The corrupt insanity of leaders of governments and international sporting bodies.
I’ll keep this brief. Corruption is the worst thing a person in charge of someone can be charged with. It ruins completely that organisation s legitimacy.
FIFA was seen to be corrupt ages ago. Sep Blatter etc. News Link
Taliban what can you say corrupt a lot. De facto taliban leaders living in Qatar.
FIFA World Cup 2022 to be held in Qatar
Maybe the Taliban leadership could organise the event??
Maybe we could/should tell Qatar FIFA and the Taliban to fuck off and boycott the World Cup because of all the suffering all 3 have caused.
Dream on our Corrupt cunts in charge will do nothing of the sort fucking hypocrites
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
Corruption is terrible when your not getting a cut.
Its been around thousands of years and is nothing new.
From the roman senate to modern day goverments and big business.
You wouldn’t have Stonehenge without corruption,
(Backhander to overlook planning permission)
You’ll never be free of corruption.
Its the human condition.
We need the Tory “Government” to face an independent Judge over these 18 months.A shambles.Boil them all in horse piss.Johnson out.NOW.
Corruption is ostensibly and sadly the norm at the top.
From world governments to giants such as Disney/Coca-Cola, Microsoft etc – they are all built on a veritable sewer of deceit, underhanded practices and general cuntery.
Fuck them!
That will never happen as there are too many fickle football fans out there. Their club/team comes first. Fucking tossers.
Hows about the cunts take the knee for the dead and maimed Asian semi slave labourers who built the stadia? No chance. Football and footballers corrupt and morally bankrupt.
No, that’s the wrong type of slave, the modern ones. They’re interested only in the dead owners and their statues. Now THEY’RE the real problem….
Joe Biden, HS2, revolving door for tory politicians, revolving door for civil servants, “green energy” the UN, the EU, Covid “bounce back loans”, PPE, British Universities and politicians with China. the fucking list is endless. The cunts will throw you in prison if you get you tax wrong.
HS2 stinks so much, it’s more like H2S. The money should be spent on the rest of the network, NOT more Londonistan-centric stuff. Billions squandered just to shave 10 – 15 mins off a 4-hr journey. And, you know what? The trains will STILL be bloody late. It’s also swallowing up much-needed supplies for real construction.
And the lack of electrification from Cardiff to Swansea is bloody absurd. It’s enough to make me vote Plaid. Who knows, it might increase my chances of a leg-over with Chubby Charlotte.
Mmmm, thinking about her genuinely gave me a bit of movement just now.
Thought I’d share.
H2S not HS2. Brilliant HBH. I shall be using that one.
Alfie comes to mind. Gilda is working for the Italian couple in the shop. Alfie (roughly)-‘Arent you playing the old piano on the tll then? ‘Oh I couldnt do that Alfie after all they’ve done for me’ ‘Half the shops are on a fiddle’
‘No I coudnt do that…’ ‘suit yourself’.
That’s low level corrution I suppose. But you have it there ‘theyre all on the fiddle’. Everybody’s doing it.
And in these dirt poor countries where it is ‘endemic’ …I dont know… a hard temptation to resist I think.
I could see myself becoming corrupted in one of those places.
I’ve been corrupted by ISAC.
I used to be a woke, BBC loving, Guardian reader.
Now look at me! On here every day ranting about dark-keys and cunts.
Im not fully corrupt, about on the level as a south American official.
But in a hostile world you have to be willing to turn a blind eye, look the other way,
And put it in your back pocket.
Im also not opposed to bribery and blackmail of others too.
Very pragmatic, MNC. Unfortunately, in this world you need to grease your neighbour’s palm to get ahead. It might not be morally right, it’s just the way it works…
To right Berky!
If you grease the wheels of industry or do cash incentives to people it keeps it out of the hands of neer do wells like the taxman and fatcat capitalists!
If you chuck £50 to a mechanic to save you £500,
His boss loses out,
But both you and the mechanic,
Simple honest (!) Working men are happy and put food on the table.
