The A-Level System

Yes! I got in to study media studies in Grimsby!

A nomination for the A-level system and grade inflation.

45% of the little darlings getting at least 1 A/ A* meaning it’s now impossible to distinguish between the gifted and the merely above average.

Just scrap the whole system and make kids sit IQ tests at 11 and 18. Bring back grammar schools and place more emphasis on the vocational options for careers rather than funnelling every cunt towards useless degrees in spastic studies that will never get them a job. It’s a slap in the face for the practical kids who want to learn a trade and earn, and a waste of time for those who were never bright enough to learn Engineering, Medicine or any degree requiring rigour. Nobody benefits from this fucked-up Blairite project apart from the greedy bastards running these day care centres and the politicians.

Linkity Link

Nominated by – Cuntamus Prime

103 thoughts on “The A-Level System

  1. Waste of time isnt it?
    Kids dumb as a fuckin rock studying for employment theyll never get.
    Its ok if your a egghead or some speccy pub quiz twat though.
    My advice to young uns is get a van.
    Can always earn with a van.
    Failing that?
    Flog your arse or learn to cook.

    • Damn right MNC. I used to be a Manager at a large FE college but got out 6 years ago before I finally lost the will to live. So I’ve seen the education system first hand and know what a complete and utter abortion it is.

      Having decided I no longer wanted to be a part of a completely fucked-up, broken system, guess what I did? That’s right, I bought a van!!! I am now a self employed business to business long distance courier and I’ve never been happier. I earn more money doing this too.

      • See Ghee?
        Im under rated on here,
        But im a deeply intellectual man.
        These little wannabe Einsteins fannying about, get loaded up and get earning.
        Professor Miserable phd*
        *Pissed. hardly drive

  2. I went to uni and came out of it with a degree that stopped me getting a good job for a couple of years. It wasn’t a shit degree it was ‘too good’ so every decent place wouldn’t hire me as they thought I wouldn’t stick with them for too long because of it. I wish I’d just done something shit like philosophy.

    • Proper annoyed me at interviews too “why do you want to work here you could be doing x wonderful things” “I don’t want to do that anymore I want to work here”.

    • Lad applied for a builders labourer in Colorado.
      “I’ve got a masters”
      “we’re looking for a PhD”

  3. In defence of their chaotic immigration system, politicians always point to the lack of home grown tradespeople.

    There is no point in shoving a student towards a worthless media studies degree on the basis of a few dodgy A levels if there is no job at the end of it.

    Britain needs tradespeople. Bricklayers, plasterers, plumbers etc.
    But all that potential talent is wasted by producing quasi ‘intellectuals’ who can’t change a light bulb.

    • Reminds me of David Willetts who was given the nickname “two brains” by fellow MPs because they thought he was so clever. Then it came out in the expenses scandal that he had called in an electrician to replace some of his light bulbs.

  4. It’s the new world.

    Everyone is a winner. Can’t handle failure, these young uns. Look at the Olympics. Quitters lauded more than winners. Driving tests are the only tests left that aren’t gimmes yet. Give it time and the test will be the examiner asking ‘What is that?’ You saying ‘A car.’

    Examiner, ‘Congratulations, you’ve passed your driving test!’

    I blame social media. Being overly sensitive over losing face was seen as an East Asian thing. Now, it’s in the west too because they post their life on Crapbook and everyone judges and argues with each other. Make yourself look daft or lose an argument and they lose their fucking minds. The end of the world.

    It’s passed on to education and the little darlings are too sensitive about failing, so as long as you turn up and can write your name, you’ll get a degree.

    It’s bollocks. 3 good A levels in the 90s was a real achievement. You had to be a right clever cunt to get those grades.

    Now, any old illiterate rapper or thick cunt can do the same.

