Sports Fans

(Quick Note – This nom isn’t just about football. Day Admin)

A comment by an esteemed cunter in another thread provided me with the motivation for this nom. I can’t remember who it was, but here goes.

Yes, the Premier League has just started. Fans are allowed back into the grounds, and every ground was packed out this weekend.

This despite their clubs, the league; Sky, BT, ITV and the BBC and the players themselves doing one or more of the following:

Calling them racists if they say white lives matter.
Calling them racists if they do not support BLM.
Telling them to get educated for not agreeing with seeing their players take the knee in every game.
Telling them (lying) that the knee taking is not for BLM now.
Shoving token females (some of whom can’t speak proper or anyfin’ innit) into the studio or worse, into the commentary box. One of them absolutely ruined a classic game in EURO 2020/21 (Spain v Croatia) by wittering nonsense throughout the game, while working as a co commentator.
Spending time saying the country is still somehow massively racist and more needs to be done, after about 3 UK based Tweets.

Other sports are also going down the same route. The Olympics was ruined this year. Rugby and other sports are going down the same road. Watching cricket recently, I noticed that my favourite commentator/presenter, David Gower, seems to have been put out to pasture. So has Ian Botham. And Shane Warne. I wondered why, but if they’ve shoved a few token wimminz in then there’s no room for them is there? Well done!

Sport has always been a source of escapism for me and many others. Some may call it bread and circuses, but I’d disagree. It’s more subtle than that. It’s never really been an obsession, just a nice way to switch off for a few hours after a busy week. No politics. No social issues to think about. Just switch off and relax.

Now? ‘Sorry mate. We’ve realised what a great opportunity this is to promote our agenda. So fuck you! Sit there, listen to me force my views on you and insult you, but remember to keep paying me you thick cunt!’

Well I’ve stopped paying a penny to these cunts after all this. No more TV licence and SKY were fucked off. No more going to games or sporting events that support this shit. They’re getting nothing from me until they just go back to being apolitical (and apologise).

Not going to happen though, is it?

They’ll never stop because thick as fuck ‘fans’ will still pack the stadiums despite all the things I’ve mentioned.

Quite a few traditional fans have done the same as myself (but most haven’t it seems). Some new ‘woke’ fans have now taken the place of some fans, like little parasites. Well, they’re welcome to the monster they have helped to create.

Sports fans are cunts.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

66 thoughts on “Sports Fans

  1. I agree. And the same goes for other things in life. Why do people still buy Ben and Wokie Ice Cream or shop in Sainsburywokes? People need to vote with their feet so that those that do go woke really do go broke.

    • I shop at Sainsbury’s cos it’s conveniently within walking distance, it’s got what I want at a reasonable price, the store is clean, the staff are helpful and there’s no wokeness in store that I can detect. No, I am not a shareholder.

      I did once consider boycotting the shop cos they stock Walker’s crisps, but then I thought what the fuck life’s too short.

      • Good morning RTC.

        The problem is that most foodstores stock the jug-eared cunt affiliated crisps, so you would end up with scant choice for your weekly mushroom shop.

        I buy Seabrooks crisps instead – much tastier than Salt and Linekunt crisps.

      • Morning Paul, MMCM.

        Have to admit I wasn’t being altogether serious about the crisps – have even bought them myself on occasion. Ta for the recommendation, will keep an eye out for Seabrooks.

        Could still boycott over the stocking of Dreamies LGBT cat treats though…. or maybe just get a life instead. ?

  2. Traditional sports fans should consider themselves lucky…coverage of croquet,polo and grouse-shooting is non-existent…When will Auntie-Beeb wake up,smell the coffee and get educated ? I’m sure that more ( classy) people would buy a licence if they showed sports that didn’t involve Dark-Keys and Homosexuals.

