Those Who Support Government Censorship of Books.
Apparently 40% of Britons would support Government censorship of “sexist, homophobic, and racist books”…
As defined by the wokes and snowflakes, maybe, but not ordinary people, surely?
Calls for government censorship of offensive books
If true it is deeply disturbing.
That said, there are a lot of stupid fuckwits out there nowadays.
This Country Is Finished.
Nominated by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff
I’d like to know the general political leanings of the 40%. I bet they’re all left wing.
And If these 40% are left leaning this is concerning but doesn’t surprise how many sheep go along with the stupid Covid madness.
It’s shocking that anyone could think that this is a good idea.
If you start censoring books where does it stop? And who decides what should be censored?
Mein Kampf, a filthy piece of turd, has been freely available in the UK for years. And that’s as it should be. I trust to the common sense of people that read it to reach the right conclusions about the book, it’s author and his disgusting political philosophy.
If we go down the route of censorship we might just as well abandon the literary canon and abolish the English Language in favour of Newspeak (or Wokespeak).
Shocking that it should come to this. The 40% who support censorship are illiterate and degenerate morons who have lost sight of the importance of freedom.
It’s been alleged that Mein Kampf is slightly less anti semitic than the Holy Qur’an – which, I’d dare say the aforementioned 40 percent would never wish to see censored.
Mein Kampf is a horrifically written book it’s almost as boring as 120 days of sodom.
Which by the way is the most overrated book ever. Blokes fuck anything that moves and enjoy young boys farting in their face. It’s about as controversial and erotic as reader’s digest.
MMCM@ – It is always best to take these “surveys, opinion polls, etc” with a bucket of salt – Ipsos Mori do the (rigged) polls, and they are financially supported by the Gates Foundation – hmm..
Reuters “fact checkers” have declared certain recent legal rulings as “false” – but they kind of would when they are majority owned by Blackstone, Blackstone being massive multi billion pharma investors including Pfizer and the CEO of Reuters is a former Pfizer exec.
These things are psyops designed to brainwash and gaslight people into a hive mentality through guilt.
Don’t believe a word – I believe people should have educated free choice – but some do not.
All roads from pharma lead to fucking Gates. People need to wake their ass up and have a look. The evidence is Ain plain sight but the scum media have normalised the masses so that whenever his name is mentioned, the subject is dismissed as tinfoil hat / conspiracy theories. Just one board member though others are available as are other pharmaceutical companies.
People need to take a closer look at exactly who the fuck makes up GAVI and the JCVI who seem to influence or should I say control government decision affecting every aspect of your life.
Bet they all voted remoan. Bet they all dutifully wear their masks. Good little cunts.
Boring twats
The British Library, no less, has already made a start by “de-colonising” their books:
The British Library has been taken over by woke activist librarians and is now “Woke Central”.
The government needs to get a grip before all our cultural institutions are flushed down the toilet by these loons. Many have already gone past the u-bend and are festering in the sewage works (the BBC, universities, etc).
Lady Creampuff worked for the British Library up to about 5 years ago. To say she is appalled would be an understatement. It was quite lefty when she was there, but not on this scale. She doesn’t recognise that Liz Jolly fuck, so presumably they’re under new woke management.
The BL is treating the books as if they own them. But they don’t – they’re our books, the nation’s books, our heritage, which we should have open and unhindered access to at all times – no ifs, no buts.
Can we still get Noddy at the BL? Or have he and poor Enid been unpersoned?
I doubt BL have even heard of her, she’s been persona non grata in elite literary circles since the 1930s, at which time the BBC refused to broadcast readings of Noddy because the books were perceived as “lacking literary merit”.
Incidentally, the first book I ever read was ‘The Boy Next Door’ by Enid Blyton. Fucking ace! Complete with illustrations of white children culturally appropriating Red Indian costumes – must be where I got my white supremacist ideology from!
That fucking Liz Jolly is a complete disgrace.
She has the look and demeanour of the typical white apologist. “Cassandra” from Only Fools and Horses hair, the self-righteous coquettish, smirk and far too many unsightly facial excrescenses.
How the fuck arseholes like Jolly manage to worm their way into positions of influence is really beyond me.
What the fuck is “grinning berk” Oliver Dowden doing about this? Probably scratching his arsehole in a bid to find some ‘culture’.
