(Yes, this is the real deal! – Day Admin)
I might be a bit harsh nominating Fernando as clearly he can’t be right in the head.
Perhaps the Brazilian mental health services or whichever surgeons and dentists have carried out the various procedures are the real cnuts in this case.
The pictures in the attached link let you know all you need to know. Be warned, they aint pretty.
How in Dogs name can anyone do that to themselves or, in the case of the tattoo artist/dentist/surgeon, to a fellow human?
It makes that other Brazilian fr ea k addicted to surgery, Rodrigo (now Jessica) Alves – the human Ken Doll as was – look normal.
Tattoo Artist Turns into an Orc
Nominated by: Dickie Dribbler
And on the subject of body mutilation, here’s this from Fuglyucker
A nom for cunts who have stretched out their ear lobes until they resemble uncooked kalimari, I was queuing behind Some cunt today with dangly, wobbly and quite frankly fucking disgusting swinging ear lobes.
This fucking rank trend is done by sticking bigger and bigger plugs into a hole in the ear lobe until it is stretched out like Katy Prices Lacky, slacky snatch.
What do these fuckers do when they have had enough of the dirty, grungy unemployed look, I suppose there must be doctors out there to correct this fucking abortion, while they are about it some mental counselling is also recommended for the comedy onion ring eared jug head cunts…..
No more bizarre, mentally-ill or scary than a man who has his cock cut off,plastic tits bolted on and thinks that he’s a woman…and at least he didn’t expect the NHS to fund his insanity.
PS….those Cunts with stretched ears….first thing I’d do if I got into a fight with one of them would be to grab a hold of those flapping lugs and yank..very hard.
Morning Dick,
I like your thinking!
Immediately planning how to beat them in a fight.
Ive always done this too.
Old ladies, cunts in wheelchair,
Vicars, kids,
Doesn’t matter!
In my mind im two steps ahead!
Stood triumphant above their unconscious body,
Upturned wheelchair with wheels still spinning…?
Fucking right,that Stephen Hawking’ll think twice afore he pushes in front of me again to use the air-line at the garage….” I have solved the mysteries of the Universe and must get home to write down my findings” indeed…as I told the talking wheely-bin while I dragged him out of his chariot by the voice-box,,,” and I need to get home for a shit,you cheeky Cunt”…luckily his chariot had a hole cut in the seat with a bucket strapped in place and I was able to shit in there after the exertions involved in applying a Boston Crab wrestling move to “The World’s Cleverest Man” had me touching cloth.
Good job you got in first.
Years ago that Thora Hird tried her luck with me.
Came towards me said “excuse me young man have you got the time?”
Cheeky cunt fancied her chances!
I knew what she was hinting at and took the initiative,
Roundhouse kick straight in the tripe!!
She went down like a sack of spuds.
Not so fuckin cocky then!!
But I was younger then.
Shed probably get the upperhand nowadays.
Why I carry a machete now.
Recalcitrant old ladies? I find a short-arm jab to the belly usually suffices. ?
Thing is Ruff,
Thora was meant to be a Christian but started fights!
If not for the fact im 2ft taller, 10stone heavier and 40yrs younger I could of been seriously hurt.
DF@ – They are either students or former students (often found serving at McDonalds) so getting in first with a spot of violence is the very thing to do Sir – it saves being stabbed or converted to communism!
I have just enough “body art” with the scars I have collected over time – can’t understand why any reputable medical professional would have Hippocratic Oath issues performing butchery on people.
Is the other one in the header photo Katie Price gone to lend some moral support ?
If people want to stretch out their earlobes so that they look like Katie Price’s minge (see second nomination) they will need to stick the London Eye in their earlobes.
Probably one of The Gays…most homosexuals have their eyebrows tattooed on,lip-fillers,pancake male-up applied and a beehive wig glued to their heads before they go out on the prowl.
Here’s an image of a typical Gay in full camouflage ready to go stalking his local Public toilet…https://images.app.goo.gl/SSHLc7GjFnjRDtME8
#Run,Hide and Tell if approached…Protect yourself,Protect the NHS.
