Scott Roe – Gives Justice & his Victims the Finger

This fucking maggot decided to do a spot of drink driving, and after getting bored of following a driver doing the 30mph speed limit overtook them straight into an oncoming car.
Roe walked away without injury (as is always the case with these vermin) but the mother and daughter in the other vehicle took two hours to be cut from the wreck and sustained not insignificant injuries.
Roe failed a breath test and in court it was apparent that he had been banned for drink driving twice before.
Side cuntings for his defence lawyer who said it was a case of one poor judgment leading to another, and the judge who said it was severe enough to warrant a prison sentence but was persuaded to suspend it and give him the pathetic alternative of community work. But that’s the legal system for you, as long as they are coining it, fuck everybody.
On leaving the court, Roe decided not to show remorse and gave the waiting press the finger. I’d have given him the chair….

Drunk Driver gets another light sentence

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

Seconded by Sir Talbot Buxomley 

Roe was convicted of causing serious injury by dangerous driving in Bedworth.
This utter cunt had been done for drink driving offences previously to this incident.

Apparently, he was behind a driver who was sticking to the 30 mph limit and, in his own words to the police, he got bored with this and decided on overtaking at 60 mph. He smashed into an oncoming Audi being driven by a 19 year old female who had her mum in the car with her.

Roe escaped without so much of a scratch on him, not so lucky were the mum and daughter in the Audi who were trapped in the Audi wreckage for 2 hours in serious pain. When the police tested Roe he was inevitably over the limit, the cunt.

Drink driving boils my piss, really boils my piss.The worst of it is he got off with a suspended sentence, 150 hours unpaid work and a 4 year driving ban. WTF!!!!

Where is the justice here?? Roe spoke of how horrified he was at the consequences of his action. Not so horrified that he gave the middle finger to photographers outside court. Words really do fail me. Unkle Terry!! Your oven please!! I’ve provided a link for your delectation

43 thoughts on “Scott Roe – Gives Justice & his Victims the Finger

  1. And yet in theory it is quite possible to end up in jail for not paying your TV licence or Council Tax!

    And this cunt isn’t the first irresponsible bellend to end up with a suspended sentence for this kind of offence. Precedents have been set with shedloads of other convicted cunts, all let off thanks to cuntish lawyers and weak-arsed judges.

    But we all know the justice system in this country is not only a misnomer, but a complete fucking joke!

    And of course if I shout some hurty names at some woke cunt, I’ll get a good kicking from Plod, and then sent down for a million years by some bloody-minded judge!

  2. Sometimes I think Sharia Law is a good idea when it comes to dealing with cunts like this. The local cleric would decree that this piece of shit should have his hands chopped off.

    • Only problem there is the mother under Sharia Law is not allowed to drive so she would be executed for dishonoring her family.

  3. Run over his legs with an Audi.
    Then break the cunt on the wheel.
    Oven the alleged judge.

  4. When people like that, fag in mouth, decide to literally give two fingers (albeit in this case only one), they ought to be taken back into court and given six strokes of the birch – and the public invited to witness it.

  5. What an unbelievable piece of remorseless fucking shit.

    Walks away injury free as is too often the case an all.

    As the big fella in Pulp Fiction once said – 2 hard pipe hitting n****s with a pair of pliers and a blow torch need to go to work on this cunt.

  6. my sister in law is high up in the dept of justice in thailand. about 10 years ago she came to the uk on some sort of exchange visit and we went to see her while she was here, asked her what she thought and she said “here they give people community service for things i hand out 10 years for”

    • Whilst agreeing he should be severely punished I wouldn’t want to live under Thai law.
      The corruption is staggering.

  7. It would be terrible if a vengeful type stole a van and mangled the little cunt leaving him in a wheelchair then burned the van out so there was no DNA evidence.