I’m looking forward to the British Library stocking “The Bumper Book of Black Achievements “.
To be found under fantasy fiction. Don’t worry Diane, its got pictures too!
I have a relative who worked at the BL Coincidentally (?) RTC, about the same time as your Mrs. She was (senior) in marketing. I have a nasty feeling that this may be part of her legacy. If so, I’m glad we’re no longer in contact.
The BL is a repository, not a social reformer, or so I always understood. Things have come to a very pretty pass. One hundred percent of komodos would like the BL to conform with the Trades Descriptions Act and remove “British” from its branding.
As a further aside; publications such as newspapers are required by law to lodge a copy of each issue with the BL. And if the issue contains – as before woke (BF) it may well have done – racist opinions, even in the letters page, are these copies to be censored?
Reminds me of Animal Farm and the rewriting of the rules.
Whether you’ve read the book or not, great animation here. See you back here in two hours…
RTC@ – Time to remover their taxpayer funding then.
Everything he should submit an FOI to their local council on whatsoever requesting a list of books removed from libraries in their locale over the last five years, reasons for removal and who requested their removal.
I notice when I occasionally browse the FOI’s requested to my local council that amnesty international have a rather unhealthy interest in matters occuring in my sleepy locale, particularly in matters relating to early years & childhood education.
Predictive text fucked that post proper?
Everyone should submit an FOI to their local council on
Absolutely no chance 40% are in favour of this.
More lies from the propaganda machine?
The sample size wasn’t that big and if was taken in Islington then 40% would be pretty low ?
Books, films, music. This is just the beginning.
Unless of course you believe “it couldn’t happen here”
Vote Blue, get Red…
Prof Ferguson discovered it could.
This country is resembling Airstrip One more and more with each passing day.
Why? If you don’t like the content of a book don’t read it.
Waterstones could have sections under the headings ‘Warning, contains……’ ?
It’s not books that need burning, it’s some people. Censoring stuff doesn’t eradicate it, unless you’re a fucking idiot in some fantasy trip.
You just forget the lessons, making it easy to change things for the worse.
Who decides what’s sexist, racist or homophobic?
Will this be another self appointed committee who decide what we, the feeble minded great unwashed are to be subjected to?
This country used to be progressive but is clearly going backwards.
Wasn’t there a watershed trail back in the 60s regarding book censorship related the “Lady Chatterly’s Lover”?
“Is it a book that you would even wish your wife or your servants to read?”
(The wholly impartial Judge in the Lady Chatterly trial) ?
It’s nazi Germany again. They’ll be burning them soon. Sinister.
Given the attacks on JK Rowling, I genuinely feared that book-burning might only be days away…
Is it any coincidence they called it a ‘Kindle’?
No need to ban books when the population has a 2 minute attention span and the vocabulary of a backward 12yr old.
The cunts who approve of this censorship whilst sipping their latte and reading the travel section of the Guardian are completely delusional.
Trying to surpress or remove anything that others care deeply about will just make matters a hundred times worse.
Treating people like lepers for not following the woke agenda won’t end well.
The thick cunts.
Meanwhile on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram etc there is straight-up porn, including child porn. Degeneracy is all over the internet and they “teach” anal sex in schools, but yeah… nah, let’s ban Of Mice and Men and To Kill a Mockingbird, that’ll fix society for young people.
BBC had a heart-warming article on anal sex a while back. All to do with benders giving blood or something.
Wasn’t it laughable, and astonishing, about To Kill A Mockingbird and Huck Finn? Books that document the times as well as Dickens. No books should be banned, ever.
I wish to express my hatred of these self appointed guardians of my morals.
Bent surveys and dubious statistics are used to conjure up ‘causal relationships’ which are used to justify the policies of these wretches.
Good nom. This is the sort of shit that is supported by illiterate cunts and university professors alike. It will happen/is happening. Has anyone been to Waterstones recently? I have. The books on sale are woke and unreadable tripe, genrally written by vacuous wimmin.
We live in times of ongoing moral panic , stoked by marxists cunts that have worked away for decades to hollow out our institutions, and their shills like the wankers and twats in Government. As RTC puts it the country is finished.
Last year I was amazed to find books by Charles Bukowski in Waterstones. Pimp: The Story of My Life by Iceberg Slim was nowhere to be found, which is whitewashing, surely?
