Megain Markle is a cunt, this attention seeking cunt is moaning about family betrayal (pot calling kettle black excuse the pun). This is in her words a family member who will do anything to be famous, (this is said by Megain i shit you not) how many families who she thrown under the bus in her fame quest.
Two that we know of probably more i bet. It reminds me of that film with George Clooney and Catherin Zeta Jones Youtube Link What she needed was a rich, silly man and what she got was Harry the prince of clowns.
Nominated by – Fuglyucker
In case you can’t decipher the above or click the link one of her relatives is on the Australian Celebritity Big Brother and is slagging her off – DA
For fuck’s sake. Again? Who will rid me of this turbulent bitch?
A total nonentity. A D-List soap actress married to someone who, even by the standards of the Windsor family, is frighteningly stupid. An arrogant, entitled fucking arsehole.
This will make you laugh…
Great pic!
What the fuck are you cunts teaching people in the Science Department these days??
She clearly failed science but got an A** in politics!
I pray to Yasur that this succubus harpy meets a nasty and amusing demise, something involving the Kracken and Greta’s yacht or a drive by by blm cunts.
I hear Sparkletits is well pissed off because she didn’t get invited to Barry O’Bummer’s recent star studded birthday party. Every rich wokie in Yankland was there except Her Majesty and her ginger poodle. What a terrible snub eh?
If I was Barry i’d be watching my back. She doesn’t strike me as the sort of bitch who can “just let it go.” Know what I mean?
I read something like ‘they will be traumatised for years’ because of it.
Traumatised because they weren’t invited to a party.
I wouldn’t read too much into that. Every wokie is “traumatised” 24/7. It’s their default setting. On the other hand the slag is well known to hold lifelong grudges. Just ask her dad.
Whatever else you say about O’Bummer, he respects and admires the Queen. That’s why Sparkletits and the Prince of Morons were not invited.
Well, it couldn’t have been such a wonderful party, as far as I know none of of the IsAC elite were invited.
Actually I was invited but I gave up my seat on the plane to an Afghan. That’s the kind of caring, sharing wokie geezer I am. I don’t like to brag about it obviously.
…..and that’s one less of the p*ncing bastards over here.
I went, but was immediately asked to leave for mistaking Michelle for James Brown.
Comment of the week that one MNC lol
The above photo makes her looks like a constipated Chinese hippie, being slapped by a midget.
Sparkletits is a fourth rate non-entity with delusions of grandeur, a walking one woman disaster zone.
Just read these quotes from her, risibly called “Meghan’s Gems” from her Meghanpedia website. Each one is utterly banal –
What a colossal cunt.
Thanks for the link.
I wasn’t aware of this ‘Meghanpedia’
What a load of self-indulgent bullshit.
‘Meghan’s Gems’? More like potent crystals of poison.
“I dream big”. Well that’s pretty deep and original isn’t it?
“I’ve always been a women who wants to work”. Well, I can’t see many callouses on them hands gal.
A hideous self-appraisal, that could only come from a truly deluded individual.
I see it is also boasts being a ‘fact checking’ website.
In other words, these are OUR views and we wIll attempt to ram them down your throat.
Don’t you dare question the source or integrity of our material, – or think for yourself.
We are superior, we can think for you. You are just mere plebs.
Non-entities with limited intelligence.
We are the Sussexes’ so listen up you fools. Be grateful for our precious pearls of wisdom.
Just a word of advice, fuck off and keep your head down luv.
Meghanpedia pretends to be independent and officially unconnected with Migraine. But it’s professional, expensive looking and fanatically parrots Migraine’s lies and grudges. I believe that it’s been covertly set up and funded by Migraine and the Hostage.
Yes, it looks like her own shallow propaganda.
If she is connected to it, the true horrors of the woman are laid bare for all to see on that website.
Right down to the fake readers comments – all of which read as if written by the same person.
Yes, I noticed that.
All written in the same style.
Fake as fake can be.
Fake, false and shallow like the woman herself.
Was even a section about Wimminz’ Rights, lurking in the corner.
Fuckin ell . If I was William I’d have both cunts assasinated..
The only information I want from these couple of cunts is what colour are their kids. White, beige, brown or gollyw@g black?
Fifty shades of Sussexes’.
Coming to a bookshop soon.
A ‘harrowing’ and ‘deeply moving’ publication in which Meghan
attempts to explain the colour of her kids, with the help of a Dulux colour chart.
They’re white. But more to the point, who is their real father?
Migraine doesn’t look very black though.
I’m confused about all this blackness.
If your claiming to be ‘black’, you must at least be dark brown to qualify surely?
Black is black. Is it even a colour?
Black is black.
I want my baby back.
Motto of the congo police kidnapping dept
? Grey is grey, they snatched my kids away oh oh ?
Darth Vader?
Meant for Ruffs
Who is their father comment
Meghan is lighter than many in Sussex, with their leathery skin darkened from toiling in the fields for ‘taters in their youth, the occasional trip to Spain and liver spots into old age
She is a total bitch
This woman is not only a cunt, but she appears to be suffering from some high-level form of narcissism, where the suffer has not one jolt of self-awareness.
