This cunting is extremely apt for the times we’re currently living through, and being a former resident of the “dark continent”, I’ve seen it’s damage in full flight.
In December 2019 the British electorate added another 5 years of Tory rule to this country, Now being that there was no other option than that of Boris and his cronies it wasn’t good either way.
This reminded me very much of the 1989 South African general election where 41 years of National Party rule was continued, even though the NP was about to stab it’s own voters in the back by dismantling the very system that had served them well, the votes kept pouring in.
In the UK there is no gerrymandering of voting like in apartheid era South Africa, so why the fuck do people blindly follow their party even though they no longer represent their own views?
I mean you could of voted UKIP or Brexit party that would of made the government much more cooperative with the right of the political spectrum and would have certainly not resulted in the “woke” police state we currently find ourselves in.
Surely people are not so stupid to put a party in to power that fucks them over again and again. But what we’ve learnt now is that the stupid cunts actually do,
It’s about time people grew a fucking back bone and said enough is enough!!!
Nominated by: Captain Quimson
Vote Tory – get socialist.
Vote Labour – get socialist.
Vote Lib Dem/Green – get socialist.
The pretence of the two party system has been laid bare – they are no different.
650 need to be gone at the next GE – they do not represent the people and they are IMO a “rotten Parliament” – it has gone far beyond rotten Boroughs.
Their time is done.
Really? Mass privatisation for the benefit of the rich is socialist? Cutting benefits is socialist? Giving access to government for rich sponsors is socialist? Betrayal of the fishermen, farmers and NHS staff is socialist? The word has obviously changed since I was younger.
DtC@ – That is socialism in its essence – screw the people over, fill your pockets, strip the assets of the Country to hand to your crooked cronies, piss a fortune away on theft, corruption, insane vanity projects and sit there in idle ill gotten wealth and opulence as the people go hungry and cold – and any not liking it are given a seriously hard time.
Fishermen? – gone.
Farmers – paid to do nothing under the terms of the CAP as we import fruit and veg we could grow from all round the world – socialism at its finest.
NHS staff? I wonder how many people could only dream of the almost 40K PA a senior NHS nurse gets?
And it was Thatcher who sold everything off to offset the cost of mass unemployment and enrich her friends in the private sector.
The dynamic has changed – but the principle is the same.
I think “Globalist” would be more apt than “Socialist”
Thatcher was helping to combat global warming by shutting all the pits in the same way that the IRA bomb at that Brighton hotel was just to get the attention of room service. Cunts!
Most people I know vote to keep the other lot out, not because they’re loyal to any particular party or believe bullshit manifesto promises. Why otherwise would anyone vote for Johnson, a proven congenital liar in a league of his own, if not to keep Labour out?
Johnson was the least worst politician on offer. Moreover, people trusted him to get Brexit done, which was the main issue at the last election.
Also, the way the UK political system works, people realise that voting for minority parties doesn’t always work and tends to let the opposition through.
The lesser of 2 evils. Anti-semitic allotment holding loon or bumbling half-wit?
“Antisemitic”* allotment holding loon, in retrospect. Can dig a hole competently, and plants something useful instead of falling into it.
*Deplores Israel. As defined by Mossad.
Cuntstable, he is extremely dangerous, not a bumbling half-wit as he likes to make out
Absolutely, always a choice of the lesser of two evils – though it is like choosing between a lingering death or a quick one.
Indeed, I have never voted for someone I liked, always the one I would give the most merciful incarceration.
Anyone who has political ambition should be avoided.
An empty house of commons leads to happier lives.
That’s exact what it was about and the same reason Farage pulled TBP candidates – nobody wanted Corbyn in at any cost.
I felt the same at the time but, after nearly two years of BRINO, Net Zero, and throwing £billions at Covid I regret voting for the cunts. I really do wonder if Corbyn could have been any worse. Certainly, a hung Parliament would have been better (on the basis that if Parliament can’t get anything done it can’t balls anything up – I personally think the Government is like traffic lights; when they don’t work the traffic flows!)
Whatever, it’s “none of the above” for me from now on – it’s pointless voting for any of these cunts.
I spoiled my ballot paper at the last election.
Spent 5 minutes in the polling booth writing what I thought of Johnson & Corbyn on my ballot paper. Candidates read and take notice of spoilt papers, I know that for a fact.
That said, if I’d thought Labour had an even chance of winning in my constituency, I would have held my nose and voted Conservative.
I’ve never voted negatively, only for parties whose manifesto I think is right for the country at the time. That way I’m voting against both Labour and Tories, and not letting either win ‘through the back door’, as claimed by the negative voters.
I don’t mind if people who vote labour or tory find it upsetting; both are full of useless, hypocritical, grasping, out of touch, authoritarian control freaks.
On the subject of voter choices and before the next nom is in; the Defence Secretary has just announced that Afghan asylum seekers can now enter the UK without passport or documentation.
