Alarmist Newspapers and Panic Buying

‘We’re a’ doomed, doomed a tell ye’. Sounds about right, at least according to our alarmist newspapers.

They’ve had a good run over the past few months, battering us relentlessly around the head with relentless doom and gloom about Covid. Still it goes on. ‘Plan for the worst’, wails The Mirror. ‘It’s back to panic stations!’ screeches The Mail.

They’ve positively relished it, but Covid’s become a bit of a broken record now as far as working up a sense of alarm is concerned. Our senses have become dulled, so now they’ve got to find other things in their attempts to scare us shitless. Let’s have a little look;

* ‘Prepare for winter of discontent’; The Gloomiad
* ‘UK energy crisis to drive up cost of living’; The i
* ‘We’ll meat again: we’re set to run out of pork, lamb, chicken and turkey in just
days’; The Daily Star
* ‘Energy firms will be left to collapse’; The Times
* ‘Asteroid extinction event next month: Adonis blames Brexit’; The Daily Yell

Okay, you’ve got me; I made the last one up. But you get the drift. It’s eco-crisis, it’s housing crisis, it’s transport crisis, it’s NHS crisis. Now it’s shortage of this looms, shortage of that likely. It’s starting to sound like during the war. Couldn’t get this, couldn’t get that, had to make do with the other…

Well talking of the war, we could do with a bit of the old Dunkirk spirit from the papers now if you ask me. Where’s good old Winnie and Dame Vera when you need them? They wouldn’t have stood for this grinding pessimism from the papers then, and they wouldn’t now.

Well fuck the despondent miserabilist cunts and all who sail in them:The sun’s out (It’s gonna rain! – DA), the family’s well (They’re aliens from planet Zog – DA), Villa won 3-0 on Saturday (will get relegated and go bankrupt – DA), and I’m off for a pint (Pub has closed and turned into flats – DA)

Nominated by: Ron Knee

And on the subject of End of the World hype, here’s this from Sick of it

A cunting for the never ending CRISIS.

Turn on the news and you can be sure one word will be thrown out and that is Crisis. What is with our media, we are constantly in crisis.

The Covid crisis had many sub crisis events, lack of PPE, shortage of beds, shortage of ventilators, Care Homes and so on.

Buried beneath this has been the climate crisis, it seems that doomsday gets closer everyday, 2050, 2040, 2030, next week the end of the world will be Christmas Day 2021. The brings us onto the next crisis, No Fucking Turkey, oh no maybe try a different Christmas Day meal.

Crisis of shortage of lorry drivers, ffs, as long as essentials keep getting through it’s not a crisis, but wait the Crisis of escalating gas prices has produced a crisis of not enough CO2 which gives a crisis of shortages of food.

And let’s not forget the Afghan crisis and the Channel crisis, it’s no wonder so many people have mental health issues, which itself is a crisis because of crisis of the NHS backlog caused by Covid crisis

We are truly fucked, the never ending Crisis is indeed a CUNT.

I am going for lie down.

And a word on panic buying cunts, from Gutstick Japseye

Emergency cunting for the stupid cunts who are at it again, this time it’s petrol.
Thanks to the crescendo of media sensationalist reporting of shortages, the fucking mouth breathers have rushed out and have begun to empty every petrol station in Britain.

Although there are genuine problems, there is definitely a degree of political skulduggery, as it is easy to paint these issues as Brexit related, and the incompetence of the Tory government.

Yes, there are elements of truth on both accounts, but there are wider factors at play. There are nearly a million jobs available, all of various disciplines and abilities, that need filling and what do the liberal left want? Foreign workers, who are now excluded from the equation because of Brexit. What about the millions of unemployed Britons?

Surely they should be first in line for work, but they seem happy to be at home on benefits, and the left are happy to keep them there.

Winter of discontent? We’ve had a few years already, and worse it’s going to get.

News Link

Classic example of fearmongering.


and this from Jeezum Priest

So, after seeing the news last night about fuel shortages, I popped in to Tesco at 0530 when I should have been sleeping!

I spoke to a very nice tanker driver who was rather informative and told me that the boats carrying fuel are arriving daily at Plymouth, the two depots in Plymouth are extremely well stocked and there is no shortage of drivers.

