Chaheti Bansal Curries Favour

Chaheti Bansal

This idiot wants to ban the word ‘curry’ and seems to think that anyone that’s white is racist for wanting to eat Indian food.

Yet another California-based, leftie nut job with nothing better to do than spend her time calling everyone that doesn’t agree with her a bigot.

If an Indian chef came on TV and cooked fish & chips nobody would have a problem with it. I’m tired of hearing these politically correct cunts whining all the time about nothing. Get a fucking life cunt

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Nominated by: Al

56 thoughts on “Chaheti Bansal Curries Favour

  1. I love a curry. We invented it to hide the rotten meat in India when we were over there domesticating the natives.

    • The Portuguese brought them the chilli pods to the colony in Goa. The locals then appropriated them into their cuisine.

      No curry, no chillies.

      • Not to mention, tomatoes, aubergines and the potatoes for which vindaloo was wrongly believed to be named. It’s an adapted Portuguese dish – carne de vinha d’alhos, and not South Asian at all, so up yours, Chapatti Bansal.

  2. There ought to be just one reward for the Perpetually Offended. Six strokes of the cat-o-nine tails, for a first offence, and 12 for any subsequent offence. That will make them hush their mouths.

  3. I might consider mending my white colonialist habits of speech if madam and the pontificators she has unearthed to support her idiotic cause would help South Asians mend theirs.

    We might start with making the definite article mandatory. And not sounding Welsh. That is blatant cultural appropriation.

    Kebab = almost anything disguised in pitta bread and limp salad.
    Curry = almost anything disguised in spicy sauce with too much fenugreek.

    Get over it.

  4. I’ll have her Tandoori style with Peshwari naan and some Aloo Gobi.
    Oh, and a pint of lager.
    And keep them coming.
    Get To Fuck

  5. What about Tim Curry?
    Or ex England midfielder Tony Currie.?
    Marie Curie?
    Her name sounds a bit like Curry so lets ban the lot of them because they do sound a tad racist.

    What a load of fucking cobblers.

  6. What the fuck is a “food influencer” anyway? Sounds like it’s a know nothing bigoted racist to me.
    This bitch talks about “our dishes”. Oh yeah…..well let’s talk about “our country”, and you getting your dumb arse out of it.
    If we’re not allowed to eat your shitty food then take it back to where the fuck it came from.
    And fucking stay there bitch!

  7. I fucking love curry.

    And the lady in the picture wouldn’t be spouting this bollocks with my cock in her gob.

    Pupil Free Day tomorrow and a bit pished on a Thursday night. Might go for a couple with Mr DKC of the Physics Department later.

  8. Fine, we’ll do without the curries (which your lot don’t really have claim to anyway), and you can do without whitey man’s things. Deal? Leave out:

    Mechanised transport
    Central heating
    Air conditioning
    Washing machines
    The internet
    Bog roll
    Most music
    Drinking water
    Food made in factories
    Food made using modern farming methods
    Most sports actually
    Spectacles and contact lenses
    And that cream for your cheesy fanny was probably made by a honky too, so you can leave that on the way onto your plane home…oh wait. You’ll have to walk Mrs Wobbly head, the plane is da honky man’s thing!

    Fuck off.

    • Yeah, what about cricket? Number one sport in India and P*kiland and big fucking business. Brought to them courtesy of the great British Empire. So why are you culturally appropriating our game you cunts?
      Do these wokies ever think anything through or do they just slag off whitey and congratulate each other? Fucking idiots.

      • All this ‘don’t touch or copy our things’ shite just really gets on my tits. Never occurs to them how much shit of ours they fucking use every day.

  9. Send the cunt off to fester in india. And stop appropriating western culture ,okay you cunt!? That means no tv,radio,phones,internet,modern transport,clean water ,farming methods,modern medicine and technology…..get it you whining fuckwit?
    And work your curry right up you,you shit coloured useless moaning faced harpy.

    • The daft yank cunt can do as she pleases, I hate fuckin curry.
      Spicy, stinking, looks like a shitty nappy,
      Fuck that filthy shite.
      These ‘indian chefs’..? Who?
      Poppa Dom?
      Rogan Josh?
      Al fresi?
      They arent chefs.
      They are dirty cunts who don’t wash their hands.

      You want spice put some pepper on your steak pudding.

  10. After due consideration I’ve decided I’d bum it hard and dry.
    Then it would make me a chicken vindaloo.
    Then it would fuck off with its bullshit.
    Demented cunt.

    • ‘After due consideration I’ve decided I’d bum it hard and dry’.

      I think that’s what the dad of an fomer employer recommended be done while he was serving out there.

  11. The whole world has gone to shit.

    P.S. you’d do her from behind as her breath would smell of curry.

    • Her back end wouldn’t smell much better. Manky snipers target, I wouldn’t go within a 100 yards of it.

  12. All those British curry house businesses run by British Asians who have put ‘curry’ on the menu and on their shop name must be wracked with guilt because she has spoken.

  13. She should remember why India was partitioned in the first place. Because her mob and the Peacefuls couldn’t live side by side without slaughtering each other. She should think about that before lecturing whitey about racism and fucking colonialism. Colonialism was the best thing that ever happened to her shithole country.

  14. A veritable smörgåsbord of specious etymological sophistry. I am reminded of the lyrics to Gong’s 1973 album Angel’s Egg, which at least had the merit of being marginally witty.

    The linked piece points out:

    Bansal says the word does not need to be ‘cancelled’ completely

    which seems rather lofty of her. I’m unsure why such a nomark, philologically speaking, feels it her place to arbitrate.

    Bansal rather confusingly then states:

    My partner is Sri Lankan, I have friends that are Malayali, friends that are Tamil and, yes they use the word curry

    I suggest this Sky article is little more than an example of borderline type II clickbait. Less opaquely, it is simply journalistic effluvia.

  15. One doesn’t go for ‘Indian Cuisine’ after 10 pints of lager, one goes for a ‘Curry’ ?

  16. Things like curries, casseroles, chilli con carne etc, to me, always tastes better the next day.
    I’m not keen on very spicy food. A little bit of spice is just right for me. 🙂

  17. Come the revolution, once I have blocked the maze of immigration trails running through most ‘Indian’ (in fact Bangladeshi – offering a sort of omni-region, but never authentic subcontinental nosh) restaurants, I shall make the use of English in menus compulsory.
    For instance:
    Aloo gobi =potato (and) cauliflower
    Keema nan = bread with mince
    Murgh masala = mixed hen.

    Etcetera. Let’s have some respect for the local culture, eh, curriers?

  18. How many Asian customers do you see in Asian restaurants? Practically none. It’s wall to wall whitey. Without whitey these cunts are out of business.
    Do they really think they can do without us? No, they just want us to fucking pay for everything.

  19. All I can say to this woke peice of shit is FUCK OFF!
    Love curry, have about ten Indian cook books and at one time had a Sri Lankan girlfriend. Just cos I love curry doesn’t make me a racist you peice of shit.
    I bet you eat chips. Cunt

  20. What the fuck are we supposed to call a curry, then?
    Can you image the despair of all the Indian takeaway / restaurant owners having to have their signs redone, and the cost of reprinting all the menus?
    Pataks should sue her! All the money they’ve spent advertising their curry in a jar, she could have put them out of business overnight!
    Good job we pay no attention to daft cunts like that!

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