The Puzzle of Identifying Terrorists

The dreadful killings by a nutter in Plymouth are apparently due to right wing terrorism due to the evil cunt being an ‘incel’

”Incels, who typically blame women for a failure to form sexual relationships, are currently considered part of right-wing terrorism – but Mr Hall acknowledged they are “quite separate”.

Mr Hall is some cunt from the Home Office apparently. So his erudition and competence can never be in doubt.

And here is the puzzle. An inadequate nutter Incel is a right wing terrorist, although, as with other right wing terrorists there doesnt seem to be any organisation behind them. Nor a specific belief system.

However when someone murders randomly shouting ‘Alans Snackbar’, they are usually suffering mental issues, despite there being very real organisations, belief systems and encouragement for this type of attack.

It’s a fucking puzzle. But at least we know that the Far Right are where the dangers lurk.

Incel Attack Might be act of Terrorism

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

(All this fuss and introspection might have taken a different tone had the guy been of a slightly darker hue – Day Admin)

51 thoughts on “The Puzzle of Identifying Terrorists

  1. ‘Alan’s Snackbar”. I thought it was “Alan Ayckbourn”.

    These loons are identified with the right wing so they can be tarred by association with those other well known fascists, ordinary white males.

    The term “fascist” has in fact lost all meaning. It’s just a random insult to be hurled at those people the wokeys disagree with or who are not afforded protection under the Equality Act. If anyone shows fascistic tendencies, it’s the Wokeys.

  2. Probably if this vermin had had a shave, a haircut and lost some weight it would have helped. It’s all about the me, me, me society we now live in. Everything wanted handing to scumbags like him on a silver platter. It’s not about right wing politics. It’s about hard work and making your own luck in this world.

    • Spot on. The silly cunt may have found some bint who may have allowed him to empty his balls inside her. He might then not have worked himself up into a murderous frenzy.

      Nothing worse than a pair of overfull bollocks clanking together like a couple of tins of Fussells Condensed Milk.

      • I remember that ref, it was uttered by an extremely sexually frustrated rabbit in one of those Viz photo romances.

  3. Why are incels rightwing? every nutter on the planet are right wing. Yet Marxism as killed over 100 million and still working on it.

  4. Yet we allow 850 to land by Dinghy each and every day, some 300, 000 each year, no checks no nothing, simply waved to the nearest hotel or cash point.

    Our Press and Politicians brand those who call out this daily arrival, right wing, fascists and now even terrorists.

    I savour the day when all of white England arises en masse to redress the situation. Alas, I will not live to see such a day .

  5. A researcher of Incel culture, feminist Laura Bates, has refuted the idea that Inceldom is a right/left phenomenon although it is ‘extreme’ in the same way any ideology can be; libertarianism, Imperial way Buddhism, antinatalism, ontological nihilism.

    It’s just sad wankers using terms like ‘foids’ (female humanoids).

    • Libertarianism is so ‘extreme’ that libertarians believe that the more important something is, the more critical it is that ‘government’ and its bureaucrats stay as far away from it as possible. One of the few areas that libertarians and minarchists do tend to tolerate ‘government’ is when it comes to national defence (that is, ‘government’ having a monopoly on it). This is how they differ from anarchists.

      As for antinatalism

  6. He’s white so he ain’t right obviously right wing psycho. I wonder if his steroid habit had anything to do with his tantrum, if he had been one of the chosen then the mental elf would have sprung into action claiming that due to his mental derangement he misread certain sections of a certain book. The real sad bit is the old bill gave him his shotgun back supposedly because they were worried about being sued. Nice to know that a bit of legal argy bargy takes precedence over the twat killing a few people.

  7. Yes, if this cunt had been of similar colour to certain recently counted psychos I Batley, it would’ve been swept under the carpet in a matter of minutes, with the usual heartfelt plea from some government muppet-shill that not all slimes are the same etc etc…
    He looked like a wrongun out of Wycliffe…

    • I wonder whether Muzslîmes have a little bracelet or ponder, “What Would Alläh Do?” before going on a murderous rampage butchering innocent people.

  8. Surely there has always been ‘Incels’ to some degree for ages. Sexually frustrated loners, societal outcasts and those who just can’t get laid. No, the real problem is the internet and social media that give a platform to these weirdoes to wallow in their own victimhood.

    This Home Office cunt would be better advised to forget about oddballs in bedrooms and concentrate on a real, proven threat that takes thousands of lives across the world each year in the name of the religion of piss.

