Vegan Nazis (3)

Whinging vegans are cunts aren’t they.

This is not aimed at all vegans, they have made a life choice that personally I would rather top myself than be a vegan which is my choice.

This cunting is aimed at those wankers who moan at anyone eating meat of any kind, the twats campaigning outside Mc Donald’s or KFC, they are not the best granted and could never compete with a nice medium well done bbq,d ribeye steak,, all they did was make me feel like a nice juicy bacon double cheeseburger with a side order of chicken nuggets, some chilli cheese balls washed down with a milkshake or maybe a chemical McFeast, with powdered McEgg.

They make their choices and I make mine, the old adage applies here, my food shits on your food so fuck off you whinny cunts, eat some meat, you look like you need it….

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Nominated by: Fuglyucker

95 thoughts on “Vegan Nazis (3)

  1. The only reason we are the top of the food chain is because of our brains. They are massive and got that way with animal protein. Depriving human kids of animal protein is child abuse and the rejection of a million years of human development.

    • The inclusion of animal fats and protein in the human diet is only one of many factors which helped to increase human cranial capacity. There are also genetic factors involved such as NOTCH2NL, GADD45G and MYH16 and many others.

      • GADD45G, TITS? That sounds suspiciously like Gary Glitter’s Siamese¹ prisoner number and MYH16 perhaps the registration mark of his old 16-valve Ford Escort RS2000.

        What is NOTCH2NL though?

  2. They always look ill.
    Not really advertising a balanced healthy diet when you look like a extra from Trainspotting.
    But more than being physically unappealing theyre just really borrrrring…
    They play the health card but do drugs & smoke
    The only decision a vegan could sway me towards is cannibalism and murder.

  3. I couldn’t give a fuck what the whiffy, dull,pasty,feeble Cunts eat but they should keep their naive,holier-than-thou windbaggery to themselves….or,better still,shove a marrow up their hoop,get on their pushbikes and Fuck Off.

    • PS…I’ve actually a bit more time for Vegans than verbose Veggies…at least Vegans go the whole hog and have the courage of their convictions….unlike some veggies who pick and chose when to whine on about animal cwuelty and nasty farmers depending on whether they need a new pair of leather shoes or cow’s milk for their muesli.

      Hypocritical,non too bright bores.

      • I can’t think who you may be alluding us to there DF, LOL, but honestly I couldn’t give a fuck about someone’s dietary first world problem, preaching cunts!!!!

  4. Like the offensively sanctimonious woke pic, Admin. Wonderful stereotyping there. But shouldn’t the wokie be black? How racist.

    As to Nazis, Hitler was a vegetarian, at any rate, although much of the SS’s impressive uniform , and the coats of the Gestapo, were admittedly reliant on leather, so probably not vegan.

    Joseph Goebbels: diary entry dated 26 April 1942:

    An extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Führer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat-eating is harmful to humanity. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also. Maybe he is right. Certainly the arguments that he adduces in favor of his standpoint are very compelling.

    • I worked in Germany and by fuck do they consume some amount of pig meat
      It’s in everything they eat from traditional home cooking to the bratwurst stalls
      Maybe Hitler didn’t like pigs

      • It was another factor in the defeat of Germany, their reliance on pigs. They are only a foodstuff, that requires a lot of feeding itself, we had sheep, which grazes, and provided both food and clothing. Sounds stupid, but it all adds up.

    • Thats a good reason for disliking Hitler K.
      Enforcement of vegetarian diet!!
      Fuck him.
      I was on-board till he brought that up.
      Eating quorn is a worse fate than the gas chamber!!!

      • I agree, MNC. Who would have thought Hitler was such a wet cunt?

      • Indeed, re the gas… Hitler was known for ha ING really dodgy guts; it seems the Hitler farts vids on Youtube aren’t that far off the truth. His GP was a quack who used to supply drugs of all sorts to Berlin’s theatrical and freaks…

  5. Vegan Nazis, Environmental Nazis, BLM Nazis, Cycling Nazis, Gender Nazis, SNP Nazis, the fucking list of Nazi cunts goes on and on. Oh, wait…we are the Nazis. My mistake. Okay then, fucking burn the lot, Unkle.

    • Afternoon 20/everyone.
      Ive just had a run in with a nazi.
      Me, missus, took my old dad into the peaks for lunch.
      Theres a old quarry I go,
      And a crystal clear shallow pond the dog paddles in,
      Dragonflies, hares, deer, nice.
      Anyway pulls up in the car to walk the dog and some fat tuppence licker security cunt with a walkie talkie comes over.

