The Hundred is yet another repackaging of cricket and it is a crock of shit.
I managed to watch about 20 minutes of the first men’s game before turning the tv off. The commentators are universally woke and frequently women; John Arlott they are not.
The BBC has signed up for this rubbish and is desperate to make people think that it is worth watching. Some bint was saying that the previous evening’s women’s game was watched by a world record (for a cockless cricket fixture) 6,000. She failed to mention that some 15,000 tickets were given away for the game.
The Hundred encapsulates all that is wrong with modern sport; designed by media people who have bugger all knowledge or understanding of the true essence of sport.
Nominated by: Guzziguy
I used to catch crickets and feed them to my pet lizard.
The twhack of leather on willow,
Is anything more quintessentially English?
Yes, caned wearing leather hotpants on the village green…
Don’t some matches go on for the best part of a week? I suspect most of the old duffers sat there snoozing only there on the off chance of some slapper doing a streak.
“Thank you Hopkins, now send in Jenkins”
“oooooh! That’s better!”
Another sport hijacked by cunts.
Cricket’s a daft game anyway. Eleven men on one side, two men on the other, someone throws a missile at their heads tying to knock them out, if the ball goes up in the air everyone shouts ‘cat shit’ and after five days they call it a draw. What a waste of time and energy. Only the English could have thought of it.
I don’t think it should be called cricket.
The only cricket is test and county cricket (and its equivalent in other countries).
Everything else seems to be about getting people who don’t like cricket to try and watch it. Fuck them. The 100 and T20 is just all about swinging away at the ball. Loads of bowler and fielding restrictions to encourage ‘crash, bang, wallop’.
Just not cricket.
Test cricket takes a bit of watching to understand the rules and nuances, but it’s worth it in the end. There is a lot more to it than you’d think, but most of the good stuff does not apply to shit like the hundred. I do have issues with test cricket not having up to 2 extra days available to cover rain delays, but that’s about it. Floodlights can be used with a pink ball if it goes dark too – teams shouldn’t be going off for poor light.
As for the split arse version of cricket- it’s poor but not as awful as women’s football. But I can’t get into it at all, nether can most real cricket fans it seems.
But the hundred and T20 are an abomination. One dayers are just about ok though…but test is best.
I use to be bar chairman at our local cricket club, our 1st team is in the 1st division in the county league (there is a premier league so effectively the 2nd division) . Our 2nd team could beat the England ladies reasonably easily, and certainly from whatI was watching yesterday afternoon our 3rd team would have had a very good chance of beating whichever ladies team was playing. The BBCunts would have you believe you are watching quality sport.
Apart from the number of balls, 100 compared to the 120 in 20/20, what’s the fucking difference?
The BBC used to be great for watching sport, lost virtually every fucking thing worth watching, preferring to squander licence fee payers money on programmes for minority group “entertainment”.
Hate the BBC with a fucking passion.
BTW, did you hear about the GBR athlete who competed in the Olympic wanking event? He didn’t come anywhere.
I have honestly watched paint dry and believe me it’s much more exciting than Cricket ?
If cricket didn’t exist I reckon that England (and by extension Britain) would still rule the world. Cricket is even more boring than golf and that is saying something!
Love watching cricket and golf TITS.
Unfortunately the BBC don’t show either of these any more and not prepared to subscribe to Sky.
@Willie Stroker
There’s a reason that sports such as golf and cricket were traditionally shown on a sunday…… last resort/nothing else better to do.
Also love test cricket. 2005 series fucking poms paid back the Aussies with interest. Intrigue gamesmanship and drama had the lot!
Hit and giggle cricket? Fuck off!
Golf can be amazingly calming for me, even if the champ double bogeys he stays stoic so it doesn’t get me upset.
Hate tennis the screaming grunting power whacking just makes me anxious
@Three Strokes
Cricket: Posh English twats with bats.
Golf: Posh Scottish knob-ends with clubs!
Tennis: Posh English/non-English cunts doing posh-people’s PE whilst being vocal about it.
TITS hah good sterotypes but not universal
Posh and English is scarcely apprlicable to the 120 kg Maori bros from Fordlands motors Rotorua in the Wednesday night 20 overs business house comp. One of em landed a six on my car! And I got his middle stump next ball! All laughed off over a beer.
Tennis Ugh especially the ladies creaming
I fucking love cricket, being an old colonial it was a great reminder of Blighty, unfortunately this great British tradition has been hijacked by the lefty cunts, it would be better if they cancelled cricket forever than let it linger on as a shadow of its former glory!!