Wall to wall St Marcus, St Greta, St Jamie and Obummer is the new normal.
My experience with university professors over the years is that they are equally as illiterate.
Correct. You have to be a monomaniac to be a university professor. There is no room for literature for its own sake, especially for English specialists, who have to analyse every punctuation mark and then publish pages of bollocks on their findings. Conversations with senior lecturers and above die out quickly if they are not in the cunt’s narrow field. But did you read the book, Prof? No, too busy dismantling it…
40% of whom? I’ll bet they’re fucking selective of whom they poll. The fucking Nazi cunts. (They’re too self-righteous to see that analogy, though).
These people are twats. Everybody’s supposed to think like them, even if they’re a minority. It’s happening right now in Afghanistan. It’s happening in America in some states – ‘If you don’t vote the way we want, we’ll try to stop you voting altogether’. Anti-democratic movements exist everywhere, if persuasion doesn’t work they’ll use brute force instead.
The survey was probably done on a university campus.
Probably by Yougov or an agent / think-tank bunch of cunts acting on their behalf.
You are all aware of who actually created Yougov ?
Buy up hardbacks whilst you can.
I couldn’t give a fuck…I don’t read books anyhow.
Not even a Haynes manual for a Toyota Hilux?
No…as a matter of principle I only look at the pictures.
Before we despair completely, there is a ray of sunshine in another of their surveys….
there are high levels of support for migrants crossing the Channel to be sent back to France. A strong majority of 68% of the British public say they would support migrants being sent back to France, including 36% who would strongly support it. Just 14% would oppose this, 17% would neither support nor oppose it, and 5% don’t know.
Of those aged 18 to 24, a plurality of 36% would support migrants who attempt to cross the Channel being sent back to France, with 10% in strong support. By comparison, an overwhelming majority (81%) of those aged 65 and over would support this, with 57% in strong support. Clear majorities of 55-to-64-year-olds (71%), 45-to-54-year-olds (74%), and 35-to-44-year-olds (59%) would also support this idea.
Support for the theory that young peoples’ opinions need to be censored and suppressed, there…
“If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain” Winston Churchill
Sadly the under 25s these days are worse than the ones before them.
I have to admit I was a complete leftie cunt at that age. But even then I think I’d have wanted the migrants to fuck off.
Hence why the often expressed view by the likes of Sargon of Fathead and Paul Joseph Watson that Gen Z are less woke than millennials is complete shite.
I wager Gary “Aren’t Immigrants Great?” Linekhunt wouldn’t sit in the 71%!
For fuck sake, how pathetic.
I expect phase 2 of the British Library’s plan is to start burning books they don’t like. Will probably end up as a video on TikTok.
Cuntologist@ – Fahrenheit 451 is about the right temperature! ?
Farenheit 212 – the temperature at which human piss boils!
You can be sure if Dame Keir and the buggers party won the election, hook burning would be first on their grotty to-do list.
It’s the constantly changing definitions of racism, transphobia etc that will hang us all.
Did you know you can have an offence of non criminal hate crime placed on your record without your knowledge?
All it takes is someone to make a complaint about something you said or posted.
Then you’ll be found guilty without your knowledge and your criminal record will record you as being guilty of a hate crime.
It’s possible you won’t even be aware but anyone requesting a DBS check, such as a potential employer will see it.
Fuck me, if the cloak of anonimity under which the cunters on this forum operate were to be removed, the wokies would have a field day with us.
There would be non criminal hate crimes recorded on police records and possible even some criminal hates crimes charged for the more “ripe” posts that slip through occasionally.
Makes you think.
I guess “a jury of your peers” is now unworkable since all your peers would have to be the same colour/religion/political opinion as you…and if not, Waycism! So, hey, you’re guilty on some malicious cunt’s say-so.
*dons rat disguise and heads for the gangplank*
Quite right.
Burn alll books that suggest someone of a dark hue is a wrongun. Especially in fiction. We cant have that.
Burn all biology books. Chromosomes? Lies.
Burn any publication that criticises a darkie such as St Marcus or that spoilt gymnastic twat. Criticism here is racist.
Burn any publication that identifies convicted groomers, stabbers, muggers if, as is invariably the case, they is bleck. Innit.