    I’d really like to see some televised fox-hunting too…perhaps to protect the Snowflakes’ delicate sensibilities The Hunt could use a Dark-Key or Homosexual as the quarry instead of cute ickle Mr.Foxy-Loxxy ?…in fact several sports could be improved by the introduction of a pack of ravening Hounds…just imagine how much more exciting pushbiking for example would be if the Hounds and I ( dressed in all my finery and tootling my little horn) were in hot pursuit of “the peloton”.

    • Sports fans are traditionally the sort to be shunned in the pub or work canteen,
      Waffling on being swerved by workmates, occasionally told to shut the fuck up you boring cunt.
      But now they are being told to subscribe to a marxist agenda,
      Its not enough to make them pay £80 for a football shirt made in the far East by a 6yr old.
      And it doesn’t sit well.
      But thats the price now to watch multimillionaire simpletons run round a field for 90minutes.
      Get on your knees and show me your fielty!
      If I was a sports fan id tell them to fuck right off.

      *Sports fans
      If you see me enjoying a pint in the pub, please don’t try to drag me into your bullshit by asking me if I ‘watched the match’ or “played well the other day didn’t they?”
      Im not fuckin interested

    • You’ll never get that wish, Mr Fiddler – the BBC would only bring back hunting if it was a pack of smelly stanleys chasing a ten year-old white girl.

    • I’m sorry Dick, but I can only see the beeb going the other way: pissing contests, dogging, competitive ramen slurping, rap battles in da streetz.

      Coming soon to BBC three, bruv…

  3. I agree with the nomination.

    The Olympics were fucked by the bias coverage of women’s events.
    Commentary teams must contain at least 2 black people and one of them must be a woman.

    All adverts on television showing football have at least a section with women playing. One I have noticed features an entire team of Pakistani girls.

    A woman playing in the recent snooker tournament. Fair enough if she qualified fairly, but why so many woman snooker referees?
    One of them is so short that she has trouble reaching across the table to place the blue ball.
    There was also some blonde bint presenting the snooker.
    Asking daft questions from a sheet that she had written to multiple times world champions and often forgetting the names of the players.

    It will get worse.
    The Paris Olympics will be a shit show.
    People will eventually vote with their wallets and their feet.

    • It’s the norm now for all sports, split arsed tarts who most of the time haven’t got a flying fuck about what they are on about. The only sports that should have a tart on the commentary team for mixed sports is darts and snooker. Football is the worst, tarts offering a shit opinion when the higest level they ave played is equivalent to a boys U13 level.

  4. Agree 100%. Went back to Emirates at weekend. Was curious to see how the knee taking shit was received. Majority of the stadium seemed to be clapping. I think you’re right – the dissenters have been replaced and it is now wokies there. With sadness, I don’t think I’ll be renewing the ticket next season.

    • I find myself not caring about Arsenal’s results now (‘my team’ too).

      Due to their woke factor and the way the ‘fans’ hounded Wenger out and rather than admit they got it wrong (losing face is a big thing now due to social media), they double down and accept mediocrity.

      Arsenal are fucking shit. Despite 200+ mill spent in recent times. We’ve got a fucking woke vegan who gets injured constantly (of course) and rather than bin him, we keep him because he’s (Bellerin) popular with the woke fans We can all see the team is shit. That politics has become more important than the team’s performance.

      These new type of ‘fans’ have ruined sport in general.

      • Another Arsenal fan here and after 40+ years I don’t give a fuck how they are doing now. I have streaming box for any sports I want to watch for free so bbc and sky and bt don’t get a penny. Ha!
        Alas there are way too many fuckwits that will replace me so this will continue forever now. In fact in twenty years time I can see mixed football teams with having to have an actual quota on who plays.

    • ‘Went back to Emirates at weekend.’

      Hopefully as an away fan.

      Is The Emirates as soulless as I’m lead to believe?