  9. Dinghies full of men arrive daily thus creating an unnatural imbalance in the male to female population ratio.

    Too many men = not enough women to go round.

    Sounds simple and natural enough.

    Disillusioned, single, homicidal, woman hating honky = incel far right terrorist.

    Disillusioned, religious nutjob, peaceful, woman hater = mentally ill victim of unconscious far right racism.

    Look out for more of this rank hypocrisy as the numbers of cultural enriching sexual predators rapidly increases.

      • She could set up in her hometown of Brighton; arse propped up on the pier, legs spread, vag’ facing the south east.

        ‘In you go, lads. Room for everybody’.

  10. Some people are fucking weird, nothin anyone can do with em
    They used to be locked away in some mental institutions but that’s no longer the case
    Fucking weird is not someone who is quiet or wants to be left alone
    Fucking weird is people who blame others for the misery they created in their own head
    They are not able to deal with themselves never mind others so the odd one explodes
    Then we have to listen to ‘experts’ and their shit reasoning of WHY and feel the need to categorize these short of bob in the brain stakes .

    Incels my hole, fucking weirdo’s

    • I bet there are a few Incels on here, eh Mecuntry? That tubby loser above could’ve been a previous IAC contributor.

      • Could have been Captain, I think though givin time on here, he might have hung himself first.?
        The truth just wouldn’t be able to sit in his head.

  11. Incels are essentially self-hating and mostly want to die themselves (they probably kill themselves more than anyone else but this has yet to be fully researched).

    As random and ridiculous as their ‘ideology’ is, they are not apparently looking to influence the world so much as seek petty vengeance on it, when they go postal. So there is no reasonable way of calling them ‘terrorists’.

    But they are mostly white and hate women so should be the subject of intense media coverage, unlike those who are mostly brown and hate women.

    • Yes, those who are brown and hate white women for dressing and acting promiscuously, drinking and leaving the house without the company of a r@pey male relative.

      Some cultures… are better than others.

  12. Yeah, apparently the cunt got a licence at age 19, had it taken away and then given back again. You have to ask why did a young cunt living in a big city need a fucking gun? There was supposed to be an “enquiry” (lessons will be learned) so what happened to that? How long does it take to identify a signature, ask him what he was playing at, and sack the cunt?
    The coppers have fucked up in a big way but, fortunately, we’ve all been diverted by the fate of the poor gays in Afghanistan.
    So just sweep that one under the carpet and wait for some raghead to stab some poor cunts in the street.

    • An Afghan raghead on a stabbing spree is pretty much in the post.

      I’m sure sales of candles will skyrocket though.

    • ‘The coppers have fucked up in a big way’

      Standard police procedure for the past thirty years.

  13. If his tadpoles turned to frogs why not have a wank? Jesus aren’t there any prozzies in Plymouth any more? If the cunt had a shave dieted and went to a nightclub he could have had his todger in balls deep.

  14. I remember when foreign terrorists were called Gorillas on the BBC. Those were the days with McAleese etc giving them what for. Terrorism is violence for a political cause against a civilian population. Thats it. Everything trying to pin violence of a twat as terrorism because he was white is just another left wing cuntish confusion of language.

  15. Plymouth is full of Vicky Pollards. Not ideal obviously but this cunt wasn’t exactly Brad Pitt.

    • Oh no. He was and will remain one of the greatest drummers of all time. He combined so many great styles and he always seemed completely unimpressed by the whole showbiz cunt-fest around him. In Keef’s autobiography, Charlie is barely mentioned as he never got up to any mischief or even shagging. He quit the booze in the early 80s after he fell down the stairs in his wine cellar. He just loved drumming, case closed.

      Try not to get reincarnated, Charlie.

  16. This type usually overdose on Soy and either end up taking the action this twat did, or overdose on something else, or put a dress and call themselves Ethel.
    They are not right wing or left wing. They are what we used to call dickheads or nutjobs, and a good dose of bullying usually sorted them out at school or in an apprenticeship.

  17. As deadly right wing terrorist attacks have killed nobody as they are a creation of the woke media they wheel out cunts like this to prop up their nonsense.
    It’s just to offset the very real and undeniable threat that Islamic extremism poses.
    Doesn’t matter that it’s a fantasy,just so long as it’s there to distract from the evil that exists.
    Some fat can’t get a shag?
    No he was just a complete cunt who should not have been able to get hold of any sort of weapon.
    Fuck Off.

