Greta Thunberg (5) – Full of Hot Air

Oh for fucks sake you all cry. Here cunters is our own favourite special spacker, GRETA THUNBERG.

Why give this fucking waste of space publicity? Next thing you know E.R. are going to be playing up blocking roads and all sorts of life’s essential services  (MacDonald’s and K.F.C for our chav friends).

It’s about time the gloves came off for these loons and a plod type kicking was carried out in the spirit of the S.P.G.

Fuck it it’s Friday and I can feel the alcohol units needed tonight are climbing rapidly. CUNTS.

News Link

Nominated by: CuntyMort

52 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg (5) – Full of Hot Air

    • Maybe I am going off her a bit RT. She is a bit…demanding. I mean there are two Greens in the Scottish government now and still she is not satisfied. Also be the Scottish Gov have been praised by the UN for their Green plans.
      She’s getting a bit extreme. She said we wants Governments to be more Green ‘whatever Green means’ what?
      I told you I had switched my affection to Carrie now. But I have gone off her as well hearing she has had her input into that Pen Farthing ‘Pantomime’.

      (We have just recently processed a nom regarding the Penny Farting cunt. Will be scheduled in the next few days – Day Admin)

  1. Blimey, our very own Liberal Liquidator giving a gagging Greta the Pointy Finger!

    She is a cunt, and will always be a cunt. Never mind about what’s going in China, India and other “developing nations” and their shitloads of pollution. She chooses to ignore those “we don’t take shit from soft cunts like you” countries. But instead takes a pop at the usual suspects because she knows we’re a soft touch!

    I wonder what her personal wealth is? Browsing the web and its not entirely clear. Although some have claimed she has a net worth of a over a million dollars. Although she also “donates” money to various causes. And of course her parents are probably worth a bob or two.

    Its all very well for rich cunts like her to preach to us poor cunts on the ground, insisting that we should change our ways to save her fucking future. We’re already broke, but cunts like her and Princess NutJob want us to go back to the Stone Age and live in caves, whiles she continues to jet round the Western bits of the world (still ignoring China of course) with even more preachy bullshit.

  2. Just pop over and have a quiet word with those nice people in Beijing, there’s a good girl.

  3. ER are the children of the wealthy. Therefore the Fatsos won’t touch them, choosing instead to taser and club the lower orders…

  4. ‘It’s about time the gloves came off for these loons and a plod type kicking was carried out in the spirit of the S.P.G.”

    Trouble is, Plod agrees with them.

    And so do the Courts. Drawing on the ECHR, the Supreme Cunt, I mean Court, has declared that ER are allowed to block the highway as it’s a manifestation of freedom of expression, as long as not too much inconvenience is caused to users of the highway! That means that if there is an 8 hour 200 mile detour available, then ER will not be causing “too much inconvenience “.

    Couldn’t make it up.

    • In other words, as long as they only inconvenience the plebs trying to scrape a living, carry on being a bunch of annoying posh cunts.

  5. I hope Greta can sort out the weather.
    It’s a bit drizzly here today and I’d like it quite sunny instead.


    Then what fucking use at all is this little cunt?

  6. The Met Office promised a 27c heatwave during the final ten days of August. No sign of it yet.

    • The weathermen in Afghanistan now have the easiest jobs in the world they literally just say “only allah knows the weather” and walk off. I want that job, no this isn’t a joke this actually happened.

  7. Shouldn’t she be in university getting brainwashed in all the other wokie subjects……Critical Race Theory, Gender Studies, How to Be a Tranny etc etc?
    A shocking disregard for education. Fucking bitch.

  8. Why isn’t Greta competing in the ParaOlympics – get her stripped down to her jockstrap and stripped to the waist and she could represent the Lesbian Labour Ladies Wrestling Group UK as understudy to Jess Phillips – she looks just as scary.and the lentil farts would knock out the opponent in the cross buttocks.

  9. The Thunderpants climate robot likes quoting stuff but doesn’t like being asked questions.
    No idea why any government would even give a fuck about what she says, now we are out of the EU, get off our pitch you cunt! ?

    It’s too easy for these climate warriors, but the XR lot just annoy everyone so most people don’t give a fuck.

  10. Today’s headline from Grunter

    ”Scotland ‘not a world leader on climate crisis’’

    No shit Sherlock. Apart from sectarianism and drugs it’s not a world leader on anyfuckingthing.

  11. As I keep saying. She just needs a damn good fisting.

    That’ll sort her out.

    I keep waiting to see if she’s going to make an appearance in the Raspberry Olympics.

    She just needs to take up a sport for a few weeks and she’ll probably get a medal. She can say she’s ‘proper mongey’ and go full Deacon when they test her spacca levels, so she can compete with a bunch of full on Joeys.