  5. Brilliant, erudite cunting. The forced agenda with token, and, the vast majority of the time, that’s what they are, ethnics and wimmin, the forced narative, isn’t funny anymore. Rugby is becoming increasingly ruined by having wimmin pundits/commentators who have, nor ever will, play at the level they’re waffling about. The cunts that push this agenda are a minority, so, how the fuckity-fuck are they allowed to get away with it?

  6. All this is part of the re forging of Britain and the rewriting of history.
    I don’t like it.
    I don’t accept it.
    Before they’ve finished, blecks and wiminz will have been the foundation of everything.
    And knob heads will lap it up.
    Get To Fuck.

  7. The next Olympics will feature a rubber boat competition with teams being scored on getting as many members into a twenty foot rubber outboard rigged dinghy and crossing a twenty mile stretch of water with only enough fuel for ten miles. Somalia and Eritrea say they already have the gold medal in the bag!

    Sports fans are usually cunts, especially fucking yanks watching golf ‘in the hole’, absolute cunts!

    • Somalia and Eritrea are out in front of the pack, although now Afghanistan look to be gaining on them! The French are waving them all through…

  8. Excellent, insightful nom. Used to love the World Cup, Olympics etc. Now it’s all been totally ruined by corruption (obviously not Qatar, they’ve earned the World Cup with their rich footballing pedigree) and woke shitstains polluting it with their warped politics. Those cunts won’t get another penny from me.

  9. Failure, mediocrity and quitting are all seen as virtues now.
    Competitors who have overcome their mental health issues.

    If nobody has noticed, the Para Olympic games are now on.
    I haven’t watched any of it, but in the past I have seen ‘finals’ in the many swimming events where there have been more medals than competitors.

    Of course the British team will do well.
    They receive massive funding and can have the various medical props custom made for themselves.

    The adverts in the run up to the para Olympics said that ‘You have to be special to be a para olympian’.
    You really haven’t.

    In many interviews that I have seen of gold medal winners they say how they only took up their sport a year or two ago.

    I like sport, as do the majority of people that contribute to this site judging by the responses for sport related nominations.
    But the spirit of sport is being eroded, and quickly.

    There will be little left for me in a few year’s time.

  10. The joke is that television coverage seems to be entirely motivated by betting advertisements. How fucking woke is that.

    • ‘Ray Winstone ‘ere. Put yer nan’s bungalow on Uruguay to score first.. You know it makes sense, you mug’

  11. Never understood this interest in sport some people have. Seriously, who cares about someone knocking a small ball about with a piece of wood or twenty odd men kicking a bigger ball up and down a field? Same applies to people who can run fast or throw an object a long way. I remember at school where the PE “teachers” were ex-military thugs who would casually beat kids who didn’t meet their arbitrary criteria in games or gymnastics followed up by leering at us in the showers, but of course this is a familiar story to anyone of my generation. I still remember that wonderful feeling on the day I left school when I left behind all my PE and games kit.!

  12. We should do well at the next Wokelympics with our new “naturalised” Brits with vast experience of running like fuck from the Taliban.

  13. Spot on nomination ?

    It’s far worse now across the piece but, as another example, I gave up following F1 when the Yanks took over and brought in “grid kids” to replace the Brolley Dollies. [The thing I couldn’t understand though was, if Brolley Dollies were supporting sexism, how is it that “grid kids” aren’t supporting peodophilia by the same token? Whatever, the racing went out of it after Mansell and Senna so there wasn’t any point watching it anyway.]. Thin end of the wedge there and they’ve now got the full BLM, so I understand, thanks to that cunt Hamilton.

  14. New sports for the next Wokelympics…….

    Clinging on to the aeroplane

    Throwing the baby over the barbed wire

    Pushing the Gay off the tower block

    We should do well.

  15. The Olympic games went woke over 120 years ago.
    Women were barred from competing in the first modern Olympics of 1896.
    I am not sure that I totally agree with that, if they can qualify on level terms with the men then let them take part.
    They were allowed to compete in the 1900 Olympics and about 20 of them did in sports where the men had no particular advantage.