His only concern was news articles misleading the public. He finished by explaining that it is only BP who have issues. Back to bed….

Just thought you would like this FB post.

And yet more panic buying hysteria, this time from DCI Gene Cunt 

Fuel Panic Buyers.

A “Me first, then me and I’ll have what’s left” cunting for this bunch of selfish spunk-stains.

You fucking myopic, odious cunts. And the one’s that gave us dirty looks and muttering as we ‘jumped’ the queue to fill the ambulance up?

I hope you have a MI and the truck coming to you runs out of diesel. But dreams never come true.

Thank fuck this generation wasn’t around in 19fucking40.

90 thoughts on “Alarmist Newspapers and Panic Buying

  1. The number of crises has reached crisis proportions. Mrs Twenty is busy packing our bunker with tinned and dried goods. I don’t wish to add to the hysteria, but Alphabetti Spaghetti is sold out at Tesco. Fact.

    • She was ‘chuckoneuppable’ in her younger years, I’ll give you that. But she was a radical leftist influenced heavily by that Commie degenerate, Alinsky.

      Probably still is and is also a right ugly cunt now too.

  2. I snagged a finger nail on my jumper this morning!

    But seriously: the MSM are cunts, and they live on the motto of “Bad News is Good News”, and then distance themselves from the ensuing chaos they inevitably cause.

    Probably all part of The Great Reset. And as Teddy Roosevelt once eloquently said “When you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.”

  3. I’d have cunts with guns shooting those fat useless cunts wobbling out of Tescos with 5 trollies full of bog rolls.

    Panic buyers came from all colours and creeds, but some (in my experience anyway) were more represented than others, I noticed.

    Fuck it, the Joe Dakis were the worst for it. Then fat dark key women then thick mouth breathing honkies.


    Minister of Diversity and Inclusion

  4. What about the gay crisis? There just aren’t enough attractive benders about. That’s why Lord Mandy has to import fresh meat from Brazil. It’s a fucking disgrace.

  5. Of course we’re in the midst of an artificial crisis. There’s nothing better than a crisis to keep the population supine and to allow governments to do what they want. It’s why Oceania was always at war with Eurasia/Eastasia. We are always at war with COVID/global warming.

    To quote directly from 1984 –

    ‘ At this moment, for example, in 1984 (if it was 1984), Oceania was at war with Covid and in alliance with Extinction Rebellion. In no public or private utterance was it ever admitted that the two powers had at any time been grouped along different lines. Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Extinction Rebellion and in alliance with Covid. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge, which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Covid: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Covid. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible.”

  6. Yes. The MSM are solely to blame for instigating this one, as are thick as pig shit sheeple for making a media fantasy a reality. I see the BBC website are getting a bit of kicking on their “Have your say” section of the lorry drivers saga this morning, and they certainly deserve it. Cunts!
    Speaking of cunts. It seems our spineless leader is again going to perform a u turn and allow special visas for the dooshkas and Romanians. Getting Brexit done eh Boris?
    And whilst I’m on a roll, I heard a story from an old dear I know last night. She queued for petrol last night at a local station and put in just a tenners worth as she never really uses much. When she went to pay, the guy at the counter told her they were only accepting a minimum fill up of £30, and to go back and put in another 20 quids worth! Profiteering wankers! Needless to say, the station is owned and run by peacefuls. Anyway, she left her tenner on the counter and told Achmed to fuck off.

  7. Only 94 panic buying days to Christmas.
    One thing that strikes me is the fact that there must be loads of money / credit about, as people don’t seem to have any problems stocking up on anything and everything.
    We live in an Alice in Wonderland economy.
    Reality must kick in soon.
    Get To Fuck

    • That’s the reality they are afraid off Jack
      When the real cracks appear no country will be prepared
      Alice in Wonderlands indeed

      • Goid point Jack.

        Seems every cunt or nearly eveey cunt in my town has had substantial renovation work done to their homes this last 8 months or so.

        If it’s not extensions and whatever else to existing property, it’s cunting great 5 and 6 bedroom new builds popping up all over local greenbelt land.

        “it’s because we couldn’t get on our hols this year” is the oft heard reason for this.

        Fuck me, I wouldn’t like to pick up the tab of these greedy vain selfish bastards yearly holiday bills that’s for sure.

