Love Island (2)

This moronic and despicable show encapsulates all that is wrong in British television and society.

Every year we are treated to the spectacle of a group of intellectually challenged identi-kit Barbie’s and Ken’s claiming they are on a quest for “true love” and that the prize money has nothing to do with it.

The women look as if they have been created by some of the UK’s premier plastic surgeons. The men have sculpted torsos and bulging muscles to the extent that they look like walnuts in a condom. They all look vapid and stupid and this impression is confirmed as soon as one of them opens their mouth to speak – “I’m buzzin, like, cos I is looking for a girlfriend, like”.

In a recent episode one contestant, amazingly a medical student, made the bizarre claim that if you viewed Earth through a telescope on Mars, you would be able to see dinosaurs !

Just as detestable as the contestants are the retards that tune into this garbage and watch it with slavish devotion. Admittedly, some parts of the series have the fascination of a slow motion car crash – particularly when the resulting suicides are taken into account. But the people that are somehow able to derive enjoyment from this series must be more brain dead than the contestants (if that’s possible).

Love Island sets a bad example. It says that to be one of the young beautiful set, you must be vapid, talk gibberish in an Essex Mockney accent, display a lack of culture with a low iq and be interested in Botox and plastic surgery.

No wonder young people are becoming more stupid and narcissistic.

If the show were renamed “Cunt Island”, then at least it would be more honest.

Nominated by: MMCM

74 thoughts on “Love Island (2)

  1. One of these Love Island cunts will probably top themself as the ultimate publicity stunt. And then a legion of low IQ bellends like Jesse ‘Saint Caroline Flack of Arc’s best mate’ Lingard will be on Twatter acting like JFK has been assassinated all over again.

    What a load of fucking shit. Nuke Essex!

  2. If you zoom and in on the sort with the blonde hair, you can see the outline of her fanny.


  3. The late Guy N Smith missed a trick with this – a remote island venue, full of disposable low i.q. riff raff. Surely worth a visit from his trademark homicidal giant crustaceans? Not the kind of crabs the contestants are familiar with I’ll warrant.

    • Guy N. Smith. Brilliant.

      Some of his titles were inspired – “Crustacean Carnage” and “Crabs on the Rampage”.

      All in the best possible taste.

  4. I’ve not had an idiot lantern this millenium, so I’m mostly, happily ignorant of this kind of shite.
    The whole idea of the show is obviously aimed at folks with room temperature (in degrees Celsius) who have no lives.
    Regarding the ‘contestant’s, a bunch of idiots who need to feel special.
    I think they are, as in ‘special’ education.

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