Jaden McCarthy & Colin Pitchfork – Child Rapists

Colin Pitchfork (Header Pic)

This piece of work was jailed back in the 80s for the brutal rape and murder of two children (girls aged 15).

Well, he’s been a good boy in prison, probably said “Ooops! Sorry!” so he’s now released among the public. I suppose the parole board are cunted here too. They think it’s safe for this sick bastard to be walking freely among us. I bet they’d say different if he was living near their teenage daughters though?

How the fuck he can ever be considered safe to live among the general population, I’ll never know. If you read about his crimes and lack of remorse over them, you’ll see what I mean. You’re talking Ted Bundy level stuff. He would’ve killed loads more if he’d not been caught relatively early too, I’m sure.

This cunt, no doubt, will be given a new identity, free house, free money (we already paid for his degree in prison, how nice of us!) and could be living near any of our families. And that is unacceptable.

This cunt is exactly what the death penalty was all about.

The libtards will say there should always be a chance of redemption. Not for cunts like this, sorry!

I will not be surprised, sadly, to be reading about this cunt adding to his number in the news one day.


Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

And then there’s this from CuntyMort

Jaden McCarthy

Cunters I give you this piece of shit, why the fuck the cunt wasn’t locked up and the key lost I’ll never know. Bastards like this should have their clock weights removed VERY slowly, preferably with a rusty blade.

Another option would be to let the parents sort the cunt out, I bet the screaming would be epic.

It’s about fucking time these cunt learnt that it’s going to hurt.

Teen nursery apprentice convicted of multiple rapes


44 thoughts on “Jaden McCarthy & Colin Pitchfork – Child Rapists

  1. Child murderers and pædophiles are evil and unfixable and should simply be put down like a cancer-ridden dog.

    Also, it’ not fair to issue noms we can’t make hilarious jokes about…

    • That’s a good point TTCE about not being able to make jokes.

      I was just gobsmacked and fuming that they let the cunt out. It’s Ian Huntley level stuff. I went on a vent.

      He’d also attacked other 15 and 16 year old girls and forced one to do something to him while he held a screwdriver to her head. Admitted to exposing himself to over 1,000 women. A confirmed psychopath with a psycho sexual disorder and these things can never be ‘cured.’

      And yet, he was recently pictured leaving what appeared to be a toy shop.

      At least they put his face out there, so he’ll be looking over his shoulder every day for the rest of his life.

      I bet, coincidentally of course, that the cunt just happens to be released nowhere near any cunt’s kids from the parole board.

      • And while Pitchfork is indeed a child rapist, he’s also a child murderer with two known victims.

      • But it’s OK girlies, you can sleep easy because he has been released “subject to strict licence conditions”. Well that’s good then!
        Fucking judges – I’ve shit ’em.

  2. Strange how you’re going to need a health passport to let everyone else know they’re safe in your company but these cunts are allowed to disappear within society.
    Where are the rapist and p@edo passports….

  3. He looks a bit like a certain disgraced glam rock star, but this cunt is much worse indeed!!!

  4. We have seen to our cost how terrorist towelheads have pulled the wool over the eyes of the Parole Board and various bleeding hearts and do-gooders.

    What were we promised when they did away with the death penalty, “Life will mean life” , well ‘life sentences’ have slowly been eroded as to mean fuck all down the decades since.

    Pitchfork is as evil as they come, he got a workmate to give a false DNA sample when the police did mass testing which goes to show the lengths of this bastards cunning.

    • Originally, the cops also arrested and charged a young lad with learning disabilities.

      Pitchfork was the first bloke to be convicted on DNA evidence I believe. Without that breakthrough, some poor cunt would’ve done life. He was quite happy to let that happen too.

      Cunt isn’t a strong enough word here.

      • Without that breakthrough, some poor cunt would’ve done life.

        Indeed so, CB. Furthermore, if one or two isac contributors were “in charge”, Richard Buckland would quite certainly have swung for a crime he wasn’t involved in: a very young man himself, guilty of nothing other than being a bit “odd”.

        Not sure therefore that Pitchfork is the best example of a cogent argument for bringing back capital punishment. The fact that a large number of lifers, given the choice, would prefer the death penalty to the hopeless existence they have is another rather good argument against its reintroduction.