    • So many of these vapid bimbos seem to be getting 5 A levels. The two brothers at my school (suburban SW London compo, 1, 000 students, roughly), were Indians, for whom we had the greatest respect. Their exams were all STEM, and they walked into Cam ridge. If I could remember their surname, I could look them up, and see what they’ve invented…

      • Those A’s are probably in Sociology, Art History, Psychology Media/Film and a language (Daddy has a villa/B&B).

    • I managed to get 11 O Levels in 1971 and 4 A Levels in 1973.
      Chemistry and Astronomy at Uni – became a sign painter!
      I was a late starter with kids (39 when first one showed up).
      Couldn’t believe the ‘education’ system they had to navigate. Total joke.
      I think they learned more at home and out and about with me than they did at school.
      Boggles the mind how little the average cunt has a clue about these days.

      • With your knowledge you could be searching for alien life ,’harrassing the greyliens’ as David Bowie once said.

    • Surely subjecting sub-Saharan Africans to IQ tests designed for humans is a trifle unfair?

    • Just about sums up Uncle Mo !!!
      Knight of the realm? Don’t make me fuckin’ laugh.

    • 68? That’s mental retardation.

      I remember an episode of Horizon where BBC created a new test based on EQ (or something), just for Bonnie Greer. She still only just matched the evil, white and male quantum physicist who also came out top in the proper test.

  5. The system is designed to make the little snowflakes think that Labour MPs, Greta Thundercunt,, Nazi Nicola, Hair Sniffin’ Joe and George Floyd are towering intellectuals. How else are they to perpetuate their shit and oppress the masses?

    Good morning, everyone.

  6. IQ tests always make me laugh. A measurement of intelligence they tell us. Yeah, but who wrote the fucking tests in the first place? Who decided this shite is a measure of intelligence?
    They didn’t drop out of the fucking sky did they?
    The winners always write the history.

    • Probably some boffins working for the military who want to select the most ideal eggheads for cypher work or something, adding them to the watch list whilst still minors.

      • “Probably some boffins working for the military who want to select the most ideal eggheads for cypher work or something,”
        It’s called the Talpiot Program

      • Intelligence without knowledge is not a lot of use.
        Knowledge without intelligence, likewise.
        Wisdom requires both and a LOT of time.

    • A few IQ tests are better than lying to the academically less able throughout their school lives, telling them to get a degree in Norse poetry along with an inflated opinion of their brilliance.

      It’s fucked up a generation.

  7. Maybe a little bit controversial, but it would be interesting to see how many folk could gain enough marks to achieve an A or A+ grade on a current A Level Maths or Physics paper? This year’s grades were based on teacher assessments and were ridiculously over estimated (particularly by public schools). Once examinations are back, there ought to be a return to normality.

    • Solve systematic IQ racism easily by standardising each score by the mean of its racial group population.

      Just publish that list of means somewhere else.

    • People who say this are not aware of the wide distribution within racial groups.

      The racism logic works against white people as well.

  8. I’ve sacked people with degrees for being lazy gobshites with no man management skills, piss poor time keeping and a sense of entitlement which tells them everything that ever goes wrong is always someone else’s fault.

    • Your description, minus the degrees, described practically everyone I’ve worked with who’s under the age of forty.
      If it’s up to these cunts to build a better world then earth is fucked.
      They couldn’t do it out of Lego.

      • I remember a girl I worked with who was shocked she was fired for watching Netflix on her phone during work hours all day.

  9. Results day always amuses me. Loads of articles in the meeja showing groups of pretty schoolgirls laughing and hugging each other. Never show boys celebrating for some reason.

    • And there is always a disproportionate number of ethnics which seems to completely quash the argument that ethnic minorities are left behind. Or is it the media (BBC) who are just virtue signalling ?

      • Yeah, I have noticed that too. Sometimes they feature a peaceful ‘Rain Man’ who are about eight or nine and have already taken their maths A-Levels. No doubt all the kids of these Afghan parasites on their way here are future Nobel Prize winners.