  8. Piece of shit. Jails full of jihadists and rape gangs as well as the usual scum of society. Legal establishment’s solution; send less people to jail. My solution; let them all loose on the isle of man and hunt them for sport. If they can swim to liverpool they can stay there. IOM most boring place in British isles apart from TT. At least they didn’t collaborate with the nazis, unlike certain other islands. Given the chance I’m sure they would have though, the tax dodging bastards.

  9. Given his rather belligerent attitude you just know he’ll treat this as one big “look at me, ain’t I great!” circus on his social media pages.

    He’ll have a party with his mates celebrating his light sentence. And if someone says to him “But what about the two victims?” His response will be “Fuck ’em. Who cares! Fancy a shag, darling?”

    Moreover he’ll probably ignore the 4 year driving ban and take his chances. And isn’t it the case where some convicted drivers with something like 70+ points on their licence are STILL allowed to drive thanks to extenuating circumstances that may cause personal hardship!

    So he’ll take the same attitude: fuck the driving ban, can’t afford insurance, but WTF I’ve got a good lawyer if I get nicked again. Let’s party!!!

    • Techno@ – 3 DD convictions show his contempt – this one will only get a proper sentence if his next Stella escapade results in the death of the Judges Daughter.

  10. He looks like a proper cunt. I would not get tired of punching his grid. People like this should be shot in the back of the head in front of their family. How many chances does this cunt get?

    • We can only hope that a bit of ‘summary justice’ comes his way some dark night. He looks like the epitome of your actual cunt.

      Great shout guys.

  11. Hopefully this cunt will take to the road again, pissed as a fart, and then will drive straight down a 100ft gorge and remove his stupid, selfish genes from the pool.

    Luvvly fucking jubbly.

  12. I would love to see this cunt under a steamroller. And afterwards, I would love see his eyeballs still rolling in the mess it left on the road.

    Just look at the cunt. Scum personified. He’s the sort of shit that wrecks lives and families.

    • Fucking right Norman. Steamroller the fucker, forwards and back.

  13. Fed up with cunts doing what they like while ordinary honest citizens are remorselessly bullied by the state (I will not mention Covid here, obvs).

    Fucking lawyer cunts making piles of money by defending little pieces of shit like this (probably at our expense) is particularly nauseating. ‘In mitigation, m’lud, he is partial to a few beers before driving recklessly.’

    Fucking senile cunt judges with PPE degrees from Oxford following the lead of piss useless Home Secretaries who set the mood music for the country by ignoring BLM and XR shit stirrers.

    Useless fatso police bastards led by lezza wimminz cracking down on hurty words on line while terryrists, rape gangs, drug dealers, and cunts like this twat in the nom are totally free to take the piss.

    Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  14. Looks like a pikey to me which might explain why he gets the soft soap. I would hang the bastard.

  15. Two previous offences? That’s a life ban surely. He doesn’t give a fuck about anyone, wouldn’t trust the cunts driving when he was sober.

    The two previous offences should have left no option but a prison sentence. The injuries to the innocents should have tripled his sentence.

    Drop the cunt off in Afghan, he can spend the next 10 years there.

  16. Could one of the reasons for his pathetic sentence be that on Mondays and Thursdays he self genders as Jenny (with a cock) This is of course supposition, but there is a trend among nasty bastards in prison to use the equality legislation to make life easier for themselves, wear a crap wig for two weeks and get sent to a women’s prison that sort of thing. One wonders if the sick behaviour is becoming mainstream.
    He certainly looks the type to favour high cut briefs.

  17. The only way I can make sense of our judiciary is to assume that it has become infested with compromised individuals pushing a political agenda to divide and make a mockery of the nation.

    Like our police force.
    Like our politicians.

    Incompetence just doesn’t cut it as an explanation.

    • Fair play, you managed to shoe horn a conspiracy theory into this story somehow! ?

      • If you’ve got a better explanation for why our justice system has turned into fucking cardboard I’d love to hear it.

        Judges are not stupid people. I suspect they are being handed down ‘guidance’ in much the same fashion as coppers are being poisoned from above by Common Purpose stooges. Following orders as it were.

