Screaming Kids in Supermarkets

Kids in supermarkets are cunts.

Went to Morrisons today with Mrs Norman. And, as it is school holidays, it was full of cunts with their satanic offspring.

There was a dark hued brat lying in the middle of the aisles because he couldn’t get his way. Then some other little turd let off an ear splitting scream, as if they were being murdered and it made an old lady jump out of her skin.

Then there was the family of morons with their uncontrollable kid sat in the fucking trolley, as his thick mum wheeled him around. He must have been at least 8 years of age.

Then there was another little fucker: who put his hand out demanding sweets and he made a racket if he didn’t get them. His soft shithouse of a father merely complied and gave in.

And all these softarse modern parents calling their kids ‘Mate’ ‘Dude’and ‘Bud’ even when they are acting up. If I’d have stepped even slightly out of line with my parents in a shop, I’d have got a thick ear and rightly so.

Talk about the tail wagging the dog and an entitled generation. These little cunts are unfortunately the future, and it’s frightening. I blame the parents, of course. Utter cunts who have created monsters who don’t know the meaning of the word No.

No link, but I write from experience, All these little cunts and their parents were seen in the space of two hours today.? (No link needed mate as it’s a general observation nomination. But we feel your pain – Day Admin)

Nominated by: Norman

69 thoughts on “Screaming Kids in Supermarkets

  1. Seriously from a health poit of view it always alarms me when some woan who models herself on Wineeta Slob, puts her brat, usually wearing a baggy dress and soiled knickers in the trolley. To think later in the day, without the trolley being cleaned some poor fucker is going to put their strawberries in it, or a loaf of bread. It is always the most dirty looking kids that get trundled round like that, and it really puts you off your food. You have my sympathy about screaming brats. I have neighbours (also of the dark key variety) and their 5 or 6 year old son screams like a tart every time mumma or dadda say no, innit. They ought to be sent home to eat da poo poo

  2. A kid that isn’t disciplined is just ferrel.

    Esther Ranzen, the ugly toothy bitch, would have you believe that you should have a reasoned conversation with your naughty children to alter their behaviour, but that never works.

    A well placed slap does.

    Mrs Cunter had a friend who worked in a nursery for pre school children.
    One day one of the kids escaped onto the street outside.
    All her friend could do was chase after the brat asking for it to come back.
    She was not allowed to grab hold of the kid or touch it in any way.

    Luckily (or unluckily) the road was quiet.

    • My dad was a Royal Marine PTI and all he had to do was look at me and my brother if we were acting up. His shout was so loud (well it has to be if you’re a PTI I suppose) it would shake you to your core.

      No meant no. And we knew it.

      • I mentioned meeting Angela Rippon in a previous thread,I have also met Esther Rantzen at an ex-servicemen’s do I went with my old man too. Unlike Angela she was a very nice person and gave her time freely to the old boys to whom she had a certain degree of attraction.
        If I remember correctly did she not stand for election in Luton against a corrupt Labour MP about 10 years ago. She didn’t get many votes but she made a point.

  3. I feel your pain, Norman. I am convinced that a major factor in all of this is how schools discipline children. For example,I discovered that teachers at my childrens’ school are not allowed to brand a child as naughty, even if it is patently obvious they are being just that!

    So when you tell them at home they are naughty, it sends out mixed messages. Let’s face it, our schools are infested with soft-touch, lefty nit-wit types nowadays. Kids don’t stand a chance with terminally stupid parents and twat teachers.

    Great nom!

    • Never mind about naughtiness what happens when they come home from school convinced they are “trapped in the wrong body”? You will probably need “educating” by Gary Linekunt and his bright friends.
      Transphobe bigot.

  4. From my experience kids are always testing boundaries, what they can get away with.

    Giving into kids just because they are screaming or creating a scene gives them all the power.

    These fuckers will probably grow up to be self entitled arseholes. Probably go into politics.

    • A South African Rugby playing mate of mine used to ‘accidentally’ let his fully loaded trolley ‘roll off’ and run over the fingers of screaching hellspawn while they were throwing a shit fit on the floor in Lewisham Tesco.

      Apparently the key is to nonchalantly peruse the shelves when the real shrieking starts and the little cunt gets snatched up and dragged screaming to A&E with wonky fingers.

      He also swore blind he was being stalked by Glenda Jackson every time he went shopping.