    • Our local paper had three photos from three different schools, . There was two boys, one was a Samba and the other a Mohhamed. Of the girls 5 were effnic innit, one looked an ordinary white girl and the other looked like a Goth, No white boys and only 2 white girls. Diversity is our strength. Innit. Sadiq would be ever so pleased.

      • The local rag here had photos of graduation day from a nearby poly – I mean ‘university college’ – and all of the graduates were fat white girls.

  10. The latest media mantra is lack of HGV drivers, trades people to build houses, need more vocational qualifications, I fully agree.
    Not enough people to work in hospitality, why cos there aren’t enough EU workers. almost a million job vacancies, but we have the best part of 2 million unemployed,
    All the cunts doing Social studies type shit could go straight into changing bed sheets in hotel and waiting on in restaurants
    What is the point of every cunt going to university to study bullshit when there aren’t enough ‘top jobs’ to go round, cunts.

    • Another of Blair’s crimes, getting more people to go to university, and dumbing it down to suit that agenda. Vocational occupations are the bedrock of society, without them there is nothing, and for those cunts making anything less than a degree being a failure, even one of the absolute pointless shit ones, was in my opinion a crime against humanity. From supposed socialists too.

  11. Back when I was in school, they taught you how to learn. Sounds stupid, but think about it. You get taught answers now. My mate has been a teacher for over thirty years, is now semi retired but gets paid to mark exam papers, and he says it’s a doddle, because all you do is check the answers, as there is no need anymore to show how you worked it out. Back in my day there was no internet and calculators were not allowed as that would be cheating. Now both are part of the process, so the whole working out part is minuscule. How you arrive at an answer is the most important part, as it shows you understand the question.
    And that is why the internet made the human race stupid.

    • Reminds me GJ of an acquaintance who in the eighties took a slide rule into a maths exam. Got away with it because the young invigilator obviously didn’t know what a slide rule was!

      • A slide rule and log tables were req’d items at my grammar from day 1, don’t know about comps though? Then LED calculators came in and it went to ratshit as everybody just spent time trying to spell out swear words on them in the ten minutes you had before it guzzled a pair of PP3s!

  12. In my day (post press gang let me add) You either passed or failed the 11 plus. If you failed as I did, you went to a council school, and rough and ready teachers, in between telling you that you were thick (as they must have been themselves otherwise they would have been teaching the 11 plussers,) tought you really useful things to help you get a worthwhile job after you waived each other a hearty goodbye. I had many schoolmates who went on to become really useful, practical men. Not least the really useful skills of reading, writing and maths, essential in those pre-calculator and computer days. Only one of our group of 40, as far as I am aware, ended up inside – needless to say, the school bully who got done for robbery with violence, more than once.

    I was able to join the Navy because I looked quite respectable, had learned as much as I could, could swim a few lengths and was willing to learn.

    I’d still rather have it that way than get coached in some esoteric subject, like golf course management, cost my parents £9000+ and end up either flipping burgers or going on ER demos. I suspect quite a lot of ordinary kids like I was would have preferred that than being coached by caring sharing teachers who want you to get in touch with your feminine side.

    • Mr Boggs, did you do O levels at your secondary school?

      I cannot remember them.

      Just the 11+.

      Then us thickkos at secondary modern, and those who passed it went to Grammar or Technical High School.

      There was a certificate you could do when you were 16, but I’d long left by then,- with nothing at all.

      • No, no O Levels on offer for me. They just said when it was coming up to senior school – you, you, and you to school A, you, you, and you school B and so on – we didn’t have technical school/college in our catchment area, as I would have benefited from going to one. At least we all made something of ourselves, so whatever we went to was some success.

      • Thanks for that.

        I thought I had gone senile.

        My older brother went to Technical High School. But to get there you had to pass the 11+ like Grammar School.

        He got a Certificate of Education.
        I’ve got it stashed away somewhere amongst some of his paperwork.

        It’s hand written certificate, and has pass, merit and distinctions marked against various subjects.

        A beautiful certificate, written in a calligraphy style.

