Western Policy Towards Afghanistan

They were the good guys in The Living Daylights though…

(A hugely popular topic among the cunters – Day Admin)

That sounds more academic than I mean. I’m not an army person just a layman.
But it seems to me as a layman the West is laying down its arms and fucking off at an awfully rapid speed. Leaving a scene of absolute chaos.

How quickly the Taliban have moved in -everday I see on my newsfeed another town gone, another district under threat. I think the Taliban actually hold many provinces already. It’s only a matter of time surely before they have the whole country under their rule again.

But wasn’t the war on terror about dismantling terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and similar countries in the region. Have we given up on that idea?

Where is the Afghan army in all this? Where are all the ‘government forces’ that we spent so much time and money training? I thought they would be far superior to the Talliban forces equipped to the nines with the latest military gear and tech like the Americans.

Could it be argued we have abandoned the Afghan people? Nobody’s saying anything. Boris? No Biden? No. Just let the thing go it seems.

The only issue is whether we abandon the Afghan interpreters or grant them asylum. And that’s it. No more debate, no more assessments.

But what about all the coffins returning to RAF Lynenam a few years back. Then the cortege through Wootton Bassett. It went on week after week……what for?
Oh well they did their duty.

Nominated by – Miles Plastic


And more from – Sick of It

After years of interventions and billions of dollars poured into this shit hole, the US, Uk have achieved fuck all. In just a few weeks the Taliban are back ‘capturing’ cities and areas all over the shit hole.

‘Government’ forces are getting nowhere, the country will be back to the same shit it was before the US moved in.
What sort of country in the 21st century still have Warlords ffs

The UK have advised all Brits to get the fuck out ASAP, who would want be there in the first place.



And this from Sixdog Vomit

The US and UK governments for Afghanistan.

How many UK and US troops have been killed and maimed over the last 20 years? If we had left a stable government capable of holding sway maybe something would have been achieved. Instead we leave the Taliban ready to take over where they left off and the country in the shit.

As I type this the Taliban are taking strategic towns and cities faster than a scouse amateur mechanic can get your car up in bricks.

Some estimates put the cost to the UK at 37 billion.


454 Brit service personnel have died there.


How many have suffered life changing physical injuries I don’t know let alone how many have been left traumatised.

Worse still all this was predictable, no one wins a long term fight with the Afghan warlords let alone the insanity of Islamic fighters who think dying is a reward in itself.

There are a generation of Afghans who believed that the western way was a better way of life and they are going to be made to suffer by the Taliban in unthinkable ways.

Oddly the BBC have no issues getting interviews with these spawn of Satan murderous fanatics.


Inevitably some afghans are going to head our way as refugees in genuine fear of their lives and I don’t blame them, I think we (our government) owes them something.

Also inevitably some of the refugees will be fanatics intent on murder once they get here.

I wonder what Tony Blair has to say on the matter, this was your baby, your bastard love child with Bush.


And yet more.. – Technocunt

With US and UK armed forces pulling out of Afghanistan after 20 odd years of trying to keep the peace, and failing, it made me wonder what exactly is the point of the West getting involved in any future conflicts?

I do realise that some wars – such as the Gulf/Kuwait wars of the early 90s – were probably more to do with the West’s interests in oil than the oppression of innocent civilians.

But by the same token it seems no one likes the West and there have been many calls for the West to keep out of other countries affairs. Moreover, the Left will always demonise the West for getting involved in other people’s conflicts purely out of self interest – especially to do with oil and of course Israel.

Therefore, wouldn’t it be interesting if NATO, the US, the UK and EU armed forces all agreed to keep out of conflicts, and let those countries sort out their own shit. Yes, it may mean thousands of civilian deaths, but fuck it, not our problem!

But you just know those same liberal woke cunts will moan the West isn’t doing enough to help the destitute (no doubt pulling the race card when its appropriate).

Therefore, the West can’t win. If we do get involved, the Left will moan. If we don’t get involved, ditto!

However, given that Sniffer Biden is now the Commander-in-Chief, it will be interesting what he does in terms of current and future conflicts, and how the Left will react to it.


And another, this time from lord benny(not quite deceased, but close)

Well lets face it, its a shit, always been one always will be.
So lets look at the current “Issue’s”……..they are falling apart and shitting bricks.
After 20 years of western intervention (in that period most of the current front line troops will have been born) They have learnt fuck all.

