Extinction Rebellion
These bunch of absolute wankers are set for another 2/? weeks of bell end activities and because the government has literally given them (uncosted of course) exactly what they wanted in terms of net zero promises, they are now actually asking for more.
Give them an inch eh Cressida you Dick…
I hate these cretins with a passion as they have affected me personally. Back before COVID took over these middle class unwashed sanctimonious turds blocked my workplace, train station on way back from a work trip and to top off the feeling of being personally trolled the inescapable fuckers camped on my lawn.
They ruined a public park so that they could play campsite and only now nearly 3 years later have I paid through my council tax for the grass to be resown (the workers on this nearly got into fisticuffs with Mr Snotrags as they claimed some kind of act of god on the mud??).
More piss boilingly a neighbour in my block wanted to supply them with water, I’m like er nope. They are the most entitled utopian pieces of shit and if I come across them during their next rebellion I will be getting physical this time, am utterly tired of lockdowns, capitulation to woke and this is yet another stream of BS.
Nominated by: Mrs snotrags (hayfever innit)
(Late news: seems the co-founder of XR admits to driving a diesel car! – Day Admin News Link )
That co-founder bitch is typical of every single zealot: a damned hypocrite.
This cunting is pointless without condemning the useless pigs, first and foremost.
Blatantly political preferences.
Anti-lockdown protest? Ton of bricks.
BLM? Kneel like pussies.
Påkīes abusing white girls? Kiss their arses.
XR? Dance and skateboard with the pricks.
Saw an Ex R bird with her tits out in one of the papers today. Was fit. All the other a I seen are absolute munters
Which paper? Just asking for a friend…
Found it in order order today
They’re a couple of beauties and no mistake. I’d pay good money for a rub of those.
Pride marches? Paint their nails with coloured nail varnish.
The old hags who are at the top of XR, were the same pro Soviet bitches at Green Common and Molesworth. Hopefully covid will finish the cunts off.
Fucking establishment shills, XR cannot be cunted enough.
Protecting the earth with their iPhones.
Yesterday sounds great……day of training and workshops. I love a workshop don’t you? All those nice shiny tools that have never been used. Or, in this case, never done a days work in their posh lives. Middle class losers looking for a cause to justify their bone idle existence.
What a bunch of wankers.
Anyone who refers to a workshop and isnt talking about engineering or joinery is a cunt.
And anyone who uses workshop as a verb should be taken out and shot.
Harsh, but reasonable.
Smelly turds with their heads in the clouds and their feet on quicksand. I inspected these hippies closely when they were camped out in Marble Arch and I was not impressed.
Good cunting.
People need to start getting physical with these dumb losers. The good people of Canning town showed how to deal with these pathetic, weak, entitled, middle class toss pots.
I never tire if the footage of that soy-boy cunt, being dragged feet first if the roof of that train.
One of the highlights of the year??
The chap who grabbed him first was black, and got a boot in the face for his trouble.
A racially motivated attack if ever I saw one…
I wonder how XR (and that Greta cunt) feels about all those airplanes leaving Afghanistan fully loaded with refugees – all that air pollution fired out of those jet engines by the tonne!?
We all know XR are hypocritical cunts – expecting the majority of people to change their ways while they stick to theirs (ie drive petrol/diesel cars, have BBQs, fly around the world,litter and flytip etc)
I also wonder how many of these cunts who protest in London actually arrived there by walking or cycling? And I also suspect that even though these cunts love to block roads and cause maximum disruption for ordinary cunts trying to earn a crust, they would soon get mega pissed off if some other protest group took to the streets thus causing maximum disruption to them!
Most of them are chauffered to protests in mummy’s Range Rover…
Controlled opposition.
Worse than pathetic.
I heard the whiny cunts on the radio yesterday, accompanied by that drum banging racket that crusties always make when they gather.
Soap and water cannons, stat.
Or steamroller, I’m not bothered, less people is always good for the environment.
Flamethrower better for crowd control, hmmm roast hippy
It is bizarre, because it appears to me that the average XR member seems to leave a far bigger carbon footprint than the average ‘Joe Public’ does.
The greenhouse gasses expelled by a quick cremation of these cunts in Unkle Terrys oven would soon be offset by the benefit of the neutralisation of these hypocritical air heads.
Good to see that the XR Trafalgar Square protest of yesterday was such a “roaring success” – appears to have been attended by no more than a 100 or so of these stinky soapdodging cunts.