        No good to him now, he is long gone.

  13. In my opinion, it’s no surprise that the military have upped the minimum qualifications for becoming an officer and aircrew than in the 80’s when I did it.

    • Probably because we have so few aircraft. I went to the RAF museum at Hendon last week. They have obviously had an injection of lottery cash as there are new exhibition halls. The exhibits are the same, but spread over more area. What pissed me off was the whole ethos of the first exhibition hall was wimminz and minorities (who knew so many blacks were in the war-time RAF?). The rest of the stuff was shit, with no explanations. They had even got rid of a lot of the Nazi exhibits (such as Goering’s uniform and medals). Cunts

      • Oh, the minorities and Wimmin… Fucks me off greatly when they call them ‘Spitfire Women’. Not denegrating what they did, but, don’t put them on the same fucking pedestal as Fighter Command.

      • That new Navy advert. Dark key slightly lezza looking bird says something like.

        “I’ll decide where a woman’s place is.”

        Ooh. You go girl!

        Loads of clips of her being tough and hints of lezzin’ up (maybe my dirty mind, but I don’t think so).

        But when it goes off for real and the Frigate is on fire and listing, with soldiers running around on fire and faces melting, will she be grabbing helping those trapped, putting out fires and carrying the wounded to safety, or will she be too weak to do any of that and just be crying in a corner, getting in the fucking way and demanding attention for her distress?

        Yeah, I think we know.

        I’m sure there are some brave butch tuppence licking types who could help more than my lazy arse ,(but I’m not the one joining up though!), but the majority would be useless (actually, a fucking liability) when it really goes off.

        Get them serving in the NAAFI if they want to help out.

        What is it with women wanting to be men nowadays? I’m glad I’m not young, all the birds think they’re Fatima Whitbread nowadays. Right turn off.

        Fuck off.

      • Wasn’t spitfire the name of a nasty querulous unpleasant harridan back in the days?

      • went to the Australian national museum expecting to see actual relics like real didgeridoos, woomeras and the spear that killed Inspector Burke, but ohhhhhhhh nooooo.

        Tons of telescreen displays and audio haranguing the paying customer about all the evils whitey did to the Abos, and none of the real stuff.

        At least an art gallery they put the actual stuff there on the fucking wall even if half of it is postmodern shite

    • Didn’t I see this week that new paramedics have to have a degree now?

      Not sure that would help in getting an obese stroke victim down a couple of flights, but what do I know?

      • You’re correct. Used to be a natural progression in the service, do your courses after gaining experience and then qualify. Not saying they don’t know their stuff, but, it’s usually a pragmatic dinosaur like me that comes to their rescue come heavy lifting time.

  14. Trouble with the emphasis on all this philosophical and arty-farty stuff is it squeezes out the basic essentials. To lead something approaching a normal life you need the three Rs and a full (i.e. manual) driving licence. Our kids had their first driving lessons on their seventeenth birthdays, I would have regarded them as seriously deprived otherwise. I’m astonished at how many folks in their twenties I have met over recent years who cannot drive and this situation seems especially prevalent in London. As regards studying the wrong subjects, when I was at school there was a point when we were split into two streams and the A stream did German while the B stream did Engineering. I’ve worked in Germany and you don’t need German; they all speak English. Engineering on the other hand is of practical use every day.

    • I wholeheartedly agree. I’m an engineer and had to do three years of nightschool to get my professional qualifications.

      A decent mechanical project engineer now demands a £120k salary and benefits.

      People with worthless degrees tend to demand if you want fries with that.

    • If only schools taught maths through the medium of taxation. Where does it come from and how is it spent, and why the twat at the back of the class is wasting your mummy and daddy’s money.

      Let the ones who don’t want to be there fuck off to work in a scrapyard or on a building site. Not everyone wants to stay at school until they’re old enough to die for their country and have a kid. A waste of taxpayer money. It would be cheaper to have them on the dole.