        Or our politicians not giving a shit about the ordinary people but bending over backwards for gimmigrants and green agenda bollocks.

        Yeah I think there’s a conspiracy. So what? Incompetence just doesn’t cut it as an explanation.

  18. Freddie the Frog has probably nailed it-looks like a total “John-boy” to me.

    Probably (badly) laid the judges block paving or “topped” his trees?

  19. With the bat flu fallout, this country will be fucking skint for decades. We can’t afford funding bollocks like ‘refugees’ from backward shitholes like Afghanistan (especially when Pakistan has told them to fuck off!), tranny operations and the shite that these cunts do in our schools.

    And career criminals are a fucking drain too. I’d execute them all. I’m taking about cunts who keep getting found guilty of robbery or assault too.

    I like that 3 strikes and your out rule. I’d make it 2 strikes and your getting thrown on the bonfire.

  20. I notice with amusement the mosaic redaction of the above image. Paul Beard’s image of Roe “giving the finger to the press”, which has been widely syndicated by the South West News Service, is in effect itself the news story here.

    Although mosaic redaction (or “pixellisation”) perhaps has a place in contemporary Japanese pornography, to apply it here would seem rather odd. There is nothing inherently “offensive” about a finger (other than perhaps Roe’s tattoos and nicotine stains); certainly such redaction does not prevent recognition of the “middle-finger” gesture and its “offensive” meaning – in fact, it accentuates it.

    In regard to the offences for which he was sentenced, it seems that Roe was only just over the drink-drive limit and the speed he reached while overtaking was only briefly in excess of the limit, which is not necessarily an offence¹. The vehicle Roe was overtaking was indeed dawdling along at around 20 mph or less, so his desire to overtake it was not unreasonable. Accidents exactly like this are unfortunately extremely common, though fortunately less commonly result in such serious injury.

    These factors were taken into account in sentencing. Indeed, if Roe had drunk a seriously small amount less, it would have been all but impossible to charge him with anything at all. The speed he reached when overtaking was not well-established (as far as I know). Clearly, there must be a sliding scale for such sentencing, yet despite that, UK prisons are packed to the rafters with such riff-raff as Roe.

    The idea that judges can or should hand out very lengthy sentences for all manner of offences is plain silly. The result would be a prison population of many hundreds of thousands, if not millions. This would not only be rather expensive, but would result in a total breakdown in society. Any Utopian ideas that such a schema would eradicate crime altogether is quite wrong; it would more likely result in a dystopian “free for all” where everyone (correctly) felt that “you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb”.

    A bit like parts of North Wales.

    ¹ this is why Police traditionally timed motorway speeds over a standing quarter mile and nowadays averaging speed cameras are the norm. “Instantaneous” speeds can be problematic in court, precisely because it is legitimate to exceed a limit – briefly and by a small amount – when overtaking. (Perhaps overtaking all but stationary vehicles should also be made illegal?)

  21. Two things:

    1) if it was my wife and daughter, I’d do time for that cunt, but he would be walking with a stick for the rest of his life as a reminder

    2) Drive around most parts of London over the weekend, and you will see driving like this. Parkis and Dooshkas (who are mostly pissed).

  22. Any fucking stupid cunt that gets his face tattooed should be exterminated forthwith.

    • If it’s his third offence, the only reason for a suspended sentence must be that our prisons are already full of muslim terrorists and rapists, so there’s nowhere to put him right now.
      Hopefully those who live in his area will be keeping an eye on him and the minute he starts driving while banned, which he inevitably will, they’ll report it and he’ll finally end up where he belongs.

  23. I bet the cunt was driving an Audi, I reckon a ride on sparky the electric chair for the cunt followed by a spit roasting by Romanian beggars…. Cunt

  24. If I was standing outside the court when this smug Branson-grinning piece of shit came out giving the finger, I would snap the aforesaid digit out of its socket ,insert into Jo Brand’s diarrhoeal ass and make him suck it clean.

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