Desperate Angela Rayner MP (3)

Crikey, it looks as though Bonfire Night’s arrived early. Stand back everyone; somebody went and put a match to the blue touch paper on Angela Rayner’s head and the firework duly ignited, showering sparks and foul-smelling smoke everywhere.

At what’s been described as a ‘drinks reception’ for Labour party faithful, the Deputy Leader launched into an intemperate rant against the Tories, labelling them as ‘racist, sexist, misogynistic… an absolute pile of banana republic, vile, nasty Etonian scum‘. **

Somebody will correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the same Angela Rayner who in the past has railed against the abuse of politicians, and called for a kinder, gentler politics?

Minister Amanda Milling described the outburst as ‘shocking’ (no shit Sherlock), and has demanded an apology, which at the time of writing, the gobshite Rayner has declined to offer.

Labour leader Sir Keir Hardie has stated ‘that is not the language I would use‘, which is politico speak for ‘what the actual fucking fuck?’. I bet he was fizzing when he heard this, and would like to kick the barmy cow into the middle of next week.

Altogether now…
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Three cheers for Angela Rayner, helping to keep Labour unelectable.

**the choice of words differs slightly depending upon the source being referenced.

Metro UK News Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee

(There is a nom scheduled soon for Dame Keir Starmer – Day Admin)

88 thoughts on “Desperate Angela Rayner MP (3)

  1. Being called scum by Angela Rayner is like being called a cunt by Gary Lineker.

    Revolting chav – you can smell it just from the header pic.

  2. Between her and Jen Psaki, I’m torn as to which vile ginger bitch I’d love to hatefuck the most.

  3. Nice try, Angie but you are wrong, The Clown is a straightforward cunt. But then so is she, the fucking minger. Pots and kettles.

    Good morning, everyone.

  4. This incident, if you can call it that, encapsulates the divisions in the Labour Party. You’ve got the loony, wokie left, as represented by Angie, and the Blairites, as represented by Blair wannabe, the Starmtrooper. He tried sacking her not long ago and ended up giving her more jobs. Blair bought off the left by buttering up Prescott but that doesn’t work with Angie and the left is very different post Corbyn.
    No wonder Boris is fucking about doing what he wants when this is the opposition. I will be interested to see what kind of reception Starmzy gets this afternoon.

  5. Anyone else noticed how the press are making here out to be PM material? Obviously they don’t like Starmer, who does? But to tout this Vicky Pollard clone as a potential PM is dangerous.

    Sadly way too many people believe what the media say despite the evidence of their own eyes and ears.

    Angela will of course see any criticism of her being down to the fact she’s a woman, reality is she’s only where she is because she’s a woman.

  6. I can see Angela now saying “am I bovvered!” . A nasty piece of work. Wherever she goes she leaves a trail of low iq abuse and used condoms. Waste of air.

    • Only if MNC was drunk/high on drugs, hadn’t had a knuckle shuffle in years, and was wearing a bio-hazard suit at the time, could I ever imagine that happening!

      Not even MNC (or CC, come to that) could stoop so low. Surely!

      • No, you’re wrong, he’s posted of his attraction for her on several occasions. For instance I posted in March that she gave him the horn and he replied:

        “She does.
        Against my wishes.
        Just knowing shes keen on a lenth is enough to trigger my winky.
        Saw her at a remembrance day gathering once, with Normans mate,
        Harelip Andy Burnham.
        And to my shame rather than concentrating on the proceedings I was daydreaming about yanking up her skirt and ploughing her right there.
        She always looks slightly sullen.
        I like that.?”

        Clearly he has no shame.

  7. I still don’t think she’s apologised for her “scum” comments. And yet she’s the deputy leader, very much yearning to be top dog (woof!) if/when Starmer fucks off.

    I read in the Telegraph yesterday that she’s worried she might miss out on becoming Labour Leader, because that Andy Burnham cunt might put his hat in the ring for the same job. And he seems to have more support from Labour activists than The Thing from the Swamp”

    Well, by calling Boris and co. “scum” won’t do her any favours. And could you imagine if Labour became the new government with her in charge. Imagine her at a G7, or at the UN or some other major global shindig of the world’s leaders, and she comes out and calls some cunt she doesn’t like “scum!”

    What a classy cunt, I don’t think. But this is new new labour, so it comes as no surprise.

  8. Keir Starmer: ‘It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’

    Instead of the Labour Party why dont they just call themselves ‘The Lunatic Party’. And they can go full leather for complete and utter lunacy. We’d all know where we stand then.

  9. She looked real classy at the conference the other day, with her leg tattoo and a fag hanging out if her trap.
    Just like any other slapper looking for a ride home after a might on the lambrini at the local workies.

    • Where’s that tasty Speccy Wrong-Daily bird gone? Labour needs a bit of glamour to brighten itself up.

      • Laura Piddlecock was on Politics Live at the Liebour conference yesterday. Can’t get much more glamorous than that!

      • Fear not George, I’m fully aware of that. My comment was ironic. As indeed, I assume, was Ron’s.

    • I bet she’s fucking riddled with STD’s the dirty ginger slag!! Had more cocks than a 70 year old brass!! I bet there’s people still lost up her smelly ginger cunt!

  10. What sort of ‘elitist scum’ claim over 200k in ‘expenses’ from the put upon tax payer?

    Expenses which includes spending thousands on nice new Apple branded tech, which she says is essential to do her job.

    Well, you fucking out of touch elitist scum bitch (it’s ok to call her that by her own standards), I need a computer for my job. I don’t get paid as much as you and guess what, you fucking cunt?