Great ENGLISH tradition…… not great BRITISH tradtion. I’m not a big sports fan but I’m unaware that cricket is largely popular in Wales, Scotland and NI.
its very popular down in Pembrokeshire TITS, but its different here to the rest of Wales!
@Captain Quimson
Well I come from a town on the border or North Wales and Mid Wales (proper Wales) so I guess the attitude here is different.
Apologies for the passive aggressive nature of my response but to be fair, South Wales just seems like an English colony.
Worse than the women commentators is Phil Tuffnell trying to be continually hilarious….he just comes across as a fucking twat.
I’ve watched a bit of it and don’t think it’s that that’s a game designed for the modern short attention span audience and I must admit that unlike some 5-day format games,at least there’s a bit of action regularly.
Wait until you hear Graeme Swann. He can’t go a sentence without trying to be funny. About as funny as renting a room at Fred West’s house.
Worst of the lot though is Michael Holding. Used to like him. Turned into a right race baiter nowadays, sadly. An ‘opressed’ (by us honkies) millionaire, swanning between his properties in the UK and the Caribbean, watching horse racing and cricket all year.
If that’s oppressed, then can I have some too, please?
To be fair if he’s working for the BBC he has to talk wokie. If he doesn’t they’ll get someone who will. The cunts.
I bet the BBC will have had a lot of complaints, BBC 1 and 2 wall to wall sport, but they won’t give a fuck their funding is guaranteed
Never mind it will soon be all over and back to, not sure really ?
They could make it interesting by having mixed teams and women bowlers up against male batsmen and vice versa, now that would be comedy hour.
Comedy fucking gold! Then they could see how fucking ridiculous they sound with their claims that they’re equal.
I used to enjoy playing cricket at junior school, especially as batsman and to a lesser extent bowler. Fielding was a bit tedious, but the weather in the early 1960s was usually perfect, so not too much of an imposition.
Apart from that I know fuck all about cricket and care less. And the BBC can get fucked.
“…and the BBC can get fucked”
Just piss on them on the way past! Perfect.
I’ve watched cricket worldwide. It’s a great escape from the wife once a year. However the fucking BBC cunts have ruined it by introducing wimminz. It’s stopped me watching it on TV along with any other sport that has wimminz commentators.
I remember a mate of mine trying to convince me that cricket was interesting. He would have had more luck convincing me there was something in religion.
When are they touring South Africa then?
As soon as the main stream media reports a shortage of car tyres in South Africa.
Someone has looted the stumps.
@Liberal Liquidator
I think the South African “Blecks” mistook throwing a coit over a small, orange, plastic traffic cone with throwing a flaming car tyre over a small, white spastic drone.
I can almost see the point of baseball, though not quite. But cricket? No, sorry, passes me by. Possibly because when it was compulsory at school, no-one bothered to tell me what those finer points were that made it such an essential part of our education as to waste two afternoons a week on it. Or give us a shot with the bat. Granted, I wasn’t a sportsmanlike youth, but my peers and mentors didn’t often obstruct my alternative recreation – a stroll out of bounds with a packet of Escort for company. (See also: “You’re never alone with a Strand”)
I watched a pint’s worth of village cricket three years ago. It didn’t appear to have changed. Sure, make it more lively, cut the hours down, and, hey, why not make the bat round and call it baseball?
When I was a teenager, the only lads who played cricket were the arrogant little bellends who probably had shrooms for knobs.
Fuck cricket and fuck cricket fans. (By the way… I hate footie more than anything else in the world and yet I have cricket fans more).
Just let that sink in.
I’ve seen a baseball game at Yankee Stadium and if you think cricket is boring well fuck a duck. The Yanks seem to spend all their time going in and out with beers, burgers, hot dogs and giant pretzels the fat cunts. By the way I happened to read the other day that a beer at Yankee Stadium costs $15.75. Fuck that!
“Beers, burgers, hot dogs and giant pretzels” are all part of the experience. Never saw a real baseball game, but enjoyed rounders when I was a young kid.
But can anyone help me remember a name? The name of a style of motor racing which involved small and simple methanol-fuelled cars tearing round an extremely small oval track in the 60s Midwest – at night? Something hauser or something hauer, I think it was, but Google doesn’t help. That, complete with burgers etc, was definitely worth it for an evening out.
Got it! Offenhauser. Get the behind me, dementia!