    • Absolutely agree uncle, that it’s only a diversion tactic
      The absolute threats are being withheld from the public as the truth’s would be unbearable to comprehend for the very breed of people they have nannied to this point
      It goes without question, this will have to be faced sooner rather than later
      Best wishes to the younger, you are needed ,so get your shit together don’t be to bothered if you miss an episode of Love Island

    • Have you noticed that ‘right-wing terror attacks’ are always referenced as ‘since 9/11’; as in “there have been more right-wing than Islamic extremist terror attacks in the United States since 9/11”?

      Quite a neat way to avoid factoring in the almost 3000 people killed by the camel jockeys in the name of their prophet, may peace be upon him.

  18. I bet that mass murdering cunt with the beard (can’t be arsed looking up his name) never even TRIED to talk to a woman, never mind trying to get his hole. It was all in his mind that women wouldn’t want to be with him. I’ve seen cunts worse than him cutting about the toon with decent-looking birds, not smoking hot fanny, but pumpable bits of stuff, so he needs wise up to get out there and… oh wait he’d deid. If only he had converted to Islam, he’d have 72 virgins in Heaven.

    It’s IMPOSSIBLE not to get sex these days. So many websites for hook-ups. Lassies are giving it up so easy these days that it makes the 1970s look like a Calvinist village dosed with saltpeter. These incels need to get with the program. There are fat lassies out there who can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, then they’ll order and pay for the pizza and ice-cream, then let drive you home with classic rock blaring out the stereo. It’s not all about shagging and bagging 10s, like Dudley Moore!

    • ‘decent-looking birds, not smoking hot fanny, but pumpable bits of stuff’
      ‘Lassies are giving it up so easy these days’
      ‘There are fat lassies out there who can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, then they’ll order and pay for the pizza and ice-cream’

      You silver-tongued devil.

  19. Seems that a woman-hating bloke is called an incel terrorist misogynist murderer
    And yet a man-hating woman is an empowered feminist “forced” to defend herself by murdering a bunch of bloke-bystanders.

    • Lack of shagging is often at the heart of these mass murders. If you are getting a pump on a regular basis, then you don’t end up on the clock tower wiping folk out. You never see women doing this (Aileen Wournos aside) as it’s easy for a woman to get a knob in her fanny. The knob has ZERO value in life. The fanny is held up as the Holy of Holies of life’s pursuits to boys and young men and that leads to all this anxiety, jealousy and depression that can manifest as violence if it becomes unattainable.

      Women go mad for other reasons. Lack of knob is never the reason. It’s a grind being a woman today as they are expected to do everything and look gorgeous doing it, no wonder they have lost the plot, but they have men for company on that score, so we need to work together and overcome the shit-show that is modern life.

  20. ”Incels, who typically blame women for a failure to form sexual relationships”. That’s always puzzled me. Why don’t they just go with prostitutes? Having a temporary girlfriend removes the need for the constant nag, nag, nag of a girlfriend or wife. The nutter didn’t know which side his bread was buttered on. I’d rather be like Albert Tatlock than an incel.

  21. Not going to lie, I assumed ‘involuntarily celibate’ just referred to married men.

    • I had that very same thought about 20 minutes ago, it just reminded me of my last marriage.

      • My first marriage was similar – no relations today or any fucking day for that matter.

        I had the marriage annulled on the basis it was never consummated. ?

        My next girlfriend received a tidal wave of Fussells Condensed Milk.

    • I agree. I think many thousands of married men sat wondering if they would end up going on rampages after finding out what ‘incel’ meant.

  22. As INCEL seems to be a mental health issue I think the NHS should provide a tank emptying service. It could also hire all these transexual ‘women’ who are supposed to be REAL women, who could participate in the tank emptying. Simples.

  23. What a fucking pathetic loser to think his biggest problem in life was not getting laid. I mean take a fucking number we’ve all been there!

    In current pandemic era how is that even become your number one priority?! Killed his own mother and ended a 3 yr old girls life what a fucking piece of shit I hope he’s roasting in hell

    I’m also really baffled by the fact that he had his licence taken and given back round of applause for plod for being utterly fucking useless once again

  24. This is what happens when mental health is avoided and put on the back burner.

    Meanwhile trans get preferential treatment if you want to become a pretend woman ffs

    If psychiatrists and doctors fail to treat individuals with mental health issues then the least uk government can do is to legalize drugs especially marijuana

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