Yasmin Punshon – Paramedic Attacker

In an effort to trawl through every open sewer to bring to your attention skanky shitty scum, which ought to be placed in chokey till they learn their manners, I offer you this piss-artist charmer:

Woman Slashes face of Paramedic Trying to Help

This trollop violently assaulted two paramedics – after she herself had flagged them down – pulled out the hair of the female and attcked the male with a knife, then like the cowardly whore she is, she ran away.

The police caught her, and she appeared in court. Her reward for her disgusting behaviour? – a very short suspended sentence. Because she was “remorseful”…..

While we have weak magistrates like the one who tried this skank, we might as well not waste time bringing the shit to court – just let their victims retaliate – this dirty looking tart (I don’t know why, – she reminds me of a younger AnalEase, with, I imagine, the same disregard for personal cleanliness) has an ugly face that just demands a really good punch.

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

77 thoughts on “Yasmin Punshon – Paramedic Attacker

  1. I suspect this woman is a crystal meth user. Either that or she is modelling herself on a prospective audition as a hillbilly extra for a remake of Deliverance. Her teeth are pegs – 24 years old?

    Cue duelling banjos…

  2. The courts should be scrapped, they exist only to punish white males’ minor misdemeanours with stiff penalties, whilst setting the real criminals free to do whatever they want.

  3. Community service, spend 3 months working with a team of bin men, that will teach the cunt, when she calls in sick, 6 months added and the cat and 9 tails for the cunt.

  4. She give scum a good name. Our legal ‘system’ will break the country eventually. The cunt needs a long custodial sentence.

  5. Classy looking slag, scummy tattoos, gripping her fags for dear life.
    The justice system is a farce. If it was any other service it could be done under the trades description act, as it often fails it’s duty, and with no consequences for cunts.
    The whole legal aid trough is a well of plenty for these cunts, and barristers, magistrates and judges have the lack of moral decency that a politician would envy.

  6. Pete Burns with tits. Low life scum sucking twat. Seriously, how could any bloke put his nob anywhere near that???

    • With the tattoos, badly-dyed black hair, almost half her teeth awol, and stroppy behaviour, I’d say Essex or Poland.

    • As a citizen of Essex, I freely admit we have our fair-share of scum. However, the case was heard at Teesside magistrates, so assume this happened oop t’north.

    • She Prolly one of the port docker cockers, her last payment, is the pack of fags she clutching, and it fucking obvious she likes it rough.
      Put some stocks on the docks, so all them Merchant Russian Sea-mans after being so long at reading porn mags can just have a free go.

      Ps: Sack should be provided incase the slapper looks round to see what’s up her. don’t want to scare them Russians now do we, seeing what real low life cunt bait they just been mugged off with.

  7. Crack wh ore. 24 going on 70.

    Probably mental to be honest but still…

    …cunts who attack medical professionals that are just trying to help them, should be drowned in a bucket of their own piss in front of their crying families.

    And yes, if this were a bloke he’d have been being bummed by Big Bubba in cell 26 by tea time.

  8. It’s cunts like this that make a social credit score an attractive proposition. She’d be on minus points now and probably confined to her hovel.

    I don’t want a social credit score in this country but I do want consequences for actions. The bleeding heart liberals will blame society for her actions and she will be the victim.

    There must be a point when a persons actions exclude them from benefits and social housing. I can hear the liberals crying that it would make the problem worse for people like her but to them I say your policies have not resolved the problems they have simply made them more numerous and widespread.

    Even scams like her eventually need paramedics, in what way does she have any use in society?

    • Reality of it is, if we did implement a social credit score system over here it would be founded and run by the say limp wristed cunts who currently run the show.

      White Male against illegal immigration? -100 points
      Violent meth head with a sob story? +50

  9. This boils my water hotter than a kettle.
    This my boggles my mind. Why attack someone whom is trying to help?

    I’d be greatful for the help, say thankyou and give them a cake the next day (instant cakes don’t exist) as a thankyou.

    • Of course instant cakes exist, you go to a supermarket or bakery and hey presto! Instant cake.

      • Hello, moggie. 🙂
        I forgot about those Mr Kipling cakes. Of course those cakes exist but not ones that magic out of thin there and then.

        Oh hang on. I sometimes have some cake in my napsack in case of emergencies. Hehe 🙂

  10. Wow this cunt has a look that tells a story of a lifetime of bad decisions. Her twat probably looks like a heap of roadkill run over with a bicycle tire.

  11. I don’t know whom I have more contempt for, her, or the judges that let the cunt walk free. In fact, I’d like to know the name of the judge, just in case I get called to them. They’ll find my services as helpful to them, as they are to justice.

    Absolute fucking vermin. Needs to be ‘Educated’ with an O2 cylinder.

      • SV@ – “Care in the community” (IE shut all the mental health institutions and turf the patients out on the street) was a Thatcher brainwave.

      • Just clicked on the link. I’d fuck her based on that link’s pic. What the fuck has happened to her since then? Looking at her now, I definitely wouldn’t.

        Wonder if she’s been picked up by ROPers. That’s a quick way to getting like that.… anyway fuck her… (figuratively)

      • Makeup is literally voodoo. I knew a bird once that looked like a 10 in her makeup and a 4 without.

