Care For Calais

Man the RNLI Water Taxi service for a holier-than-thou cunting for the ladies of Care For Calais. These menopausal old tarts are usually busying themselves welcoming ashore the rubber boat invaders from France, but they have now turned their attention to the poor fuckers from Afghanistan.

The BBC of course a re deeply enthusiastic for the welfare of these carpetbaggers and todays Wireless 4 You & Yours did a long feature (which begins in the recording below at 31′ 25″):-

The C4C volunteer, clearly putting down her deposit for her halo tells you in no uncertain terms what are needed, which includes Smart Phones – so they can phone “home” and “if they need to look up something on the internet” (presumably the address of the local benefit office).

Later there is an interview from the Refugee Council who assures us that after 10 days in quarantine, they will be “given a home”.

Isn’t that wonderful news for the millions already on council waiting lists, where many will have been for years, however this assurance was vital as a man who they called “Abdul” appeared on Wireless 4s World At One yesterday (1st September) that he and his family had “been in hotel accommodation since July. I am grateful to the West but it is not good enough for my family”.

Tough shit, man – many people have been in “temporary” placements , not nearly as good as yours for months if not years. That silly cunt should have stayed in his palacial home in Afghanistan.

What makes me more angry, than the self regarding self-serving refugees, is the fucking British bastards who are encouraging them to be so fucking brazen in making their demands.

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

And then there’s this from Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Afghans fleeing the Taliban.

I found this article about poor Afghans.

Fleeing the Taliban. In France.
Crossing the middle east and the whole of Europe. With the Taliban on their tail.
Leaving Afghanistan many months before the takeover. All seemingly young males. 13 year olds with stubble. With relatives here – Come, you get hotel, house, benefits not like home where we must work.

These cunts will turn their areas into mini Kabuls, without doubt. We will have terrorism and also wars between different Muslim creeds, just like there.

News Link

Poor Afghans. Perhaps there could be a neon sign put up in London welcoming them.

News Link

60 thoughts on “Care For Calais

  1. Bacha bazi otherwise known as rape of young boys is normal in Afghanistan and will be on an industrial scale here just like the mass rape of children by “grooming” jihadi rape muslims.

  2. Okay Rafiq, here are the keys to your new home. Bedroom, living room, balcony, and toilet.
    -And, I shit in street?
    No, no. You have a toilet for that.
    -Praise Allah.
    As you’re 17, you’ll have free college education and free travel card. That’s good for train, tube, and bus.
    – No camel?
    Your benefit money goes directly into your bank account.
    – It’s not enough.
    You’ve got pens, paper, groceries, laptop, and mobile. Is there anything else you require?
    – Yes. White girls, razors, and hair dye.

    • I reckon that “Leila” the volunteer in the clip will welcome the arrival of Abdul’s dick up her back passage.

      As for “modest clothing “, , I wonder if they have asked Katie Price or Eddie Izzard for a donation? (they won’t wan’ Izzard’s pink frilly knickers with a hole in the backside, thank you)

  3. There’s nothing a middle class libtard loves more than a Peaceful fleeing for his life and needing to be rescued by a…….well……middle class libtard as it happens. They are very very grateful Effendi and the libtards are well pleased with the virtue signalling points they are racking up like nobody’s business. As long as the taxpayer is coughing up, they don’t come anywhere near where they live and the mini bombers don’t sit next to their brats in school.
    But who are they fleeing from? Oh yeah…..other Peacefuls. And if the boot was on the other foot the other Peacefuls would be fleeing from them. Polish those rose tinted spectacles before you pass them over please.

  4. Wonder how many countries they pass through to get here in Benefits land?
    In a ideal world any landing here would be immediately handcuffed, beaten, and sold as slaves to China.
    Bring back slavery, soon put a stop to this shit.
    Or if your uncomfortable with slavery,
    Immediate enrollment in the armed forces for 25 yrs, like the romans did.
    Press ganged.
    Hard to get up the energy to rape when had 25 lashes with the cat o nine tails.

  5. When did a few idiots the West decide we owe a living to every Peaceful and Dark-key refugee in the World?

  6. Funny how the UAE welcomed Afghan ex president Ghani and his $123,000,000 but doesn’t want any of the other fuckers.

  7. Ungrateful buggers aren’t they ? Free food and board not good enough. Tell you what let’s just fucking not look after our own homeless. Had a breakdown following your valuable service for the UK ? Fuck you and live on the streets or commit suicide. Don’t bother us.
    Wife left you and the house got repossessed? Fuck you live on the streets.
    Unemployed Afghan refugee ? Come in come in. Halal food only, take a rug, our goats are open to a right royal Afghan fucking as and when.
    What’s that you don’t know our customs about shifting in the street and touching and harassing women ? Not to worry we’ve got the best FREE lawyers you could throw your jizz at.
    Un fkn believable

  8. Just wait till Sadiq Kunt gets his hands on the London bound ones. The land of milk and honey will be on tap in Tower Hamlets, and David Lammy and Dawn Butler will be down on their knees licking their arses and Diane Abbott and Yvette Cooper will be explaining their “rights” – and their lefts. Especially their left.