I cannot recall anyone in the public eye who is afflicted to such a high degree. She really buys into her own world in which she believes that she is the very reason it came into existence.
A staggering arsehole and irritating fucking shitstain.
Fuck off.
Literally nothing can happen in the world without her giving us an opinion about it.
Your comment gave me a flashback of Nic & Elena Ceacescu baulking when people wouldn’t put up with their bullshit and as many before have cunted the woken ss, leftwaffe, alphabet, blm, sjw libtards are the new communist dictators.
That always reminds you that change can happen quickly. Romania was in the grip of the Ceausescus and the army and security services were all on their side. For fucking decades.
Until one day, they weren’t, when enough family members and friends got them onboard to getting rid.
That change was very sudden. One day, complete power – no hope for change and getting rid of the troughers. Next day, quickly executed after a kangaroo trial in a courtyard.
“I cannot recall anyone…”
I can. Blair. He’s a bit more subtle about it, but not much (cf The Tony Blair Institute for Global Tony Blair….er…Global Change) By their works shall ye know them for the cunts they are. Compare with – here’s someone who must get a charge out of researching Sparkletits –
Note the brand structure. Charity front, commercial back yard, and all legal.
The only reason that ginger Hewitt cuck is with her is because she takes it up trap No. 2 on a first date. Allegedly.
I can confirm that she does.
She even sucks it clean afterwards.
She loves the taste of her own shit.
I hear this pair of cunts are threatening to name the raaaaaay-sist in the Royal Family. I fear another book and Oprah shitshow on the horizon.
Anyway I thought everyone knew it was Anne, or did I just dream that? She seems the most likely candidate to me.
I’ve always liked Anne. Good on the old girl I say!
She is so proud of her black heritage she had a Michael Jackson nose job.
She doesn’t work
Sponges of people who do
Tells lies
No respect for families.
Seems black to me.
Bet she’s had her little black mitts in Our Maj’s jewellery boxes too.
And stole a few heirlooms out of Frogmore Cottage.
Thieving little turd.
When Jack Brooksbank when to fit the new cooker in, she’d even had the pipework away.
A deluded nasty cunt.
Sparkletits is not black.
Looking back now at the 24-7 vomit inducing media assault “Prince Harry’s marrying a black woman” garbage that we were subjected to is and was, embarrassing.
Even if the silly cunt were marrying Venus Williams I still wouldn’t have given a fraction of a fuck but could have at least seen the reason for the apparent media furore with my own eyes.
Problem is – Sparkletits is not black and even if she is a little bit, she does not look it in the slightest.
She just looks like a cunt.
Id of loved it if he had of married venus Williams!!
Hehehe ?
Need a soft lense to lesser the blow of venus in a wedding dress,jesus!
Like mighty Joe Young in a bedsheet.
No, easiest way to determine what Smeghan is is the Natalie Wood Test.
Invented by Robert Wagner simply chuck her overboard at sea.
Floats/swims= white
Sinks like a fuckin brick= black.
Science that.
‘like Mighty Joe Young in a bedsheet’. Fucking brilliant!
Imagine if it’d been Serena?
To consumate the marriage, she’d have picked him up by the ankles and used him as a ramrod dildo, head first.
Allegedly, of course (MNC told me to say it m’lud).
‘Her family loves her’.
That’s so good to know. But then, who couldn’t love the blessed St Meagain of Montecito?
She’s a paragon.
I’d still give her one though.
Absolutely. She’s a cunt but she’s a sort.
It would be rude not to
Definitely would, and shoot a load over her face and tits. Don’t think it’ll be long before she’s getting rattled behind Hewitt Jr’s back. She could get the silly fucker to blame the Royal Family for it.
MMCM wrote –
Meghanpedia pretends to be independent and officially unconnected with Migraine. But it’s professional, expensive looking and fanatically parrots Migraine’s lies and grudges. I believe that it’s been covertly set up and funded by Migraine and the Hostage.
It may well be independent, as there is one born every minute. Either that or Princess al-Fayed is running this one from Beyond –
Sickbag alert.
Her family loves her, eh? Her father fucking well doesn’t for a start. And one of the other Markles said that Megain was a textbook narcissist who would do anything for her own ends. Proper family love that, isn’t it? Thing is, they are absolutely right.
Mark my words, the very messy and very hate filled public divorce will come. And Howdy Doody of Hewitt will openly curse the day he ever set eyes on the shoeshine slapper. I just wonder, which one of them will get the trademark for ‘Lllibet Diana’? Because that’s all the kid is, a brand and a money making device. You just know –
that with Megain as a mater – Archie and Lillibet will grow up to be spectacular entitled cunts with minds like serpents.
Nuttier than squirrel shit.
I’d fuck her and sell it on for a 20 Kings crowns
Her and the ginger whinger need a bad accident involving acetylene.