    • In PNG I get locally trained foresters continually applying for jobs but hardly any of them have drivers license

      I need them capable of taking one if the trucks, drive up the valley, get your technical stuff done, and get yourself and the fucking truck back safely to base.

      I sent a message to the school to tell them for gawd sake tell the kids they are useless without one.

      And every hopeful who calls me, sends an email, SMS, resume, drops in etc the drivers license is the first thing I arks them.

  15. A levels and degrees have not been worth the paper they’re printed on since 1997.

    • Quite. As someone mentioned above, the whole thing is completely dumbed down.

      The more abundant something is, the less it’s worth. It’s called “inflation”, in this case, grade inflation, brought about by that oily fuckwit with the shit-eating grin. “Education, education, education”!!

      Fucking cunt…..

    • Nobody had David Morris either. Who’s he? He’s the guy who was serving a life sentence for the ‘Clydach murders’ where a mother, two kids and their gran were killed and their house set on fire to disguise the crime. Many thought he was fitted up, and the real culprits were the woman’s lesbian lover and her husband and his twin brother, all serving police officers.
      Morris died in prison on Friday, in his late fifties.
      I don’t know who did it, but I knew someone working for the CPS who handled the case, and their opinion was interesting to say the least.

  16. My daughter has just come through the whole A-level thing. She worked hard, and I would say it was harder than if she had done “normal” exams. However, a local school, which has always been shit, and has had year-on-year reduction in grades, even being below the average for Essex (itself fucking shit), has miraculously had a record year of high grades and has sent a few kids to Oxbridge. Absolute fucking horse-shit.

  17. I wonder what the shadow cabinet got Or what was there best subject?
    Dianne Abbot: Applied Mathematics.
    Keir Starmer: Hairdressing.
    Analese Dodds Beauty and Care.
    Angela Raynor: Elocution
    Emily Thornberry: Domestic Science.

  18. Simple mathematics.
    If you have 5 apples Billy and Mohammed asks you for one, how many would you have left?

  19. I did a A Level in English language and Literature in 2014/5, because I was bored, (and it was free).

    It was worth doing it just to be amongst all the young ‘talent’, if I’m absolutely honest.

    The majority of the young ‘talent’ wasn’t very bright at all. Even the ones who were academic, had no common sense whatsoever.

    The couple of young lads we had in the group were complete dead-heads, neither of which completed the course.

    A young girl of about 20 years old was reading a passage of text, when she suddenly paused at the word “Cincinnati”. She hadn’t a clue how it was pronounced. I was quite shocked at this.
    Again this happened again when she stumbled across “Arkansas”.

    I achieved a ‘A’ at the end of the course.

    I wrote what I thought was a load of illegible scrawl in one exam, and didn’t even complete the last question on poetry.

    Most of the young girls achieved A’s and B’s.

    The girl who couldn’t pronounce a well-known city also achieved an ‘A’.

    A levels are a watered down load of shite.

    Dumbed down, to suit modern society.

  20. Still got my O and A level papers from the early 70’s. Loved to see if these geniuses, who have worked very hard, could answer ANY of the questions.

  21. From a (long discarded, HtB) CCE¹ paper in 1984, I recall this.

    [Integral]²₁ sqrt((3x-x²)³)dx=3π/8

    Admittedly, it was in a paper assessing for Natural Sciences and not the Mathematics tripos, but it sticks in my memory for being a bit too easy – and it carried a lot of marks, too. Perhaps the rot had already set in before Mr Blair’s ministrations a decade and a half later?

