Progressive Patriotism

Up until a few months ago before Gareth Wokegate and his merry band of kowtowing knee bending cucks were beating ageing mediocre teams at the Euros, I had never heard of ‘Progressive patriotism’. All of a sudden it became trendy to be English and proud, cynical politicians across the political spectrum were now die-hard fans and pictures of jubilant middle class millennials and Gen Z knob ends who wouldn’t know Bobby Ball from Alan Ball, singing on the top of bus shelters pissed out of their heads filled the papers.

The likes of the BBC and Grauniad fucking loved it of course, because now they can link this new look diverse England team and the benefits of immigration with (almost) sporting success, although synchronised underwater kiddie diddling and the 3/4 mile dinghy sprint have yet to be confirmed for Paris 2024.

I personally don’t think they give a flying fuck about sport or patriotism in general, this is cynical opportunism and just another front opening up on the ongoing culture wars. It has already started in the U.S, from next season the NFL will now play ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing – the black national anthem- before every game, would anyone bet against this shit being implemented over here by the spineless cunts at the FA ? What next, Stormzy at the Proms?

The irony will no doubt be lost on these new found English patriots that they were more than likely the same people who a few years ago were marching in the streets demanding a second referendum to keep us shackled to the corrupt bastards in Brussels while denouncing leave voters as “little Englanders”. You have to admire the brass neck of these cunts, destroying our history, culture and traditions, trashing the nations heroes and heroines and its achievements while claiming to love it.

St Marcus of Rashford gets media adulation and a mural in his hometown for spending our tax money on free school meals while war hero Winston Churchills statue is covered in graffiti and demonized as a white supremacist, but hey don’t worry its progressive.

Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator

(More info here: Day Admin – Shaping a new patriotism )

44 thoughts on “Progressive Patriotism

  1. The answer is simple, ban social media. None of this stuff happened so badly before it existed.

  2. ‘What next, Stormzy at the Proms?’

    He’s already appeared:

    ‘The Proms, an iconic symbol of British cultural life, usually reference a very narrow, and perhaps elitist, artistic milieu. This was blown apart – albeit momentarily – at a 2015 Late Night Proms when, following after Verdi’s Requiem, a selection of UK grime artists, including Stormzy, Wretch 32, Chip and Lethal Bizzle, performed alongside the Metropole Orkest, conducted by Jules Buckley’

    • More-

      ‘One of the performers, Fekky, expressed his initial thoughts: ‘What we do is very energetic, and I thought – How they going to bring energy out of a violin?’. Listening to the performance however reveals that such misgivings were misplaced. The orchestra multiplies the visceral power of the grime artists – witness the response of the mosh pits in ‘Pow’ and the chant of ‘F*** the feds’

      So you had the sublime Kyrie Elesion of Verdi ‘s Requiem then later ‘Pow’ with its thrilling chant of ‘Fuck the feds’.

      What a night that must have been. You really get your money’s worth with the Proms.

      • Definition of mosh pit

        : an area in front of a stage where very physical and rough dancing takes place

        So we’ve gone from the simple speccy classical music geeks bobbing up and down to ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ to ‘physical and rough dancing’ where people are bumbed with the thteat of violence.

        What would Sir Thomas Beecham have thought?

      • Probably get Diversity doing their knuckle dragging BLM dance at this years Prom.

    • It was a wonderful show of inclusive diversity not. Bunch of cunts and that was the organisers.

    • I thought he had.

      The BBC do love a bit of ‘Vossi Bop’, until the upper management go off to Glyndebourne and quietly laugh at it.

  3. I’m getting on, it’s harder to adapt. Even though I’m an antipodean and a ‘banana jock’, one fails to understand the relentless bestial oppobrium to the Empire, despite it’s faults was and still is historically largely a force for benefit to human civilisation. One fears we are in the end time of our once great society.
    Taliban in Jakarta by Christmas?

  4. I didn’t know that there was a black national anthem in the USA! How proud people will be when they ignore the real national anthem and sing this instead. I wonder if white players will take the knee for WLM. Do they really not think that the whole crowd will boo when they sing this? Cunts!

    Maybe we should ask the peacefuls which is more important, country or religion. A free air ticket to Kabul could be given to those who answer wrongly. Cunts!

  5. Marcus Rashford, national hero off the pitch, the lefty media are the architects of the hero worship, he was the champion of the poor, free school meals. Two things come to mind, the popularity of his pathetic interview with Sally somebody was only popular because of media coverage, second thing, he is black and therefore a voice of the people who seem to think the vast majority of white people are racist.

    The England team of ‘modern Britain’ could have got to the final just as easily with an all white team and wokegates obsession with the Black players was a gamble to far. The cunts in the media then get upset because of what was a minority giving racist abuse.

    Modern Britain, and more so England is a joke, white English are becoming more and more an inconvenience, they are the links to colonialism and for some reason slavery, it make me sad to say that England is no longer a proud nation.