      Top bloke. Taught me a lot about life.

  5. Not quite as bad as the bastards being there but there’s the fat, tattooed slag who, standing next to the chill cabinets, phones up her brat and says “what you want for yer tea…..pizzas or burgers?”
    No cunt asked me what I wanted when I was a kid……you ate what was put in front of you or fuck off. I don’t know what these cunts are going to do when veganism becomes compulsory by law. Fucking starve to death with any luck.

    • Just as fucking awful are the rich parents who give in to every whim of their rotten offspring.
      Always mithering without manners and creating a scene.
      Usually in a restaurant or on a flight in my dreadful experience.
      Little cunts.

    • I don’t think meat is what these fuckers are after. It’s deep-fried cheese and sugary drinks. That’s why you see a lot of fat vegan birds.

      it’s all cake and deep fried in vegetable oil.

  6. Labour and the Lord St Marcus of Rashford will claim that the evil Tories are responsible for the unruly behaviour of the feral brats. What’s needed is more free money for ‘under pressure’ and ‘hard-working’ mums and dads. A better mobile phone and more scratch cards will definitely improve their parenting skills.

    • Enforced sterilisation/vasectomies are what’s needed. Also, kids should be fitted with some sort of muting device att birth. Possibly to be removed at age 18.they might, of course, sound a bit weird, but you should listen to some of the university blobs round Cardiff.

  7. Give em a fucking good hiding. Then get the little cunts to march up and down the aisle. One,two,one two…………..get your fucking air cut you orrible very little man.

  8. Kids, eh? ‘They are the future’ as the King of Pop’ once said. If they really are smaller versions of their idiot parents we are fucked. Saw Cronenberg’s documentary ‘The Brood’ again the other night. As relevant today as it was in the late 70s. An accurate depiction of spoilt toddlers left with access to meat tenderisers.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Cronenberg made many prescient films in the 70s and 80s. Shivers (1975) though crude, is pretty eye-opening.

  9. DA, may I ask what on earth is going on with the “likes” button thingy on the previous Joe Biden nom?!
    Dozens and dozens of likes for each post, seemingly randomly generated?
    Looks like WordPress is having a spaz!

    (We’ll do some nosying about, although perhaps it was Biden or one of his CIA sockpuppets doing all the upticking and getting confused again – Day Admin)

      • One of my posts last week got 87 likes – doubt that there are 87 people in the whole world who likes me, miserable cunt that I am. I wonder how many “likes” Emily Thornberry-Nugee would get if she submitted her photo to Readers Wives, wearing just a smirk and a pair of gold lame’ bloomers?.

  10. Kids shouldn’t be in fucking supermarkets full stop, same as pubs.
    Cunt parents, you wanted the little fuckers, you endure them, don’t inflict them on the rest of us.

    • I stopped going to pubs on a regular basis about 35 yers ago- young kids, no spare money. Now I have plenty of money but find going to a pub or restaurant for a meal quite an ordeal . There will generally be some ghastly children who seek to annoy everyone in the place but even worse are the groups of youngish women out for a ‘girls’ night’. Whilst there is often some magnificent mammaries and spectacular legs on display the noise from them more than offsets any visual treat. And the bitches get shriller as the evening progresses. You have to eat your meal quickly and bugger off before your ears start to bleed.

      • You know we’re fucked a s a society when children are less annoying than the legions of charmless young women shrieking to Beyonce and other crap.. We’re going the same way as Japan.

  11. They should have a bloke dressed as Freddy Krueger who comes out and terrorises kids who act up in supermarkets?

    Parents can then say ‘Don’t be naughty or Freddie will come, remember?’

    Everybody’s happy (apart from the kid, but sometimes you’ve got to be cruel to be kind).

    • Well this Freddie would be more than happy to do that job. Emerge from behind the sweets display to kick the cunt’s arse and slap him around a bit.
      Customer service I think they call it.

      • Get some child actors/realistic dummies and you could pretend to eat some kids who tried to run away. Blood spurting, limbs everywhere, fake parents screaming. Do it right in from of the the little cunt while shouting “Mmmwwuhahahaaaa! I’m going to eat your parents and then eat you. (Add a manic mental cackle).”

        That’ll teach the cunt.