    • I know of someone who openly brags about ‘acting the spaz’ when he goes for his Work Capability Assessments.

  12. Could the celery munching, Afro pubed and unwashed genitals boasting lefty cunts have chosen a more odious and repellent poster child? I think not.

  13. I fucking hate this ugly, semi retarded little fucking gargoyle with a passion.

    The fact that this irritating little twat gets constantly wafted up by the msm to spout her fucking shite just proves we’re officially living in Clown-world.

    Fuck off to China and don’t come back you little cunt.

  14. Global warming
    Climate Change
    Climate Crisis
    Climate Emergency

    What’s next?

    Climate Disaster in about 5 minutes, honest?

    Buy diesel. Burn old tyres and fridges for a laugh and eat 5 steaks a week.

    Fuck off.

  15. I just watched the BBC news at one, fuck knows why but she was on (BBC if you don’t report it no one will care), she still hasn’t decided if she will attend COP26, the little cunt is the climate change equivalent of uppity cunts like Beyoncé or J Lo.

    Self important little twat.

    • I hope she does attended, and gets seriously buggered by some pissed off Aberdonian oilmen. Then chucked into a deep fat fryer.
      Unkle Tel’s oven is too good for this genetically compromised garden gnome.

  16. I see this bitch has found a new way to slag us off. Apparently our low carbon emissions are a fake because we “exported” our industry to China. They do all the polluting because we buy their goods so it’s us who are the cunts not the poor old Chinkies. What a brilliant argument!!
    What she means is the Chinkies will tell her to fuck off while Europe and USA are full of soyboy wankers who hang on her every word. Fuck off Greta you pint sized cunt.

    • She’d never leave China alive if she went there to mouth off. India would go easier on her and make her go home on the back of a carbon-free elephant. So we’d have about seven months without her at a microphone.

  17. Shouldn’t she be attacking the economists of the world with their quest for exponential growth
    You cannot keep producing new markets for shit that ends up in landfill in a very short space of time
    Aldy cap or lidless cheap tools for instance pure shit fucked into the bin because there good for fuck all
    Pound shop junk produced constantly
    Going after manufactures of shit would be a start in the right direction
    But no , she wants to attack joe public and point the finger because he drives a perfectly functional 20 year old vehicle or has oil heating for the winter and lights a fire for company in those dark nights
    Fuck off and destroy another landfill site with lithium batteries you strange child

    • Necessity as well as greed drives the oil-coal industry. We NEED that shit to run civilization. We aren’t going back to the 17th century way of living, unless some sort of worldwide cataclysm occurs, and those do occur from time to time our of nowhere, which must be amazing to behold. Then we just rebuild.

      I’m pro-Nature. But most “Greens” are mongs who don’t know fuck all about Nature. We need to unfuck-up our world, but these climate change “activists” are going in the wrong directions.

      • Absolutely agree CG, they should concentrate on keeping the rivers, baby streams and coastal sea clean.
        Also cull seals and stop farming salmon,
        I could go on but the greens are deaf and judgmental
        Big business runs the Greens

  18. She’s another ivory tower guru-mong who spouts shite. I find it astonishing that she is still around and people give her any heed. Heard her on Radio 2 today, so the BBC are still hypnotized by her charmless megalomania. I mean, if the climate change cunts are serious, then why have this scientifically-illiterate cretin as their guru?

    The oil industry ain’t goin’ anywhere, little missy! It’s worth $7 TRILLION per year for fuck’s sake. The world RUNS on it, most things are made of plastic. So yeah, I think that the powers that be will be hanging onto that golden goose until the end of time as oil wells that were empty in the 80s are now full again.

    Global warming/climate change is such an obvious psyop. One of the few psyops that people see through. The late, great David Bellamy said it was pish ten years ago. We are actually entering a solar minimum, ie. global COOLING, maybe even a 30-year period of colder climates…

    The Earth has been around for a long, long time and been through it all. Farts and fuels floating into the air are fuck all to the Earth. It’s DESIGNED to deal with carbon.

  19. “The late, great David Bellamy said it was pish ten years ago. We are actually entering a solar minimum… One of the few psyops that people see through”

    Soooo… how was your Summer chaps? Sweating me fucking cobs off here in the sunny Midlands…. and then I woke up. Fuck off Greta you mong’tard; we had a few days of heat in mid July and… well that WAS summer! From then to now it’s been ten tenths fucking cloud cover every day without exception and hasn’t risen above 20degC. Fuckin’ horseshit, the thought that little ‘trainer bra’ here has the ear of ministers is just laughable.
    She hasn’t of course ’cause she’s just a stage prop.

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