      • I think those lifers wish should be granted CS.
        Gas the lot of them.
        Criminals are expensive.
        Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for them to lounge around all day.
        Use them for their organs!
        Giving back to society.

  5. I wonder why we will never have a referendum on bringing back the death penalty? Is this piece of scum any worse than the mozzer who killed kids at a rock concert?

    • Good nom Cuntybollocks & Cuntymort ?
      If anyone was deserving of the title “is a cunt” its monsters like these.
      Clever people argue that they can be made safe,that they’re repentant, that they are mental.
      All bollocks.
      What theyve done negates all that.
      Dont care about their traumatic childhood, underlying health issues, the fact that they have a subnormal IQ.
      Fuck that hippy shite.
      The families and victims deserve justice.
      And by justice I mean just that!
      Not locked away with a xbox and 3 square meals,
      I mean kicked to fuck in the cell then dragged out by the hair,
      No last words, no cigarette,
      Straight on the scaffold and a short sharp drop,
      Pigs eat well that night.
      Televise it as a warning to others,
      We’ve had enough and we’re coming for you.
      Some might clutch their pearls and flap their hands
      ‘what about if found innocent after the fact?”
      Well he gets a apology
      And anyone maliciously bearing false witness can go next.
      Enough is enough.

      • That’s just it, how can these cunts change? Nobody kills a child as a ‘crime of passion’ I don’t think: these killers and rapists have warped passions and that won’t change.

        Gas the fuckers. The length of sentence is an absolute joke. I’d like to think the younger one won’t make it out in 7.

      • Great speech MNC and actually needed in the parliaments of the world
        There is no cure for sicko’s only death will ensure it does not visit someone in the future
        Cold blooded Murder was the absolute sin along with abusing innocence, both unforgivable acts
        As you have said , more informed people think they are salvageable and can return to society
        Absolute bollocks, they committed acts that there is no returning from
        End them like their victims so at least the parents and family don’t have to be torn apart and gutted by the sicko’s release
        Justice for real victims of Crime ,has taken the back seat for to long

  6. Monsters who resemble humans.
    They are not, and will NEVER be safe to allow back into the community.
    And I think the do gooders might reconsider their decisions if they are legally liable for any further crimes committed but they rely too much on psychiatrists and psychologists – it is not difficult to fool these people if you are truly devious because they have the professional arrogance of assuming they can “fix” people.
    They can’t – so the public suffer their hubris.

    • Growing up in Stockport near where the Moors murderers cruised for victims,
      Plenty of people my mum & dads age tell stories of nearly being picked up by them.
      Some will be bullshit some true.
      I think the unlucky children they got were a minority.
      I think plenty more got lucky and lived to tell the tale.
      Monsters like this,
      Are a insult to everything that makes us human.
      In a ideal world THEY would be scared of us, not us scared of them.

  7. At least bring back the pillory for scum like this. People can throw their rotten eggs, fruits an veggies at ’em every morning

    If they are to be released back into society it will only be back breaking dangerous work like a sort of coalmine prison program. They have to a gps bracelet on and they get a reduction of their paycheck that goes to victims families

    • And they have to leave their testicles behind, in the lap of the governor, so to speak.

      • No I didn’t include bricks for obvious reasons Thats mob rule… which is a great dio led black sabbath album btw I can’t be endorsing mob violence then I would be like those burn loot murder cunts

        Pig shit refinery/mine like from mad max thunderdome is also suitable punishment I think

  8. I hope he doesn’t convert to Islam and become mates with the guys down at his local kebab shop or minicab office.

  9. I agree that there is nothing in this nomination that can be joked about.

    Who exactly does the justice system work for?
    Any sane person would want this piece of shit executed.
    Nobody would agree that he is worth the cost of incarceration and monitoring for the rest of his life.

    He murdered children and caused lifelong distress for the families.

    Nobody voted for a benevolent justice system for cases like this, so why do we have one?

    Cunts like him will never change and cost us millions to be locked up.
    He is truly a waste of skin.

    Execute the bastard.

  10. Spineless cowards have infiltrated the legal system to the point where no-one is punished.
    The parole board who thought this lump of shit should be freed, must have been educated at the same school as the inquiry fuckwits that found Pakistanis were not responsible for child rape gangs.
    I hope this turd’s freedom means he now meets the punishment that the authorities should have dealt out years ago.
    ISAC won’t permit me to suggest what that is, but I’m sure you all know.

