10 years ago and no one had heard of the woke. Yes, they were probably known back then as SJWs or virtue signallers, but were generally considered to be a troublesome minority wanting to overthrow the world via social media.
10 years on, and with the help of the death of Chicken George, the appalling indiscretions of Jeffrey Epstein and the #MeToo movement back in 2017, we now have a situation where the Woke really are overthrowing the western world, not least with digital media (TV in particular), social media, and corporate business (the largest corporations in the world, have all gone Woke).
Even in schools, libraries, museums, restaurants and other public buildings, the Woke have had their mucky finger prints over all manner of things, not least on gender pronouns, racisms, and the various familiar “…phobias”
Exactly how was this allowed to happen? Why have the powers-that-be just sat idly by and let neoliberal thinking dictate how the majority should behave? And why is the silent majority accepting all of this? And more importantly how can we push the Woke back into their little box?
They talk about freedom of speech. But we all know that that is utter bullshit. You cannot say, write or even look at something without being questioned about your motives. Say or do something out of turn, and all of a sudden your world is turned upside down by the Woke.
Clearly the younger generation probably don’t know any better, and will be brainwashed by the Woke to follow their lead. The older generation are part of their problem, but no doubt they will be wishing that over the next 10 years or so there will be fewer and fewer old cunts to get in the way of their progressive “democracy”.
My questions really are though: What life will be like in 10 or 20 years time under their progressive/tyrannical rule? How do we stop the Woke? Is it now too late? Or are we too old enough to give a shit!?
Nominated by: Technocunt
If it ain’t woke don’t fix it.
Some Yank is being howled down for suggesting that Islam is not a religion of peace. She is backed by actual worldwide evidence. But the woke, as with biology and black criminality deny any evidence that doesnt suit their agenda.
Woke mantra- ‘Don’t present me with the facts, my mind is made up’.
Islam and woke are very similar. No deviation from doctrine,no forgiveness of sin, and death to apostates. The woke would have no chance in Afghanistan however.
All religion means death. Look at the history ot it, catoliks and prods, sheeit and sunni…… all cunts. God must be a psychopathically hilarious . Wokism is a religion so they can get to fuck as well, cunts.
Plain speaking world leaders would help, but there aren’t any
People will eventually tire of it I hope
The latest Tarantino movie ‘once upon a time in Hollywood ‘ was refreshing as it certainly wasn’t woke
Of course he had to go back to the early seventies to portray
The hatred of hippies by the majority was interesting
You couldn’t show that if it were set in today’s world as every cunt would be up in arms about the message
Problem is that the “Woke” are absolutely certifiably insane or at best, plain fucking stupid.
As Mark Twain once said “never argue with idiots because they’ll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Avoid the woke by avoiding most telly and media etc and stick with more like minded people.
Not easy but is the only way to avoid this bollocks and these cunts.
Ex KGB man Yuri Bezmenov’s lectures from decades ago, forewarning of woke/globalist/communist or whatever else forms of tyranny through the academic avenues and the social demoralisation of a population make interesting listening.
That’s very much where we are as a culture in 2021.
Yes it seems he was right
I would find it difficult to employ certain types of people nowadays
I would end up to my tits in trouble with their sensitivity
Did he not call the various lefties in institutions (teachers, doctors etc.) as “useful idiots”. Once the Cold War ended, he was also surprised how effectively they had infiltrated and indoctrinated the West.
Listening to the Lotus Eaters yesterday and they raised in interesting point. 20 years ago the left was protesting the Iraq war, 10 years ago they were protesting the bankers. Now the left are tied up in identity politics and on the side of virtue signalling mega corporations. Is the left being fed to itself, have they been infiltrated to take their focus off the very corporate criminals they now seem to March for?
Interesting theory?
Interesting theory, and one which seems to be gaining traction. Led Zeppelins posted this link on the Fukuyama thread:
As some on the left have long realised, Fukuyama was performing an ideological sleight of hand. Is “western liberal democracy”, as he argued, really an application of the principles of the French revolution? Or is it in fact a way of cloaking rightwing politics in benignly incontestable disguise? “Man’s universal right to freedom” sounds inspiring, but if you are on the right it is another way of saying economic liberalism. Besides, even that is a fiction: capitalism pretends to love free markets; in reality, it rigs markets for elites.