Cricket is the best game ever invented. Long form cricket that is. If you don’t ‘get it’ fair enough, but I can’t help it if you are a cunt. However, unfortunately, like everything else fine and proper the Worldwide Association of Complete and Utter Cunts (WACUC) have got their scaley claws on God’s Great Game and are wokefying the fuck out of it. Here’s today’s English lesson:
Batter (noun) what you fry fish in
Batter (verb) what storms do to the coast
Batter (noun) slightly smelly little lumps that fall out of ladies’ front bottoms when they have a yeast infection ‘down below’
A man batting at the crease in cricket is a batsman, not, I repeat, not a fucking batter. Suddenly, out of nowhere, just like Orwell predicted, ‘batsmen’ have become ‘batters’. This is because WACUC are pretending that women can play cricket when we all know wamminz poncing about on a cricket field does not even closely resemble cricket. Just like ‘wamminz football’ ‘wamminz cricket’ only exists to wind up God- fearing law-abiding men of distinction.
I disagree! Wamen poncing about on a cricket field comes across as entirely what would be expected of England’s finest game.
Hmmm. Do you work for WACUC?
No I don’t work for WUCAC……. I established and run the fucking thing! If you think my comments on cricket are offensive, just wait for me to unload on footie!
The only purpose of women at a cricket club is to do the tea.
One of the finest afternoon of sport that I have watched was on a Friday afternoon at the Oval in 2004, England v. West Indies. England had scored sufficient and the West Indies were batting. They were 3 or 4 wickets down, I could only get there for the afternoon and was disappointed I had missed Lara. Never mind Harmison, Hogg, Flintoff and Jones were all steaming in and the crowd were baying for blood, not to see wickets going down, but to see batsmen suffering, just as England batsmen had suffered for as long as we could remember. 7 wickets went down and the WI were asked to follow on. A young Chris Gayle comes out to bat but has obviously lost his nerve and is shortly out, in comes Lara and the crowd in uproar, Harmison who had been bowling at 85 mph send one down at 94 mph Lara ducks and the wind has been put up him. He was out not much later.
Then the crowd started chanting “We want the Aussies” and the West Indies were humiliated.
It was the nearest thing to the Roman Coliiseum in it’s heyday.
It was brilliant and whoever says cricket is boring hasn’t seen it played at the highest level.
Cricket is boring as fuck and I bet the colloseum was boring as fuck until they brought out the lions… where are the fucking lions in cricket? Nowhere, that’s where!
What a bunch of unwashed scruffy little Herbets.
Wtf happened to all white outfits,caps,tea,pims and sandwiches?
Just fuck off you riff raff.
*Herberts…… it’s spelt “HER….. BERTS!” It rhymes with “HERP DERPS!”
Typo on my behalf. You get a point for spotting that Two in the Stink.
I normally agree with all the regulars views .
But I’ve been watching and enjoying the men’s games
Probably because there ain’t much to watch that isn’t either depressing or lies on tv nowadays
So we have free speech allegedly so I like the cricket even if most other cunts don’t
There is no compulsion to agree with everyone else here. ISAC is a broad (largely atheist) church. But I’d be interested to know….why? There must be some feature that makes cricket attractive to its fans, but it baffles me.
Low bar prices in the clubhouse?
Tom Daley knitting-
He’s already knitted a little pouch to hold his gold medal in.
Fucking hell! Cunts like him cry about “stereotyping” and there he is fitting the poof stereotype to the tee. You couldn’t make this shit up!
He is knitting a little pouch to hold his husband’s twig n berries.
As an ardent test and county cricket fanatic this new form of the game is a pile of King Kong shit.
I also used to go to (the other) Old Trafford regularly. When I watched Wasim, Athers, Fittton, Yeats and DeFreitas.
But – alas – cricket has now gone the same way as football. Sickeningly woke, knee taking cunts, and bloody stupid women gobbing off and taking over. Ruined by TV money and virtue signaling insanity. Cricket, like football and rugby, is now sadly finished.
Leather on willow ? Sounds like the poor aminals and twees being made hurty. Much better the sound of spongey balls on plastic bats.
Oh, hang on that’ll killl all the fishy wishys and incur the wrath of St Attenborough.
Best be off to your safe space and declare all sports a draw.
Organised loafing as some cunt more erudite than me described it. How can you have a fucking sport with meal breaks?
If you were playing there’d have to be breaks not just for meals .
Test Matches on the BBC in the 80s were quite splendid and I miss them very much.
With the advent of Sky and a mountain of cuntery it’s all a mess now.
What a fucking shame.
As said above, Test is best, the rest is shite. People who don’t like it don’t understand it so simply shouldn’t fucking watch it. Boxing Day Ashes test at the MCG, un fucking real.
Bowler Lockie Ferguson of New Zealand has been clocked at 96 mph.
I wonder how one of these wimminz ‘world class batters’ would handle one of his aimed to bounce up and into their fucking chins.