No I did not make this name up. Zanny is none other than the editor of The Economist, the world´s smuggest magazine which solves all the problems facing humanity in weekly comments of around 250 words.
It says the right things on economic and business matters, e.g. governments should not spend more than they can afford, markets should be free etc.
However, on social issues Zanny preaches gayness, diversity, inclusion, tree hugging etc. She and her hacks manage to square the circle by writing with both hands, i.e. “On the one hand, we should…” followed by “On the other hand, we should not..”
Fortunately The Economist it is not yet as woke as as some of the American media which use upper case for “Black” people but lower case for the rest of us inferior whites and browns. Give her time though.
Nominated by: Mr Polly
And supported by: Komodo
Just to add, PPE Oxford, Bilderberg attendee (2015/16) and vocal remoaner. Propagandist for woke, and as good as says so:
‘About half the (Economist) covers in the last year have been “non-news”. “It’s the ‘viewspaper’ idea,” she says. “I’m deeply liberal. I’m passionate about pushing that agenda. Social liberalism … as well as economic and financial liberalism.”
The most popular edition in years was the Economist’s anti-Brexit edition, which she says was a newsstand sell-out. “We came out very early and clearly with where we stood on Brexit. By a long shot it was our best-performing cover.”
Is the Economist the Grauniad for the moneyed? It would seem so. Viewspaper? Opinions now supersede factual reporting, and the E is now a safe space for social-marxists.
Ironic, but never forget economics is a social “science”
Posh, establishment bitch spouting all the neo liberal globalist bullshit you’d expect. Who fucking reads that shitrag anyway? Couldn’t care less.
These posh cunts down Islington way have some funny names dont they?
Ziggy mint bedbug would of been teased mercilessly if grew up where I did.
The Economist?
Fuck me.
Bet thats got plenty of readers!
Does it have a 24hr emergency rentboy section?
Fuck off Ziggy,
Only capital id give effnics is capital punishment.
The Economist is, and always has been, fucking annoying. It is a wank mag for the pseudo knowledgeable. Learn a few in phrases easily available at GCSE and all of a sudden you can feel as if you are a mover and shaker in the world of international finance. What a load of cunt.
Great nom, Zanny and her rag go well together.
Good morning, everyone.
Zanny’s so zany!
Curly, Larry and Moe, eat yer hearts out.
The Economist has long since gone down the pan. The magazine was always open about its political leanings – it was radical (but not in the leftist sense), rational, pro free-market and libertarian. A great survivor of the 19th century it could always be relied on to come out with sensible, non-hysterical analysis – even if one did not always agree with it. It was a great magazine and stood head and shoulders over shallower competitors.
Once upon a time I subscribed to it. It had great coverage of everything, including science and books. I would not touch it with a 10 foot pole now. Woke, elitist, fanatically Anti-Brexit, always doing down the UK but praising internationalist organisations like the EU, the IMF, the Bilderberg Group, disdainful of anything arising from popular demand and just plain wrong. This Zanny Bedwetter cunt didn’t start the rot but she’s consolidated it.
Good cunting. Bedwetter and the Economist are indeed cunts.
Good comment. I hadn’t read the Economist for years, and only occasionally then. Glad to have my impression confirmed that it’s a hotbed (?wetbed?) of woke now.
Question is, why? The Islington demographic’s recent rise to moneyed status, under Blair and his limp successors, perhaps. And/or public dumbing-down requiring easy bitesize chunks of opinion pretending to be informed? Ironic if the purely capitalist requirement for profit is leading to a woke takeover of the media…the pigs are definitely turning into men again.
PS, breaking the Taleban, having taken Mazar-i-Sharif yesterday, are now within Kabul. Shock-horror….not.
PS, breaking: the Taleban…
It’s turned like so much of the media. The only explanation I can think of is group think and Brexit derangement syndrome. But the Economist was founded by Walter Bagheot to counter group think and to be rational, liberal and compassionate. It’s forgotten all that.
What the fuck is going on?
Two mingers in a row?
Ruined my Sunday morning coffee break.
