More (The Concept, The Begging, The Guilt Trips)

Hmm Patrick Moore pic or ex-pornstar. The agony of choice. Plus the song is great.

How many times to we hear the phrase ‘we have to do more’, usually from left wing cunts and woke liberals.

Where do we start, Free school meals for the great unwashed, not content with the free meals during term time, we have to do more, make sure they get a lunch during the holidays.

In the great pandemic, the furlough scheme, rate relief, interest free loans, mortgage holidays, ban on evictions, was it enough, absolutely not ‘we have to do more’
Nothing is ever enough, why cant a politician on the left say ‘yes that is great’ without adding ‘but we need to do more’

Now we have Afghanistan, the shit show that has unfolded in a matter of day, ‘we will take in 20,000 including 5000 refugees this year, this on top of the 5 to 7 thousand who were working for or with the British forces’, Is it enough, is it fuck ‘we need to do more’

No we need to do fucking less, on the media today councils in the North East saying we can take families from Afghanistan, you thick cunts if you volunteer to take half a dozen the cunts in Westminster will demand a dozen.

The answer should be Fuck Off, if the you want refugees stick them in fucking Westminster.

We need to do less, the more you do the more will be demanded.

More is a Cunt!

Nominated by – Sick of it.

42 thoughts on “More (The Concept, The Begging, The Guilt Trips)

  1. Some “interpreter, who worked for Britain – AND OTHER COUNTRIES” said he felt “let down by the West” on the Wireless 4 News Summary at midday.

    He was doing it for money, so what’s his proble, – why do we owe him anything? He wasn’t press-ganged.

    • They’re owed SHIT in my book. Notoriously disloyal, dishonest and work shy. Why the fuck do they feel entitled to go to Europe/America on the rinse? They’d start moaning the felt “let down” if we did bring them over anyway.

    • As I have said before, the cunts chose a side, and unfortunately for them, they chose the wrong side. What did they think would happen once the western allies left? Silly cunts – they made their bed, so fucking lie in it. It is analogous to any Russians who sided with the Germans in the last war.

  2. We ought to have said : “ if America want to sort out Afghan refugees as part of their exit strategy that’s great but we don’t have a plan for them and we are already full with migrants fleeing the tyranny in France so we can’t take any more from here.”

    I’d vote for a politician that made policy like that but, sadly, I’m not aware of any being on the ballot☹️

  3. By “we” of course these cunts mean everyone else but themselves.
    Prepare to dig deep and eat shit, peasants…

  4. There are always those ‘lessons (that) must be learned’ as well.
    ‘More’ is never enough for some people I’m afraid.
    Nice work sick!

  5. The key question being Tonto’s to the Lone Ranger: “Whaddya mean “we”, white man?”

    A favourite of Blair’s, that “we”. Meaning “you”, while the real “we” eat popcorn and issue instructions. Meaning, “I haven’t a fucking clue how this will work, but you, not the real “we” will get the blame when it doesn’t.

    “We” implies, or is intended to suggest, a sense of communality, which usually doesn’t exist, as vested interests are pulling against each other. In this case, however, it’s rather sad, because no-one under 50 is going to escape the effects of uncontrolled greenhouse emissions, and there is a genuine communality of concern.

    Time will tell. If ISAC hasn’t been cancelled in 20 years’ time…very unlikely, and so ironic… young cunters will see I was right.

  6. It always amazes me with a housing shortage in this country, the government can then magic up 10,000 empty homes out of their arses. Whilst we have serving veterans living on the streets. I’m sick to my back teeth with the idiots in charge bending over backwards for anybody and everybody except the indigenous white population. This country is bankrupt as it stands, yet 400,000 a year still enter our through borders year after year by legal and illegal means. And what’s all this ‘We’ business?? Loads of Afghans to be placed in Chelsea, Kensington etc? Thought not. Working class communities to cop for it as per usual. MP’s, the worlds best NIMBYS.

  7. We need to do more. Stop the invasion of England by force, hang Patel from a lamp post and drive the invaders back into the sea. Soon there will be at least 20-50 000 a year coming by boat.

    • Think you’re right. The numbers are just going to be up all the time. You see them land on shore and start throwing fucking litter everywhere as well. That’s just the start

  8. Apparently they are calling it “Operation Warm Welcome”. I’d give them a fucking warm welcome……fucking flame throwers for a start!
    Heard some politician cunt from Yorkshire on the radio talking about buying up houses and knocking two into one for “the larger families.” No there won’t be any extra schools or GP surgeries but all those cinemas and theatres going out of business can be converted into excellent mosques. I hear that millions of them have crossed into Pakistan. Well they won’t want them and every cunt in Pakistan knows the way to London, trust me. Every “undocumented” p*nce in the dinghy armada will be claiming they are Afghans and have some sob story to tell. The wokies will be all over them like a rash.
    We are digging our own graves.

    • I’m sure we can take in more than 20,000 Afghans. This country is crying out for interpreters who can speak Pashto and Dari, and the three million refugees that are coming from Hong Kong will further enhance our ethnic diversity. What about the millions of Chinese children who have just been told they can only play computor games for three hours a week, and only at weekends? This is a monstrous decision and an unacceptable restriction on their rights as individuals. I would hope the home office are already planning to issue immigration visas to all who want them.
      How can we sit by and allow these poor people to suffer? We have to do more.

