Cats or more to the point cat thieves are cunts, not the 4 legged cats, the expensive parts of your exhaust (catalytic converter) that fuck monkeys cut off your car to weigh in for scrap, costing you a fortune, making your insurance go up and generally fucking up your day.
Well it turns out karma has sorted one of these thieving cunts out good and proper, even his good mate left him there once he saw police looking at a pair of legs sticking out from under what I hope was a nice heavy 7 series BMW that crushed him when his jack collapsed while he was trying to cut off the cat..
I’m sure his family will say what a great guy he was, but this is justice dealt in an instant, so eventually karma or natural selection deals with these cunts once and for all and good fucking riddance, zero fucks given for the piece of shit….
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
(Of particular interest from the news article was the comment from the coroner – “She expressed her condolences to Mr Stephens’ family and friends, adding: “It is evident he is greatly missed by many people.” – Day Admin)
Is that Rio Ferdinand under the car?
Rio, ooking for racism, everywhere, leaving no stone unturned.
Rio has recently been speaking to a parliamentary commitee about “how football is sliding backwards due to racism innit”
Well Rio, you camel faced illiterate fucking cunt, der fing is for a start, if the likes of Sky sports, Al Beeb and the Premier league weren’t deliberately and constantly antagonising the population with their sjw bullshit, then that might help calm things a bit.
As for Southgate and his band of snowflakes – what the fuck do they think they’re going to achieve by kneeling in front of capacity crowds in Poland and Hungary.
Absolutely unbelievable arrogance and stupidity.
If these cunts caused crowd trouble or a pitch invasion because of this woke roadshow and somebody ended up getting hurt or killed, what would fucktards such as Linekunt and Oprah Wright have to say then?
The reaction those clowns got in Hungary when they took the knee was fucking brilliant. Itv couldn’t hide that fucking reaction lol. The commentator said ‘The president of the Hungarian FA said he’ll ban any fans that boo from the stadium.’ Then all 60,000 of the cunts booed and whistled as loud as they could. What can they do? Ban them all? Glorious!
I found myself cheering the Magyars on. Just a pity they were fucking shite though.
And yes. If the cunts stopped calling the country racist and kneeling for a racist and Marxist organisation, they might not be getting booed to fuck.
The day I need to ‘get educated innit’ from a low IQ footballer like Ferdinand, is the day they bring in forced lobotomies for whitey.
NOT Rio! Anton was the cunt giving ‘evidence’ about how social meeja makes him suicidal. I just wish one of these cunts would follow through on the suicide bit – just once!
Serves the cunt right. But the comment from the coroner really says it all. “Condolences” and “will be greatly missed” woof woof
Well guess what, had he not been a thieving cunt and looked at more legal alternatives to earn money, he’d still be in the land of the living. But as it is I suppose there will be a GoFundMe appeal to bury the cunt!
I immediately assumed the Chinese were the suspects when I saw the title.
Didn’t realise that this was a thing, catalytic converter thievery.
That coroner was a bit florid made it sound like the gypsy fingered cunt was saint George chiggun Floyd.
Oh well, one less, result.
More importantly, was the car OK?
The report should of kept it a bit light hearted out of respect to the thief’s family.
Alternative headlines could of been
Tramadol frights
Danny die-er
BMW -beneath my wheels?
Suppose his family couldn’t read anyway…
Under My Wheels by Alice Cooper played at the dimwit’s funeral would be very apt…….
The bloke who found him said
“At first I thought he was just tyred, he looked exhaust ed.
Hed clearly been jacking off.
Tread but not forgotten.
” Mr Stephens had been “down and stressed” because he needed money for a court case to try and get more access to his children”….well at least now he’ll be able to just slide under the bottom of the front-door when he wants to see his kids
Nice to see HM coroner going the extra mile. The coroners comments basically erasing the fact that the cunt was killed whilst thieving, doing something naughty for personal gain, causing distress and misery. Well coroner he will not be missed by me and sad to say I’m very pleased the car did not miss. Until we return to the realisation that actions have consequences and pain and death maybe two of them we will continue to suffer the ”it’s someone else’s fault that my arms were blown off by the bundle of fireworks I was attempting to shove through that old ladies letterbox as it was only for a laugh”.
One less thieving pikey in the world. Is some cunt trying to cheer me up with this feel good story? You’ll have to do better than that. A few dinghy sailors falling off 4 star hotel balconies might do the trick.
Fucking sob story for a wrong ‘un. Skummy cunt needed money, it doesn’t matter for what, as I bet if he didn’t have some court case or other, he’d have ‘needed’ money for something, yet his first thought was to steal something. Not get a loan, or a fucking job, rob something.
If I’d have been coroner I’d have pointed out that society is all the better for the absence of this maggot.
Big problem where I live there is even a tool to remove them. Cars most likely to be done are Toyota Prius, Honda Element, Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Tacoma, and Honda Accord.
Of course there are more but it was exhausting work.
Usual suspects too.