Boarding school bitch married to another posh sod that bemoans the lack of cheap gardeners, nannies and pool cleaners brought about by Brexit.
And the cunt’s real name is Susan.
I’d sooner take advice from Philo Beddoe off Every Which Way But Loose if I’m honest.
Far more entertaining than listening to this bint.
“Right turn Clyde”
As readers of a certain blog will know, I am of the opinion that a lot of this ‘woke’ crap is coming from people who feel guilty about how well they have done out of neoliberalism. That’s why they love shite like BLM, Antifa and Stinky Conformism – they are not ‘Marxists’ but the stormtroopers of the ruling class.
I think I’ve got past Mao Zedong and I’m heading towards Pol Pot territory.
Vote Conduit. You know it makes sense. Vice-President Fiddler endorses this message.
Condescending Cunt.
Zanny should dedicate her life to exposing the harsh totalitarian regime of North Korea.
A fact finding mission would be vital.
As would her execution by anti aircraft gun.
I know I’m at the wrong social gathering if ‘The Econmost’ or ‘The European’ or ‘National Geographic’ are lying about.
‘Econmost’? Not seen that one.
Morning Myles. ?
Yes The Economost.
It’s a new rival to the Economist.
Just more in it.
First it’s ‘The Econmost’, now you say it’s ‘The Economost’.
Shurely shome mishtake…
I’m beginning to think you’re the poofreader (sic) for The Grauniad. Is it too soon to claim my £5?
Not as entertaining as the Economoist.
I once sent an amusing anecdote in to Reader’s Digest…got an extremely rude letter back from them calling me a vile,demented pervert…strangely enough also got a response from Penthouse the same day telling me that my delightfully whimsical tale of confusing a geranium with a daffodil at the local garden centre wasn’t really what they were looking for…
That fucking dried-up old spinster at the local post-office must have switched the envelopes to thwart my literary career.
National Geographic used to be the best magazine in the world. Renowned for its coverage of adventure, exploration and African tits. Now sadly a weak shadow of its former greatness. Very sad
It gave me the horn as a kid.
Or ‘Time’.
If there was a ‘Reader’s Digest’ I would feel more comfortable.
Readers Digest has become the Woke Digest, I’m afraid.
Readers Digest! Is that shite still published?
Have to admit though a story from it 50+ years ago was of a German p.o.w. who had been seconded to various old people’s houses to do their gardening etc. After his repatriation one nasty old bitch was surprised to see the crocuses in her lawn the following spring read Heil Hitler.
He could have spelled out Fotze , even better.
‘National geographics ‘ became a euphemism for huge pendulous tits, listed in Roger’s Profanisaurus.
Zanny, fanny, tranny, cunt.
With a name like “Zanny” she has to be a total fucking arsehole. Probably one of Dame Keir’s mob.
I remember reading this years ago (90s) and it was pretty neutral politically.
Now, it’s fucking full on Cultural Marxist shite. Well, it would be, if it wasn’t just a far right conspiracy theory of course.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Morning CB.
Speaking of conspiracies – you can sense the relief and near ebullience of the chattering classes and the mainstream media regarding the recent shooting in Plymouth.
It’s a young white male “incel”…. Hoorah!!!
Incel – left wing conspiracy theory??
Makes a refreshing change from it being a homicidal knife wielding scientist (whose ethnicity or identity doesn’t need to be known… racist!) or a mentally ill young man of Parking Stanley heritage (whose fanatical belief in his religion and hatred of the west is nothing more than a coincidence… racist!) whose murderous actions we must all make excuses for, and blame ourselves as a society for not doing enough to make these young men feel welcome.
What a load of bollocks.
If a dark-key or a Mudslime had gone on the rampage and gunned down 500 people it would get maybe two lines on the bottom of page 32 and would not even be covered by Al-Beeb or Skyte.
He was obviously mentally ill due to isolation and rejection. Not making excuses for what he did, but he was obviously a mental. Became so bitter he went mental. Obviously, some of us, like me, have never had such problems due to being so devilishly handsome, charming and of course, modest.