Cancel and burn all books by white authors from Bede and Chaucer onwards.
No shirtifter is ever to be portrayed as imperfect. Dennis Nielson for instance, was fitted up by homophobes.
The sooner the better.
Though it’s not on the scale of Germany circa 1935 the warning signs and similarities are stark. Books being censored, free speech censored in certain scenarios, coppers booting your door in if you critique those deemed ‘untouchable ‘ to any form of criticism, neighbours grassing on neighbours, loons running major institutions, universities, government institutions. I never thought this country would come to this. God help us in five years time.
… Blasphemy laws (to cater mainly for Islam) won’t be far off. The Law Commission wants to put drawing Muhammad a hate crime. And the poor fucker in Batley is still in hiding. I saw people I was mates with, pointing out Charlie Hebdo would have been okay if they hadn’t drawn the cartoons. Fuck all that shit!
“… Blasphemy laws (to cater mainly for Islam) won’t be far off…”
…already here but particularly concerned with the imposition of the 7 Noahide Laws. ALL FIFTY US STATES have issued proclamations that they will cause something called “Education Day” will be celebrated with suitable activities, programs AND CEREMONIES !!!!!!! Sounds all fluffy, life affirming and benevoent doesn’t it? It fucking isn’t!
If you aren’t aware of what Noahide Law is I would strongly suggest you do some urgent research on the matter or this will be coming as a very unpleasant surprise/realisation/pant soiling.
“Though it’s not on the scale of Germany circa 1935”
The big difference is that they were destroying (or attempting to) the very source literature and degenerate idealogical texts which, they understood, should they ever gain a foothold in the West would lead to its utter dissolution. Tell me they were wrong on that one.
The books were burnt but their authors weren’t and decamped en masse to pollute the universities and minds of America then go on to export it back into Europe 20 years later. …and here we are…
It’s a bit fucked to defend the cunts burning books who progressed to burning a few million people in no time at all.
The books didn’t create the policies which are being used by lobbyists, activists and their dupes in governments.
I’d like to know which books you’re referring to. I assume the neo Marxists and postmodernists. I’ve read a few and didn’t find them too convincing, even with ‘helpful prompting’ from instructors.. I mean lecturers.. It doesn’t mean they should be burned.
“…who progressed to burning a few million people in no time at all. … Unbelievable.”
Have you any idea how much coke is req’d to cremate a corpse? I’ll tell you; depending on the weight it’s about 100kg (I’m sure our on-site expert Unkle Terry will confirm this) So… how much coke is needed to cremate 4,000,000 cadavres? Yep about 400,000 metric tons. Such quantities require serious (and highly visibile) amounts of storage acreage and materials handling none of which is evident in ANY of the many aerial surveillance photographs taken of the Aus/Birk complex?? There are no massive mountains of coke.
“Fuck off Chops! they burned all their records at war’s end and the Russians whisked away what was left!”
Perhaps, but they couldn’t destroy all the Bletchley Park intercepts which are held in the public Records Office. We’d been reading the german police and S.S. encodes since about May ’39 and during the operation of the K/lagers the camp admin sent nightly figures back to Berlin detailing …
1) Number of prisoners arrived
2) Number of prisoners who left
3) Number on hand as at midnight and
4) Other losses
“Other losses” (ie deaths) was further broken down into sub-figures of dath from old age/fatigue, accident, disease (Typhus particularly) and execution. The latter being usually in single figures compared to sometimes hundreds a day dying from typhus.
We have the weekly tonnages of coke delivered, we have the logs of the deliveries of Zyklon and even Yad Veshem agree that 95% of it was used for disinfestation.
Then we got the release of the Auschwitz death register from the Moscow Archive and they tally well with the Bletchley numbers, they’re 70% complete and give the number of about 69,000 total number of deaths of ALL races. religions and causes. Extrapolating that gives a working total of around 100,000 souls over the 18mths or so of the camp’s ‘operation’.