    ¹ Cambridge Colleges Examination

  22. Education is recognising dogshit – experience is knowing not to step in it.
    I used to do hiring and firing – no post grads (bone idle, treat people like servants), no muslims (lazy, dirty, chippy and wholly inappropriate behaviour and conduct towards Women) and nobody who snowflaked the interview (I do not hire people who are poking about with their phone – at the fucking interview!).
    Education is wasted if the stupid, uninformed and lazy can call themselves “educated” after getting a useless qualification – we need more apprenticeships, kids doing work experience 1 day a week for the two years before they leave and considerably more emphasis on practical skills (everyone will need them at some point) – I make a good living repairing and selling things, and the look of bafflement on millennials faces when faced with the most basic things is amusing but simultaneously tragic – they are more clueless than toddlers.
    And MNC is wholly correct on the van thing – they always earn, they pay for themselves and in March I shall be grabbing one for my latest business venture – “Foxys mobile bicycle repairs” – bike shops are shutting everywhere to be taken over by corporate shite like Halfords and Motosave and nobody does mobile bike repairs – a gap in the market I can exploit! ??

    • Afternoon Foxy,
      While I said it a bit tongue in cheek, its true.
      If you have a van you can always earn a few quid.
      One thing thats not going to lack demand is something moved from point A to point B.

      • MNC@ – Agreed – I got the panzer to move the smaller stuff (3 series estate, had a Benz estate before that) and using the money to sort a van in the new year, people will always need stuff shifting and if I charge the right price and do the job well word of mouth is a big thing where I live – and I don’t mind the Uni types laughing at me as I cruise by at £20 an hour! ??

    • My eldest lad’s starting college this year and I pushed him towards engineering for all the above reasons. He wanted to go in at the level 3 which is geared to design side, production, estimating, project management etc but I said nope, “nobody on a shop floor will take you seriously if you haven’t spent a few years hands on making piles o’ swarf coz I don’t.”
      I’ve got a BCA precision jig-borer on a stand in the hall! and a old skool thread-chasing lathe in the corner of the kitchen so he’s got a head start on it already. More importantly I’ve taught him that nine times out of ten it IS POSSIBLE TO FIX SHIT as opposed to immediately condemning it to landfill.

      “… the look of bafflement on millennials’ faces when faced with the most basic things is amusing but simultaneously tragic”

      Tragic indeed Vern but the adults these days are little better, their whole lives run on electricity but they have no idea how it works. I remember as an apprentice being called out to a major dept store 15 miles away just to fit a 13A plug to a floor polisher I mean seriously??? There’s even a fucking diagram on the carboard packaging but they call out a spark and lad to do it.

      I’m always getting neighbours tapping the door with some dead appliance in hand ’cause they don’t know anyone else with a decent set of tools and the skill/knowledge base to use ’em.
      I believe that in medieval war you never killed the blacksmiths or armourers because their sorcerous skills were rare and critical.

      • CC@ – Yep, the lack of knowledge and will to learn or try from some is baffling, I have neighbours who give me broken stuff rather than dump it and we split the profit if I can fix it.
        Practical skills are never wasted.

      • Cunter after me own heart, CC. You can do a university engineering course without so much as picking up a spanner. The old route, apprenticeship and start at the bottom, was the way to go.

        (I’ve got a Proxon mini-mill in my kitchen and a rather neat cheap Chinese soldering/hot air station in the living room, but I can’t compete with your kit.)

      • I have a clothes washer still under warranty that developed a very noisy water valve. I ordered and replaced the part myself because $60 and 20 minutes is worth not having to deal with the warranty claim process (Phone cue, time off work to meet the tech, covid protocols, etc).
        We have a HUGE need here for trades people. Too many cunts getting psychology degrees that aren’t worth a shit in the real world.

      • Things in this thread strike a chord with me, in particular it is my door bell the neighbours head for when something mechanical, electrical or in the plumbing doesn’t work. However a major contribution to people’s ignorance and reluctance to try to sort anything is legislation. In the early years of our marriage I did lots of work on our old house which now I would be prevented from doing by law. For instance it is illegal to replace your own windows now which is one of the many jobs I did in the old days. As for the arseholes in local authorities who enforce this shite, they are so far removed from normal life that they actually boast on the net about how they are spending your rates on protecting you from yourself!