  9. Just seen some reported news about Priti getting tough, she is going to turn back boats crossing the channel but only the ones that are equivalent to an ocean going liner not the actual rubber dinghies that are bring the thousands of cunts to our shores.

      • Also, according to Wireless 4 news, the libtard SJW lawyers are claiming it could be “illegal” if she does. What’s illegal in stopping illegals doing illegal things. We are truly fucked.

  10. Apparently our area is a ‘special collection point’ for these cunts. On the shopping list are skinny jeans(!!!) mobile phones, good quality food (as the food in the four star hotels where they are staying isn’t very good, apparently). Boo fucking Hoo. No doubt kitchen knives would come in handy.

    There are people struggling in our area, needing good food and decent clothing ffs.

    This country stinks. Its priorities are down the shitter. CUNTS.

    • The answer is, ‘if you don’t like it fuck off, here is a foot passenger ticket back to France’

      • Sling them out of a Border Farce boat at midnight every night slap bang in the middle of the Channel.
        Repeat til the cunts decided it’s best to infest somewhere else.
        Brittania rules the waves!

  11. I simply cannot comprehend the mindset of these soft cunts.
    Our country is soft as shit and is circling the drain.
    In large part due to the immense and never ending influx of the world’s vermin.

    I hope when there is nowhere left to house these cunts the government resorts to the compulsory purchase of people’s homes.
    Then we can get serious.

    • The Cuntcils have already taken a step in this direction, where they employ empty hhomes officers to ‘engage’ with freeholders that own homes that happen to be empty.

      Its a thin end of a wedge, but it is a fucking wedge all the same.

    • “…I hope when there is nowhere left to house these cunts the government resorts to the compulsory purchase of people’s homes.
      Then we can get serious.”

      It won’t play out like that though Tez, when that point comes (and I’m sure it will) we will be a demographic minority and the government enacting that compulsion will be effectively a muslim client state of Isn’treal.

  12. When I went to Calais for the first time, I was an eight year old lad. It was a quiet little place and a minor tourist attraction. Not too bad from what I remember. I recall a lake and those peddle boat things. There was certainly no unwashed migrant muck there back then.

    I dare say it is now unrecognisable, now it’s infested with human filth and the rapists guild. Those French fucks deserve a war simply for filling Europe and the UK with these smears of shit. Grannyfrigger Macron and that Merkel Frumpenfuhrer should be on trial in the Hague for crimes against the humanity of Europe. They have turned the continent into a shithole full of filth.

  13. So a bunch of demented feminazis get to discuss the virtues of letting in Abdul with another bunch of childless cat obsessed hags, all being paid for by us. Just fucking marvelous. According to the Swedes (cunts that they are) Afghanis run a close second to Somalis in people you don’t want as anywhere near you. Why not meet them on the beaches and say sorry chum this is the Isle of Wrong, throw them and their boats into a van and set them free in Barnstaple with instruction to sail West, possibly charging them a small fee.

    • Nail on the head – childless hags.

      The number of childless/barren western political leaders/politicians with a penchant for endless numbers of male peacefuls is in itself interesting.

  14. This country is so fucked.

    It must get quite boring for these luvvies, having to watch tens of thousands of fighting age MALES arriving by dinghy every year, fleeing war and persecution (from other peacefuls… ho hum) pleading poverty with just an iPhone 10 to their names.

    To keep things interesting, these do gooder libtards should maybe play a game of ‘Where’s the woman or child’ among the countless hordes of persecuted, brave young MALES.
    A peaceful version of ‘Where’s Wally’ if you will.

    The winner gets a free Burka and Qur’an.
    The woke equivalent of a Blankety Blank chequebook & pen.

    This government is not in the least bit fit for purpose, apart from maybe stabbing the indigenous people of these islands in the back. Repeatedly. Yes they’re very fucking adept at that.

    Fucking Cunts!

    • Very true HJ – but the alternative is a bloody sight worse Kweer and the gang including cunts like Lammy and Cooper, slaggy Granny Rayner and the other left wing loonies.