Churchill PERSONALLY ordered the incineration of 100,000 civilians in a single 40 minute raid on Dresden! Then doubled the kill on Hamburg, 40,000 burned alive in Fortzheim, add in the deaths in Berlin, Cologne etc.. et fucking cetera and that’s an horrific personal tally. For this we have irrefutable evidence even down to his telephone logs from Chartwell DIRECTLY to HQ Bomber Command.
ah… found it, knew I has it somewhere…
On March 23, 1962, forty-six years ago, David Irving interviewed Sir Arthur “Bomber” Harris, commander-in-chief of RAF Bomber Command and asked him why he had not bombed the Aus/Birk alleged ‘gas chambers of death’ site. (the questions and controversies were beginning to boil over even then.)
Bomber Harris replied…
“Mr Irving, If I were given the choice of being burned alive by British incendiaries and being killed by cyanide gas, I know which I should prefer.”
I’ll just leave that one hanging…
That you are quoting David Irving speaks volumes.
He’s a Nazi sympathiser, nothing more.
Lord Haw Haw would be proud.
I love books. I ask fellow members and admins of this here fine website, if you would kindly recommend what books to read (before all the book burning happens). 🙂
Hi Spoons, I would highly recommend a book called ‘The Storm of War’ which is a history of the 2nd World War. Brilliant writing style by the Author, couldn’t put it down. Superb.
I’d recommended Color Climax and Busen Extra.
Spoons@ – Animal Farm (breathtakingly good animated film) and 1984 by George Orwell (terrible film with John Hurt), Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (also a superb film) and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (terrible film with Mr Spock in it).
All well worth a read if you haven’t already.
“…and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley ”
You’ll love this Vern if you haven’t come across it before, did he fucking ‘bullseye’ this shitfest or what?
I strongly recommend Donald Ray Pollock: The Heavenly Table.
Afternoon Spoons.
In no particular order, a few to be going on with:
Everything and anything by George Orwell
Joseph Heller – Catch 22
Patrick Hamilton – Twenty Thousand Streets Under The Sky
Geoffrey Chaucer – The Canterbury Tales
Henry Miller – Tropic Of Capricorn
Evelyn Waugh – Decline And Fall
Edward Lear – Nonsense Verse
Lewis Carroll – Alice In Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass
All Tom Sharpe’s novels
Paul Wilson – The Keep
Hunter S Thompson – Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
Titania McGrath – Woke
Hubert Selby Jr – Last Exit To Brooklyn
Philip Roth – Portnoy’s Complaint
Herman Melville – Bartleby The Scrivener
Yann Martel – Life Of Pi (don’t judge the book by the shite film)
Aldous Huxley – Brave New World
Heinrich Hoffmann – Struwwelpeter
Marina Lewycka – A Short History Of Tractors In Ukrainian
Daphne Du Maurier – Rebecca
Charles Dickens – A Christmas Carol
Anthony Burgess – A Clockwork Orange
Norman Collins – London Belongs To Me
Charles Bukowski – Post Office
John Steinbeck – The Grapes Of Wrath
Enid Blyton – The Boy Next Door
Where to begin? The following are some of my favourite writers that contain elements that have fallen foul of demented pc censors –
Homer (the gods holiday with Ethiopians)
Browning (anti-slavery white saviour)
Dickens (called native Americans “murderous” )
Blake (“The Little Black Boy”)
TS Eliot (appropriated black jazz culture in early poetry)
HP Lovecraft (In his 1912 poem “On the Creation of Ni***rs,” the gods, having just designed Man and Beast, create dark-keys in semi-human form to populate the space in between).
Poe (criticised for failing to include dark-keys in his tales)
Melville (obsessed with whiteness)
Joseph Conrad (“The Ni**er of the Narcissus”)
JRR Tolkien (black equated with evil)
Shakespeare (Othello)
HG Wells (a great white man of science)
Ezra Pound (a fascist)
Philip K Dick (racist and species for killing sentient androids in “Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep)
Lord Dunsany (clings to dreams of empire in his fantasies)
Kipling (Imperialist – “white man’s burden”, etc)
Robert A Heinlein (militarist and alleged fascist)
Isaac Asimov (said he was shocked by racist overtones in his own early novels. I can’t detect any) .
Get reading quickly because I can assure you there are thousands of woke scholars beavering away uncovering hidden racist agendas in literary works even as we speak.
RTC@ – Perhaps I could also suggest the old Man and the sea by Hemingway?