Tribal in fighting, major corruption, Drugs, rogering livestock and little boys, No nothing has changed has it.

Yet for the past couple of days all I have heard on the radio is bleating complaints that they have been abandoned.

FFS! I had 12 years of school education and 3 months military training, they had 20 years, 20 years of having their arses wiped and protected now its gone, all those nice guns and vehicles, the pointless training? fuck that they are dropping the lot an legging it, and its our fault?

No bollocks, I have had enough, they need to sort their shit out and NO you fucking stay there and sort it out, don’t come knocking on my door because you cant be arsed to protect your own.

Guess what? Here’s yet another, Lord of the Rings

Afghanistan (and World governments)

Russia, USA, the UK. Their governments have all sent young men (and;women) into this corrupt shithole of waring tribesmen, each trying to out cunt other.

Thousands of soldiers, some were conscripted (Russians), some wanted to serve their country; maybe learn something for a job (UK), some just signed on the dotted because it’s the only job offer they were likely to get (USA & UK). Sent to be shot at, blown up, never knowing friend from foe, from simple bystander. Lose a foot, a leg, a hand, an arm, an eye, a kidney, or maybe your life.

And all for what ? Fuck all – no change, no point, no sense. The only reason the Afghan tribesmen stopped killing each other and; the general population, was because other countries politicians kindly supplied men in easily identifiable uniforms (with flags on the helmets) to be used for target practice.

Afghans have been fighting and killing each other for centuries – and they aren’t gonna stop now.

Politicians are Cunts and don’t give a fuck about the soldiers they send to die.
Make it law – if they vote to send troops, their kids have to suit up and join the army. Maybe then they’d give a flying fuck.

103 thoughts on “Western Policy Towards Afghanistan

  1. I would love to send all the Woke libtards, the XR protestors, the BLM moaners, the Gretas and Sparkletits; the virtue signalling Hollywood and Islington celebs and other assorted cunts out to deepest Afghanistan for a 12 month tour of duty, and see how brutal the real world is from their cosseted little bubble back home!

    Do your shouty protesting and finger-pointing in Kabul or Kandahar. Front up to the Taliban and tell them they’re killing innocent people (mostly BAMEs), sexually abusing women & children. Remind them they need to go green in order to save the planet. Oh and the Taliban really do need more diversity, especially from the LBGT+ groups. And be sure they get their gender pronouns right otherwise it will be a hate crime, and plod will be knocking on their doors, pronto!

    But of course it will never happen. Instead those very same cunts will take to the streets of good old Londonistab, or whinge on Twatter proclaiming its all the West’s fault, especially whitey and its colonial past.

    Yeah, and go tell that to relatives of soldiers killed in action, or seriously injured trying to defend the innocent in Afghanistan. Tell that to the troops suffering from REAL mental health issues.

    As for the politicians and their bullshit sadness – fuck them all!

    • The whole escapade stank of corruption back in 2002.
      Hundreds of servicemen dead and billions spent.
      All to meddle in some flyblown sewer.
      Politicians are vermin.

    • The Russians left years ago – they knew they were fucked. Pity the US & UK didn`t learn a lesson there. Nuke the lot of them, Boris – now`s the time!

  2. A complete fuckin nightmare.
    The opium poppies will bloom in the new Taliban caliphate,
    International terrorists will flock there knowing no extradition for crimes committed.
    Training camps in jihadi attacks
    Itll be like Bradford.
    The yanks couldn’t tame it
    The soviets couldn’t tame it.
    Only option not tested is to nuke it.
    Any decisions Boris makes id suggest do otherwise.

    • At some point in the near future we have to spend a ridiculous amount of cash decommissioning our current stockpile of nuclear missiles, it would be much cheaper to fire a couple at the place. It would solve a few problems, and cause a worldwide shortage of heroin, which can’t be bad.

  3. 6 well constructed and apt cuntings which about sums the outrageous fucking debacle that was the ‘war on terror’

    Couple of my old school friends (one Army one Royal Marine) were sent out there at one point but managed to come back in one piece, thankfully.

    Nothing more to add.

    Good Morning and Allahu Akbar.

  4. I watched an interview with Tim Marshall, he seemed to know what he was talking about, he was asked why he thought that the Afghan army weren’t able to stop the Taliban.
    He mentioned watching a training session of Afghan recruits, out of thirty 10 were asleep, 10 were staring into space, basically they had no fucking interest. He also mentioned the differences in the various regions including different languages, the place is tribal, soldiers from one area aren’t interested in fighting for people of a different area.
    When the Taliban take over the shitshow will be divided up in regions with Islamic law administered by whichever ‘warlord’ has power in that region.