    The Olympic motto of ‘faster, higher, stronger’ only applies to men.
    For women it should be ‘faster, higher, stronger but only if you compete against your own gender who are slower, weaker and can’t jump as high’.

    The inclusion of women’s only events is nonsense and is there just to appease and pad out the games.
    A woman would have to run half a second faster than the women’s world record for the 100 meters to even qualify for the games against men.
    She would have to be able to throw a javelin 25 meters further than any woman in the past to come close to the men’s world record.

    Part of the Olympic code goes on about equality and inclusivity.
    But once again that is a load of woke, hypocritical bollocks.

    If women had to compete against men to qualify for an equal place at the Olympics then there would be very few of them.

    It doesn’t matter what type of spin is put on it, women’s achievements in virtually ever sport falls woefully short of the standard set by men.

  16. There’s an old timer friend of the family who’s been going to watch Liverpool since he was a kid in the 50s. Had a season ticket for decades.

    He’s cancelled his season ticket I heard, due to the knee taking bollocks and political agendas being shoved in his face. And the players lecturing the fans that they’re not wanted unless they’re woke.

    All those years, and now he feels he can’t put up with going anymore, due to the far left anti white politics infesting sport.

    I find that a little tragic, to be honest.

    His story I’m sure, is one of many. Nobody gives a fuck about stories like that, while these grinning idiots in the studio (mostly clueless wimminz and dark keys) wag their fingers and lecture us all.

    Fucking cunts.

  17. I won’t watch the BBC ‘cos. And then out of the corner of my eye I spot the snooker, well I am only human after all. Fuck.

  18. A fine cunting CB.

    Unfortunately as a cunt who has enjoyed the escapism of playing (used to) watching and enjoying a fair variety of sports over the years –
    Watching sport disappear up its own woke ring piece is similar to watching the slow painful demise/death of a lifelong friend.

    Haven’t watched one minute of the Premier greed is good woke/BLM league do far this season and I don’t intend to.
    (the European leagues seem far less woke)

    Only a matter of time now before such occasions as a big world heavyweight title fight are commentated on by 2 women or worse still the Snooker world championship.

    • The Bundesliga pisses all over the Premier League in my opinion. Good games, no woke shit, no knee taking. Friday nights the live Bundesliga match is on in my house, I’m not watching some thick as shit English teams pushing their agenda to me at a weekend on the other channel. I’ve been to a few matches in Germany also. Cheaper admission, great atmosphere, no trouble, you can have a beer whilst watching the match. The clubs are majority owned by the fans. Once again, forward thinking, organised Germans. I know the Germans are not everyone’s cup of tea but we could learn a few things from them but I’m not holding my breath.

      • always amuses me when virtue signalling TV punters like Lineker, Wright, Neville and other assorted gobby cunts keep on lecturing us about “getting educated” as to why players bend the knee. In other words calling us thick racist cunts.

        And yet they don’t say a fucking thing about the likes of players in the Bundesliga not taking the knee, and not preaching the BLM bullshit. Are they too shit scared to call them out? Aren’t they “ignorant” cunts for not taking the knee?

        Seems Lineker and co just don’t want to upset the Germans or be accused of being racists themselves.

      • @Techno

        I think cunts like Lineker Wright et al are basically just bought and paid for and are terrified of upsetting their paymasters by not being seen to not support this fucking woke bollocks agenda.


        Been to a couple of Bundesliga games a few years ago and you’re right – it is far superior than our so called Premier League.
        Standing allowed as well.

      • Where did you go Herman? Been to Nuremberg FC, 1860 Munich and St Pauli. Favourite place is Nuremberg, love it there, wonderful old buildings, churches etc.

      • Spent a couple of weeks in Munich a decade or so ago.
        Took in a Bayern game and an 1860 game a week later.
        Loved the beer halls and architecture around Marienplatz.
        Don’t think I’ve ever been as drunk as I was over there.
        Especially when a stein of beer becomes the new pint.
        Remember eating copious amounts of bread and meat with very little, if any veg.
        I was probably too pissed to remember though.