      • You can’t get child actors at the moment…the black ones are all too busy advertising chiggun-dippers and the white ones are all employed by the gunnernment/nhs/big pharma on standby to pretend that they have Covid when the next “wave” hits us.

      • Why not have someone dressed as Uncle Jimmy Savile to discipline them, when they misbehave he jumps out, a cucumber shoved awkwardly into his gaudy tracksuit bottoms.
        And shouts Jim will fix you
        They would soon pipe down, if they thought they were going to be buggered by a bbc funded paedophile.

        (Wordfence doesn’t like “paedophile” hence why your comment was moderated. Best improvise next time round. Thanks – Day Admin)

    • Jason Voorhies, complete with hockey mask and fully functioning chainsaw, would be even better.
      Every day could be Friday the 13th….

  12. I blame the benefit-sponging “care-givers” as much as the brats themselves.

    I heard what I took to be the father of a brat calling it “little man” as it threw a tantrum …the brat is not a” little man” it is a child and needs teaching manners in the same way as a puppy needs to learn what is acceptable and what is not.

    Parents should realise that nobody else thinks that their squalling, puce-faced whelp is an adorable little Prince/Princess..they merely think that the brat needs parents who are less concerned with being it’s “mate” and more concerned with teaching the child that the world does not revolve around it’s wants.

    Give them a sound thrashing…the parents and then the brats…that’ll sharp improve their behaviour….and cancel their child-benefit..although that’ll probably lead to thousands of deserted brats because they are mainly just bred for taxpayer’s money by feckless sponging Cunts.

    • PS….It is a fucking disgrace that people can breed in this Country regardless of the fact that they lack the wherewithal to raise the child..I wouldn’t trust most parents with rearing a dog never mind a child.

    • Exactly DF, these squealing ankle bitters are the sprogs of the cunts who weren’t disciplined as kids, so they’ve got no fucking chance, getting my kids to chop logs when they had a “misdemeanour”, turned them into the upstanding citizens they are today, modern parents are mostly cunts!!!!

      • Fucking hell, my folks made me dig up my granddad’s hedge after I’d stepped out of line when I was about 13 or 14. Some of the roots were deep and the soil was quite hard, even after watering it a lot. Took me all weekend and I was in agony by the end.

        Can’t remember what I’d done, but I must’ve been acting the cunt.

        I may be a cunt, but I’ve always respected my elders and would never have dreamt of cunting off a teacher or older person after that punishment.

        If I’d been brought up by today’s parenting ‘rules’ I’d be an absolutely unbearable cunt, instead of just a cunt.

    • Most parents raise brats who have no concept of respect for other people and their property…this is what encourages “ramblers” to think that when they are pounding over someone else’s land that it is acceptable behaviour….I bet they wouldn’t be so keen if the Hounds and I pulled up at their twee Barratt-box,set up a picnic on their cheap decking,chased their cat and then had a shit in their flower pots.

      Pushbikers are Cunts too.

  13. Kids are pain in the arse, I used to be one so I know, BUT when I was a kid I knew about consequences, kids today don’t have consequences, little bastards should get a slap each day even if they have done nothing wrong just to remind them of consequences ?

    Just watching the depressing news 828 cunts in one day crossing the channel. And some dangerous cunt (know to the authorities) managed to get on flight from Afghanistan to the UK….. we are fucked!

    • When they catch the security risk cunt just put a 9 mm round in the back of the head. He ain’t going to be a risk after that.

      Local to me Ben Bumshaw is trying to blame Boris for the Afghan crisis, funny I though it was the Afghan army running away.

  14. The soft fuckers that decided that the slightest tap on the arse is ‘cruelty’ are the architects of this. They forget we are primarily animals. All animals dish out discipline in one form or another, either with a blood curdling roar and show of teeth, or by swiping them with a paw that would knock Ali out. Seems that most Sub-Humans get away with dishing out cultural difference punishment such as rape, knife perforation, molestation or bombs. These appear perfectly acceptable to the courts. But slap a feral kids arse in public and youll be on the gallows by 6pm.

    • Fucking right. Even a cursory glance at the behaviour of the Great Apes will tell you that. Nobody loves their kids more than a big fucking ugly silverback. He dotes on them but if they try his patience once too often they get a slap and they know all about it.
      These days kids who need a slap will get labelled with some made up mental elf problem and pumped full of Ritalin to shut the cunt up while Mummy and Daddy are watching Strictly Cunts Mincing. It’s a national scandal.