    The country is fucked.

    • As I say later leave them to it. They are tapping in the past and cannot grasp modern concepts like civilisation, progress, modern medicine,science. Fuck em.

  5. Another weapons grade fuck up by the allies in uselessness. The long march of Islamic extremism allowed to take another giant leap forward. Meanwhile, the Chinkies are love bombing the murderous cunts. And we are scared of Covid 19, weather, and hurty words. We are so fucked.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Morning 20.
      I think all along weve taken the wrong approach.
      Sticking our nose in, worried about them etc.
      Fuck that.
      Think like we used to in days of Empire!
      How can we exploit the situation for our benefit?
      How can we gain from it?
      Cant all be dust, rocks, and angry ragheads,
      Has it got mineral wealth?
      If so, how can we steal it?
      Can we broker a deal to dump dinghy sailors there?
      Its just a matter of outlook.
      Unfortunately our political classes have been to posh schools.
      Hence why theyre thick as fuck.

      • Genius. Let the locals kill each other in the major towns and cities. We rob their natural resources and dump our undesirables there, possibly even employ them to dig mines etc. Fantastic!

      • Morning, MNC. I agree. Sound foreign policy and wokeism are mutually exclusive. The world is a big bad place and the biggest and baddest cunt will always fuck over the rest. Richard the Lionheart knew this.

  6. The time has come to put the people of Afghanistan out of their misery (and ours) by deploying Trident.

  7. If I was in charge of Western Policy towards Afghanistan, I’d close down all the mosques in the West. Then I’d send anyone who ever attended any of them to Afghanistan, whether they had any Afghan heritage or not. That would sort things out at this end. Not sure about Afghanistan’s end but fuck’em.

  8. Either sealing this shit hole off from the outside world, not letting anyone out or in, or nuclear annihilation are the only two options left. We and the US have wasted lives and countless hundreds of billions of currency on this uncontrollable dump and there clearly isn’t the will to do it all again. We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t anyway. Being the worlds police force since 1945 has achieved what for us? Fuck all. Not an ounce of thanks, loss of life, loss of money and the dawning realisation that the days when we could just turn up and sort out the fuzzy wuzzies are long gone.
    The left are a joke. One minute we’re white supremacists who can’t keep our noses out, the next we’re not doing enough. As for Boris, if Marcus Rashford can make him u turn, fuck knows what he’ll decide.

  9. The whole intervention was based on impotent American rage.
    Islamic terrorism in New York?
    Unforgivable but the warning signs had been there for years,indeed Clinton had the option to drop a cruise missile on Bin Laden at his camp in Afghanistan long before 9/11 but shat himself.
    Revenge against a few terrorist training camps was never going to be sufficient revenge.
    Afghanistan and Iraq were easy targets.
    The whole military operation was a complete disaster.
    It has been evident for well over a decade that despite the immense military and financial outlay to prop up some of the most inept and corrupt Afghan politicians you are ever likely to see that it was doomed to utter failure.
    A waste of time money and lives.
    A disgrace.
    A shambles.
    A shithole.

    Churchill was right,just drop mustard gas on the cunts.

  10. Fuckwit Boris will probably introduce an Afghan Tax to help pay for the billions spent on defending the country.

    It will follow the various proposed green taxes, Covid taxes, a Migrant Dinghy Express tax and probably a HS2 tax on top.

  11. Britain lost in Afghanistan in the 1840s; then in thr 1880s; now we’ve been defeated again.

  12. Like when everyone laughs at the playground bully, they lash out at who they perceive is the weakest first. That was how the US reacted after 9/11.

  13. Don’t these cunts of politicians ever check their history.
    Britain got their arses kicked in the First Afghan War in 1842 and had a terrible retreat from Kabul.
    Various other battles during the 19th century.
    Soviet Russia getting a kicking and now this.
    If the ragheads are not fighting invaders they will be fighting each other.
    Instant Sunshine is the answer, turn the whole area to glass.

  14. A basket case of a country and we should never have got involved.

    It is a shame for many living their but they need to sort it out themselves,not bring their tribal bollocks over here.

    If I were into conspiracies, I’d say Stairlift Joe is doing this to create millions of uncontrollable and useless ‘refugees’ to create more chaos for the west.