Follow the money, though. Unifying the woke groupthink really reduces the amount of work needed to sell to diverse groups having different requirements. Global corporates and the woke ‘culture’ – or lack of it – work hand in hand, and are equal partners. With the eager help of a politico-economic class which suppresses real radicalism – of Left and Right alike – at every turn.
If only Trump had been a real radical…
There is also a school of hard left thought in the US that regard the Woke as a front for corporate America. They argue that the Democrats and their ilk are fake middle class radicals using racial grievances to distract people from the iniquities of capitalism. I don’t agree but I can see their point.
”the class issue has actually been successfully resolved in the west … the egalitarianism of modern America represents the essential achievement of the classless society envisioned by Marx.” This was a highly tendentious claim even in 1989.
Too fucking right. It is an absurd claim. Fukuyama seems to have been entirely out of touch with the lives of ordinary people.
Hopefully it will eventually die out from the sheer boredom of the majority. Let’s face it, the sanctimonious cunts are the most boring people in the world.
Aye, roll on the next lunatic fad. But the problem then will be undoing the damage done by and the institutional structures created round this shit. It’s already embedded so deeply in education, social services, even the police, that it will be a struggle to push them back to, say, 1980 values.
Being a 51 year old bricklayer who is supposed to be the most right wing thick fucking thug, I find the problem to be people being employed in the office environment. Full of parkings and ghey. I would happily employ the ghey/LGBT/people of colour community. The construction industry is so fucking racist.
No time for wokery. It is ignored on all levels by this eternally grumpy cunt.
I was once a very patient and tolerant person, but wokery and the likes of XR and BLM have erased all that and replaced said serenity with a very short fuse, a racist view of the younger of the generations and utter intolerance of the woke. Woebetide one of the cunts ever gets in my face. They’ll know exactly what this now bad tempered old cunt really thinks of them.
Right on brother/sister/they.
‘Brother’ acceptable, although I’m no longer in a Union. Im a definite him! ‘They’ can go get fucked by whichever means ‘they’ choose .
Excellent Cunting, Technocunt. Probably one of the most important cuntings on here ever.
A small minority of fanatics seem to have captured the West. They have been at work in the universities and schools for decades where they have managed to brain wash their charges.
I think a lot of it is down to skilful use of social media where they have made themselves appear to be the majority. They have been abetted by spineless cowards in government and the institutions and abetted by craven corporate interests keen to jump on the band wagon to increase sales.
Instead of a nation or community, the Woke have given us competing communities motivated by racial grievances. What makes it strong is the willingness of governments, politicians, universities, museums, churches and libraries to get on board with the program.
Someone needs to make a stand. No one in the government seems to be doing so. Unless they do it will be to late for the West.
Wait until China invades Taiwan. There is no time for bullshit when the shit hits the fan. Wokism is a religion for the safe, the dull and the bored.
Because they didn’t have a Nan like this.
What is it? Asks for age verification. They can fuck off.
Yup, same here, sorry cunthook.
Wokism started in the late sixties. Students at Berkeley saying the library was full of ‘dead white men’ (therefore irrelevant) and in Paris with the middle-class brats trashing their own neighbourhoods..
It’s a secular religion and a dangerous one at that.
“Wokism started in the late sixties.”
It was a bit earlier than that Cuntamus P, Hitler booted the Frankfurt School marxist ‘theoreticians’ out of Germany in ’33 (they were without exception jewish) and they then decamped en masse to the US where they installed themselves at Columbia Univ.
Throw all the “Woke Warriors” into a skip and set fire to them
The major objective of wokeism is an existence of deadening boredom. It is necessary in order to create a world order that comprises a tiny elite and a massive support resource of memory-less passive drones, a cheap and expendable labour force. Regular culling will be achieved via a simple system of compulsory vaccination. Almost there now.
Aye, all their ducks are in a row now. They’ve done the ‘beta’ testing, the results are in, they can push the accelerate button whenever they choose. Think it’s bad now?… nah that was just the fucking ‘warm up’ act.
“…and if they be not fought with all… let us not live in England!”
I can’t be arsed any more with it. Woke is now too embedded in life and society. It’s everywhere now. The cunts even get offended over food packets and cartoon characters. Because ugly precedents have been set and people and organisations gave in to these cunts, draconian woke lunacy is now the norm. For example: the Grauniad and demented Twitter nutjobs squealed and tantrumed for a female Doctor Who. Well, they got her (worse luck) and because of that capitulation by the BBC, we will never see a male Doctor (and especially a white one) ever again. And there will be a pathetic outcry if it is even ever considered again at any time. But, the thing with these woke shitheads is they are never satisfied and they move the goalposts whenever they like. The demand for a female Doctor has now morphed into a demand for a black female Doctor. Of course, the dreaded BBC will give them one, and that will be another marker put down. Until the cunts at the Guardian decide they want a trannie one instead.
