Murderers in Batley

These 6 need a cunting. Usman Karolia, Ahmed Karolia, Raja Nawaz, Nabeel Naseer, Irfan Hussain and Nikash Hussain. The 6 of them stopped 3 lads in Batley and stabbed them all, killing Bradley Gleehill (20) in an alley (with a toddler watching). He was stabbed by all 6, kicked and stamped on when he was already on the ground. A young man with his whole life ahead of him taken away in the worst way.

Another Labour constituency in the North of England full of (truly) racist, vicious cunts. This one still has the teacher in hiding for showing a fucking cartoon of Muhammad as well. Lovely. What a disgrace and what a set of cunts.

Link to the cunts

Nominated by – Cunt Dreamboat

56 thoughts on “Murderers in Batley

  1. What a fucking abysmal set of haircuts. Do they use a blunt knife with one eye closed?

    • TBCC@ – When muslims are prosecuted for criminal behaviour it’s “racist and islamaphobic”.
      When white people are butchered by muslims it’s “mostly peaceful cultural differences”.
      Our “Government” need removing and executing for treason and crimes against the British People.

      • Wrote to my local Tory MP and said both Conservative and Labour parties are total cunts for ignoring the clear instructions given by the electorate regarding the controlling illegal immigration. Also said that the justice system in this country is a complete joke.

        To his credit he didn’t disagree.

        Huge numbers of unchecked Easter Europeans plus tens of thousands of unchecked illegals flooding in at a time where the government decided to cut police numbers? What did they think was going to happen?

        All political parties are a bunch of wank, as are their members.

        Fuck off.

    • @ws

      I don’t get it either, I’ve started thinking the Kalergi stuff must be true, or something like it. Less bothered about Eastern Europeans, but with the religious/peaceful types you get fuck all but expenses and eventually stuff like in this story.

      You could soon stop the boats coming, either dragging them back. Or just let the life boat leave them and send back those who make it. They’d soon give up coming. Australia stopped it easy enough, how,the duck the UK can’t is beyond me. They’re coming in illegally to start with so we owe them fuck all. We don’t know who they are.

      Also, we want to move abroad? We have to get a job, visa, all that. Follow the law. Legit immigrants coming here have to do the same (no issue with legit immigration).

  2. I went to the freedom of speech event in Batley – the Labour and Tory candidates did not bother turning up, muslims were invited to give their opinions – none arrived but just sneaked around the edges like rats.
    Kim Leadbeater was chased around Batley and threatened by muslim mobs and pursued to her car by them, nothing reported about the threats she received, and she could not see the irony of the incidents.
    I do not believe the by election result was fairly or honestly recorded and I have serious concerns over the lack of voting integrity which IMO allowed Leadbeater to scrape in by the tiniest margin when she did not win.
    And don’t put your money on Laurence Fox to change anything – I had a talk with him and he is just another who pretends he is the solution not the problem.
    Yet another chancer.

  3. Inbred, incestuous, goat fucking cunts. Hundreds of thousands more coming via dingys the RNLI , the border farce and the Royal airforce . At this point I’d vote for Hitler.

    • Oh yeah? Look where that got the German people – not to mention our parents and grandparents! ?

  4. Off to the easy life in prison, where their religious beliefs will be pandered to, which incidentally didn’t stop them stabbing and murdering. Outsource our prison service to China, as son as possible

    • Agreed GJ.

      The rinky dinks know how to deal with peacefuls properly.

      Shame our government doesn’t.

      • It made me laugh the other day, radio four were listing the foreign fighters and terror groups that currently call Afghanistan home, and among the list of usual suspects were the Chinese uighur fuckers. Yesterday’s cause celebre, today’s terrorist.

  5. I hope that cunt Gary Lineker is happy now….

    This country is a laughing stock. Boris is a wankstain, Patel is a sack of shit, and we are infested with human filth. I was – and still am – disgusted about how Manchester and the rest of the country ‘reacted’ after the Arena atrocity. Lighting candles, buying bumble bee stickers and T-Shirts, and singing Oasis?!! What a load of fucking shite. Then, only a matter of days after the bombing, my local ASDA is trying to sell these scum to us and plastering ‘Happy Ramadan’ all over the shop. A fucking disgrace. It baffles me why these unwashed camelbuggerers are arselicked so much. And I am sick to fucking death of some cunt bleating ‘But… But… They’re not all like that. I met a nice one at the Dentist’ or some other excuse making crap.

    And the human filth apologist fanboys can fuck off whinging about Afghanistan and all. ‘But… But… They are oppressed, religiously and politically’. So fucking what? In case these do gooding look at me fuckflakes haven’t noticed, Iran and its people have been stifled and intimidated religiously and politically since 1979. But they don’t give a fuck about that, do they? And even if these vermin are let out of Kabul, they will spread their brand of religious and political oppression and bullying here.
    Wherever they settle these “refugees” you can be sure they’ll turn it into a shithole, just look at London now, no better than Kabul at times, most will bring nothing but trouble.