I suppose the rest of the middle class turds were busy taking their children to football and theatre in the summer holidays. Cunts.
A solid uppercut always solves this type of bothersome dung.
On a lighter note I’d happily see every last one of these faux hippy cunts shot in the street.
I saw the smug grin on one of the cunt’s faces when he had chained himself under a van in Oxford circus.
It was at this point I would have liked to have booted him repeatedly in the gonads until they burst out the top of his skull.
You have to be firm but fair. Like that bunch of commuters who dragged the swampy off the top of the tube and proceeded to administer a good, hard kicking for making them late for work.
I made an oath to save lives, however, I’d love to make an exception in the case of these motherfuckers.
And no one would blame you Gene.
OK U.K. cuts emissions to 0 some time in the near future. China will not reach their maximum CO2 output till at least 2030, what America and India plus Russia are doing a Tarot pack may be of more use than their forecasts. The latest worst case sea level rise map due to climate warming gives me a beach front property as the Wash will get rather larger. This forecast is for 2050 which is also about the time UK is totally carbon neutral. In fact if Boris and the greeners wishes become backed by law (lol) the U.K. will be emitting less CO2 than a flatulent snail. So we are forced to cut our emissions, spend billions on new infrastructure and other bollocks drive toy cars etc when by the doomsayers own research half the U.K. will be under water due to some other cunts CO2. Does arsehole rebellion realise this. Don’t cause us problems you second rate cunts we are being forced into carbon neutrality we have no choice. Why not protest in China or India or USA. Do they think that by stopping our tiny contribution to the CO2 output our little island is saved are they posing self centred right on cunts yes (with many multiple genders). I suppose one of the benefits of a half submerged homeland is the rubber dinghy illegals will have much further to go.
Yeah but, no but, Greta says the UK’s emissions record is a LIE!
(There is a scheduled nom about this self-opinionated, irritating little cunt stain, due to be published in the next few days (Greta, and not RTC of course) – Day Admin)
I’m writing one about RTC.
If you do CC, I bet it will get a record number of ‘upticks’. Him and his ‘I am not a number’ nonsense. Release the Rovers.
That report quotes some bollocks from “The Tony Blair Institute.” Need I say more?
If Blair is on your side I don’t want to hear. Cunts.
“Creative carbon accounting”? Shit, Boris can’t even blame Diane Flabbott for fudging the numbers on this one.
Greta just needs a damn good fisting. That’ll stop all this nonsense.
Cuntybollocks beat me to it- I reckon if someone gave her a large portion of helmet, she’d forget all about this environmental shite and just get on with the dishes. The little Foetal alcohol syndrome cunt.
Exactly. Like CuntyBollocks said on here the other day [the UK going “the full Greta”] is like a man with an axe in his head taking a paracetamol – it ain’t going to make a blind bit of difference while China increases its emissions ANNUALLY by as much as the UK’s TOTAL. Ergo these cunts are purely virtue signalling – if they really wanted to make a difference they’d be paddling dingies over to China to have a [singular, before they get interned] moan at the Chinks.
Always amuses me how XR choose not to get involved with overpopulation, especially in places like Africa and China!
Do they expect everyone to turn Vegan overnight? Will they demand the end of barbaric halal practices by Islamic countries?
Will they confront Brazilian. Chinese, Russian and Indian governments about their particular zero-carbon emissions?
Will they be at all concerned when their taxes go through the roof and services are cut in order to pay for their green demands?
Speak up you stupid cunts, we’re all ears?
I’d love to see them fronting up to Russian or Chinese police.
A confrontation that would be over fairly quickly… ?
Yep these people are mental cases
You could sell tickets to an event like that.
Do wonders for the UK popcorn industry…?
Make a bloody good spectator sport – load of XR being “fed” to Chinese Guoanbu?
Feed them into Dick Fiddler’s ‘Forest Master’ wood chipper.
Then upload the video onto PornHub*
* Other online purveyors of filth are available.
The XR cunts won’t dare protest against the fuckin chinks, thwy are shit scared of the slit eyed fuckers, no they prefer to cause havoc in this country where they know theyle get a free pass to fuck up this country that contributes 1% of global emmissions comoared to china, India etc. Some split arsed cunt on the radio yesterday spouting bollocks as to how we should all ditch our cars, stop flying, stop using cars and then admitted that she drives a diesel land rover to take her sprogs 2fuckin miles to sport because she cant afford an electric vehicle and also this year took a fuckin holiday to cuba. What a hypocritical cunt. Ironical thing was she tried to defend it, what a fuckin twat!!! Typical of these cunts, do as i say not as I do. The interviewer tore the delusional twat to pieces.