      “Cant park there its a bridleway,
      Its illegal, this is private property”.
      MNC “I park here ever week,
      And that’s a public right of way”
      So I gets into a row with the knobhead and end up walking my dog flanked by security guards.
      Cheeky cunts.
      Turns out theyre filming there,
      Either Lord of the Rings or something with Tom Cruise in it depends who you talk too.
      If hadn’t had my missus and dad in car Peter Jackson would be missing a security guard.

      • Not another fucking Lord of the Rings. The fucking Hobbits are cunts.

      • I had the same kind of thing when some dickheads tried to stop me going home from work….said there was a motor rally coming through and that I’d have to wait until all the rally cars were through the stage…they were wrong about that…plastic tape,cones and a couple of Pisspots in hi-viz jackets didn’t stop me at all…far as I was concerned it was a public road,not a Forestry Commission road, and I’m entitled to use it.


      • Evening Dick?
        Always some little clipboard cunt trying to stop people going about their lawful business isnt there?
        Thing is Dick, its a abandoned quarry.
        The land around it is owned by a farmer,
        He says hello,
        Never said we cant park up,
        And its a publiç right of way and bridle path used by the odd rider.
        Never a issue till Hollywood rolled up!
        I was younger, id be back up tonight with my fuckin crossbow,
        Watch the cunts reaction to a bolt through the makeup trailer.
        Get your security sorting that out at night on the Moors.

      • Middle Earth takes so fucking long to get anything done there, it’s like three hours per third of each trilogy, and there’s two trilogies already, and what now? a-fucking-nother series? FFS can’t Jacko just get cracking on with his Aces High film? O0r have a go at something that doesn’t have full grown men (and elves, dwarves and other odd species) blubbing their eyes out every three fucking minutes.

  6. It’s just a fashion statement.
    For fucking p.onces.

    Sanctimonious cunts.

    Full Sirloin oven.

  7. There can’t be many conversations that you can have with someone that are more boring than what they eat.

    Who gives a fuck?

    They have decided not to eat anything from an animal. That’s their choice, so get on with it and shut the fuck up because personally I am not the slightest bit apologetic about being on top of the food chain.

    In fact, when I think of the alternative, I am quite proud of it.

    There is another, more severe type of vegan.
    Extreme vegans only eat uncooked fruit and vegetables. Everything has to be raw.
    The even more extreme ones will only eat fruit that has fallen from trees. Nothing that has been physically picked.


  8. I don’t know any vegans, thank fuck. I know a few vegetarians though.

    One I used to work with was an insufferable libtarded loudmouthed posh tart.

    She was in her mid 20s and I would estimate that she weighed 25 stone. Fucking enormous she was.

    I remember when said, ‘I’m a vegetarian’. I had to hold myself back from saying, ‘Vegetarian? Fuck me, what do you eat? Trees?’

  9. Fair to assume vegans are leftie, immigrant-loving, Guardian-reading cyclists too (who fancy members of their own sex).
    They’re not going to like getting Osteoporosis later on in life, the mincing cissies or dungaree-wearing tuppence-lickers.

    • I know a woman who is a vegan hippy in her mid 60’s and hasn’t got 2 brain cells to rub together but she always wonders why she constantly pulls muscles and breaks her leg. I didn’t have the heart to tell the silly cow that it’s because of her nutrient-defficient diet………… and her age/sex.

  10. No problem with folk who don’t want to eat meat, big problem when they interfere with those who do!

  11. Anyone who calls someone a Nazi who isn’t actually a Nazi is a cunt. The word no longer represents its actual meaning as it’s been applied to all manner of undeserving cunts from traffic wardens up. Add to that the holocaust denying cunts, before long the Nazis will be remembered as the camp fuckers on Allo Allo, and we’re all back to square one.

    I do hate vegans though…..

  12. I can see meat becoming a luxury item for the rich cunts in the near future. I’ve heard rumblings from Yankland that there are plans to introduce sweeping green laws regarding each cow needing a license that will cost $1000 per cow and there are 31 million cows in America, not counting those in the shopping malls.

    There are going to be massive changes in all the industries in the coming decade. The psychopathic cunts are fully in control now and they want a world of mega-austerity for us plebs and a life of luxury for themselves. That could mean a China-style internet, also.