Saying incels (involuntary celibates) are terrorists is simply saying ugly blokes are terrorists.
“What? He’s a virgin at 30 because he’s ugly and no cunt will shag him, but he’d love to have a shag? Right. Send the SAS to kill the cunt before he blows up a shopping centre.”
What a load of shite.
Allow me to educate you, cunters. Incel is apparently a FAR-RIGHT MOVEMENT. Hence TERRORIST.
It isn’t an organisation, though, like IS or the Taleban or BLM*. It’s an “underground subculture” consisting of ugly cunts with the wrong attitude to wimminz.
I. Am. Fucking. Terrified.
*Which isn’t a terrorist outfit, Oh, no. You were about to say ‘Portland OR?’ You racist, you.
Ugly 30-year-old virgiins desperate for a shag?
Isn’t that all male feminists ?
‘The trouble with white people going crazy is that they can aim’.
-Some black comedian from the nineties.
I bet that she’s got skid marks.
Condescending bitch.
I’m proud to say that I’ve never heard of this woman or her magazine and rather doubt that it has much of a readership in rural Northumberland.
She looks like a transsexual scaffolder.
She would no doubt be in favour of slavery reparations to the oppressed and disadvantaged comoonities of the UK, and hope to see the vast Fiddler Estate and its antiquities sold off to right these wrongs.
Morning Fiddler/all.
She’ll get my steel toecap up her sluice-pipe if she comes knocking on my (vast) front door looking for c0on-compo.
B&WC was hoping to see a strippers pole installed in the billiards room as part of the refurbishment.
I wonder where that B+W Cunt is ?….Strangeways,Pentonville,Durham ?…..I like to think that he identified himself as a woman and managed to get sent to a female’s prison where he is happily scouting out new recruits for his “massage” parlours by insisting on them sitting on his face while he gives them the tongue-lashing of their lives.
I miss him and that grumpy old Cunt,Bertie.
B&WC still pops up on occasion. Now you’ve mentioned him he’ll pop up. Like a bad penny ?
Last I heard, B&WC was going for a swim. Hopefully his top half is the white half.
Zanny Minton Beddoes. Is it a name for a medical syndrome?
What annoys me so much about these “socialists” who are so “fratefully interested in pushing the socio-economic envelope”, is that if (as it would) all go tits up, they would escape to their little place in the South of France and live the good life – and they would be welcomed as true arse-lickers of the EU. Old Granny Grieve already is.
Like Starmer, it is quite OK to be standing up for minorities, when you know you have millions of pounds to fall back on and a place abroad if you help to fuck British society up.
By the way that old arsewipe Anna Soubry was on Wireless 4’s Any Questions? this week. No chance to “remain” but I wondered, as an ex-Mp now put out to pasture why the BBC wanted her. Well, most questions got a dig at the Conservatives from her, so I imagine they are helping her to receive her revenge ice cold. My Lisa was on it, but without seeing those lovely bouncing big knockers, even she was getting on my nerves a bit.
One shouldn’t be surprised to hear Soubry on the Beeb WC. On occasion they have brodcast pearls of wisdom from Jonathan Aitken and Vickie Price amongst other convicted felons.
First and last line in Komodo’s nom tells you all you need to know; PPE from Oxford and economics as a social “science”. Further comment would be superfluous.
Most economic channels and publications bow to the wokeness to stay in good standing and not have bricks thrown through their front glass but will have some sound information here and there.
‘It says the right things on economic and business matters, e.g. governments should not spend more than they can afford, markets should be free etc.
However, on social issues Zanny preaches gayness, diversity, inclusion, tree hugging etc.’
Neo-liberalism in a nutshell.
No wonder they drool over the EU.
As for free markets being right, I don’t think deregulating the finance industry then bailing it out with taxpayer cash when it fails is that free. I’ve always seen that idea as fantastical as communism, even though i do have libertarian leanings..
As for ‘Zanny being a pet form of Suzanne, only a cunt would come up with that.
It seems to me the biggest advocates of “diversity and equality” are the same ones who will never suffer the results.
Any relation to fucking philo beddoes? ….. left turn clyde!