A transexual muslim pe@dophile doctor.
“But, the thing with these woke shitheads is they are never satisfied and they move the goalposts whenever they like.”
Classic Marxism, eternal turmoil and upheaval, “never let them rest comrades, there will be no peace, no calm, no serenity, no love… there is only the struggle!
Perpetual war for perpetual peace.
Woke rules are too many and too restrictive. Like a religion most will pay lip service publicly but in private not give a dollop of shit.
I can’t keep up with their endless dictats.
A repulsive modern cult.
Gas them all.
Fucking steamroller the cunts first, Unkle T.
…and they’ll crisp up quicker if they were flat. Result = quicker throughput, less fuel needed etc… y’ see it’s innovative thinking like that which made this country great, …eeeeh I’m tearing up ‘ere. ?
I think a new worrying trend is Wireless 4 woke wimminz. Listening to Any Answers? on Saturday afternoon, you hear these self-selecting hand-wringing middle class tarts and you wonder if they are actors – today some old bissom saying that she was so worried about the Afghan asylum seekers, she was going to “discuss” putting one up, gratis, in her spare room when they returned from their holiday. She wasn’t asked where her holiday destination was, but I suspect Tuscany or the like – it didn’t sound likely a week in a Clacton B&B was her sort of thing.
Other old farts, old enough to know better supported XR.
All these old hafs sound well over 50 – perhaps they are WASPI wimminz?. I will never forget some old nearly 80 year old a few weeks ago who loved George The Poet.
They should be put in a twilight home, along with Biden, where they can dream of a Communist Utopia as they sit there with their fase teeth out sucking their Wurthers Originals.
It’s the triumph of emotion over reason again. See also:
Not unconnected with Krankie writing to Doris demanding that the UK import more Afghans, faster. Aye, hen, and you can take the lot when they arrive, eh?
You know, I hope these cunts get stabbed/blown up/raped. What kind of cunt welcomes any refugees?
If you happen to pass any demonstrations, you’ll always find a small proportion of nosy old cunts joining in, usually middle class women of about 60, ridiculously dressed in tie dyed garments and loads of beads – I think it is just a day out to them , or reliving their youth
a bit. I always feel embarrassed for them, being middle aged myself. They have the air of people looking for problems just for something to do ,because they never really had any themselves.
“…today some old bissom saying that she was so worried about the Afghan asylum seekers, she was going to “discuss” putting one up, gratis, in her spare room when they returned from their holiday.”
Had the radio on in the garage yesterday and heard that very same cucked bitches idiocy… my howl of rage brought the lad out to see what the fuck was going on… thought I’d sawn me frigging arm off or something!
And as I’m doing Sunday roast I’ve got wireless 4 on and still it continues with an hour of some wet lettuce engaged in wholesale critical deconstruction of dead white authors followed up right now by another wokey bitchfest a-moanin’ and a honkin’ about “why there aren’t enough world books being translated into English?”
The BBC must be ripped down and grubbed out; every root branch and toxic tendril. I long for that condition of things where the letters BBC appearing on a CV as a previous employer automatically consigns that applicant to the little round filing drawer on the floor… and a fucking good hiding from security on their way out!
If Government wanted rid of woke they could. They do not want rid of wokw, nor do they want rid of Extinction Rebellion
I remember in the not so distant past when you could call a spade a spade quite literally
And both are outdated farm equipment! ?
Look up “Lynn Barber I took an asylum seeker Into my home; it didn’t end well.”
I remember the original article, but can’t remember the publication or site. He was Sudanese, and a right cunt.
The full article seems to be available at
Freerepublic. com
BBC2’s Test Match highlights presented by Michael Vaughan surrounded by two rather tasty and actually knowledgable tarts, one Avian and the other Blick. Only on the Blick Broadcasting Cunts… No fucking everywhere now on the media, you cunts.
They’ll have Lineker and Shearer doing Tampax ads next. Get up yoiur cunts you cunts!
Cancelled a Chubby Brown show up my way, fuckin Cunts.