a London constituency, she’d be frying chips in McDonald’s.

    • I am not too sure she is bright enough for that Ron.

      She use to sit next to TCC (That Cunt Corbyn) during PMQs nodding her head. She was always the nodding donkey in my book.

  6. I read that about his dad working all those hours everyday and coming home for ‘tea’ why come home near the end of your thirteen hour shift. I’ve worked continental shifts and you don’t get an hour break it’s usually split up during the shift. He should be a Monty Python scriptwriter.

    • Kiers dad was a toolmaker in that London called Rod,
      Rod Starmer?
      But ive the feeling its bollocks,
      As darn sarf you dont say ‘tea’
      You say dinner.
      Was Kier brought up by Andy Capp?
      Is kier Billy kasper?
      Does he like dumpling or pastry on his tater hash?
      Ee lad, thy tell some shite thee dunt thy?!!

      • Bet Kier has never eaten a dumpling in his life.

        He’s used to fine dining.
        A sprig of asparagus, and a drizzle of jus around the edge the plate.

        Or perhaps he is tucking into a plate of chittlings or some tripe and onions for his ‘tea’ tonight?

        Kier is a man of many hidden talents. He does an excellent rendition of John Lennon’s Working Class Hero.

      • Chips peas an jus, from chippy our Kier, an make sure them peas are fairtrade!
        Or your dad will do his nut.

      • I think he’s more of a Spam fritter and pot of gravy man.

        No fork either. He just dips it in the pot.
        Gravy dribbling down his tie.
        Sitting in a mk3 Transit tipper, with chip papers in the dashboard and batterbits in the footwell.

        A real working man’s man is our Kier.

      • Do t you cunts realise that you have dinner at lunchtime. Cunts have it in the evening. Real people have tea when they com home.

  7. She wants to ban lying in Parliament? Fuck….the entire house will be reduced to sitting in total silence then.
    Daft cunt!

  8. Does that mean Dianne Abbott wont be allowed in for her lying over racism?
    ‘Sasha Johnson was targeted for her political views’.

    Nope. She was shot by black men by accident.

    • The suspect pool for the shooting of Sasha was huge.
      Everyone wanted to shoot her!
      Got a shootable face and personality begging for a bullet.
      Id of shot her given the option
      And doubt anyone bar her mum would hesitate to squeeze the trigger if Sasha was the target on a rifle range.

      But hysterics aside, it worked!!
      Shes calmed right down.
      No fuss at all now, shes fond of dribbling baby rice pudding and blinking occasionally!
      Good as gold.
      More of them should be shot,
      Works wonders!!?

      • Resurrection of an old one;
        What do you call a black man in a suit?
        The defendant.
        Sorry Rob.
        I’ll get my coat.

      • How did that offensive word slip through Ruff.
        Do you have special privileges on this site ?

        (Ruff got his circumflex out for the lads!- Day Admin)

      • Sorry, I couldn’t resist… it’s an old one I learned in primary school.

        I’m an old one. 68 years old and I’ve never killed a whale.

  9. Obviously my nom was written some days ago, but just by coincidence, this oily heap of shit resurfaces on the day it is published:


    He was “too ill to co-operate” in the enquiry. Perhaps he was at the clap clinic after another encounter as the washing achine mecahnic. I wonder what old cunty BUtler wuld have to say about him – one of the biggest liars of the last thirty odd years?

  10. As usual the bill is named the exact opposite of what it really is. Such a bill is like asking in English, the cannibals in the deep Paruvian jungle to stop eating people. Not lying & honesty are not concepts politicunts understand. And who decides what is a lie or not? One of their own? Right.

    • Yes Valerie – another would-be Labour big shot. If she had an ounce of decency she would either change her name, or, better yet, fuck off out of Westminster. As it is, as he promotes equality Dame Keir will probably promote the old bag.

  11. Well she got what she was looking for – plenty attention! Not bad going for sub primate Corbynista has-been.

      • David Lammy, do black lives matter?


        OK, some black lives


        Um….aspiring architects from marginalized communities

        Alright, only when killed by white people, preferably police offers, so cynical race baiting politicians can use them for political opportunism and create racial discord.


  12. Dawn is a fat repulsive ugly lying racist Cunt of the highest order. Wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire.

  13. Fucking hell cunters. Don’t sit on the fence with your comments. BRAVO these pieces of shite should b e sat on a park bench. Waste of taxpayers money. Can you say ANY of the cunts in the HoC are worth paying?

  14. Imagine if this bill got passed, every party would have to stick to their manifesto and the papers would have nothing to write about.

  15. Let us consider the evidence: corrupt, left, exists to tick boxes.

    Is she an MP and a freemason?

    • Lardbutt a freemason? Freemasons are anathema to the Left.

      B&WC is a Freemason. Not a lot of cunters know that….

      • How d’you know the left don’t like the freemasons? I know noffing abaaht them as our apron wearing friend might say.

      • BWC is indeed a freemason,
        And think theres another mason on ISAC?
        Cant remember who though.
        Loads of conspiracy types are spooked by them.
        But far as I can gather they do civic deeds and help each other.

  16. The problem is, “effniks” cannot lie:
    They use terms like “my truth” & “my lived experience”, to circumvent the “truth”.

    Butler is indeed a corpulent, mahogany plank?

  17. Off topic I’m afraid; “The Graduate” is on the tele. What man would prefer Katharine Ross to Anne Bancroft? Unreal.

  18. Silly cunt, as much chance of stopping politicians lying as I have of a holiday caravan on Jupiter. How the fuck do these twats get into positions of influence, something is really rotten in the state of England.

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