    • Maybe we could wean the inner city black folk onto “Kentucky Fried Afghan”? It’d go some way to alleviating our overcrowding issues if we could get the dark1e§ to start eating each other.

      • My money is on the Chinese to kick-start the cannibal holocaust.
        They’re not fussy eaters at the best of times.

      • Easy to imagine that in rural ch1nkyland, they’ve been indulging in secret munching of “long pig” (well, not ???? long, about 5ft!) for centuries.

      • You or I find a rotting badger full of maggots at the side of the road?… Walk on by like Dionne Warwick.
        Chinaman finds it?
        ”Mulan, get the wok, ive got sunday dinner!!! “

      • Those rinky-dinks would eat anything.
        Except Dianne Abbott’s vomit-inducing fanny.

      • Diane always gets a mention, even if it’s a nomination about vegan Nazi’s.

        That’s why I love this site.

        Maybe Diane Abbott is a vegan Nazi as well, who knows.

      • In Ngongotaha near Rotorua about ten years ago there were signs in the shops advising the local hill tribes “don’t eat any dead animals you may find around the local mountain for the next two weeks” as they were doing a wallaby 1080 kill program.

        “…after that carry on picking up and eating dead animals as before”

  13. I’ve just cooked half a farm’s worth of animal flesh for a family BBQ. Not many vegans around these parts. If there are, they keep quiet about it.

  14. Vegans always look pale miserable unhealthy bastards.
    I had a Vegan girlfriend who was always preaching and moralising to me about eating meat.
    But i tell you what … She loved her meat on the bone ???

  15. I read a great book about the Lewis and Clark expedition, a legendary trek across a vast tract of what was to become the western US. The small group of explorers set out in 1803 and was away for three years. During this time it suffered all kinds of hardships, including the threat of starvation. Lewis wrote in his journals that the whole party craved fat above anything else and when they killed an animal they would gorge themselves on its fat. I think this shows there is an innate craving for animal protein among humans. I´m virtually a vegetarian but at times I feel I need to have a hamburger or a lasagna.

    • Animal Fat the purist form of energy
      Second Only to fresh cream which is absorbed quicker when one is suffering from starvation
      They ate rats and anything that was alive when in the trenches
      The Vegans would’ve already been dead and rightfully so ,fucking arseholes that they are
      Imagine a starving vegan in the desert or in the mountains
      Would they refuse your rabbit stew, would they fuck
      Turn off the electricity worldwide tomorrow and watch what fuckwits are willingly to eat

      • Rabbit stew?!!
        Jesus my tummy just growled.
        Ill get the bread an butter…❤️

    • I understand some dont want to eat meat, opposed on ethical grounds, religious convictions etc.
      But genuinely believe as omnivores we need to eat meat for our development.
      I eat fruit and veg, because I know its good for me,
      Same reason I eat meat.
      Or maybe a nice piece of fish.
      Fish is brain food they say.
      Why Einstein was always in the chippy.

      • .Fish good for the grey Matter in the brain MNC
        I love a nice fried brown trout fried gently in butter ,salt and pepper
        Nicer than salmon

      • Agreed Mecuntry.
        I like trout too.
        Like all fish,
        Sole probably the most.
        Could say I like Northern sole…

      • By that rational, lesbians must be the smartest of us all?

        The fish-stink Lickety splitters?

      • By that rational, lesbians must be the smartest of us all?

        The fish-stink Lickety splitters?

      • When he wasnt in the patent office screwing over people with his multiple passports. Look at the story of Thomas Eddison vs Nikola Tesla.

        Tesla was a fucking genius who deserved every penny and ended up with fuck all. However he did better humanity. Read books, history is very intresting when it isnt taught by politically scewed facts.

    • Similarly Eskimo wives,

      the husbands built them into igloos and passed seal fat in, the ladies reached 160-170 kg, and couldn’t possibly fit out the tunnel.

      So they stayed all winter burning living off the fat, and by spring they’d be back to 45 kg, they come out and start the cycle again.

      I am slightly inclined to believe that this is possibly partly true.

  16. I posted a nomination about Vegans the other day. Likely to be binned but what i did find out is that Tofu is made of Gypsum. Who on earth would eat that shite? Plaster board for T – Yummy!

    • Bean curd isnt it?
      Willie Stroker told me it was quite nice.
      Think they chop it into blocks?
      Where did you get that from?