      • St Pauli is a proper football club.

        My mate spent some time in Hamburg (prostitute central) and he’s been a fan since.

      • The future of football (in Europe at least) is either variations of the German model or it has no future.

  19. I remember the excitement of getting a coloured tv 1970 for the World Cup
    A 22 inch bush in a wooden cabinet it gave off enough heat we didn’t need the gas fire on
    That was when sport mattered. The players played in their on countries, it was followed by all as were the olympics .
    Motorsport , cricket , even show jumping was all full of characters with decent tv coverage
    Look now the country is run by foreigners ,from the government to business owners even car dealers and all the corruption that it brings
    I genuinely despair at the future the invasion is happening
    For sport now I can still go grass roots British and go Banger Racing .

  20. The MSM have been gushing about some handicapped bint winning her 676th gold medal at the spasolympics making her (I think ) the most decorated athlete ever.
    This begs one question either she has got extreme talent in whatever sport it was or all the other competitors are fucking shit or she’s the only competitor or she’s faking her disability.

    • If it’s the one I’m thinking about it the woman cyclist with the beagle hand.
      Well I don’t think having a couple of bent fingers is much of a handicap in cycling it doesn’t affect her peddling like fuck, while others have only one leg or a arm missing they are more deserving of a gold medal
      Mind you I’m a cunt and they won’t give me a medal

    • Is she Hathor Bjornsson identifying as a disabled woman?
      He might be able to qualify as a Paralympian due to Bells Palsy.

      • Remembered her name I thinks it’s dame Sarah storey
        I just need to find out what day the umpa lumpas swimming competition is on,they should be helping Willy Wonka instead of doing impersonations of a washing machine on the spin cycle
        I’m still such a cunt and proud of it
        Where my medal yer bunch of cunts?

  21. Grandstand – Frank Bough and Des Lyman
    World of Sport – Dickie Davis and Fred Dinage
    MOTD – Jimmy Hill, Barry Davies and Motty
    Sportsnight – David Coleman and Harry Carpenter

    That was my sporting entertainment when I was a kid, and not a woke or any sign of political interference at all!

    • The Big Match on ITV, with the great Brian Moore. Also with Cloughie, Big Mal, Pat Crerand and Derek Dougan. Those were the days.

      Granada’s Kick Off was also great. Until that little cunt Elton Welsby hosted it. Saint and Greavesie were good too.

      Fucking hell, even Richard ‘Werewolf’ Keys and Andy Gray on Sky now seems like a lost golden age compared to the woke crap today and wankers like Smarmy Lineker, Micha Richards, Alex Scott and Karen ‘Asthmatic Parrot’ Carney.

      • Big Match Revisited on ITV4, I think, recommended on here. Fucking ace! No dozy bints spouting bullshit on there!

  22. I wouldn’t boo. I just wouldn’t bother going again.

    Sky is a fucking rip-off as well.

    • I don’t think I will be going to Old Trafford again. I first went in 1973 and started going regularly in 74 (the relegation season). But I refuse to give any money to those Glazer cunts, and I certainly don’t want to see useless cunts like Eldridge Rashford doing black fascist salutes. United now only exist in name only. Everything Sir Matt Busby built and believed in has been destroyed, and they can stick their BLM and their womens team up their arses.

  23. The olympics. What a bag of toss that was. Fellas knitting, men in ladies competitions, quitting as winning, sharing gold medals. For fucks sake.

  24. Some good news has come out of this, I hear they are getting rid of Gary Linekar so they can replace the cunt with somebody less white. He was quoted as saying he’d been lucky to have the job so long, haha! Hopefully, he will fuck off and live somewhere else in his beloved EU

  25. Get yourself down The Den cuntybollocks, the football is shit but there is none of the wokey fuckery like everywhere else.

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