    They’re all coming over here. The red carpet is at the ready, I’m sure.

    • There’s a large signpost in Kabul which points towards Europe and it says in Arabic… “England 3’600 miles. Land of milk, honey, benefits, free house and pre-pubescent girls”

    • “…I’d say Stairlift Joe is doing this to create millions of uncontrollable and useless ‘refugees’ to create more chaos for the west.”
      Precisely, but Stanna Joe has NO say in the matter whatsoever. In their own words – “Ishmael (islam) will be the ‘broom of Israel’ which will sweep Europe clean.”

  15. Of all the world’s shitholes, Afghanistan has to be the biggest. When are we ever going to learn to keep out and just let the cunts get on with it?

    • I don’t know about that, Ron: South Sudan could provide stiff competition for that dubious distinction, as could such fly-blown toilets as Chad, Mozambique, Niger, Congo &c. Albania, Mongolia, and parts of China are inherently pretty crap too and up there in the “big league”.

      At least Afghanistan has magnificently majestic mountain scenery, the locals tend to be good at backgammon and you can get a decent haircut and shave (assuming you don’t get your throat slit first).

  16. Just leave the goat worriers to it. They’ll never stop. Let them rot in their sandpit and set up huge border protection to keep them in.
    The cunts don’t want peace so fuck them.

    • We should offer all the goats in Afghanistan asylum in this green and pleasant land- they don’t deserve what is in store for them.

  17. The Left will probably insist millions of Afghan refugees should be allowed to seek refuge here in Britain given that it’s our civil duty.

    Add to that the millions pouring out of Syria and other Middle Eastern countries due to conflicts, along with civil wars in Africa, and the proposed 3 million Hong Kongese that will also be allowed to settle here, I rather think things might get a little cramped in some of our bigger towns and cities! (apart from Islington, Kensington, Mayfair and various countryside retreats of course)

  18. The allies smashed the ideology of Nazism,smashed Germany and stood on the Rhine for forty yeas to make sure it didnt return. We on the other hand have let Islam invade our once settled country. What happens in Afghanistan is irrelevant.

    • @Smugcunt

      I agree with your post.

      I doubt though that we the people of the UK, past generations and present, allowed or welcomed Islam into the country. (bar the odd rabble of ill informed bed wetting happy clappy wankers of course)

      The decision to inflict Islam on us was made for us and is still being made for us by our betters – the political class.

      Any opposition to a barbaric, totalitarian, paedophile cult coming to these shores is racist remember.

      A shower of treacherous cunts.

  19. Still trying to work out my feelings on this as I spent a happy tour there like a few others on here I’m sure.

    At the moment my chief dread is who the UK and US will let into their countries as it becomes last chopper out of Saigon all over again.

    Most Afghans I know in the UK are alright (none so far have been convicted of grooming but I’m not holding my breath) being fully aware of what an absolute shit-hole they’ve escaped from. They are too happy with McDonalds and freeview porn to bother anybody and most drink and smoke on the sly as to do otherwise is just retar ded.

    Their kids on the other hand are an absolute concern, especially when they start mixing with Bengali and Stanley mutts in the local comprehensives. As soon as they grow their pubescent tasches they are lecturing one and all on the evils of the West.

    Our moronic MPs will welcome hundreds of thousands of these medieval peasants, like Techno and others say, as if it was somehow our duty. I risked life and limb to keep the cunts away from here, so I and many other thought.

    Glad I’m out now. At least I was able to buy my first car, so some good came out of the war.

  20. One thing to think about is next month is the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and really what has the west accomplished in 20 years? Lots of deaths on both sides and it’s being reset to square one.

  21. Another legacy of Phoney Tony we are going to pay for, besides the ones who have already paid with their lives. I remember not one government minister ever attended the return of the bodies or a single funeral. But they did have filthy Peacefuls on British streets shouting abuse as their coffins passed and the coppers did fuck all as usual.
    Thousands of fighting age bottlers are crossing into Pakistan right now. We all know where they will be heading, we all know the EU are going to help them on their way, we all know the wokies will welcome them with open arms and we all know we are fucked. Truly fucked.

  22. Having started the job, the US and the UK should have seen it through to the finish. Withdrawing sends out a number of messages to the West’s enemies – 1) the West does not have the power of its convictions; 2) the West is weak, militarily and intellectually; 3) having burnt its fingers, the West is unlikely to intervene again.