  11. This cunt was bang to rights he should have got a die in prison sentence. But hey ho the bastards out and about and of course the probation service and the old bill have loads of time and money to keep an eye on the filthy cunt. Bastard should have been hung then at the very least he would not commit any more offences. All we can do is hope the bastard can control his urges. British legal system my arse.

  12. Who is on the parole board. My guess the same people who let the London bridge (2) happen. Cunts all. They dont live where their decisions make an impact, unless they want to make their woke cunt decisions make an impact. The judiciary is just another bunch of cunts pulling down the most settled society in human history. Cunts.

  13. All of which reminds me, what happened to the police cunt who murdered Sarah Everard and then cut her up and dumped her in the woods? Is he ever to be sentenced? Cunt.

  14. The given name tells you everything. I have an acquaintance who is a now retired primary school teacher. Without any prompting she told me that when the kids arrive in reception class with names like Tyler, Chardonnay and Jayden you know they’ve got no chance, you’re wasting your time with them.

  15. Parole?
    Fuck Off.
    Make members of the parole board legally responsible if one of the early release vermin reoffend.
    Put the waffling cunts in prison.

    As for the vile rubbish in the nom I’d have them both burned slowly at the stake.
    On TV.

    The penal system in this country is yet another utter national disgrace.

    Cunt Filth.

  16. On a similar theme.

    A terrorist told a mentor he had mended his ways, days before carrying out a knife attack which ended in police shooting him dead, an inquest heard.

    Sudesh Amman claimed he “now realised” that those who committed terrorist acts were “pushing people away” from Islam.

    Three days later, on 2 February 2020, the 20-year-old was killed by police after he launched a knife attack in Streatham, south London.

    Get rid of parole boards and make the cunts serve their whole sentence. Who gives a fuck if they behave well in jail.

    • I live very near to where that happened. The Peaceful cunt was living in a hostel just around the corner. Who knew that hostel, full of cunts like him, was there? Not me or anyone I know. It was a secret, hidden from the general public.
      Cunts run this country.

      • In the early 2000s my employer had a contract maintaining IT kit for the probation service. Occasionally I would attend bail hostels which despite their name are used mostly to house offenders out on licence; they are now called “approved premises” I believe. What struck me was that they were commonly in the middle of wholly respectable residential areas and the local populace had no idea that they were there.

  17. If this cunt goes on and reoffends then the stupid bastards on the parole board should also receive a life sentence.

  18. Pitchfork needs a pitchfork……driven right through his cunting neck. It was only through a fluke he was caught in the first place. He had a great alibi for the second murder. His wife had been out for the evening and left him to look after the baby. So he put the baby in the car, parked up somewhere and went looking for a girl to rape and murder. Are these posh do gooder snowflakes telling me a cunt like that can be “rehabilitated”?
    Fuck off wokies, just fuck right off.

  19. They’ve let this cunt Pitchfork out???

    I fucking despair.

    Pitchfork rammed preferably sideways up the rotten bastards arse more like.

  20. I’d also like to add – Fuck parole boards!!!
    You’re in the nick, do your time and fuck off.

  21. At least Hanratty got the drop he deserved – even his QC at the posthumous appeal said the DNA evidence was conclusive.
    I would be in favour of life sentences, if life REALLY meant life. In Pitchfork’s case, he should’ve been given two full-life terms, to run sequentially.
    Sadly, I agree that the justice system is a joke. It’s cuntmasters lihe Soros who have caused the degradation. Ironically, if someone killed his sperm of Satan, no doubt they’d be gassed or fried, living in the US.

  22. This cunt is 100% guilty, proven by DNA. He should have been hanged, or at the very least kept in solitary confinement for thr rest of his life. The parole board here need fucking shooting.

  23. Parole boards should be made accountable for the scum bags they release into the population.
    That would make the cunts think twice before letting them out

  24. Unless the cunt has been paralyzed on release (A pickaxe to the spine seems reasonable) then I fail to see how anyone can guarantee that he’s no longer a danger, so of course it’s a calculation on the part of some limp wristed lefties who are happy to risk other peoples lives on their gamble, fucking sickening.

    Inexcusable crimes should result in the death penalty, no second chances, no burden on the tax payer beyond the cost of some rope. If you can’t even be trusted to not rape and kill kids then what fucking good are you? off the cunts and be done with it.

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