We had a spate of these thefts last year down my way. There was a gang of blokes with square heads and Eastern European accents doing a number of towns and villages in one night. These fuckers had watchers with baseball bats ready to threaten anyone who dared challenge them, as a few did. As ever, the local plod did their absolute best to ensure that their ethnicity was not mentioned and proceeded to do anything but attempt to get the fuckers. No doubt the cunts are still out there somewhere.
Perhaps Greta Thunderballs is behind all of this? Perhaps she is a criminal mastermind trying to get as many “dirty” cars off the road as possible, and is using organised criminal gangs from the old Iron Curtain to do her bidding!
All this “climate change” and “my future” gurning in front of the media is just a front!
She is Stavro Blofeld, probably stroking her pussy, and I claim my £5
Russel Seldon said, after finding Mr Stephens with no signs of life under his car, he called emergency services immediately after doing his 5000 piece Jigsaw.
The Darwin Awards claim another top contender.
I have no sympathy at all for this thief because that’s what he is (was)………a common thief.
Unfortunately this cunt had kids so no Darwin award. But the cunt has removed himself from the gene pool. RESULT.
Admin can this august site have a section where cunts off themselves? It would cheer the cunters up.
This has brightened my day.
Thank you.
I laughed when I read this in the paper.
If that makes me a bad person, I can live with that.
Me too, we’re both bad people. Not. The cunt got what he deserved.
‘ Of particular interest from the news article was the comment from the coroner – “She expressed her condolences to Mr Stephens’ family and friends, adding: “It is evident he is greatly missed by many people.” ‘
Not least the custody sargeant at the local nick
Daniel Stephens doesn’t sound like a very foreign name to me so I wonder why the BBC have bothered to report it in the first place? They don’t even mention the illegal caravan site that the cunt was operating from.
What the fuck are us loyal wokies paying our licence fee for?
Thieving cunt.
Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?
One less to worry about.
Thieving pikey cunt got what he deserved, glad to see karma issuing real justice
Two years back I sat through a murder case involving a pie key accused is putting a bar into a guys head. During his questioning he was asked why he had an iron bar in his van?
Oh well, I’d been using it the previous night to break into a lorry.
The absolute cunt didn’t bat an eye, everyday work for this vermin.
Korsakoff Syndrome eh? A fancy way of saying “thick as shit.”
I’ll have to remember that. I can see it cropping up in everyday conversation. I meet a lot of sufferers……apparently!
I must have missed that re. Korsakoff’s.
I have a son with it 13 years now. Nothing to do with being thick it’s a result of alcohol abuse.
Glad to say those 13 years have been dry.
Actually, I think I may be a sufferer.
I fit all the indicators. Of course, it might be something else.
One less cunt to go through the justice system.
What a heartwarming story, and an excellent mood enhancer for the rest of the day, I hope the car was okay after having so much pie key juice splattered over it?
I hope somebody has told our new friends from Afghanistan that you’re not allowed to blow some cunt’s head off when they fuck about with your car.
We wouldn’t want any cultural confusion would we?
I hope it was slow and painful. As for the coroner, leftist bitch obviously.
There have been a few of these in America (squashed thieving cunts) recently, great entertainment on youtube. Also police departments now rush to put bodycam footage of cops shooting armed black criminals online, in an effort to stop blm riots. The only thing funnier is armed civilians’ cctv footage of them killing home invaders. The BBC should do a you’ve been framed style show on the subject, lineker could present it. The Active Self Protection youtube channel has loads of tips on killing armed robbers. Mostly by Fred Barras style shooting, the poor lovable little scamp.
Glad to see Karma managed to fill their vacancy for ‘Night Shift Operative’ ?
Looks like BMW have the most valuable cats – they really plaster on the palladium.
If the robbery is confined to those, I have no major complaints.
How hard is it to install an alarm that goes off if the converter is tampered with? And the rims. Or one of those mercury switches that set off an alarm when the car is tilted by jacking it up?
Get me on Dragon’s Den!
And then explodes! Proper IRA Style.
Despite all the doom and gloom we still get the odd case of karmic justice, one less parasite.
No fucks given here either. He needed money to get more access to his children? Oh so he wasn’t really a thieving cunt after all then. I’m no expert but I thought you could go to court about family matters free of charge. And if he did need money for a solicitor, why was he spending it on drugs and alcohol? His relatives can make all kinds of excuses for him but it won’t alter anything.
Of course when you’re getting dragged through the courts for being a shite dad, it helps to add a conviction for thieving to your record…though given the state of our justice system it actually might
Were there quotes in the local paper about him being a “loveable rascal” and always ready with a “cheeky smile”?
Whilst nicking your wallet, hub caps, lawnmower…………
I’m surprised the law (being the way it is) didn’t nick the car owner for “owning a German car” or “parking it in place not suitable for safe and easy access” or some other trumped up charge.
Typical Welsh. He should have nicked a carburettor from a Ford Escort like Denzil’s brother: