South Asian Heritage Month

Apparently it’s South Asian Heritage Month. Who knew? Not this fucking South Asian. And I’m 51! ITV News Central (E Mid) currently have an item on it as I type and the main interviewee is a Pakistani Muslim Lesbian (fuck me, how many boxes have they ticked there?) who headlined Nottingham Pride. She’s also very fat (one more box ticked).

Another Heritage Thing

If there’s something the Midlands DOESN’T need it’s a South Asian Heritage Month. I live in Leicester and South Asian Heritage Month is every fucking day of the year (I had an Indian breakfast this morning which I could do every morning, if it weren’t for my need to have a full English on a regular basis).

Fuck this shit. And fuck that that fat Nottingham hag they interviewed. I’m going to start waving the St George’s Flag for a month from 23 April to 22 May.


Nominated by: Dark key cunt

69 thoughts on “South Asian Heritage Month

  1. When is it white British month?
    Well fuck off back to Southeast Asia then.
    Time for a bike ride.

  2. What we need is a British heritage month. Actually, 12 months a year would be nice. But I suspect that’s asking too much.

    • I celebrated it, obviously.
      By not wiping my arse,
      Driving badly,
      And wearing my pyjamas all day.

      • I wear pjyamas on my days off if I’m not going anywhere. May as well wear what’s comfy.

  3. “An opportunity to reclaim their history and identity.”
    Well i’m all for that but what about MY history and identity?
    Constantly gobbed on, pissed on and shat on. My flag ?? is a fascist flag, my monarchy are all raaaay-sists, my history is one of slavery and exploitation and my Capital city looks like Islamabad with more dead blacks in the streets than Kingston, Jamaica.
    When do I get to reclaim MY fucking heritage?

    • Espousing either British or English identity is becoming illegal in this New Oceania we are inhabiting. Every other identity, including Scottish and Welsh is allowed. The Scots can throw their flag all over the place. But display an English or a British one and Emily Thornpiggy will be denouncing you as a racist and a thought criminal.

    • Much obliged, C of E. On the subject of Lily Cole mentioned in your blog, the venerable Rod Liddle referred to her a ‘goblin-faced clothes horse’ in the Speccie this week!

  4. Asian at the cricket….British at the benefit-office (translator provided).

    • PS…If I was Spanish,I’d find those appalling Costa del Blackpool areas equally offensive.

      • A Frenchman in the shower
        A chinaman RSPCA officer
        A quietly spoken yank
        Morning Dick

      • @ C of E….

        When I go on my summer vacation
        I go to Juan-les-Pins
        With my carefully designed mannkine
        I get an even suntan on my back, and on my legs
        And when the snow falls I’m found in St. Moritz
        With the others of the jet set..

        ….either that or Worgate.

        Morning All.

      • “Where the fuck is Worgate?”…..
        Wor gate is at the bottom of wor garden .


      • I assume ‘wor’ is Northumbrian for ‘our.’ Fucking northerners* can’t talk proper like what I does.

        *Other regional prejudices available on request.

  5. It is a bit daft to push for a month of whatever they wish to promote in schools etc. when the schools are on holiday and no one gives a fuck.
    In addition, we seem to be running out of months so there are opportunities for some amusing doubling ups. I shall let the usual creative minds on the site to offer better ideas than my initial BLM Month coupled with KKK Appreciation Month.

    • Islamic Gay Pride month would be a bit of a laugh if a little dangerous for the participants.

    • Sucky Lad, I think that you find our LGBTXYZ friends do not march, they mince.
      I do agree with you that the spectacle would be worth watching.

    • Come on Eddie!
      Don’t be like that,
      Have a somosa and touch up a goat!
      Get in the spirit of it.

      • I am going around the local area to find a vulnerable white girl to present to a south Asian taxi firm, can’t say we are welcoming ?

        (If MI5 or other security organisations are monitoring ISAC I am of course joking, the P*ki taxi firms have already mopped up all they need)

  6. Pride MONTH.
    Black history MONTH.
    South Asian Heritage MONTH.

    Rememberence Day.
    St. George’s Day.

    With the woke agenda from the media and the government it’s for the people to change the balance.

    How many people sit at home on St. George’s Day, moaning about how it’s not celebrated, rather than flying a flag, getting dressed up in red and white and taking to the streets?

    • The woke will be running out of months to fill soon – all they need is a “Kiddy Fiddler Month”, Vegan Gluten-Free Month” and a “Greta Thunderbirds Month” and they’re done!

      • A few more to add, Ginger and proud week (obviously to be held in the colder and wetter months), Chicken George month with special offers down at your local KFC and later on celebrating our new lords and masters, Yellow fever festival, with surprise food dishes, Pandelolin curry anyone or Bat Soup and a host of unknown new viruses if you are lucky.

    • Ex-fucking-actly. Well done dkc for calling bullshit on this. I have scots ancestry and we have new years eve and burns night which is plenty. What the fuck does any demographic need a month of cuntery for? I suspect patronising white liberals virtue signalling are to blame. Other than the puffs who love dressing up and having sex in public surely nobody wants a month of fake celebration. In my youth I naively went into a toilet in London where I was offered money for a blowjob. Looking back I am pretty sure it was George Michael in disguise. With hindsight I should have gobbled him and sold story to the Sun, but we all make poor decisions when we’re young.

  7. All South Asians are covered by this shite are they? One heritage whether Parki, Sri Lankan, Sikh etc.

    A bit condescending?

    • Amusingly Afghanistan is classed as South Asia, so I guess it is appreciation month for them as they’re rather popular at the moment.

      • Yeah plenty of Afghan “interpreters” on their way. Now maths isn’t my strong point but my rough calculations tell me that there were 4 interpreters for every British soldier on the ground at any one point. Fuck me, they must have been doing a lot of talking, 24 hours a day by the look of it!
        Most of the Yanks’ “interpreters” will be slaughtered because Biden and his mob couldn’t run a whelk stall on Southend pier.
        Unfortunately our government have years of experience of importing unwanted Peaceful trash with a fair few Jihadis sprinkled amongst them.
        Diversity is our strength.

      • I heard a report this morning some ‘regions’ are fighting back against the Teletubbies and raising the Afghan flag.

  8. I see one of the organisers is Bobby Seagull.
    He’ll be running off with all the ice cream and chips

  9. Expect to see a “Fuck Racist, Homophobic, Misogynist, Transphobic Britain Month” any time soon

  10. Climate awareness year, every year from now until we have no gas, no leccy, no oil, no food …… just like central Africa. ?

    And it will still be fucking raining in August!

    • Doesn’t matter. You’ll have no car and everything will be closed anyway. Except the mosques and the vegan restaurants.

  11. Taliban Tuesday next in recognition of their good works; as Afghanistan is sent back to the mud age. The politicians sent, it all fucked up so the politician’s went blaming everything but their useless fucking selves.

  12. Heard that fuck Alastair Campbell on the radio this morning blaming Trump, Biden, Johnson, Raab and any other cunt he could think of. No mention of the fact it was him and his satanic friend who started the whole fucking thing in the first fucking place.
    What a first class hypocrite fucking cunt.

  13. Any chance of an Oirish appreciation month since we’ve been over here decades before the Windrush, tarmacking drives and selling pegs?

    • ‘selling pegs’ haha I remember in the 50’s and 60’s my mum would buy them at the door only to find they were on our line the night before.
      Also used to collect hand carved ones which were very intricate and made from the wood of the railway sleepers. This caused the rolling stock to wobble along the Manchester ship canal. Fucking madness.

  14. Along with over 90% of my fellow Britons, I don’t give two-fucks for stinking gimme-grants, who have not positively enriched my country, in any way, shape or form.

    Come on Covid-do your fucking job?

  15. Stand for election DKC! I’d love to see the woke cunts confronted with a dilemma such as you.

  16. All of these celebration days and months are fake anyway. Why not just make up our ‘own British culture month’ and fuck ’em. Probably wacist though. Is it illegal to be White British yet? Is that why we have to put this on job application forms so that Woke police can come and arrest us when the Taliban take over? Cunts!!

  17. Anyone accidentally listening to Radio 4 will realise that this is part of a closely-co-ordinated plan to get us all used to being a permanent encampment for anyone who can get here, legally or not. I cannot remember a propaganda campaign like this before. Apart from the news (sometimes), it is now impossible to turn R4 on without having to listen to one of our minorities explaining what bastards the majority are.

    There must be two parties concerned, working in close co-ordination: the social reformers who, against all the evidence, believe that all men are brothers, and the global megacorporations and hedge funds, who want national barriers to the flow of cheap labour and cheap goods to evaporate.

    A conspiracy theorist might blame George Soros, or the RSP’s, or, indeed Islam, for this.

    But in reality, IT’S OUR OWN FUCKING FAULT!
    Our own fault for not asserting our own national identity with equal vigour.
    Our own fault for electing cunts.
    Our own fault for accepting ( in default of doing anything) that Powell was wrong. In fact his was an underestimate.
    Our own fault for not stringing Blair up as a traitor.

    And it’s looking like it’s a bit late to care now. Nice country. Once. Pity about all the cunts.

    • You’re right about it being OUR OWN FUCKING FAULT!

      But the rest is nonsense, imo. Do you honestly believe the black man has the whip hand over the white man in this country? Or worse?

      • No, that was not the aspect of Powell’s opinion I was referring to. The “whip hand” phrase has been ridiculously overemphasised, and “rivers of blood” were not the words he used.
        I was referring to his estimate of 50,000 dependents of immigrants being permitted entry, in the same speech. In the year ending March 2020 net immigration to the UK totalled 313,000.
        So it’s not nonsense, is it?

      • To be absolutely clear, Powell was deploring
        “50,000 dependents of immigrants being permitted entry, annually


      • Sorry K, I’m feeling a bit grouchy today. Actually I let you off lightly, I was going to say “hysterical nonsense”, but feared that might be construed as a Non-Crime Hate Incident.

        Anyway, thanks for the clarification.

        I’m off to take a nice relaxing bath now, and a couple of Quaaludes.

      • A COUPLE of Q’s? You won’t need the bath; you’ll be floating away on a little pink cloud.
        If it’s back on the market, it’s a cunt with potential for an easy OD and death. Don’t.

      • Your concern is much appreciated K. I might have been slightly exaggerating re the Quaaludes…

  18. I had an Indian takeaway tonight so accidentally celebrated it.

    I didn’t have a curry though. Too racist.

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