    The Russians and Chinese will take heart. Particularly the latter with Taiwan in its sights.

  23. This could bring down Joe Biden. The US Veterans will not forget.

    Has anyone thought that the Afghans might like the Taliban? That’s why they’ve took hold so easily. It’s tribal warfare out there. The women and children mixed up in are “unfortunate”, but if that’s what they want then let them. The yanks would have made it very difficult for Taliban insurgents if they’d opened fast food joints everywhere, build detect roads, opened a few malls and killed more Taliban supporters.

    There is no politician or general that says as General Curtis LeMay said in WW2, “If you kill enough of them they’ll stop fighting”.

    • Yeah, but no, but yeah… They did try building stuff, but found that the Taleban were generally in advance of their planning.
      Yes, the Taleban had the huge advantages of not being foreigners, and of being pious Muslims who understood the tribal setup. That popularity contest never happened. Better the shaitan you know!

      And if the West had spent a bit more time out of Bagram, it would have been shot at more. (Helmand was an eerie replay of Basra for the Brits. Hey, Sarge, they’re waving at us…*bang*.)

      If Blair had read and understood Eric Newby’s “A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush”, he would have recognised that his slippery, untrustworthy, lying equals inhabited Panjshir, and might not have wished to disturb them.

  24. Effectively, we’ve given the Taleban the control they want, by weakening, undermining and subverting the other warlords. Well done us. MInd you, I don’t envy the Taleban the job of keeping the country (or, rather the tribal area randomly outlined by the Raj’s mapmakers) together in any sense. Nor do I envy the Afghans, who may speedily come to wish the Westerners were back. If so, I hope we’re not cunt enough to return.

    Our involvement in the first place was a Blair clusterfuck designed to support a ChimpBush* clusterfuck based, as far as I can tell, on the notion that the Taleban were hosting OBL – there are other versions of this rationalisation. Where was OBL assassinated? Pakistan, and not even out in the frontier sticks. IS had no central location, they were and are wherever a few ideologist cunts with guns are. The whole thing was based on a colossal misreading of the situation. And unlearned lessons, like “on home ground and in trackless country, savvy locals will make an utter cunt of mechanised Western forces”

    The Great Game will continue, however. A blast from the past for CS here…


    *Distinguishing that Bush from its father, whom it was possible to respect.

    • Bush senior and Schwarzkopf knew that after expelling Iraq from Kuwait there shouldn’t be an invasion of Iraq, as it would completely destabilise the region.
      It’s a shame he didn’t have that conversation with his retarded son….

    • Not a blast from the past for me, Flora, but from a few years before I knew about CM’s blog. Like many, I first became aware of it due to his “coverage” of Skripal. My fascination with the blog rapidly waned, as it isn’t funny, it’s full of puffed-up nutters, and I’m not remotely interested in Scotland.

      I’ve also not read any of his books – and don’t intend to start now. I’m not especially interested in the topics and his writing style is unrewarding, to be polite.

      Of greater relevance to this nom, however, I met Murray briefly in January 2003 when TB had recalled all his Ambassadors to London for his famous¹ “fireside chat” about WMD. I was selling my LHD car to one of them (not Craig), whom I’d got to know in Turkey. There was quite a lot of resentment and animosity towards TB, not least because there was a (wholly justified) feeling he was effectively “telling grandmother how to suck eggs²”.

      Two months later, I was happily ensconced learning Mandarin³ in Beijing and watching the drumroll to “Shock and Awe” unfold on CCTV. This anti-US state propaganda consisted mostly of completely surreal 2 minute computer-generated videos of Bush (Junior) dressed in blood-stained khaki US Army uniform, releasing hundreds of white doves from his hands to the backing of the tune “mo li hua”.

      Memorable times, but I’m certainly very happy not to be involved in that life any more.

      ¹ famous-ish: the existence of this rather private “conference of the Ambassadors” was made public by Peter Hennessy a few years later, although he didn’t go into much detail about it.

      ² the exact words of the friend I was selling the Volvo to. Like most, he was pretty pissed off, as it had no bearing on his posting, although he did comment that “at least (TB) wrote the fkn speech himself”. Notably, TB said “anyone who thinks Saddam doesn’t have WMD needs his head examining”, which didn’t go down too well.
      Most of the gathered ambos were also pissed off at having their Christmas/New Year plans messed up by having to be in London at short notice in very early Jan to hear TB’s bollocks.