      • Gypsum is a bi-product of energy production isn’t it? Detritus from cooling towers-or something.

      • DuckDuckGo it, some of it is so say made with food medical grade gypsum. By food grade its certified ‘CE’ Chinese Excellence.

      • Gypsum is a mineral, calcium sulphate I think?
        Might be wrong?
        Some egghead will tell us im sure!
        Dont think they put it in food although might be wrong?
        Im not fuckin eating it anyway.
        Ill have a marsbar thanks.

      • Gypsum is indeed a mineral.

        Mined from deep underground.

        It’s in abundance around the Trent valley area.

    • Avoid everything food from a plant
      As in (factory plant)
      They’ve being fucking us for years
      Just look at Americans , the largest arses known to mankind
      Vegans , fuck to fuck off and eat a cat vegan diet if you think it’s healthy for a cat
      The cat will soon fuck off

    • More likely to get a pure product by mining it. The stuff from coal power stations would be lethal. It’s used to curdle the soy ‘milk’… tofu is basically soy cheese.

      • Looks like you can get Ca eating a stalactite or a stalagmite.

        Non-animal based, even non-plant based, a vegan could eat it to cure Ca shortage.

  17. Can think of plenty of meat for animal food arriving daily by dinghy and plane…..I’m sure my dogs wouldn’t be too fussy if it had mudslime or arfgan on the side of a tin of butchers.

  18. At least British Sausages aren’t meat. 70% sawdust, 5% fingernails, 5% pubes, 20% nob cheese and 0% meat.

  19. Everything is for our own good, don’t forget that. We are taking your cars from you, it’s for your own good, we are taxing the fuck out of fags, booze and meat, it’s for your own good, we are busy making this country into a multi cultural shithole, it’s for your own good, we are unleashing kiddy fiddlers on our schools, it’s for your own good.
    I can see meat being so expensive that only the elites can afford it. It won’t be in supermarkets…..too easy to nick. There will be special shops with darkened windows. You put your card in the slot to open the door. You select your trays of meat which contain a digital trigger. As you walk out the price is charged to your card.
    “I will not be pushed, indexed, filed, stamped , briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own. I am a free man.”
    Not anymore mate. It’s for your own good. You are number 6.

    • That’s RTC,s number
      You need to escape from that island now and for fucksake ,this time will you bring a penknife to puncture the blob

      • BY a weird coincidence R4 Extra’s running a remake of The Prisoner this week. Episode 1 was on today. Never understood what was going on in the original TV series, but this was rather good, and based its dystopia on today’s society.

    • Ah jaysus RTC , you didn’t know until the end that it was yourself you were trying to escape
      I’ll get you a proper knife so

      • Stop arming people with weapons Mecuntry.
        Ruff can have a pin
        And thats only under strict supervision.
        If he injured another ISAC your to blame.
        And DCI won’t see the funny side when hes bandaging one of us up.

      • That’s a fair comment RTC and I wish ye all the best
        Every country is in for a rough ride
        Hope everyone can hold on

    • I never armed anyone MNC but I might have helped them see the daylight stars that occurs when one has fallen heavily
      Bandages are for the Red Cross and there knights an orders
      I will of course remember your warning of fair play
      I hope RTC recovers from his island trip

      • RTC , sorry for speaking of you in the third person in reply to MNC
        MNC I don’t mean anything by that but you encouraged me and I’m a bish pissed
        Happy days to all on ISAC

    • Number 6?

      Are you a member of the royal family.

      Great points though about ‘it’s for your own good.’

      I used to eat steak maybe once a month. Now, with all this bollocks over the last year or two (our ‘betters’ telling us to stop eating meat), I eat about 3 steaks a week at least. I’m going to buy the most polluting vehicle I can find too at some point. A 1970s Isuzu diesel truck with a faulty exhaust should do the trick. I’ll drive it past Greta’s house every morning and drop some burning car tyres off on her lawn.

      They can fuck off. If steak becomes too expensive, I’ll be trespassing on farmers’ fields (sorry DF), and sit and eat all the heffers and steers, like a half man/half lion thing.

      Fuck off.

  20. Considering Hitler was a vegetarian and anti smoker. He sure cooked up a mean barbecue.

  21. Vegetarians? Fuck off; can’t even enjoy a nice lamb chop unless I’ve punched the cunt to death!
    Uncle Adolf was a vegetarian and would harangue carniverous fellow diners with gruesome tales of a visit he once paid to an abbatoir!

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