George: The Poet (2)

Stand by for a quick burst on the BBC banjo as I bring you news of Wireless 4’s latest contribution to culture – a man of such stature that chief swot Melvyn Bragg must be shitting himself to acknowledge he didn’t make the discovery.

I refer, of course, to a man who makes T.S. Elliott sound like Pam Ayres – the great George:

George is a person of colot, and he seems to have cornered the market. Forget the old fart from Barnsley who used to be Wireless 4s pet poet. You can certainly forget John Betchman with his Joan Hunter Dunn (“how glad I am, sad I am that you won”). No it’s George for the Portland Place intellectuals these days, a man with that drippy effnik innit voice, who drears on, oblivious to sense or scansion in that monotonous disinterested, but hey man, how fucking clever I am innit, voice.

If this cunt is a poet, then Diane Abbott is a towering intellectual. Why the dim bastard can’t see he is being patronised, I can’t iagine, but I suppose it helps pay for the naughty African Woodbines (allegedly).

Nominated by: W.C.Boggs

(Here’s an old nom from 2019 about him, and nominated by Mr Boggs: Day Admin George Turns Down MBE)


54 thoughts on “George: The Poet (2)

    • Well somebody ate da poo poo to get him an MBE in the first place……and then the cunt turned it down the ungrateful bastard. Still, black, hates Britain and turned down an honour from Her Maj……that’s going to get you a lot of popularity points at the BBC. He’s not gay is he? He looks like a bender to me and a lot of those Public Schoolboys at Jimmy Savile House dream about a length of black cock.
      Uganda you say? I don’t suppose there’s much chance of the cunt fucking off back there any time soon? Or at all.

    • There’s another old and funny ‘eat da poo poo’ man? video out there. The interviewer (somewhat hilariously) says to a tranny ‘Why are you gay?’ at the start and da poo poo man storms the show and starts his usual rant.

      I fucking love the guy lol. I like people with no tact whatsoever, they are fucking hilarious.

      Get him on This Morning to debate Schofield.

  1. You can train parrots and mynah birds to talk.
    Ravens too.
    George is a bit like that.
    Hes realing off his pidgin english stanzas like a rapper,
    And beleives hes a poet.

    My mama say deez lips are cute
    What dat whiteboy say, he just a brute, innit?
    He said deez lips like bouncy castle,
    Racist boy giving me hassle
    I report him to da po-lice man.

    Told dem he was dat right wing
    They gave me dollars for a new tyre swing.
    Now I is feeling cheerful as chips
    All thanks to my rubber lips.

    • That’s really in the groove man, MNC – if you are prepared to black up, get over to Salford and you could be the new Wireless 4 poet

      • No fucking way, we have enough undesirables here without MNC
        It would be Stockport’s loss.

  2. My criteria for a poem is that it should rhyme.
    His don’t, so it’s just words.

    There once was a poet called George,
    Who got pushed head first into a gorge……….

    Over to you.

  3. No doubt he will also be compared to Shakespeare, who as we know was a white supremacist racist, with transgender feelings and a need to speak out for LGBT+ rights back in the late 1500s.

    George will replace Bill in school syllabuses; even Stratford-Upon-Avon will have to rename their streets and theatres. All of Bill’s works will be gradually airbrushed out of existence, or rewritten/reinterpreted by the like of George and his legions of academics.

    MacBeth, will now be called MacChiggun
    Romeo and Juliet – George and d’hoes
    A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Rioting ‘n’ Raping
    The Taming of the Shrew – The Murder of King George of Floyd

  4. According to the Guiness Book of Records, the shortest poem ever, is one called “Fleas”, and I quote

    Had ’em.”

    But then boxing great, Mohammed Ali came out with an even shorter one “Me, We”

    They don’t write poems like that any more, innit!

  5. He ought to be congratulated.
    It can’t be easy holding a piece of charcoal and making a visually literal representation of his native clicks and whistles whilst rocking in his tyre swing.

  6. I was going to compose an “Ode to George” but I’m afraid I just don’t have his talent for poetry….try as I might,I just can’t think of a word that rhymes with “Moon”…or “Sark-key”..or “Zigga”….and trying to work “sink like a fucking breeze-block” into the composition would tax even Wordsworth of Keats.

  7. Thinking about it, I wonder where George was in 1978?. I ask because in that year, my son’s headmaster sent home with each boy (NOT the girls – that would be sexist today!) a blistering letter complaining about the “appalling behaviour” of a boy or boys, who had written “disgraceful, disgusting and obscene words” on the walls of a public lavatory opposite the school premises. At the time I had a mate who worked for the council, and it turned out that over the freshly white painted wall at the urinals, somebody had scrawled, in one of those (then) new-fangled “Bingo” felt tipped pens:

    “The painters work woz all in vain,
    The shit house poet strikes again”

    I wonder……. Though to be fair this “obscene” poem seems a bit advanced for George.