      ³ not for long though. In April all non-essential diplomatically accredited staff were evacuated back to UK due to SARS. The all-clear came a month later (unlike SARS II/covid-19) and I was back learning Mandarin in May.

      • That was meant as a reply to your reference to C(aught) S(pamming) and C(raig) M(urray) in your comment at 11:06, and little else.

        There is much that I could add about this topic in its broader context, mostly from what I learned during my time in Turkey 20+ years ago (specifically about UBL and the lead-up to 9/11¹… but more generally the scale of drug trafficking through TC in the late 1990s, and the importance of those revenues for the Taleban)… but I suspect it would be a little unwise to do so here.

        Luckily, there’s plenty to keep you busy on the www, as you seem already to have found. The trick is to sort the wheat from the chaff and avoid “confirmation bias”. The latter may prove impossibly challenging.

        ¹ I left Ankara for Belgrade exactly two weeks after 9/11 and was perhaps more interested in this stuff than most (at that time). Not so much now. Suffice to say that:
        1) the inconvenience of having your vehicle checked for explosives when entering the Embassy compound, often several times daily, did rather pique one’s interest as to what was going on “behind the scenes”
        2) being a London-accredited DS worker and being fully immersed in that world for 3½ years gave me “unusual” access to (a little of) that information.

        As said, memorable times.

  25. On a Twitter thread yesterday:

    Person A “This Tory government is worse than the Taliban”
    Person B “Why don’t you go to Afghanistan to find out?”

    • I get the same thought every time I see them called fascists or Nazis. Such a poor grip on history or reality.

  26. A dusty fly blown graveyard of good intentions, a perpetual reminder that some people will attack democracy like antibodies. I feel sorry for the women, as they are all fucked when these cunts inevitably regain what passes for power, as the men seem happy to make the Amish look space age.
    The Russians couldn’t do it, and they didn’t give a fuck for human rights or what we call collateral damage. We thought we could do better, with far more carrot than stick, but the savages that make up the taleban just played the long game and won.

    • Excellently put GJ. The biggest question I have is:
      How should things be handled? The question of wether we should be there or not Is pointless. We are there and what is the proper way to handle the situation? I literally have no fucking idea.

      • “…what is the proper way to handle the situation? I literally have no fucking idea.”

        Well… it’s now clear that there is no military solution. A working definition of insanity is to repeat the same actions whilst expecting different results every time.

        Second thing would be for the American public to realise that its government/congress is not there to serve or protect them but merely the place where the military industrial complex, organised crime, foreign lobby groups and international finace meet to accrue and distribute Americans’ wealth amongst themselves.
        That requires control of the media which will not be freely relinquished therefore it must be done via law so…

        Third, force ALL foreign lobby agents to register as such under F.A.R.A. Membership or known support of these lobbies would disbarr them from holding any government or influential media positions.

        Fourth, Israel must be hauled onto the diplomatic carpet and read the Riot Act with full hairdryer! Enough already, the game’s up, not one more American/British/Russian etc etc will die for your pre-planned proxy wars. There will be no more ‘technology sharing’, no more weapons for you to flog onwards to these mentalists and you can kiss goodbye to the $3,500,000,000 p/a you extract from the US tax payer.

        So show me a senator or congressman prepared to broach such a suggestion…. and you can’t. They don’t exist. Maybe because Jonathan Pollard gave them the means to deploy their threatened Samson Option, they’re certainly crazy enough to do it. Could never understand how Trump could possibly ‘pardon’ Pollard just before he cleared his desk. And then Sheldon Adleson flew the cunt back in his private jet!! f.f.s.
        “Trust the plan patriots!” ??????????

  27. I’ve written a post about this on my blog. It’s scheduled for tomorrow.

    The Yanks have spent $2.4trillion ($2,400,000,000,000) on this shitheap. Imagine what good that money could have done.

    • That sure is a huge amount of money and it probably could have solved America’s homeless problem, for example. No idea what that the spend breakdown is – perhaps you cover that on your upcoming blog post?

      For some reason I suspect the fair share of it went on humanitarian stuff like rebuilding and shows of force rather than actually annihilating the Taliban? Not that it was an easy job; not like the enemy wore a uniform waving a big flag saying we are here. Still I seem to get the impression that it was a kid gloves affair. More than happy to stand corrected as I’m the first to admit I did not follow this closely at al.

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