  15. being its ‘mate’
    Spot on Dick, parent first mate later in life.
    Teach them manners and early work suited to smaller frames. Chimneys, pits, confined space work etc.
    Spoilt fuckers they are.

  16. Without any form of discipline allowed these days future generations will become ever more obnoxious, loud, entitled and completely lacking in self-awareness.

    Millennial parents (not all but a good amount) were brought up in a less disciplined way compared to their parents (Gen Xs), and Gen Xs less so to their parents (Boomers) and so on.

    As a consequence Millennials have reared a breed of Gen Zs with next to no firm discipline, no understanding of the word “No”, and seem to think there is nothing wrong with their kids screaming, running around and being complete cunts in public places. And you dare challenge them and you end up getting a mouthful of venom from the parent(s) that should have been directed in a more civilised manner to their kids at a very early stage.

    Even teachers can’t raise their voices, or put a “x” against some incorrect answer for fear of causing offence or mental scarring because poor little Tarquin couldn’t work out 2+2 without access to YouTube.

    So now we have Gen Z kids soon to become parents, and fuck knows how they will treat their kids (Generation Me)

    • There’s no such thing as an incorrect answer in schools any more. Any teacher will tell you “we are testing what they know not what they don’t know.”
      Sounds clever doesn’t it? Until you think about it for ten seconds and realise it’s bullshit.
      Of course that doesn’t happen in private education but you have to be posh and rich for that. Not for the likes of trash like us.

      • They’ve just started doing that. Hence 40 odd per cent of the cunts got A’s and A*s.
        Everyone’s a winner, every cunt is happy. Except the cunts who employ the lazy little shits.

      • Even if the trash send their kid to a fee-paying establishment (such as Seaford College), the other kids will remind that child that his parents are ‘mere’ tradespeople/graphic designers and he’ll project his frustration onto the poor parents, even though they’re paying for him to be there.

        These places start converting the child into an entitled cunt early, to prepare you for a life of looking down at others, expecting the world to be handed to you and when it doesn’t develop a drug habit and live in an east London derelict, but at least you learn trigonometry and Latin.

  17. On this discipline at school thing, I think any hope f well behaved kids went out of the window when the cane was banned in schools. Lets face it all of us – or at least 99 out of a 100 did something to justify the cane at least once at school – including myself a few times, mainly for insubordination. It is a fact a 13/14 year old will go as far as he can, and it was always punished. I don’t know about girls, as I went to an all boys school, but I suspect there were schoolmarms who applied a well-earned cane.

    You just learned it was less painful to obey.

    I was recently telling an 18 year old about what we regarded as “normal” and he looked and sounded as appalled as if I had been in Belsen. He told me that if he or his mates were ever “naughty” they got half an hour detention, having been detained for 30 minutes after school the maximum detention regardless of what they had done This was quite a nice quiet kid, well behaved and polite in the shop he works in, but for most of his mates, they must have been laughing upmtheir sleeves.

    • Morning WC, morning all.
      That’s so right. When I started secondary school in the mid sixties, most of the teachers were male, ex-second world war and national service and you just didn’t fuck about with them.
      Later towards the seventies we had teachers out of training college who weren’t much older than us and were as weak as piss on controlling a class.
      Dog knows what it’s like now.

    • I started school a couple of years after the cane was banned but there was still discipline. Teachers could still flick you in the back of the ear , jab a finger in your arm or just shout, or in my case launch a book across the classroom while bellowing because I wasn’t doing my work.

      The discipline seemed to get softer into the mid nineties, as more teachers were female, which was a shame because my year were fucking awful little shits.

  18. Speaking of kids. Always think it’s soft that footballers miss massive games to be “at the birth of” their kid. Never used to do that and the wives have shit loads of coin/friends/family who could be there.

    • Being at the birth of your kids is gay. Almost as gay as walking down the street with one strapped to your chest.

    • I remember Jose Mourinho talking about this. The media portrayed him as heartless.

      He said to the player ‘The baby is healthy. Thank God. Tomorrow, you train’.

  19. Great nomination Norm?

    I fucking hate weak parents-they are a major contributor to an ailing society.

    The kids sitting in trollies boils my piss too-but not half as much as the fucking supermarket staff and security who say “fuck all” to the parents about it??