Besides the garage owner isnt English!
So patriotic too!????
I didnt study for 2years at the Alphonse Capone school of economics for nothing! ?
As Tom Lehrer sang about Werner von Braun
“You don’t have to be a great hero
If you can count backwards to zero…
Und I’m learning Chinese, says Werner von Braun!”
Someone I used to know lived in Africa, and took a stand over police corruption until he had to buy his way through a police roadblock having had several large foamy beers down at the country club. He looked and sounded a lot like me, but there the similarity ends, obviously….
The alternative would have been deportation after having had a large diseased penis up my bottom
Death and Taxes, are the default certainties in life.
But I would also add “corruption” because whenever power, influence and of course money is involved, someone will try to fuck someone else over by fair means or brown envelopes!
I’d like to think that given a position of power I would refrain from the evils of corruption.
….but I am a cunt of some note on the other hand…
Id take that brown envelope that fast you’d need a special slow motion camera to see it.
And better check your watch is still on your wrist…
I’d whip off his wedding ring and claim the man’s wife as a bonus to.
…..Until I discover that he is in fact married to Dianne Abbott whereupon I would return it with even greater speed as a cold sweat of disgust forms upon my furrowed brow at the fortuitously averted repulsive sexual scenarios that subsequently course through my mind….
Hahahaha ??
I wouldn’t succumb to the lure of corruption. I’d do it the left wing way and redefine what corruption is then just take the money as part of my pay.
I can just about remember the Watergate corruption scandal back in the early 70s and old Dickie Nixon trying to absolve himself from all blame. Two quotes that always remind me of him:-
“You don’t know how to lie. If you can’t lie, you’ll never go anywhere!”
“I was not lying. I said things that later on seemed to be untrue.”
I remember my brother in law buying a small bit of land in Spain.
The first thing he had to do was meet the local Mayor and cross his palm with an envelope containing £15 grand otherwise he would get fuck all.
People moan about corruption here but it’s endemic in countries like Spain. An excepted way of life.
Oh Yes, Motorists are routinely stopped here in Poland and accused of speeding . BUT if you go to a cash machine while the Police wait up the road you will be let off.
Corruption is the univeral tongue,
It brings people together.
No matter the cultural differences, colour of skin, religious beliefs,etc
Every cunt wants a slice.
Just the way it is.
Once understood you can flourish!!
Im not predjudice against brown envelopes, I believe they are the equal of white envelope.
Everyone likes easy money.
There is corruption everywhere, but it’s taken to a whole new level in Africa.
It’ll always be a shit hole, not because of ‘da bad honky man’, but because they’re constantly on the take.
I warm myself with the idea theyll never prosper.
The feckless fly covered cunts.
The don’t know what ‘investment’ means.
As soon as a few quid is made, they want to spend it all on tacky bling, a cunty car and some tart.
How much can I grab as quickly as possible before everyone else does the same and closes us down, seems to be the business model.
Too tight. I bought something off a bloke in a third world country for more money than he could earn in five years, and he’d blown the lot in two weeks on hotels booze and hookers.
Ever more reason not to donate my hard earned to these ungrateful race-baiting ignorant cunts!
Agreed.I am never sending a single penny to help out Baby M’Bongo.
If you found a brown envelope full of photos of Emily Watson semi-dressed in her High School uniform when she was 17/18, what would you do:-
Burn them and not say anything
Take them home for some “further study”
Take them to the local plod like a good boy!
Contact the Red Tops, and quote a price?
Big or small, corruption is like a prick-teasing bint: all very nice from a safe distance, but get too involved and it will kick you in the balls!
Have you been ruffling through Prince Andrews wheelie bin Technocunt?
Think the answer would probably be, take them home and perhaps try a bit of flogging to the red tops later. Providing they weren’t too stuck together of course.
Take then home for further study ha ha ha
Just realised you typed Emily Watson and not Emma Watson, who I have now googled and this has dampened my enthusiasm.
I work in Africa – have done for years.