    • The likes of Lineker don’t give a flying fuck Norman.

      He doesn’t have to live amongst it and might only have a change of heart if one of his kids maybe met the same fate as this young lad at the hands of a similar bunch of murdering bastards.

      Even then he’d probably virtue signal his shit stained fucking arse off on Twatter and blame the far right.

    • Yes, light some candles, and waft them around in ‘solidarity’

      That will have the peacefuls quaking in their boots.

      We should have knocked the bricks out of the bottom of a few Manchester minarets, and chocked then up with wood. We could have then threw some pig carcasses and lorry tyres around the base and set fire to the fucking lot, and cheered as that green turret/ Mr Whippy bit shattered on the floor.

      I’m sick to fucking death of these heinous little bastards.

      I feel so sorry for the parents of this young lad in Batley.

      Cunts doesn’t even cut it for these six shower of shits.

    • That bollockheaded poet Tony Walsh ground my gears with that ‘We are Manchester’ shit about standing together. It was cringingly embarrassing. Get a champagne socialist, lefty poet to shout out his bollocks that’ll make it better. Fucking bell end!!

  6. We have to stop calling it a religion.
    It is what it is, an intolerant creed, a theocracy and above all a barbaric death cult.
    Fucking shifty lying Cunts .

    • Indeed Fenton, it is not a religion.

      It should be banned and classified as a terrorist organisation.

  7. Deport all of them. I don’t give a fuck who they are or what they do. If it keeps the people of Britain safe, deport the fucking lot. If we don’t, the death toll and the rape count will be a four figure sum within a decade or so.

    • Norman@ – This will be one of my priorities if I am elected.
      We need to grow a national spine and start looking after the British, not the the fucking third world.

      • “…deport the fucking lot. If we don’t, the death toll and the rape count will be a four figure sum within a decade or so.”

        Yes it will Norm, and STILL white Brits will sit on their hands too frit to protest their own decimation.

        “This will be one of my priorities if I am elected… We need to grow a national spine”

        Personally I think that electoral window is now firmly shut. It’s about getting the cart and the horse in the right order. Without the required ‘spine’ they won’t vote for you; they’ll stand in the booth with the pencil trembling in their hands hovering over the “Fox” box and they’ll bottle it. They won’t be able to summon the personal courage even in the private seclusion of the voting booth!
        A wide-scale mental realignment must happen in the British people (Uncle Adolf knew the the German peole had to be ‘hardened up’ first) and that is impossible without control of all (or at least the greater majority) of the media. Unless this psychopathic hydra is nullified the Fox Manifesto can’t be disseminated.

        The power brokers are too heavily invested to allow that to happen and anyway… you can’t vote your way out of a rigged system. We have to organise or a hundred years from now the white British will be pushed into isolated Western enclaves and having to effectively become an ‘underground’ movement. Not good.

      • “Have you read The Mosque of Notre Dame 2048?”

        Nope, not come across that one before, from the summary she seems to have the time-scale correct at least, by 2048? Yep I can see that. They won’t wait till they achieve numerical/demographic majority either. As soon as they feel confident enough they’ll kick off.
        I have just found a copy in the States for a tenner s/hsnd so I’ll definitely be reading that one. Thanks for the heads up.

        Sounds like the natural companion to and plot development of… by Jean Raspail

      • Never read that but I am familiar with it.

        With the latest Afghanistan/migrant “crisis” we could be witnessing this country’s very own Camp of the Saints moment.

  8. Adherents of the religion of peace.

    Who’d have thought.

    They do love to operate in gangs don’t they.
    Probably because Parking Stanleys tend to physically piss weak, pathetic, micro cocked little cunts.

  9. What a truly piss boiling story.

    What a wonderful idea it was to let these sub humans settle in this country and breed.

    I hope the cunts responsible for the mass immigration of peacefuls to the UK are currently burning in hell.

    • And more of the cunts arriving daily by the dingyload. Governments care more for the welfare of these shits than they do for the poor fuckers who actually pay the bills.

  10. Judging by the recent by election Batley must already be another country. No wonder they didn’t like whitey on their territory.
    The Labour and Cuntservatives were a fucking disgrace in that campaign. Like Big Vern I wonder how Labour won when they had a lezza for a candidate and professional anti Semite, Galloway, took a massive slice of the Peaceful vote. Not the first time there’s been a puzzling result where this trash happen to be.

    • They knew what side their bread was buttered, when push came to shove.

      Labour gives these cunts everything. Rozzers don’t bother them for driving about the locality without a licence. No bailiffs for late payments. First in the queue for housing (because the peacefuls run the fucking social housing in every city now it seems!) and help with getting the maximum bennies. Help bringing the whole fucking family over, legal aid and interpreters for free. Blind eye turned to child rape gangs. Initiatives to help with careers (BAME only jobs etc.) Big handouts for Mosques etc.

