Rashid Khalid – Migrants not happy with luxury hotel

Who the fuck is he? I hear you ask. Well, he is yet another sponging pain-in-the-arse illegal immigrant, who will no doubt get the seal of approval and tearstained pleading from race baiter Diane Abott and the poofy lawyer from the s0-alled Good Law Project.

These cunts, arsewipes to a man and woman, have been put up at our expense at a 4 star hotel in London, and the ungrateful bastards are still whinging – Khalid put his ill written moans thus:

Luxury Hotel not good enough for Migrants

Nominated by: W.C.Boggs

Supporting link provided by Komodo

Asylum seekers living in luxury London hotel complain it’s not good enough

53 thoughts on “Rashid Khalid – Migrants not happy with luxury hotel

    • I’m sure there are things going on in this country that you couldn’t make up because you’d never even think of it happening.

  1. If we were stills real country we’d frog march the cunt to the airport and drop him back in Shitistan, see if the cunt prefers that?

    He’ll probably get compo and a 4 bed detached instead though.

    This country is on its arse because of bat flu. Wtf are they playing at throwing money we don’t have at these ungrateful chancers?

  2. Hopefully all this being public information, it will be used against this cunt when his asylum application is considered by the Home Office. If this cunt was really fleeing from a country where his life is in danger, the ungrateful skidmark wouldn’t be whining about his accommodation arrangements here.

    Rashid Khalid – you pisstaking cunt, fuck off back to the flyblown sandhole you came from.

  3. It’s shocking! Why aren’t we laying on under age girls for these poor deprived Peacefuls escaping the hell of war? This government is raaaaaaaay-sist!!!!

  4. I have often considered there are few situations in life which cannot be introduced by the introduction of a Gatling Gun..
    Every incident like this shows more and more clearly why we need rid of all sitting politicians at the next GE.
    Fuck all will be done until we do.
    So time to get it done.

  5. “I come here and where my white girls, Ferrari and mansion? What is this? Infidel must give me.”

    I’m not kidding, but that is how this cunt probably thinks. And instead of kicking him out, we’ll probably apologise and give him as much as we can.

    The reason these countries are shit holes, is because of the people living in them. Bring them here and we’ll have the same problems they fled from.

    Taharush in Tesco’s. Taliban in Telford.

    What a fucking country. We’ve been sold out by utter bastards.

  6. I can’t watch or read that shit. My blood is boiling. I’m so sick of this piss weak bullshit . Letting these useless third world dregs walk into our country and we put them up in a 4 star gaff I couldn’t afford and they complain and want freedom. Maybe you should have fought for it in your own shitstain country you goat worrying pukes.
    Johnson is finished and the Tories are finished.

    • I hope to god the British voter has finally seen through this horseshit at last. I hope I fucking hope… Anyone who hasn’t spotted the dialectic by now is a fucking omnitard. Fuck democracy – that system whereby the voice of two idiots beats the voice of one wise man.

    • MMCM@ – Can’t talk at the mo – 10,000 feet over Kabul, DCI is keeping the Lancaster on a level flight path as I kick Rashid Khalid towards the open bomb bay doors – “where is parachute”? ?
      “I’ve already fkin told you – it’s waiting for you on the ground”!

  7. I bet he thought we were giving him the entire hotel when he was dropped off.

    Better not put ideas in their heads.

  8. The Jellyfish is saying it’s our “duty” to see that every Afghan who “needs to get out” does so.
    Fucking brilliant! If i’m a goat shagger with the prospect of a free house and free money in the land of milk and honey of course I fucking “need to get out.” Watch how quickly I can turn gay and start crying like a tranny.

    • Population of Afghanistan is 38.5 million.

      Our Prime Minister, in order to not look like a meeny-moo, has just told the entire population of Afghanistan that that are welcome to come to the UK.

      I said we’d end up with a million. I’m going to change that to 5-10 million.

      And I’m not fucking joking.

      They’ll keep virtue signalling until we’re all living in caves.

      Oh, and why has no leader called out Qatar for giving asylum to the leaders of the Taliban during the western forces’ occupation?

      The should have the World cup taken off them and their capital bombed for that bollocks.

  9. Hmm – I didn’t notice any of these “refugees” (we ALL know they ain’t) claiming asylum in any of the innumerable muslim Countries around Afghanistan..

    • Countries like Saudi don’t take a single refugee, Muslim or not.
      The reason we have a housing shortage in this country is because cunts like this get pushed to the front of the queue.

      • They are all drowning in sovereign wealth and the western Christian countries are drowning in sovereign debt.

  10. I see the Bubbles have put up a big fuck off wall to keep them out the fucking raaaaaay-sists. Well if we can’t keep the bastards out with a 24 mile wide fucking moat what chance has Zorba got? Obviously more chance than us because they actually WANT to keep the cunts out.

  11. Put them on a ‘four star’ rubber boat and give them directions to France, a welcoming country where they will be able to live a makeshift tent, no running water, no electricity and no fucking food.

    Utter cunts, and spineless politicians for allowing it.