Some time back we had a couple of fresh-faced young legal types fly out here from the UK to give us the latest anti-corruption policy and guidance on behalf of the big Oil Company we were working for. Probably the first trip since leaving Uni for both of them.
“Never pay bribes; never pay cash, no matter how normal it is or how much pressure you are under to ‘move things along’. That’s how we will beat corruption. Think of the Company and its Reputation”. All fair enough, very noble and admirable sentiment.
By chance, I was due to fly back to UK on the same flight as them the following day, so we travelled there together.
When we reached the airport we ‘got split up’. (I slipped a few shekels to one of the airport officials, as did the guy next to me in the queue, and within 15 minutes we were both through check in, customs, immigration and security and sat in the air-conditioned lounge with a large G&T in front of each of us.)
About two hours later the young legal dudes finally staggered into the lounge, sweaty and stressed having been robbed, ravaged and generally fucked about at every desk and doorway en route through the airport as they had refused to ‘bless’ any of the officials they encountered.
When they asked me how I had got through so quickly and without the hassle I simply said that I was a regular and knew a few shortcuts through the chaos.
The other chap that had followed the same path as me then introduced himself. Turns out he was the Head of Compliance for the Oil Co that had brought these guys out to lecture us, and by this time he had complied with a good number of G&Ts himself.
“Don’t play it straight with these cunts” he advised his younger colleagues “or you’ll get fucking nowhere. They are all coin-operated, greedy little bastards who will do anything you want for cash. That’s how we run the show out here, and don’t let anyone tell you different. Ethics? Fuck’em!”
A man of rare common sense and practicality.?
Anyone who endorses corruption is just shitting on themselves. Eventually people will get caught. Children have to look up to role models not crooks.
From the car park attendant on minimum wage who turns a blind eye for a tenner to the city councillor who tends a contract for a few grand to the politician who embezzles millions,
Its not endorsment its facing up to the fact its part of human nature.
All start somewhere, once the rich people beat down the little people for having a good idea. That’s the day humanity ceases, they got rich for people who loved what they do, pay is a bi product. If someone had a good idea and said it off the cuff, id tell them to do it. If your not happy with the job you do leave, don’t corrupt your morals. Once your morals go, so does your family, unless they are money grabbing slags.
My morals say clothe and feed my family,
Put a roof over their head,
Shoes on their feet
And I do.
Im not a vicar.
The bloody problem is, quite simply, it’s a way of life, almost a religion.
I was in Bulgaria some decades back, had to get some transit visas for an overland journey back to Blighty.
Went into one of the E European visa offices… “That’ll be 25 USD, please”
My reply “I am a foreigner in this country, more than my life’s worth to have dollars about my person. Have 50 Levs instead.”
Her face could’ve chiselled granite, but she couldn’t argue, and I needed to offload the Bronco, as I knew I was never returning.
It’s a way of life, ensuring you get clean sheets and extra tidy room with a half decent pillow when in shithole countries
Tipping the staff is a brown envelope of sorts, the same as a senior manager has to for things to run smooth with the authority’s for contracts in foreign lands
You can be all righteous and say I would never stoop to this behavior , but you’ll never achieve the most cost effective way as you will be bogged down with hindrance which costs more time and effort in the long run
I worked with an Italian man in 2019 who told me that to him one of the most striking differences between Italy and the UK was the absence of corruption here relative to Italy where it was endemic and routinely accepted.
Wondered when this subject would get a nomination! Working in Asia I am faced with this on a daily basis, apart from Singapore, and I’m not going to play the fucking ‘holier than thou’ card but corruption absolutely, totally boils my my fucking piss. I hate it like I hate that ginger cunt and his fucking yacht tramp wife. Nothing gets done here without greasing some slimy cunts palm and I flat out refuse to do it. Multi million pound contracts get canceled mid way because someone was insulted by a insufficient bribe. Despicable back hand taking cunts! My boss doesn’t get why I won’t ‘tip’ these fuckers when they stand around doing Jack shit.