  9. A great cunting sir.

    Less is more.

    Fuck the magic money tree.
    Fuck Afghans.
    Fuck commies.
    Fuck handwringing soy cunts.
    Fuck liberals.
    Fuck the French.
    Fuck the EU.
    Fuck Africa.
    Fuck the politicians.
    Fuck weakminded appeasement.
    Fuck cowards.

    Fuck them all.

    • Thank fuck!!!, this shows that no cunt is above the law, well done!!!

      (unless they are darker hued of course)

    • Someone needs to take a hammer drill, insert it carefully where the sun don’t shine, and make the fuckers dance.

  10. Seeing as these new arrivals are barred from employment for 5 years, we ain’t going to get any benefits from any of the cunts, but they sure will have plenty of benefits from us!!!!

  11. Excellent cunting.

    I’ve been away sunny my balls in a hot country so not caught up on here properly yet.

    However, was watching the news regarding Afghanitakemein.

    What’s become apparent to me is all these Ragabad cunt’s probably rubbed their hands with glee 20 years ago when they had a eureka moment and thought, if I help the western infidels with translation and other services then I will get free passport, house for my 20 kids and money – ticket to ride, white line highway!

    Then I read some cunt who is on the danger list managed to sneak through on a plane last week. I understand all those arriving by boat from Calais are being put in special centres, those direct in houses (not a statement, just what I heard).

    I bet you all those in Calais are now going to rush back to Afghani land beucase they will believe this will expedite their chances.

    Why the fuck should we do more, 20 years and the country fell in 10 days FFS – that was a good investment of time, lives and money.

    This pet shop cunt Farthing is also pissing me right off – wants to be another fucking Noah.

    • Who’s he blowing to get so much attention for a bunch of cats is what I want to know.

  12. Give an inch, they take a yard.

    Happens on a personal level as well. Some people just can’t say ‘no’, and the free-loaders who come into their social circles exploit them by playing hard done by and needy.

    I used to see the self-pitying ponces whining on Facebook, as more mugs and soft saps kept reassuring them and offering money and material goods.

    A little digging and it turns out they were lying, and in the difficult situation because they are thoughtless, lazy, feckless cunts. However, asking too many questions is seen as ‘nasty’ and there must be something wrong with you.

    ‘What a bad/sad/mad person you must be!’

    Fuck off, i’m only interested in the truth of the matter, and a bit of a sociopath.

    • Which word is wordpressing hading trouble with?


      (Probably “ponces” – Day Admin)

  13. An MP’s refugees list:

    Afghan savages- loads
    Dinghy Illegals – loads
    Hong Kong nippers – loads
    Kurdistan cash-only barbers – loads
    Vietnamese nail artists/whores – loads
    North African rapists – loads
    Trojan Horse terrorists – loads
    Refugees in my house – none

    • Good nom Sicky?
      They say less is more and when it come to charity or caring about the plight of umbongos,
      Youd have to go a long way to find anyway who gave less than me.
      Please sir can I have some more?!!!
      Said that cheeky cunt in the workhouse,
      They always want more!
      They get nowt.

  14. Why not just change the name of the country and have done with it? Call it Scroungistan or Immoland…..something that can later be converted into The Caliphate of………….

  15. We should stop interfering in third world shitholes.

    These backwards savages always have and always will murder, rape and even eat each other, so let them.

    Either that or we take over the country and run it for them, making sure they behave themselves. Oh sorry, that’s colonialism isn’t it?

    This would also negate any moral obligation to let them come here.

  16. What is going to happen to all the indigenous English people on the housing list (some for years) Well I think the immigrants have a greater need of state funded houses so converted army camps not good enough. Fuck you whitey your wait got longer.

  17. Tell you who seems dead nice,
    That Penny Farthing bloke!
    Rescued loads of cats an dogs from being radicalised an bummed by the Taliban.
    3 cheers for Penelope!!
    Hip hip…


    • All in the hold so no benefit-bludgers or trainee terrorists were deprived a space on the aeroplane.

    • It’s funny that the people who hate this Farthing fucker for evacuating those animals instead of people would despise those people if they came here on a dinghy.
      Go figure!

      • I would certainly despise them if they came here on a dinghy because then they would be illegal immigrants who had done nothing to help this Country…unlike the translators and their families.

        In the future I’d imagine the locals in foreign “troublespots” will think twice about helping British Forces when they know that we apparently consider a bunch of cats and dogs more important than the people who have helped us.

      • I full expected Pen to come flyiig in to save Geronimo. Swinging from tree to tree ‘G-E-R-O-N-I-M-O!!’
        Landing at his side thdn clutching his neck. ‘Don’t you toucb him you defra cunts or I will destroy you on social media’.

  18. Keep getting these twats in Cardiff asking me for any loose change…
    Are the stupid cunts really so smacked up that they don’t realise, post-Covid, that many of us just pay by card? No cash, matey, me no speaker eeenglish, fuck off.
    I guess the next thing will be some chancer with a card reader linked to his mobile.

    • HBH@

      If asked for change say

      “Just how badly do you need it?
      How far are you prepared to go for it?”
      They lose interest in my possible 25p.

      • Reminds me of a spot of witty repartee I overheard in East Kilbride in the late Eighties:

        “Can you spare me a shilling, the price of a cup of tea?”

        “If you can get a cup of tea for a shilling I’m coming with you pal!”

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