  20. As has been said, putting brats feet first into trollies. May have dog shit or some other item on their shoes. Lovely. I’m sick of this and other disgusting acts not being clamped down on. A sign of the times in this country, certain people thinking they can do whatever they want with no consequences.

    • And the cunts often feel invulnerable and believe that they rule the world.
      I wonder what happened to the last lot of arrogant cunts that believed that?

  21. I reckon that we’ll all get our shopping delivered by 2040. They are already phasing out checkouts and a whole generation is experiencing a world of internet shopping as the way you acquire the things you need and desire. The food industry will be only too happy to convert the stores into warehouses and the staff into pickers and drivers. Their insurance premiums will go down without those cunts who claim that they slipped on water or a grape or some such shite and now demand £50,000 compensation.

    There was also a recent X Files episode (Scully must be demented by the shite she has endured since 1993) where the agents of mystery go into a fast food joint and it has no human staff, just machines that plop the slop out to you to gobble, followed by you doing the Aztec shuffles in search of a disabled khazi before you end up like Gary Linker at Italia 90.

    The coming years will be both horrifying and amazing, I reckon. It’s a question of how you perceive it all, how you react, how prepared you are for it. Our great-great-grandfathers and mothers were shocked at the 20th century, it really was traumatic what happened from 1914 onward. Movies became a massive distraction from real life in the 1920s, then a war like no other, then TV came along, rock and roll was seen as Satanic (not for the last time) by the over-30s, then the 60s with all levels of madness. Dumbing down of children in schools began in the 70s and became worse in the 80s, MTV was a genius project of turning kids into morons. Then the 90s came and things settled down a bit, but then 9/11 flipped the script for the next twenty years and here we are in 2021 where we really are in the Twilight Zone with hardcore porn and Uber Eats.

    “May you live in interesting times!”
    – Chinese proverb

    • I’m still waiting for the oil to run out. According to my physics teacher in 1995 we had 30 years of oil. Will somebody please notify China.

      As for shopping, I need to buy any meat in person. Tesco keep replacing stuff so I don’t bother getting my food and drink from them.

      • Nah, oil will never run out, it seems to replenish itself over time. There are oil wells that were emptied in the 1970s that are now full again. It’s actually embarrassing that the myth about oil being the product of decayed dinosaurs is still told to children. Yet another unfounded piece of bullshit that is taught in schools. So obviously it isn’t formed over millions or thousands or even hundreds of years. It’s another mystery that hasn’t be fully solved.

        Oil isn’t going away, we’ll be using it until the end of time. Even if we stopped using it as a fuel, we’ll use it for plastic which we use for everything from synthetic clothes and footwear, electronic casings, cars, plumbing, electric insulation and of course, DILDOS!

  22. I hate screaming kids in supermarkets. I also hate screaming kids at bus stops, in parks, on corners, in pubs, in school yards, at airports and anywhere near my house. Let’s face it, I hate kids.
    I used to watch those ‘scaring them straight’ documentaries on tv where they’d take uncontrollable juveniles for a day in a US prison and show them what it was like being locked up, ordered around and having to eat the shitty food. Of course most of them went right back to being little cunts afterwards. If they really wanted to scare them, at the end of the day they should pick the worst one and throw him or her in with the prisoners and make the others watch them being torn apart. Re-offending would be reduced to almost zero.

  23. I’d extend this to kids in general.

    A few years ago, there was an advert for a kiddy fashion label at a tube station. It had KIDS R SHIT sprayed over it in red paint.

    Made me chuckle.

    • The cuntery of bad parenting and horrible kids is one of those things you can’t do anything about. You can’t say anything, you just have to walk away if you have that option, but more often that not, you don’t. Reminds me of a great Bill Hicks bit…

      (2-minute video)

  24. When i was 8, and in the supermarket, I was the kid who wanted to push the trolley round. this taught me life skills and now I have a job collecting the trolleys from the car park at the local supermarket. As for those loser brats who were sat in their trolleys demanding sweets, all they have to forward to is making a small fortune from appearing on reality programmes like big brother, love island etc, before deciding they should commit suicide or are battling with mental health issues, and making even more money by heading charity campaigns. Uhm, forgot what my point was. Shit I should have sat in trolley and demanded sweeties

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