    I have to pay for it my fucking self. Like almost every other cunt in the country who has a professional job.

    Elitist scum, some of the Tories may be.

    But champagne socialist scum like this are far worse. Their expenses claims are always the fucking same. Scandalous.

    I’d have these thieving scum cunts breaking rocks.

    Fuck off SCUM!

  11. Angie has worked hard to get to the top

    NVQ level 2 in summat
    Spent a few years on her back shagging her way up the ranks in Unison and eventually married Mark Rayner (Unison Official)
    Perfected her big Gob and somehow persuaded the population of Ashton-under-Lyne to vote for her.

    The Labour Party has a queen of slappers ?

  12. Typical mouthy Labour Manc with the manners of a baboon. You can imagine this harpy sitting backstage picking her nose and smoking a fag.

    “Eee, ah didn’t wipe me arse prop-ly and now the shit’s stickin’ to me knickers.”

    • Morning Cap’n.
      Slighty off topic perhaps, but I see that another of IsAC’s belovéd gobshite sons, Big Dave Lammy, has got got in on the trans row that seems to be eating the Labour Party from the inside out.
      Here he is, pulling the ‘as a black man’ response again.

      Lammy, Butler, Adonis, Flabbott, Rayner; Labour seems bedevilled by cunts who can’t stop opening their cakeholes and letting their bellies rumble.

      • Fuck off Lammy and get back to the plantation, he is so obsessed with slavery maybe he should remove his black privilege and start pickin cotton ?

      • He said his ancestors were slaves in that article.

        Has he ever proved that? I can’t remember who it was, but some chippy dark key went on that ‘Who do you think you are?’ show.

        His ancestors were slave traders in the end. He was gutted ? He was told his ancestor would drag dark keys out of their huts in front of their crying families (well,the ones that hadn’t fucked off when the bird got preggers anyway). Whip them and then tie them up, ready for market.

        I fucking pissed myself laughing. Wouldn’t it be great if Lambo’s great, great grandpappies were the same?

        “As a black man”

        Fuck off.

      • I wonder if all of Lammy’s ancestors were fat, unintellgient, whiny cunts. Because of his white wife, we’ll now have fat, unintellgient, whiny, half-caste cunts.

      • ‘Speaking as a black/muslim/ women/gay/transsexual/peter file’.

        i.e. Speaking as a self-absorbed cunt

      • “The End Of The Pier Show With Keir”. No doubt Mandy will be at the front, waving his pink panties in the air, whenever he wants the audience to applaud the old fool’s platitudes.

        He is still droning on (at 1320) having started at noon. This show will run and run…..

  13. I like the ‘racist’ tag. It is used by the left as a catch-all, meaningless term. This from a party which still harbours some pretty nasty anti-semites.
    Lammy was on R4 this morning and got kebabbed by the right biased BBC quoting his words back at him. Racism innit.

      • What a load of playing to the room shite.
        Presumably anybody there is capable of putting their hand up if they want to ask a question ffs.
        Yet this cunt wants to proceed on the basis that part of the audience should be actively DISCOURAGED from so doing.
        Yes, you fucking guessed it, white men.
        What a toe-nail curling piece of racism this is. Substitute ‘white men’ with any other category and the twat would be publicly flayed.
        What a nauseating cunt he is.
        Fuck off Labour.

  14. “Tory scooom!” They don’t come much scummier than this old cheap tramp – pregnant at 15, the type of tart that wears knickers to keep her ankles warm.

    She may well have done us a favour – if Dame Kweer fell under a bus (should he become PM) – she would become the PM in his stead – what country – even France – would deal with that old whore?. This country would not be taken seriously, so I can see her being given the finger just like Steptoe was.

    Long may her big mouth minus brain continue to rant.

  15. Unless Labour can TOTALLY re-invent itself then they will never be in power again.

    I could never forgive Blair ‘n’ Co for what they have done to my country but the present lot are just not credible and are obviously there for the expenses.

  16. One of my many reasons I will never vote Liebour ever again Bunch of clueless twats.Out of touch.In their own bubble.Steam roller please

  17. Interesting to compare the BME make up of the racist tory cabinet with their labour counterparts.

  18. Think she’s aiming for a new demographic, if she is capable of rational thought at all. She wants votes from da disaffected yoof. She knows she and Starmer have between them completely alienated the Red Wall. The elite press thinks she’s fucked up. I’m not so sure.

    You may detest the woman, but she sure turned her life round, and that must have taken deadly persistence and push. One to watch.

  19. Every time I see her on television I can see that she is not fit to be a politician. It’s not just the way she speaks. It’s the lack of experience or knowledge of anything that’s worrying. The shit Labour Party has really given fuel to the SNP. Scotland will now never be able to get rid of the SNP because of that.

    Sir Kier Starmer says, “”Not right to say only women have a cervix”. Fucking hell. Most men who dress up in women’s clothing do not have a cervix, womb, ovaries, fallopian tubes or a vagina. There is the very edge case of a hermaphrodites. Estimated frequency of ovotestes is one in 83,000 births (0.0012%). You’d think any politician would Google that before opening their facking mouths. Would he say anything to get a vote?

    Labour really are unelectable. They ought to form a suicide pact with the Lib-Dems.

  20. After taking £20 a week off people on universal credit, whilst at the same time chucking millions to the French and billions still going in overseas aid, I think scum is an understatement

  21. Ultimately, I’m sure we would all agree that politics is disproportionately full of c to the unts.
    It’s just a matter of magnitude.
    Raynor is an off-the-scale magnitude cunt.

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