David Lammy has really let himself go – too many Jaffa Cakes
Anyone who gets themselves tattooed or has their bodies ‘modified’ to the extent where they are unemployable should have all of their benefits stopped.
There must be something funny in the culture of Brazil to produce this. Maybe something to do with Mardi gras. Gone too far. Maybe Mr Polly could tell us.
When I used to work in Sheffield-on the supertram in the morning there he was; his whole head and face ink. Like a lizard he was supposed to look like I think.
Then one morning he must have known the conductress – having the most mundane everyday conversation. So normal.
Mr Polly on the supertram? His whole head and face ink?
You are talking about our Mr Polly, aren’t you?
Morning Miles, morning all. ?
Mr Polly has a great interest in Brazil. He’s always on about it.
Hes a Brazil nut!!!
Many years ago I airbrushed a guy to look like a lizard.
He was pissed off when it took him 2 hours soaking in the bath with loofah scrubbing to get back to normal.
He did go home on a Sheffield bus!
I fucking hate those cunts with massive ear things in
These cunts fuck up their faces for the same reason that primitive savages do it……to frighten the shit out of people. I’ve come across two of these full tattooed face cunts in real life and, yeah, they scared me. You think…..if they do that to their own face what might they do to mine? But it wouldn’t bother a real hard bloke, he’d just do the silly cunt and not think twice about it.
Cunts like the one in the photo are on a different level. They are proper mental and will probably end up doing something to themselves. I would save them the bother and shoot the wankers.
Oh and cunts with those stretchy ear things are almost certainly wokies, vegans and remoaners so i’d shoot them too. Arseholes.
I just don’t get life sometimes it’s a bizarre old world. I reckon if there is some supreme being he gave up watching over us fucking eons ago when he realised what a fuckup free will was. Turned on his heels and said “whoopsie” let’s go see how centuri 37273 is doing.
Tattoos, yep I get that. Originally tribal and evolved into art (pfft!) or got pissed on a Friday and thought just a little dolphin on my thigh which now looks like moby dick twenty years and 6 stone later. Piercings, again tribal in nature to adorn ones ears , now fucking morphed into under the skin shit and now literally cutting off your fucking nose!!!!!!!!
Hey supreme being please take me with you.
He could have saved himself a load of trouble by chucking himself on a bonfire.
BBQ cunt.
Morning all.
I think he looks lovely.
Well done Fernando!
Nothing wrong in taking pride in your appearance.
If only morr people cut off their noses and ears,
The world would be a better place.
Are you available for kids parties?
Just realised,
In the pic above, Fernando and his similarly handsome mate are holding his decapitated nose!!
Fernando and his mate are cool, hur hur…
MNC@ – Well these weirdos are most certainly not borrowing my John Wayne Gacy clown outfit for gigs – there’s summat not right with this pair! ?
Seem ok to me Foxy?
Your a dreadful racist you know?
Try and be more open-minded like me!
Did I read that it’s a tranny as well? And has he gone dark key too? Why not go for the full house and beat himself in the head with a hammer until he’s full mong too? Maybe jump off a car park roof to break his back and saw off his own legs?
Yes, this is not mental illness at all and of course, perfectly fine that doctors and surgeons allowed this.
How the fuck is this freak supposed to get a job? Maybe as a scarecrow in a field, but his competition will work for free so he’s fucked.
What a fucking nutcase.
Simple solution Unkle Terry’s oven
Visible tattoos are the mark of a cunt, unless you’re a Nazi concentration camp survivor!!!
I’ve also read about nutters who think they are animals. Walk around on all fours going ‘meowww’ all day. They want surgery to turn themselves into cats and stuff.
Imagine the surgery needed to become an owl? Soon, they’ll be allowing this on the NHS. We’ll all have to celebrate it too. Footballers will start the game by taking a shit on the pitch and turning their heads as far around as possible while going ‘woo-ooo’. Southgate will say anyone not joining in by shitting on their own carpets and straining they necks need ‘educating’.
Fuck off.
