Those Who Support Government Censorship of Books.
Apparently 40% of Britons would support Government censorship of “sexist, homophobic, and racist books”…
As defined by the wokes and snowflakes, maybe, but not ordinary people, surely?
Calls for government censorship of offensive books
If true it is deeply disturbing.
That said, there are a lot of stupid fuckwits out there nowadays.
This Country Is Finished.
Nominated by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff
I went into Doncaster’s brand new Central Library. There were only 3 computers available with each taken. I mean there was 8 computers in all but because of Covid restictions 5 were turned off so people didn’t sit too close to each other. Fair enough.
But I had a while to wait… at a loss…I know I’m in a library I’ll read something.. So went for a look.
But I couldn’t find anything to read.. It was all modern authors I had never heard of. So I went to the counter people with their lanyards – ‘Have you got a poetry section?’ ‘No’. ‘Have you got any books of poetry at all? I dont know, have a look’ So I did. ‘No books of poetry at all.
I came back again. ‘Ok have you got a Classics section?’ ‘No’ ‘ ‘Have you any Classic authors at all? ‘All authors are now just in the fiction section’. I looked to check. No classical authors.
No Classics, no poetry books.
I looked at the 3 who on the computers.
No sign of them leaving soon.
No, nothing to read.
I left.
How depressing. A library stocked with Lee Child, Steven King and the Life and Times of Katie Price. No classics at all.
I remember as a child my mother took me to our local library and took out King Solomon’s Mines for me by H Rider Haggard. It was so exciting and I read and enjoyed the book and have loved classic Edwardian adventure tales ever since – Haggard, Buchan, Conan Doyle, Wells, Kipling, Conrad (although a bit more serious). All wonderful stuff. Haggard and most, if not all, of the other writers I have mentioned would be deemed racist now.
Instead, we now have books about Haggrad and his teenage cunt friends getting up to wizardry & witchcraft. Cunts.
Forgot to say about Amazon’s mission to transfer all books to digital format / Kuntdull so that in the future when they h op pe to have eradicated paper hard copies, Bezos & Co can erase history as they please. Another piece of smart shit best avoided.
@ Bob.
This is the danger with Kindle that’s only just dawned on me. I prefer physical books but I like my Kindle as well for its convenience. But with Kindle you don’t own the texts and Amazon can pull books from your Kindle Library or replace them with censored versions. It’s a censors wet dream.
I have one in a cupboard somewhere too that I haven’t used for years. It only dawned on me recently that the the cunts were seizing control of books via digitising everything.
Adds more weight to a phrase I read recently (possibly on here) that ‘those who write / control history, control the future).
People need to consider just what they are really opting into when using so called smart devices. I’ve made my life dumb / smartless over the last few years, more so in the last 12 months. I have only one so called smart device which us a phone that serves as a landline & tethering hotspot.for computer. I’ve never installed an app having no Google account to access the store and I have removed some pre installed apps and revoked permissions to share data on all others
I have a 20 year old 2G Nokia for when I leave home. Being pre android, you cant install apps or do QR code shit either. I’m very near smart TV or Alexa type stuff either. I’m a happy dinosaur.
I forgot to say that I hardly used Amazon for books as a colleague at work enlightened me to software called Calibre that lets you import & export books in all the different formats for different devices. He stuck a copy on my laptop and gave me shitloads of gigabytes of books he had amassed from torrent sites. More than I could probably ever read.
MP@ – This is exactly the reason I do not use my local library any more.
It’s sad Miles that lessons and observations of past literary greats are not available publicly
I don’t recognize today’s agenda
This agenda is assimilating and conditioning the happy go lucky average person to read there recommendations ?
The commotion one would cause to ask for books from another era would be to much for the agendaist’s (made that word up)
I do feel much will be lost in this new wave of hysteria and overreaction to sensitivities
The fact though , even If most don’t give a fuck , is when literature is suppressed we all suffer cause reference no longer is there.
They who rob us of our great literature does make us poor indeed.
Alternate headline; Forty percent of Brits revealed to be philistines and ignorant fucktards.
Fuck a duck. Amazing how some writers could almost foresee the future This sounds like something out of Fahrenheit 451. Who are these cunts anyway!! We’re screwed.
No, they are screwed ; there is no way that we can accept their holier than thou attitude.
And we fucking won’t!
I used to like going into the library to draw in the books,
Use the khazi, have a sneaky wank etc
But its always full of bookworms!
Like Waterstones and Specsavers combined!!
And get all precious when you sing?!
Fuck them.
Ban all books.
Fuckin woody Allen looking cunts can get some fresh air.
Well MNC, we should ban the internet first and foremost
Only then , you will understand that we know fuck nothin , as we are denied access to information
The library might be full of nerds but so is the inter web
The library and books was the internet of the recent past .the library especially as I couldn’t afford information otherwise
Evening Mecuntry ?
Im thinking of the poor fella whos job it is to get the fire started!
Books are much easier to get going than the internet,
More flammable.
Remember in the 60s in America when scouse gobshite John Lennon said the Beatles were bigger than Jesus?
And yanks burned Beatles records?!!
Quite right.
“If in doubt…burn it”.
Mahatma Gandhi
Oh and yah MNC forgotten about Lennon and the JESUS
Have to say though, that the B side of Yokos single Imagine , always got to me when I was younger
Working class hero ,really describes the times we grew up in , it is Lennon at his best
Those lyrics cannot and would not be understood by today’s generation
Just my humble opinion from the past
Good evening to you as well MNC
If in doubt burn it (sounds like a comedian does Gandhi)
That’s a lot of burning to be done MNC. I’m just thinking of the fit poor Greta and her chums are going to have when we burn the cunts who are running this shitshow.
About time too?
Censorship in everything nowadays, as today driving along listening to Oliver’s Army, Elvis Costello, and what line do you think they removed.??
It will never happen, Government MP’s get their jolly’s writing books, they would have fuck all content if that was policy.