      • @Cunt Dreamboat – I never trusted them George & Mildred cunts either. Always knew the truth would come out about the Ropers.

      • The best part about this article is the cousin of the cunt has posted in the article comments how glad he is that she’s safe.

    • DCI@ – mandatory prison sentence for all who assault emergency responders – no ifs, no fucking buts – JAIL!
      If it’s a mental health issue then it should be flagged and mandatory police attendance – no cops, no show.
      And sack the cunt “Judges” who let these people off with a slap on the wrist.
      I had some damn fool accost me with a blade, luckily it stuck in my hand instead of my face.
      I did not waste time bothering the police with such nonsense, I just reminded the dirty junky to sit down and have a think about his behaviour.
      He took my kindly advice on board, and left to start a new life far away ?

    • When I saw the pic I could have sworn it was a bloke.

      Yasmin Punshon hmmmm, great English name. Fucking send her back from where this slop bucket originated from – don’t even care if she was born here, reckon her family are Eastern European, Turkish or similar.


      • I hadn’t looked at pic more than a glance but having had a closer look I’m detecting a mansformer too. Yasmin Wasman

  12. What the fuck is wrong with the legal system in this country?
    I’d give the cunt a VERY short suspended sentence…

      • Always remember my brother referring to the CPS as the Criminal Protection Service

      • Outsource our prison services to China or India. They make ours look like a fucking Sandals resort in comparison. You’d have three weeks in the rusty hold of an old cargo ship to get a small idea of what’s in store. Minimum sentence 18 months, no mitigating circumstances, no judges, if found guilty you get the sentence that is levied on that particular crime. Murder means bye bye, be it a sparkly chair or the key thrown away.

  13. The SNP want to open nice cosy drug rooms to keep the meth junkies nice & comfy so they won’t get all aggy with the public.

    I’d throw away the key as I consider knife attack attempted murder. It’s not like any of these cunts could show a court they had surgical qualifications they could rely on to claim they knew their blade entry point wouldn’t be lethal.

  14. Nothing to do with AnalEase’s sister here, but heard earlier on the Wireless 4 news that a planeload of foreign criminal illegal immigrants due to be flown out last night was reduced to 7, because their shitstained “lawyers” got the rest released due to some of them being “relatives from the windrush generation” – they are, apparently, immune from prosecution (?) or suffering from Covid.

    This was the planeload of scum that Diane Abbott was worrying about all last weekend .

    • Think Talkradio news said it was a flight of 50 that left with only 11 on board.

      Fucking criminal. I think they load them on the plane and remove them just at the last minute to fuck us all off even more.

      How the fuck a decision can be made to remove them just minutes before take off but bizarrely never minutes after the take off is pure sinister. I sense forces of evil at work.

    • The UK is a joke, can’t deport foreign criminals, can’t deport illegal immigrants.
      Relatives of Windrush, fuck Windrush, cunts!!

    • I’d stick them on a old rusty C-130 and then stinger missile the cunts (over the sea of course)

  15. One of my sisters mother in law’s friends was given a horrible time by the police in Brighton. A 70 year old white male, who was kind and caring by all that knew him by all accounts. An antique gun dealer, who had a licence for every gun he had, apart from one, which was in several pieces. Served in the British army with distinction, and has never committed a crime in his life.

    Police extremely heavy handed and told him he would serve a minimum of 5 years in prison.

    By all accounts he was petrified at the prospect of serving a prison sentence he topped himself a couple of days later.

    An elderly white British male, an easy target for the police

    Inquest as to the circumstances surrounding his death began on a Monday.

    • That is as heartbreaking as it is infuriating. Meanwhile, cunts argue about whether stop and search is profiling.

    • More evidence for anyone believing the police are there to protect & serve.

      Never forget the recent incudent where they held an elderly pensioner accused of murder when he defended himself against pie key burglar scum.

      They always pick the low hanging fruit.

    • Sussex police have a reputation for picking soft crimes to enforce while letting travellers steal and trespass.

      Useless cunts.

  16. Drinking and using illegal drugs, that’s OK then?? Blow torch the bitches face.

  17. This ugly slag is probably a satanist with a Manson fetish. I also have no doubt that this psychotic witch will end up doing ‘community service’ in some charity shop, where some poor cunt who has never committed a crime in their lives will have to work with this bitch and make her cups of tea. They should spit in it.

  18. More filth of the underclass.

    Put it work in a Welsh slate quarry on 18 hr shifts or send it to Unkle Terry.

  19. I reckon the filthy skanky crack-whore gave the judge a gummy blow job ….and Hepatitis B and C.

    • How could they give this piece of crap a suspended sentence? What kind of deterrent is that? She ought to be deported, even if she’s British.

      • To the South Atlantic in winter.

        (To clarify: not the Falklands, just the South Atlantic.)

  20. How I’d love to read that this piece of human filth had been arse raped and eaten by a pack of wild dogs.
    Or, alternatively, had a couple of litres of Frosty Jack poured down her throat and been given a very large shot of Ketamine, by an upstanding citizen with a sense of social justice.
    Get To Fuck.

  21. I am surprised that there aren’t a few terminally ill decent people who haven’t decided to go out in a blaze of glory and clean up scum like this…

    • ‘ I’m sorry to tell you, Mr. Cunter, that you’ve only six months to live ‘
      Killing spree.

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