      • Absolute cunt though he is, George Galloway was right about one thing.
        “Two cheeks of the same rancid arse”
        Presumably with the Lib Dems as the smelly starfish in the middle…

    • “…fighting age MALES arriving by dinghy every year, fleeing war and persecution (from other peacefuls…”

      That’s the flaw in the pant-pissing, hand wringing liberal argument, in fact they’re not “fleeing” persecution and internecine conflict, they’re bringing it all with them to be played out on OUR fucking streets!

  15. If something is not done to stop these cunts coming here and removing the ones that are here then this country is done for. My town centre is full of these cunts. I won’t let my kids go there alone. I do not trust a single of them. Bad times. Bad times.

  16. Excellent cunting, these do gooders i reckon should give up their UK citizenship to make place for a goat fucker, one of these cunts goes there so a camel jockey can come her, infact one better they should vacate their houses for these flea bitten fuckers as well.
    If that was the case i wonder how many of the eternally guilty would be campaigning to bring these refugees here- not a single sole i bet, even if it was a case of a tent in their gardens and have a family each, not on my fucking door step i hear them cry, as long as they are some where else [ like Afganistan ], wasnt Lilly the musical mong wanting to help these fuckers [ sorry attention seeking opportunity] she can have a couple build a camp fire in her front room, anyway where is the attention seeking cunt now [ keeping her fucking head down, just in case she,s asked] the cunt.
    We shouldnt have to have the sponging cunts here, we have enough of these fuckers as it is from all over the world and are they not supposed to stop in the first safe border for not fucking here…..

    • I always thought they were supposed to stop in the first safe country and apply for asylum there, but I read something that said that international law actually allows them to choose where to go! Imagine if they all chose somewhere tiny like Luxembourg!

      • Luxembourg is already a solid-platinum shithole. A few gimmegrunts couldn’t make it worse…

  17. Just imagine the uproar if it were Keir Starmer and the socialists allowing all these grasping ragheads into the country.

    But it’s the Conservatives! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  18. Humanitarian crisis (e.g. Syria 2015)?

    We get fighting aged males only.

    Failed economies? (Africans in Calias)

    We get fighting aged males only.

    War/coup d’ etat? (Afghanistan)

    We get fighting aged males only.

  19. Public Information Service

    Londonstabistan is FULL

    Fuck off up north Abdul

    Preferably Scotland you cunt

  20. It’s all a cover for a trip in search of good charcuterie and vino.

    5 Minutes hanging around the camp sniffing the young men, then off to Paris.

  21. I recall the founder of the Care4Calais “charidee”, Clare Moseley, dicked one of the ‘refugees’ from Tunisia and he then tried to burn down their HQ when their relationship when tits-up.

    Care4Calais my hairy arsehole. Clare Moseley was a bored wife who fancied a bit of filth-covered dusky cock and this was the ideal front for her to achieve her aims.

    Hussy. Creating a path for North Africa’s economic migrants just so she could scratch an itch.

  22. This brings back unhappy memories of that Channel Foreskin advert featuring the big metal channel mascot ferrying a bunch of the cunts (who are carefully portrayed as children, doctors, labourers and even a random cunt in a suit!) across the channel and dropping them off on our now presumably, immeasurably culturally enriched shores before waving them goodbye as it goes back out to sea (doubtless to pick up a load more of the fuckers!)
    Awwwww……pile of cunt!

    • Channel Foreskin ?

      Yes I remember that particular advert.

      Both vomit inducing and urine boiling at the same time.

      Channel Foreskin with its cultural marxist anti white filth is a true enemy of the people of this country.

      • Did you notice that none of the buggers appeared to have anything in the way of luggage with them?
        I mean, where were the C4 backpacks?
        Perhaps we provide them when they land along with the four star accommodation and the latest IPhone and accessories.
        Either way, that muzzie woman likely packed spare detonators up her foo foo and her sprogs arse.

      • “Yes I remember that particular advert.”
        They’re still screening that human trafficking, crippled chromium criminal. ?

  23. My piss boiled so long ago on this subject it only now cones out as steam.
    Archers on the White cliffs, harpoon boats in the Channel and a squadron of Spitfirer’s are needed to keep these cunts at bay.
    Currently reading book about WW2 special services operations to blow up a viaduct in Italy and capture a radar station in Normandy. What would those young lads thought about the current invasion we are now facing?

  24. “Come in, come in, more than welcome. Here’s some second hand shoes and a culturally appropriate jumper I pulled from a clothing bin (culturally appropriate to where?) — more? Oh no, that’s me done, washing my hands of you now, the taxpayer will foot the bill for everything from here, again welcome, get comfortable!”

    These do-gooding cunts fuck me right off, happy to score virtue points provided the brunt of the burden is actually carried by you and I.

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