I’m going to become a safari-park monkey…that way I can wank myself stupid in Public ,fling shite at people and press my arse up against the windows of electric cars…I will also have the ability to talk like one of those Planet of the Apes monkeys so that I can scream abuse at anyone who offends me.
In fact it’ll be pretty much life as normal apart from people chucking bananas at me instead of me chucking bananas at Sooties.
Thats neat thats neat really love your tiger feet!
Nice one MNC, like the bit on the bottom of the page a link for “Get help” got a tea stained Staffing cross now!!
I didn’t realise my dad was on t’ net.
If he was living in this country he would be demanding all sorts of priority treatment, not least from the NHS, and a nice council house, a few grand in benefits, and special treatment for being yet another gender type!
Moreover he will probably sue for compo should he fail to get any jobs at the interview stage – discrimination, and all that bollocks
If these cunts want to be animals put them in the fucking zoo for our entertainment and put the real ones back where they came from.
Come to think of it you can do the same with the immos while you’re at it.
I never realised Sasha Johnson has her nose shot off in that back garden tea-swigger attack.
Chiggun !!!
The state of it!
Looks like my missus after a week sat on the beach In Scarborough.
This is what happens when you get on the wrong side of the witchdoctor.
The cunt could have got the same effect by shoving his head in a chip pan.
There really is nowt as queer as folk. Bet he has loads of luck out on the pull of a Saturday night.
Flabbott looks a whole lot better!
I knew a chap who had plastic surgery, he had half his face blown off by an anti tank rocket.
his lower jaw and eye socket was made from one of his ribs and his cheek was titanium mesh, Fucking excellent job done in Florida USA.
I can understand this, plastic surgery is normally about reconstruction and not deconstruction so I would question the ethics of the people who do this likewise the mentality of those who ask for it.
Why would you want to look like a piece of fiction? what does an awk look like?
Fucking weirdo.
An abomination to man and heaven.
Why is it that those that go above and beyond to ‘express’ themselves have so little to offer?
Even the normal type of body modification like tattoos and piercings and those stupid ear stretcher things, all things that people use to look different or alternative just look the same as each other, and there is so much of it, they actually look mainstream and the norm.
Silly cunts.
As for that freak in the pic, you can just imagine him bleating about being judged for his appearance, without acknowledging being noticed was his whole reason for mutilation.
Little kids could be given nightmares and be damaged for life, looking at fucking freaks like those. And I am not joking.
Cunts like that are an abomination and have no place on earth. Kill it with fucking fire!
Also, the unscrupulous cunts who help/make them look lie that should be set on fire too.
When my lad was little we were at a show, and there was a Klingon there!
Well, some bloke dressed up anyway, but he spoke fluent Klingon.
Anyway I asked if my lad could have a photo taken with him.
Little cute blonde kid an a bumpy headed alien!?
Thing was my lad got scared,
Crying, so said sorry we’ll leave it.
But this Klingon was dead keen!
Kept coming upto my lad
“Ghgaa kkaazzah ukk ggyydd!!”
Told him my lad was scared,
Missus picked up sobbing kid
The cunt came up again!!
Aarr gakkk zakarr…
I said
“Look you cunt if you dont fuck off your head will look like that for real!!”
And he fucked off.
Thats how you deal with Klingons.
You are James Tiberius Kunt, captain of the U.S.S Cuntiprise and I claim my £5 voucher to that whorehouse on planet Vulcan?
The majority of hardcore sci-fi fans are a bunch of high-functioning spergs with no understanding of social cues so I’m hardly surprised (this coming from a lifelong Star Trek fan).
Do they not understand that actors wear makeup and costumes at work, then take it off before they go home?
This fella has it on permanently.
I believe that these “stretched ear lobe” ,skinny-jeans-wearing faggots with their falsetto camp Mancunian Canal Street accents do it so that when they get down on all fours and spread their fluffy bum cheeks apart and provocatively wink their slack gaping hoops, their “lovers (lol) can stick their fingers through the holes so that they can hold on tight whilst they’re being buggered.
PS: I see a lot of tarty alternative girls also sport this look!!!