      • Komodo: “I’ve got a Proxon mini-mill in my kitchen…”

        Also got all three versions of the classic pre-war and post war Zyto back-geared lathe. Built so a bloke could skim the brake drums of his Moggy Minor in his own shed! Nearly pulled the trigger on a CNC’d Proxon m’self and oh how I envy you those metric leadscrews and micrometer engraved handwheels. My old machines have no such sophistications so I have to set everything out ‘old skool’ with guage blocks, feelers and dial guages. That gets you close to final finished dimensions but it’s your ‘feel for the steel” and familiarty with the foibles and characteristics of the machine that enable you to “split a thou”.


    • There is a suggestion that the current generation in college (gen z) are more inept than millennials with all forms of technology, not just mechanical. They struggle to install computer software if not installed on a device by the manufacturer.

      Changing a tyre or lighting the BBQ? Forget it.

  23. A question for today’s exams:
    What year was the War of 1812?
    I also have noticed word problems have gone woke:
    Shaniqua and her wife Judy volunteer at the battered women’s shelter 2 days a month. During Pride month they attend 3 parades. How many days in a year to they serve their community?
    Answer: Fuck right off!

    • Here’s an maths quiz for the modern world.




      1. Lajames has an AK47 with a 200-round clip. He usually misses 6 of every 10 shots and he uses 13 rounds per drive- by shootin. How many mofos Can Lajames ice on a drive-by before he gotta. reload?

      2. Leroy has 2 ounces of cocaine. If he sells an 8 ball to Antonio for $320 and 2 grams to
      Juan for $85 per gram, what be the street value of the rest of his shit?

      3. Dwayne pimps 3 ho’s. If the price is S85 per trick, how many tricks per day must each
      ho turn to support Dwayne’s S800 per day Crack habit?

      4. Rau! wants 10 cut the pound of cocaine he bought for $40.000 to make 20% profit.
      How many ounce bags will he need to make to gets the 20% upside?

      5. Ray-Ray gets $2000 for a stolen BMW, $1500 for stealing a Corvette, and $1000 for a
      4×4. If he steals 1 BMW. 2 Corvettes and 3 4×4’s, how many more Corvettes must he
      steal to make the 10k for his brother’s bail?

      6. Pedro got 6 years for murder. He also got $10.000 for the hit. If his common-law wife
      spends $1OO of his hit money per month, how much money wiii be left when he gets out?

      7. If an average can of spray paint covers 22 square feet and the average letter !s 3 square
      feet, how many letters can be sprayed with three 8 oz. cans of spray paint with 20% paint
      left over?

      8. Tyrone knocked up 4 girls in the gang. There be 20 girls in his gang. What be the
      percentage of bitches Tyrone knocked up?

      9. Lafawnda is a lookout for the gang. Lafawnda also has a Boa Constrictor that eats 5
      rats per week and a cost of $5 per rat. If Lafawnda makes $700 a week as a lookout, how
      many weeks can she feed her snake with one week’s income

      10. Marvin steals Juan’s skateboard. As Marvin skates away at I5mph. Juan loads his 357 Magnum piece. It it takes Juan 20 seconds to load his piece, how far away will Marvin be
      when he gels whacked?

    • To be fair we were answering questions about Sundeep and his guinea pigs in 1994 GCSE science.

  24. It looks like a quality street qualification, worth fuck all, it’s like when the Italians printed more lira to bail out the country out of a financial crisis, make it worthless….great plan.
    Put some cheese on that burger, with all those qualification s you still fuck up the drive through orders, useless cunt

  25. Like I’ve said since its release, Idiocracy by Mike Judge, is a documentary not a fiction based film.

  26. I thought it was good of Jeremy Clarkson to point out that A level success isn’t that necessary for success in life. He got a C and two U and is now worth £45 million.

    There’ll be more than a few of these swotty girls who get 4-5 As, get a shite degree and find their earning potential in their chosen career peaks at £32,000 a year, then blame sexism.

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