        Then again I absolutely fucking hate people in general and always presume the worst in them.

  8. If it wasn’t for the media no one would have known there’s a fuel crises and a few BP stations would have shut meaning some people would have had to drive an extra few miles at most to top up.

    Thank God for the media, now there’s s real fuel crises and the BP down the road has put unleaded up from £1.34 to £1.47 in the space of an hour.

    It’s almost like the media are attempting to create a crises. A winter of discontent is predicted by the media, it’s enough to make you think it’s engineered.

    Speaking of the media, suddenly the BBC is linking to the morning star in its daily newspaper round up.

    The morning star has a circulation of around 10000 copies a day.

    Don’t believe the hype.

    • Of that 10000 circulation, I wonder how many are actual “workers” as opposed to middle class wankers who look like somebody has farted under their nose if a real working person comes within half a mile of them.

  9. “Waaaaah! Boohoo! Snivel! It’s all the fault of Brexit. We must rejoin the EU immediately or we’re all going to starve/drown/burn.
    And here’s a picture of Carol Vorderman’s saggy old arse..”

    Every media outlet, every fucking day…

    • I’d mention how we have joined the EU vakzine passport scheme, so much for Brexit, but that is banned.

  10. I’d D Notice all of them at once.

    Responsible journalism is a Dodo.

    Fuck me the country is full of thick cunts.

    Traitors should be shot.

    Morning all.

  11. I remember being at school and we had a careers evening where 20 parents came in and talked about their professions. One was a journalist and I spoke to him about what he did. After about 5 minutes chatting, I decided then and there that there was no way I wanted to distort the truth for money. I was 14. We really are surrounded by mongs who believe whatever fear inducing and biased guff the media decide to put out.

    Top comment in a Daily Mail article I read yesterday was ‘this country is a mess with surging Covid cases, fuel and food shortage, energy firms going bust, end of furlough and gas price rises’. Only 1 in the list is of any concern, the gas prices. Covid isn’t a crisis, there’s plenty of food, there is plenty of fuel, plenty of energy middle men to choose from and apparently there’s a labour shortage so fuck the end of furlough.

    • And around 1.7 million unemployed so getting a new job should be a piece of piss with 1 million vacancies

  12. The likes of the Mail and Express need to shut the fuck up. Things wouldn’t be half as bad without their scare mongering.

    • Back in the day Sun readers didn’t care about panic buying and the latest crisis, just so long as the Page 3 Bird had big tits!

      • Carol Voldemort looks like she’s got the R-101 stuffed up her jumper. It’s just as well she’s got a regular job for Unkle Terry’s Oven Funerals, as it’s going to cost shedloads to strip her of all silicone & c. when she carks
        I’m only really bothered about gas at the mo; I think some World Energy Commission has already taken a shit across Poovin’ s bows. .

  13. The media just can’t help themselves, as soon as they say ‘no need to panic buy’, the world starts to panic buy.
    Where is the actual news in a few BP stations closing because they aren’t getting deliveries, if it was an issue of a problem at a depot no one would bat an eyelid but as soon as it’s linked to shortage of drivers, it’s big news because it’s all about BREXIT, cunts.
    They can’t even be bothered to report accurately, there may be a shortage of HGV drivers but not just any driver can deliver petrol, they have to ADR trained and are probably much better paid than the an ordinary HGV..
    BP may have a specific problem but other retailers seem to be OK, but not anymore because of the media ‘fuelled’ PANIC!

    • It’s the classic Catch-22.
      Media shrieks about a looming ‘shortage crisis’, fuels panic buying. Media shrieks about resulting ‘crisis’.
      They’re absolute fucking cunts. The cunts.
      Morning Sick.
      Morning all.

      • Morning Ron, you would think that the media could just stop and think for a second before printing headlines which they know with cause a panic, no one reads past the headline unfortunately.

      • It’s a classic ‘good news is no news’ scenario, isn’t it?
        If the papers can’t put words such as ‘crisis’, ‘fury’, ‘chaos’, etc into their headlines, they’re not interested.
        If we ever get a magic bullet cancer cure, the cunts will find a way to put a negative spin on it.