Anything by John Le Carre. Quite apart from the content, stunning technique and realistic if not always factual! Also Len Deighton, in a similar mould. Back to the 18th century, Edward Gibbon – some of Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire is impossibly turgid but some of it is cracking good fun, with elegant sarcasm throughout. The English language at its peak. Racist as fuck, too, by woke standards. Those were the days.
Oh, and –
Robert Pirsig – Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – it’s only slightly about biking. Or Zen, but he’d disagree about that.
Seconded, re: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
I like Le Carre’s Smiley novels. Unfortunately, he became a cunt over Brexit and was so disgusted by it that before he died he took Irish citizenship and renounced his British passport. A really cuntish act. I’ll still read him though.
@MMCM: Try “A Small Town In Germany”. You’ll think you’ve been to Bonn, if you haven’t, and the central figure would probably be an ISAC’er today.
‘Picking Up The Brass’ and ‘The Map Of Africa’ by Eddy Nugent. Pant-wettingly funny. Anything by Tony Parker.
The Demon Haunted World – Carl Sagan.
Absolutely terrific book. As is Cosmos.
Pale Blue Dot is very informative as well.
Carl wasn’t a big supporter of the ISS or space shuttle program.
…all titles by David Irving but particularly…
Hitler’s War
Churchill’s War
Hess – The missing years
The destruction of convoy PQ17
Virus House – Germany’s atomic program
Mare’s Nest – The development and deployment of the V1 and V2 missiles
Rommel – stitched up
Goebbels – fuck me what a fucking dirtbag!
All available as free downloads (until they’re ovened) although you might have to trawl through to page 6 of a ***gle search to find them.
Also – the instantly evocative Robert E. Lee Reader by Stanley Horn and its companion volume The Recollections & Letters of Robert E. Lee by his son Capt. Robert E. Lee.
The last lot who decided that book burning was a good idea were blown to bits by bomber command and burnt to death.
Many of the books that the Nazis burned truly were “degenerate works” by Marxists, creepy pseudo-intellectuals, quack doctors, dystopian science fiction novels, degrading pornography. If that crap had been stamped out in the 1920s and 30s then the world would have been a better place. Now that degenerate crap had become “normal” and look how fucked up people are now.
Your sentiments echoed above CG ? IThey were known as the ‘Frankfurt’ School because…
While it’s tempting to agree with that, I don’t think you can allow bookburning for one side of any argument and not the other. Better IMO not to do it at all.
In any case ideas, including bad ones, are good at surviving proscription. But social engineering is a different matter.
Book burning… oo-ee-oo… What sort of people are you?
Yes, all those Frankfurt Schools creeps wanted to destroy traditional values and socially engineer the masses into mindless degenerates – the Postmodern World, ie. the New World Order.
There are books that should not exist, period. You can buy books on how to evade the law, beat polygraph tests (a child murderer in America in the 1980s did this successfully), books on how to groom children, how to make bombs. I think we all agree that books like this should not exist and should be burned. Same with websites – many should not exist. Dark Web ones, obviously, but also mainstream ones like gore video sites of people being tortured to death in Mexico, etc. Take them down, burn the servers on Halloween each year. It’s time to clean out the stables like Hercules…
What happened to free speech?
Sounds like fascist censorship.
Having read Adorno and Marcuse in my twenties and not agreeing with them I don’t really see the threat they pose. Adorno was a bit of a snob and didn’t really like the working class. Nobody is forced to adopt their views, unlike scientists and Lysenkoism in the Soviet Union.
I know Gramsci talked about the march through the institutions but that is the fault of policymakers and cowards in government and education. Saying they burned the books but the ideas are still with us disproves your argument that burning books is effective. The ideas still survived. Most of the thinking behind the French postmodern theorists originated in the fifties, and i’d say that they were more damaging to our ‘cultural norms’ than the Frankfurt gang.
That was a reply to Cunty chops and Gordon.
had a bit of this myself a few years ago at work when an engineering graduate on secondment to us seriously wanted my monthly copy of guns and ammo banned from the canteen because it had guns in it. rest of the lads asked him if he was gay but he did not learn as a few months later one of the guys retiered and left a 6 inch sheath knife behind in his locker and the clown wanted to phone the police.
Sheriff: What do use this for? (hold up huge knife)
Rambo: Hunting.
Sheriff: Hunting what?
Rambo: The enemy.
What a bender.
Christ. Hope they don’t check out my desk now I’m gone…