Now, I’m not entirely heartless about their plight but how does this come from a ‘conservative’ government; considered with their rampant house building and HS2, they conserve absolutely nothing!
So who can one vote for? None of these cunts will be about and accountable when the next child is groomed or murdered by one of these undocumented shepherds.
They conserve the Jam they are making.
Had to look it up to find out who the Defence Secretary is today. Ben Wallace, apparently. Who threw a wokie while announcing that, while any Pashtun with a grudge can come here without question, there might be a teeny difficulty about getting British nationals back from Kabul…
What an absolute fucking turd.
Love seeing the Def Sec crying like some starlet at the Oscars. What a colossal cunt. Apparently it is all our fault: the popular mobilisation behind the Talibs by an utterly backward people has nothing to do with it.
So these refugee cunts won’t have to face PCR testing, track & tracing, or forced to quarantine for 10 days in hotels at their own expense when they arrive here, unlike British nationals returning from holidays!?
They should send back one Dingy Raider for every Afghan Refugee taken in – won’t happen though!
Though I disparaged Corbyn – at least you knew what he stood for -repulsive as it may have been, you could be in no doubt, but Starmer is a totally different thing. He is evasive – who knows fuck all about him, except his admitting he likes using moisturiser , he has been less than truthful about his background, – we don’t know what he would do about Brexit (my guess is Mandy and the Poofs For EU will force him into a second referendum, where all sorts of lies will be rehearsed) – he gives the impression he is Green, that he is all for poofters, wimminz and taking a knee (that last year with the skank might have just been for publicity), and of course BAME, but how far would he go? Sharia law? – it’s a possibility. Would he endorse the misandry of Jess Phillips and the dykes? How is he on defence, and the City – we know fuck all because he won’t tell us. In my view he is far more dangerous than Corbyn or Johnson is or was.
The trouble is, he is a chancer, an opportunist. He will grovel to anything for a vote.
We need to look to America and say careful for what you wish for: they only wanted Biden because he wasn’t the Donald. They are landed for the next four years with a shambling senile old fool, who has already caused massive damage (Afghanistan). The Harris woman might conceivably take over, but I doubt, even with all her marbles, she would be any better.
Starmer is Blair without the phoney charm – the essential Blair ingredient.
I never thought I’d hear myself saying it, Komodo, but I think I prefer Blair to Keir Starmer – like Corbyn – a lot of what he said and stood for disgusted me, but you were never in any doubt about his views – Starmer is all things to all men and all wimminz. Mandelson dragged back in his dotage to prop him up, though, suggests you are quite right.
I think it was more a case of the Demoncrats woke up to social media and went for a belts and braces approach at some of the ballots rather than anyone actually wanted the cunt!
Can you imagine a Trump clone running the UK? Telling the EU to fuck off, having the RN turn round the dingy raiders and dump them back where they came from (fully prepared to sort out any Froggies trying to stop them), binning this Net Zero bollox, etc. What would be wrong with that????
Good posting. Some people will vote for a monkey if “their’ party puts it up for election.
They always say that because their family always voted for a particular party they will.
It’s Reform for me next time because Doris is fucking it up. The tories are a combined of limp dems and greens. Useless. Trying to be all things to everyone always goes down badly.
You need to pick a side that represents your beliefs.
Uttercunt@ – “Some people will vote for a monkey if their “party” puts it up for election” – there’s a joke in there somewhere but I would not want to be the subject of “disappointing accusations” for expanding! ??
Tottenham and Hackney ?
H’Angus the monkey was elected mayor of hartlepool. Probably doing a better job as an independent than the other shower of shits could manage. Cunts!
If what we have is not working (do you want to vote for cunt A or cunt B?) it’s time to change it.
The Labour/Tory cartel know it will be one or the other in and behind the scenes they are the same party.
We will never get governance for the people until the politicians are from the people – 650 independent apolitical commonsense competent members of the public – and caveats in place to avoid them being poisoned by the corruption, greed and lazy incompetence of the swamp (well named, covers all the bases) – we do not need “more of the same” we want different, and better.
I can measure the freedom and very existence of our Country in decades if we do not do this.
Cromwell time.
Fuck the main parties and their back-stabbing manifesto-reversing bullshit. Labour and the Tories have more or less told their grassroots supporters to fuck off, while they embrace the Millennials, the Gen Zs, the Greens, Europhiles and of course the BAME vote.
I won’t be voting for the Tories ever again, or for Labour for that matter (yes, I was a cunt for voting for Blair in 97, but I was totally jaded with the Tory leadership and infighting back then)
From now on I’ll vote for some minority party like Reform or Monster Raving Loonies, if they’re still around. But I won’t be voting for the Blues or the Reds, and if they coming knocking on my door during the hustings campaigns I’ll tell them exactly why. Not that they’ll be interested of course.
Let’s face facts: the Boomer and Gen X generations are the problem, and for some younger cunts we need to be erased/ignored/vilified. And since the main parties have no interest in us, we have no where else to go. And if idiots still put their blind faith in them by voting, then more fool then when they get shit on once again.