  14. Fuck panic buying. My garage is a no go zone due to the pallets of tomatoes I bought in March 2020.

  15. Been out to do the weekly shop this morning.
    No shortage of anything, fuel included.
    Who gives a fuck about a shortage of turkey at Christmas? I cant abide the stuff, nice bit of pork for me, ta muchly.

    • Beef rib or rare topside for me.

      Turkey isn’t too bad when rolled and stuffed, but roast beef is far less hassle.

  16. Here is a puzzle. There is an EU wide shortage of HGV drivers. The govt is considering visas for foreign drivers. Where the fuck from?

    • We have plenty of dinghy drivers, I am sure some will have Somalian HGV licences ?

      They will get Eastern European drivers, pay the cunts enough and they will come.

    • If there is a continental shortage of HGV drivers, who’s fault is that?

      Could be the younger generation – the hard-done-by Millennials and Gen Zs, who wouldn’t be seen dead in a blue-collar working class career.

      For them it must be a job in media studies, become a TV celeb, or a YouTube influencer. Let someone else do all the heavy lifting and moving. But there aren’t any because most young cunts don’t want to know. And the circle is complete!

      • As a wagon driver myself it’s the shit pay which prevents a lot of people wanting to do the job, I’ve already bullied my employer into a 40% wage increase, hopefully within the next few weeks there’s a wagon driver strike so we get more.

    • Albanian drivers , the only downside is there will be a shortage of trucks after there settling in period is over

  17. It’s the Establishment probably playing games with the Proles again.
    I recall an episode of Blackadder from season 4, where General Hogmanay Melchett is scrutinising a large board on a table.

    And on that board is a mapped representation of military positions between the Germans, the Brits and No Man’s Land in the Middle (this is WW1).

    And being a general and lacking any tactical insight he just wipes the board with a brush and thousands of soldiers are instantly killed. But the general is only slightly annoyed.

    I think that’s how the Establishment and the Fourth Estate see us! Create a fake panic and watch us scurry around like headless chickens. And then brush the weak and stupid under the carpet, and repeat until they get what they want!

  18. Just a ploy by the govmint to scare the bejeezus outta the gen pop. Deflects the extent and effect of tax rises cos peeps want their shit no matter the cost. Strangely this all happens right before COP26 … another event that’s gonna end with much woe and wringing of hands ultimately leading to significantly increased costs which have already been put into play by the ceaseless ‘crises’ …

    LOL … that’s the conspiracy theory of the day …. actually highly likely … truth be known.

    • Don’t mention COP26, it will be the defining event of the century, people will talk about before and after COP26, a bit like BC/AD.

      We are about to be fucked like never before ?

  19. I gave up on the propaganda, I mean news, yonks ago. I’m off to watch old league football from the 70s on itv4 followed by a good yank at my wire while watching 80s filth.
    Fuk it all.

    • That’ll be the next crisis – the Earth is slowly coming to a standstill, we’re all going to die!

      Imagine the front page of the Daily Mail:-

      “Katie Price: kiss and tell revelations about Harvey, shocker!”
      “Gary Lineker becomes a monk”
      “Jess Phillips, Analese Dodds and Karl Starmer in three-in-a-bed drunken sex romp”
      “Elton John Ate My Hamster”
      “Earth due to stop spinning by Christmas. 8 billion to die. Hints and Tips on how to stay beautiful at the end of the world!”

  20. Well because I don’t watch the idiot lantern and buy any newspapers *pfft* the only clue I got about this “ fuel crisis” was when I was buying a machine coffee yesterday morning at the Amigo shop at the hospital before staring work and I noticed the front page of the mail or express or something.
    Well fuck me sideways with a wire brush when I arrived at Tesco driving on fumes after work at 525pm to be told no diesel here or anywhere in kings lynn.
    The selfish cunts were buying up diesel all day and they ran out at 2pm.
    I just hope some of these wankers got caught in the traffic jam/RTC down the road at the Pullover roundabout and ran out fuel.
    The green agenda to make me buy electric is alive and kicking.
    Even Boris the cunt doesn’t even bother to hide it now a d openly says it at the UN summit.
    Now I’m sitting on a Saturday morning trying to find a petrol station within 10 miles that I can get some diesel because if I can’t I ain’t getting to work on Monday.