    • Patriotism is it?
      Well these Johnny come lately fuckers look suspiciously like the same fuckers that call me far right for flying the flag,
      Same cunts who sneer at showing respect for the fallen and wearing a poppy?
      Same people who say this country is racist,
      Same people who wanted to destroy British culture,
      Football, pubs,
      Same people who give employment to some foreigner rather than their own people.
      Same people who boast they arent racist but are prejudiced against white working class men.
      Get to fuck.
      Your no patriot.
      I love my country and people not because its fashionable but because its natural.
      Nothing you can show me about patriotism.

      • MNC@ – That’s the one! ??
        Great Britain has given me health, wealth and a good place to live.
        IMO there is no better place in the world.

      • Multicultural Britain, I have seen it, I know what I like and I don’t like it.
        My mum used say ‘I don’t like P*kis, they’re dirty…. How right she was ?

      • P*kis ARE dirty Sick.

        Your Mum was right.

        And the women’s dry feet and cracked heels are a sight to behold.

        Haven’t the backward cunts ever heard of Sholl?

      • Dickvandyke@
        They fuckin do as well!!
        Big cracked heels.
        No wonder the husbands shag goats!!
        Better feet.

  6. “look at those racist white van working claars types having England flags outside their houses – disgusting far right nazis”!
    “Look at Olly and Jemima, just back from Waitrose in time for the soccerball competition wreathed in England flags – how delightfully patriotic and middle class”..
    “Thanks Lady Nugee of the forked tongue”.
    Patriotism appears to be predicated on the size of your trust fund for some.
    Still always amuses me when people wave an “England flag” – three lions representing a Frenchman and a red cross on a white background being the flag of Eleanor of Aquitaine – these nouveau patriots need to “educate themselves”..

    • Return of the White Dragon, flag of the Anglo Saxons, a proper battle flag, a bit of strength and power, give the Red Cross to the modern English and take back our heritage.

  7. Patriotism of the sort that the no nonsense generations of old would recognise is long dead.
    Now it’s a shitty multicultural soup of cunts.

  8. They have been shitting on our flag for too long for them to now start claiming it as theirs. They should shove it all the rest of the way up their gaping woke arseholes with the pole still attached. Fucking marxist bellends.

  9. Let’s face it, it won’t be long before identifying yourself by your nationality will be frowned upon by the Woke.

    No longer will you be able to say you were born in England, or Great Britain or the UK. Instead you’ll be part of the Great Global Community, thus doing away with nationalism and/or patriotism.

    No more passports because everyone will have the right the freedom of movement around the world. And that will be the ultimate conclusion of Progressive Patriotism – no longer at the national level, but at the global

  10. It is delightful observing anybody with anti-British sentiments (Lefties, Remoaners, spouses of Dooshkas, etc) watching an England match. It begins all calmly, a sedate, “That’s it” or “come on” as if to express too much emotion would seem patriotic; yet by the end, they’re screaming and hollering like a pissed-up, jingo flat-waver. Highly entertaining watching the knots unravel.

  11. I caught the peaceful tart saying, somewhat aggressively, ‘No, YOU go home,’ after declaring Wokegate made her a fan of the flag.

    Brass fucking neck.

    Well, there are your new fans, Bignose.

    You can fucking keep them.

  12. The woketards finally realised that a lot of people were actually patriotic enough not to want to be swamped by foreigners, and reasoned that changing the meaning of “patriotism”, and calling capitulation by that formerly unambiguous name would change the mindset.

    More Orwell. Or Huxley.

    I hope to Christ they’re wrong.

  13. Typical Guardian bullshit, written by yet another Julian – you can almost imagine him in horn-rimed glasses and a black polo-neck, typical soyboy motherfucker.

  14. The invasion of the west is now in full swing
    It’s on a global scale
    Nothing is sacred about the past anymore
    I don’t think there’s much room for movement
    We will never see a Spanish peseta or an Italian lira ever again
    I feel we of an age saw the best of the west
    All nations are being undermined to make room for more shitholes to develop
    There are only so much rooms available in the tavern

  15. Fully agree. Sports people are all cunts. The people that follow and idolise these cunts are themselves even bigger cunts. One day I want sport and the monies involve to collapse. That way sport will be good again when it returned. Back the to good old days when ‘A Question of Sport’ was worth watching.

  16. Rashford this, Rashford that. One game into the new season and I am sick of him already. The inept cunt can’t even take a penalty and he’s a hero? Utter bollocks. We all know that failure is celebrated in England, but BAME failure is even more lauded. Those three clowns missed those penalties in a major final, and the media (social and mainstream) have given them godlike status. an anyone who dares to criticise them is accused of hate crime. But that’s progress for you….

    And watch the Grauniad go into overdrive when Jodie Whitakunt leaves Doctor Whoke next year. They will screaming like spoilt kids about how the next Doc just has to be a female treeswinger and how it will be an ‘outrage’ if they don’t choose a choccy drop. Joke is, they screamed for a woman to get the part and one did. Now they aren’t happy with her and they now want a black one. It’s just toys being thrown out of the Guardian pram for the cunteenth time. What these cunts (BBC, US Democrats, Guardian, Labour, Remain etc) do has nothing to do with progress. It’s just whining entitled psychos wanting their own way all the time, and they play hell when they don’t get it.

  17. What we need is a return to the good old days of proper sports where Lefties, Remoaners, Dooshkas, knuckle draggers, and the alphabet community are chucked into the arena to fight to the death.

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