This country is already circling the shitter. Give it another 10-20 years and you won’t even recognise the place. The Taliban took control of Afghanistan in a matter of weeks. Fuck knows what might happen to this country come 2031 if we allow the traditions of this once great nation to erode ever further, and to be replaced by Wokeism, open borders and the end of nationalism.
I, too, voted for B Liar. Because, like you, I was pissed off with Major Grey. Unless the Tories ditch Doris, it’s Reform for me. It is still a mystery as to how the jellyfish became party leader. Churchill he ain’t, but I suspect he will get the bum’s rush, just like Winnie did.
They are all a bag of rats.
Fuck knows why anyone voluntarily assists them by voting.
Taliban will be in charge soon enough anyway.
The wankers and twats in this country will now want vote for who they think will ‘keep everybody safe’ and ‘save the NHS’. Cunts.
Each main party has a manifesto, you pick the one that has at least some of the things you support also you look at the leader, in the last election many people rejected Labour because of Corbyn.
My manifesto would read right of the far, far, far right ?
It’s just laziness in many cases I think. Too many people can’t be bothered to do a little checking and see if who is on the ticket for a party aligns with their own principles. Or maybe voters have no principles. Either way a conscious effort is required to vote responsibly. Blind loyalty to a party shows you are a thick cunt who is part of the problem. Here in the US elections no longer matter anyway so…
“These are our principles, and if you don’t like them, – well, we have others”
(Groucho Marx)
I’d bet Sir Kweer has that quote framed on his office wall!
George Carlin was right, ‘the public sucks, fuck hope’.
We keep voting, pretending like the game isn’t rigged when it clearly is. There are too many powerful interests that have more sway over our elected officials than Mr and Mrs Snaggletooth writing to their MP. A bag of cash.. vs.. a few angry letters. Hmmm.
Every leader since my year of birth (80s) has been progressively worse than the ones prior. State power keeps increasing, and their salaries, whilst nothing much gets done except phony wars and causes.
I don’t think our political system is salvageable. Not until the public pulls their heads out of their fucking arses and wise up, get smart, and start realising that real democracy starts with you. You are the one with the power. Yet we continuously give it away to false idols and shitty culture, which gives rise to these demonic companies that then turn around and lobby our MPs to fuck us up the arse.
They are all cunts. However, come election time, you can guarantee the Tories will say something tough about stopping immigration. Maybe Boris or some cunt will say something ‘a bit wayciss’ (letterboxes, anyone?) They’ll say they’ll stop all this woke shite and millions of thick cunts will fall for it again and vote Tory.
Then, the Tories will get re-elected and let in record numbers of 3rd world shite, whilst actually adding to the woke shite instead of stopping it.
And these cunts will moan about the state we’re in. Fuck off!
Stop voting for the cunts. We need a right wing nutcase to sort things out now. I’d rather not have it this way, but don’t see what choice we have… although there’s no cunt to vote for anyway. For now at least.
The cunts in charge never learn from history. Such as the ones we have in charge now. Total disdain for the indigenous working white person, royally fucking us over by pouring unwanted and illegals into our working class communities, spending time on woke bullshit eg BLM, people who tweet naughty things instead of focusing on what matters, crime, jobs, infrastructure, proper and managed investment. As the Donald says ‘Drain the swamp’. The Government are playing a very dangerous game at the moment.
A right wing dictator would suit me fine .
Preferably with a military background and with the military behind him.
Someone that clamps down hard on gender neutral bollocks . Dingy divers and Peacefuls.
“It doesn’t matter who you vote for the Government always get in.” Some learned Cunt said that.
And some French bloke said “ A nation always gets the Government it deserves
Over to you, Unkle Terry
FF@ – I like it – IAC, the voice of the people, elected in a landslide!
China adds to its splendid record on democracy:
Ghani, not having been welcome in Tashkent, has reportedly ended up in Oman with as much cash as he could carry. Loving the loyalty!
Taliban rules of Emirate
Rule 1. No Poofters
The old MP for my cuntistuency was a real Tory, but he’s retired and now we have a useless northern woman who rubber stamps any old shite.
The old dears around here would vote in a pug if it wore a blue rosette. The Lib dems are useless (the prat who stood for them used to post links to electronic intifada on his facebook page) and Ukip is dead.
Although it galls me, I haven’t voted for ages, because there’s no cunt I’d trust to do a good job.
It’s fucking frustrating, but none of them are up to snuff, these last 18 months have been a blessing to politicians, while we’ve been looking at the right hand, we haven’t noticed what the left hand was doing.
Magicians, griffters & con artists the lot of them.
I despair, thank Dog I haven’t got much longer.
In certain countries where voting is compulsory, the thing to do is to draw a knob on the Ballot form.
It should be a requirement here. With the option of none of the above. That way, if you do still want to vote in protest you can and you are still involved in democracy and dont need to waste a vote for the least worse.