  12. Watch all the gimmegrants in Calais suddenly turn Afghan overnight. I might nip over there and flog them some Afghan flags to stick on the front of their dinghies. The BBC will lap that up for the 6 o’clock news.

    • Or Afghan coats, I used to have one when visiting Blighty,, still fits, lovely, never needed it in Rhodesia though!, fucking hell I mean Kabul was on the hippie trail when I was a lad, what a cunt!

  13. There has been 0 days since a nom ranting about immigration on here. Am I the only one bored shitless about this topic?

    • LazyBiscuits@ – Tell me that in ten years as the morality police drag you to the Town Square to be executed.

  14. Well at least he is trying to integrate quickly insomuch that he is crying about food and housing and will soon learn to use his religion and ethnicity to play on liberal white guilt and weak political will to access even more goodies once his never in doubt leave to remain status is rubber stamped. Cunt.

  15. Every last sponging dark1e onto a transport plane and then kicked out at 10000ft over Afghanistan with a parachute and and small parcel of food snd water.
    Fuck each and every one of them.

      • TtCE@ – Tie them to piggy Patel perchance?
        Assuming her size 24 bloomers don’t make a parachute of course! ?
        And fuck food and water – they can eat lithium and cobalt.

      • I’ve had a good idea for the African dinghy wankers…they can only come in if they’re carrying 100kg of strip-mined lithium for electric car batteries.
        Or better still, a car that runs on minced asylum seekers!
        Sort of like the DeLorean in Back to the Future, but instead of dropping banana peels and such into the flux capacitor, the engine processes spongers through a grinder.
        Solves the transport power and the overpopulation problems simultaneously.

      • “Or better still, a car that runs on minced asylum seekers!”

        Now y’ see I’ve broached this before but I’ll run it up the flagpole… all the millions spaffed up the wall on utterly pointless ‘Nightingale’ hospitals should have been allocated to the emergency construction of ‘Nightingale’ Ovens and what’s more… you can tap the run off and pipe it into a fleet of mobile bio-diesel converters, everybody wins. Oh Terry where are you in our cuntry’s hour of need?

  16. Uncle Joe has politely asked the Taliban if they could extend the deadline beyond the 31st. Abdul told him to fuck right off.
    This is what happens when you are weak Joe…..cunts laugh in your face and walk all over you.
    The sooner those goat fuckers close the door the better for us normal cunts ……and normal Yank cunts too. The Yanks have already got hundreds of thousands of parasites crossing their southern border, now they are getting another shitload of Peacefuls. They are as fucked as we are.

    • FtF@ – The Paras and SAS getting the British out didn’t ask for permission from the taliban.
      The taliban have met them before..

  17. Take the fuckers back to Crapistan or Calais, we dont want the sponging shitstains here anyway, these cunts will be moaning for the next 50+ years and well as claiming everything in the book and of coarse hoping and praying they will be able to sue the UK for something, ala Grendfall towers…..arse clinkers, get rid of the fucks ASAP no matter how much it costs its cheaper than having the cunts here…..

  18. I can only imagine he’s a refugee from a palace where his every need was catered for.

    What the fuck is he doing here if he finds it do intolerable? What was he running from?

    Unrelated to this post, but the next person to decide to have a nice cup of tea and a chit chat in the nominations page gets on my annoyed by list (you really don’t want to be on that). It’s for nominations only, no discussion. – DA

  19. And there will be some poor old lady in Britain worried if she can afford to put another bar on the electric fire this Winter….

    While human muck is put in luxury hotels… I would put this dirty parasitic cunts in tins of dog food. Mince the bastards. that will get rid of them (if only).

  20. Why do the cunts want to stay out after midnight anyway? The mosques aren’t open at that time are they?

  21. The Germans really had the right idea in late 1930s.
    Build back bigger better ovens.

  22. The immigration department need to say sorry Rashid you and your fellow silvery moons at the hotel are being deported as undesireable immigrants. If only, fucking whining bastards.

  23. It makes me wonder what these economic scroungers have been told about the UK.

    Just get there whatever way you can.
    Once there you get what you want.
    If you want more, just complain.
    They won’t deport you.

    It’s got so bad that ‘sending them back’ is no longer an option.
    There are hundreds of thousands of them in the UK, perhaps millions. Who knows?
    And where exactly do you send them back to?

    Stopping them coming cannot be effective without using force.

    There is just one way to deter them and that is with a total overhaul of the benefits system.
    This is long overdue, not just for the immigrant scroungers but also for the home grown ones too.

    The camps in and around Calais will soon disperse as the gimmegrants make their way north to the Scandinavian countries, who hand out benefits almost as recklessly as the UK.

  24. Even the Taliban are warning us that refugees from there are economic migrants looking for a free ride.

    I guess there is a grain of truth in what they say in many cases, although the Taliban will surely be looking to take scalps from some who have made their lives difficult in the past.

    • I imagine that disguising a few of their Taliban nutters as migrants and getting them into the UK would be the first step in getting their revenge on the nations that upset them in the past.

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