    It always seemed to me the headmaster was a bit OTT and shouldn’t have bothered putting his whisky bottle down to write it.

  8. Has Chicken George written a poem about all the black kids getting stabbed to fuck on the streets of Londonstabistan?
    Probably not, we don’t want to upset Suckdick do we?
    I bet he’s written a few about the raaaaaaaay-sist Babylon though. Dem raaaay-sist fam innit? Know what me saying raaasclat?

  9. Once the novelty of the money and kudos has worn off, surely this fella must realise that he’s simply an exhibit in a modern day Victorian freak show. Along with wimminz football pundits, dark keys in adverts, spaccas in eastenders, that is basically what they are. Anyway, there’s nothing much new and exciting about a spear chucker poet, Craig Charles had a stab at it years ago. And he was shit as well.

    • I’ve just realised that I used the the word “stab” in relation to black and half caste people. This is clearly a misrepresentation and I’m clearly a vile racist.

  10. Fuck me! I just Wikied the cunt and he ain’t a roadman at all. He’s fucking posh…..his granny was a Cabinet Minister in Uganda ( probably sucked Idi’s wanger) he went to some posh grammar school and Cambridge. No wonder the BBC love his black arse……he’s one of them! What a fucking fake.

  11. Naturally it matters not a jot to the vermin at the BBC that nobody listens to the utter fucking tripe spouted by this cunt.
    As blek so hop aboard the Gravy Train.

    What a mountain of chimp shit.

  12. Comfy shoes
    A warm place to shit
    Banana butties
    Sat on my arse
    Brown paper packages tied up with string
    These are a few of my favourite things…

    Dat whitey Julie Andrews n shit.

  13. He’s even worse than the cunt he’s replacing and I never thought I would say that.

    I blame Roger McCough and the so called Mersey sound. Since then the BBC has assumed that to have value poetry needs to be delivered in an accent “from the streets” otherwise it has no credibility. Current political tastes dictate that an accent “from the streets” has to be a dark-key one. Hence the spectacle of that Zephaniah twat and now this cunt.

    I always preferred EJ Thribb (13 1/2).

  14. So farewell then, John from Barnsley
    You were Radio 4’s poet
    ‘Eh by gum”
    That was your catchphrase
    Now your replaced by a dark-key
    That says “innit”.

    EJ Thribb (13 1/2).

    • His name’s Ian McMillan. He was called a ‘Surrealist Poet’ when he first came out. Utter shit. This is an example-

      But once he got on the radio and telly and left that behind. Now he writes a kind of doggerel and he’s not bad at it. Maybe on ‘the Reds’ in the Barnsley Chronicle. Not the worst cunt in the workd. But now as RT said ‘a professiinal Yorkshireman’. He is.

      We did have a major voice during The Movement (Larkin, Thom Gunn etc…). Donald Davie his name. . A much better poet.

  15. At my school we had a toilet cleaner known as ‘Jock the Boggy’; I dare say that he was more useful and talented than George the Poet.

  16. Saturday’s my favourite day
    It really is a hit
    I have a home colonic
    Followed by a shit.

    Too good for George, IIRC Pam Ayres swears…

  17. Not a real poet but he doesn’t know it, probably grows it and smokes it.

    How we miss the people’s poet……Pollution all around, sometimes up….

  18. Practicing his craft he says. I have a feeling it’s not the kind of craft he normally practices.

  19. Ode to a Girl I Clocked in Health and Efficiency mag.

    Oh my darling soft and white
    Kiss my loving lips tonight
    When I see you in the light
    My mind is but a simple kite

    Love, love, oh glorious love
    Sent by God in Heaven above
    It comes upon the wings of a dove
    Catch it in your baseball glove

    Spend you nights avec moi
    I will spend mine avec toi
    Do you love me, pour quoi?
    My dad has got a Jaguar

    Oh my darling, I love you
    Even though you make me blue
    What am I supposed to do
    When I know our love is true

    © RTC 1966.

    George eat yer chiggun heart out!

  20. Chippy George the “poet”
    A cunt but he don’t know it
    you’re fucking shit
    you racist tit
    for fucks sake will you stow it?
    Now look here George of the jingle – you may “eat da poo poo” but please stop accosting our ears by speaking it, and fuck off back to Uganda.
    (Just don’g get caught bumming or munching faeces – some of those tinted devils don’t like that kind of thing! ??)

  21. So this cunt has been to grammar school and Cambridge. Then why is he using a fake street accent. This isn’t poetry, its diatribe. Fucking cunt!!

  22. ‘A Po Yem’*

    What appals me
    is that anyone thinks this cunt’s effluvia
    are worthy of publication.
    If he’s at the top of his made-up,
    idle and offensive
    what the hell is swilling around the bottom?

    (I think that’s pretty good, personally.)

    *’Poem’, in Glaswegian.

  23. My poodle did a piddle in a puddle.
    My favourite poem, can’t remember where I heard it though. Not that I’d ever own a poodle, like everything else from france they’re shit.

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