  21. And once this “faux crisis” is over, the media will focus on power cuts and blackouts (sounds a bit racist!) over winter – harkening back to the 1970s, militant unions, the Three Day Week, bread shortages and of course blackouts!

    If we do get powercuts, that’s when the millennials will start to panic because it will mean no more internet, dead batteries, dead phones, no social media!

    Powercuts may also mean ATMs no longer working, and cashless terminals at supermarkets also becoming redundant. And you can’t pay by cash because some tills are electronic and won’t open without electric – so then what? (And no one will be using cash in the future anyway)

    And jump ahead 10 years and people are driving around in electric cars (well, only rich cunts of course). If there’s powercuts then it means they won’t be able to charge their cars, which means they’re not going anywhere. And they won’t be able to work from home because there will be no electric for computers and phones!

    Reboot the Great Reset before its even started.

    Doesn’t take much to fuck up a country!

    • Making absolutely everything run on electricity is not a great idea if there’s a ‘Carrington event’.

    • Three day week
      Petrol ration books
      General strike
      Internet blackout

      The new youth will find out what life was like ‘in the old days’ ?

      Bring back COAL ?

  22. Bring back the days of red top tabloids and their vulgar headlines, such as:

    Blair – My Gay Lavatory Shame


    AnalEase Dodds in Hospital Rush: Unfortunate accident with Giant Dildo


    VAZ (Supply you own headline, the sleazier the better and probably true)

  23. Crisis. Chaos. Terror. Terrorist. Terror. Terror! Catastrophe. Chaos. Terror!!

    Meanwhile outside * crickets chirping *

    The MSM are fucking garbage. If I’m not allowed to shout fire in a movie theatre then why are they allowed to act like 15th century priests frightening the local plebulation with demonic fantasies?

    They lie in all directions, fucking shitehawks.

  24. Seeing those stupid fucking selfish cunts filling up cans of petrol, who don’t look like cunts who need it daily, are just indicative of the me me cunts that blight modern society.
    However, as there is no shortage of fuel, only a hiccup in supply, and will probably be back to normal within days, these stockpiling cunts will have to slowly eat through their stockpile, and if it is the new biofuel e5 or whatever the new replacement for unleaded, there could be a penalty for their selfishness, as the new fuel biodegrades in a relatively short time, causing problems for whatever vehicle it’s in. They just haven’t thought it through…..

  25. Interesting points above, about the age of lorry drivers:

    Wednesday late afternoon found me in a traffic jam on a motorway. Road closed to allow the air ambulance to land. The news feed on er’ indoors iPhone said potentiometer 2 hour closure.

    Anyway, all the lorry drivers were out of their trucks, smart phones/iPads in hand, discussing possible alternative routes-they were all well over 40-mostly fifty plus, judging from appearance.

    I understand the real problem is the artificially low wage they receive, kept low by an abundance of cheap European drivers. A backlog of testing has conflated the problem,

    As far as I am concerned, the only “crisis” in this country, is a shortage of independent thought?

  26. Real crisis? Perhaps the stabbings in Londonistan. Another today apparently. Real crisis the lack of NHS treatment or ability to see a GP. Real crisis. Allowing thousands of illegals to arrive in Kent daily.

    The cunts filling up piss pots and ice cream tubs at the fuel pumps need burning with the fuel after creating the issue. And throw the MSM, daily Mail and BBC onto the pyre. Cunts the fucking lot of them.

  27. I wonder if our own Lord Fidler knows about this latest crisis?
    Or does he run his Hilux on red diesel, of which his doubtless, vast barn, holds vast stocks?

    • There was a rumour of a Fray Bentos shortage, which may explain his absence on here as he queues up outside his local Aldi hoping to see the odd dented tin on the Discount Shelf.

  28. All this recent shit is just like the millennium bug hysteria of 1999. Huge amount of scaremongering and fuck all happened. I suspect there may be some sort of lockdown this Winter, just like there was last year. But all the other stuff: no meat, gas to run out… It’s all a load of bollocks.

    Thing is, I reckon all this scaremongering is a cover. The MSM have got people worrying about that, while the RNLI sponsored migrant invasion continues with gusto.
    Thar is what people should be scared of and worried about….

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