      Labour have all this set up nicely for them already. That’s why these cunts always vote for them.

  11. Fucking scum, probably shouldn’t be here anyway, send them all back to Shitistan when they get out and cancel the benefits for their families, they can take an inner tube back to Calais, check out the previous cunting.
    Someone remind me why all these arse wipes are still coming here in the first place….please

  12. I wonder where that teacher is now? Have the government set him up with a new life like they did with double child rapist and murderer Colin “reformed character” Pitchfork?
    Or have they just abandoned him as a raaaaay-sist? The MSM don’t want to tell us just like they are not interested in Slasha Johnson. Doesn’t fit the narrative. Perhaps she might pop up in the raspberry Wokelympics and win a medal? Such courage, such bravery.
    Such puke inducing hypocrisy. ?

  13. “ I was – and still am – disgusted about how Manchester and the rest of the country ‘reacted’ after the Arena atrocity. Lighting candles, buying bumble bee stickers and T-Shirts, and singing Oasis?!! What a load of fucking shite”

    Think the same, something very sinister about that reaction. I’m not sure how that happened but it made no sense to me.

    Worth remembering that a lot more people got charged with crimes for commenting on the Manchester bomb than did for being involved in preparing and carrying out. I think only Hashem Abedi was charged when it’s common and obvious knowledge that many more were involved and that the Mosque had been an influence. That Mosque should have been closed and pulled down at the minimum IMO. The other brother is now living under a different name in Manchester.

    Fuck singing songs and rewarding police with bravery medals. They were off buying kebabs and, as I said before, they only charged Hashem Abedi.

  14. That teacher would be best off doing the international school route. He’s qualified and would get a good job. He’ll find that most countries outside of Europe can’t comprehend why you’d bend over for Islamist cunts like Western Europe and The UK does. Good luck to him. If I was him I’d not look back, probably not even visit. He could probably do well out of writing a book on it. People need to know more about what happened and I wouldn’t begrudge him some coin.

  15. I wonder if there will be a day in the victim’s honour? Or several TV series about the murder, which demonises an entire culture/race and calls it ‘systemically racist’?

    Never mind. Crack on with the latest series (is that 4 or 5 now?) about Stephen Lawrence, we haven’t heard enough about it yet. Same with that George Whassisname in Minneapolis, they haven’t put too much out about that one too I’ve noticed.

    Blacks and browns are more likely to kill honkies than the other way around. That is a statistical fact. There’s your fucking racism. Where’s our TV series?

    Fuck right off.

    • Very good point CB.

      The manner and nature in which this young lad was murdered is equally worthy of the coverage and whatever the fuck else St Lawrence has had.

      Won’t happen though will it.

      Double standards at their most absurd and sickening.

  16. Make these bastards do the full term doing hard labour., In the meantime deport the families of these cunts. Then deport these pieces of shit.

  17. Actually on a serious note it would REALLY be a good idea to deport them and their whole family for this kind of behaviour.

    They clearly hate Britain and the whole creed is “death to the infidel” which clearly cannot be a valid starting point.

    There is more and more of this to come and I for one would vote for Mr Fox.

  18. I don’t mind them going into our expensive prison system.
    Just so long as these filthy cunts don’t mind watching their entire extended families being burnt at the stake in the exercise yard.

  19. A nice plane ride over shark infested waters then kick the cunts out at 30 thousand feet. Mind you The sharks would probably puke up after swallowing these pieces of stinking shit.

  20. Has anyone made shotguns with a licence available to homicidal maniacs yet?

    Oh wait!

  21. The problem with our political system is that there’s no right alternative like the National Front in France and AfD in Germany. Parties that stir the pot, make the political elite worry and listen to the indigenous white person. The present Tory Government is Tony Blair in all but name. Total disregard of issues like the nomination and treat us like useful idiots. I will never vote Tory again.

      • I’ve been constipated for last few days, but I’m back and double lively
        All the 4444s.
        Fuck em all chaps..

  22. Fucking hell, with all these soapdodging camelfuckers, the stench in Batley must be unbearable.

    Not to mention Luton, Bradford, Rochdale. A tidal wave of filth.

  23. Don’t worry. Bradley Gleehill’s mum will be made a dame, there will be multiple TV documentaries and dramas about his life and we’ll be fed years of hand wringing bollocks by the left wing media. Just as well he wasn’t white or we’d have heard next nothing. Oh wait….

  24. I’d go back behind the door to serve up one of these filth.
    I hate the dirty vermin to my core

  25. Lisa Nandy taking the moral high ground with Afghanistan ??
    Labour the biggest set of hypocrites on the planet You took us to this War ??

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