A tidy Land Rover of any age rarely comes cheap.
Obviously a tight cheapskate cunt. And hypocrite…
Simple answer:
Remove all X-R cunts from the national grid, remove all their gadgets and internet, remove all transport from them that utilises an internal combustion engine or relies on energy that creates CO2.
Job done?
Afghanistan must seem like some fucking utopia for these cunts then. Here’s your rags to wear, here is your shack built out of dried camel shit and here is your AK47. Welcome to the 7th century, enjoy.
XR is a banner that encompasses all the left wing cunts together, ironically you have to be rich to be a Marxist!, I’m sure Boris’ grinning Jam boy will put my taxes up to pay for these cunts every whim!!!!
Vote for me and I’ll run them over with tanks.
Then send their mummy and daddy the bill to clean the guts off the tank tracks.
Fuck off.
Did anyone see Sir Nigel talking pints with Roger Hallam co founder of ER ?
Nigel ran circles round him because the Cunt was clearly off his head on something.
They are split into 2 groups, those clueless naive sandel wearing beardies banging drums and mother earth hippies . The rest of them are rent a mob anarchists hell bent on destruction.
Andrew Neil took him apart a couple of months ago. Easy to show these twats up for what they are with a good interviewer.
Roger Hallam is a fucking fruitcake that nobody in their right senses would ever take seriously.
On a lighter note and for anyone wishing to brighten up their day:
Oh joy! I could watch that all day.
Pure joy, Willie, pure joy! A tonic!
I hope and pray that some irate commuter kicked the fuckers teeth out the second he hit the platform.
Nothing but contempt for these privileged workshy bellends…
Boris is one of these cunts now, the pussy whipped tub of lard.
Oh ….. see eco warrior Harry Halfwit took a private jet home from a polo match the other day. Probably needed to rush home in the hope of catching his old woman getting knobbed by the flunkeys. It probably never occurred to him to ask his chauffeur why he was an hour late getting to the airport.
Thick cunt.
FF, you beat me to it re the ginger Harkle hitching a lift on a polo mate’s private jet. What a steaming, stupid, pudding-head CUNT the boy is. With everything kicking off over Andrew Porchester, it may be that Madge sends Harkle something explosive. With a lot of coach bolts wrapped around, please…
Arseholes, trouble-makers and nutcases.
By the way, off topic I know, but I’ve just got Covid after being double jabbed. I feel as rough as a bears arse but I know the jab will help me recover quicker. I cant tell anyone what to do but I would highly recommend to get jabbed if you haven’t already. You don’t want to feel like I do at the moment believe me. Grateful I’ve had the jab, I can’t imagine it 20 x times worse than I’ve got it at the minute.
Have you at least considered that this may be the way you would have felt even without the jab?
Probably may have been Moggie. I really wouldn’t want to find out the hard way. I’m still glad I had the jab, just been a bit unlucky. I just hope the symptoms bugger off by next week, starting to get cabin fever already.
Having had that brand of lurgy around Xmas time, may I suggest getting some fresh air.
I perked me up no end.
Hope you get well soon Bob.
Thanks Odin, much appreciated. Will do, will have a breath of fresh air in my garden tomorrow.
You either live in a society or you laugh at a society… I choose the latter https://i.redd.it/00nvqn36gfp41.jpg
Cunts. If they don’t live in homes without power or mains water they are hypocritical cunts too.
Stop denying our earth is dying’?
As Christopher Hitchens once said ‘that which can be asserted without evidence can be as easily dismissed’.
Also, to quote Klaatu, ‘your planet?;
Now, fuck off.
The cunts are down the West End right now blocking all the traffic and fucking everyone up.
Old Bill doing fuck all when they should be cracking posh heads and kicking their non existent bollocks.
From Sky-
‘The Metropolitan Police will put in place a “significant” operation to manage the demonstrations over the bank holiday weekend, but acknowledged the activists are tackling an “important cause”.
Why are the police making judgements about wether the cause is important or not? The wording almost gives the green light.
They only do that to the pensioners of the countryside alliance.
So this leader of the tree huggers has a diesel because “I can’t afford an electric car.”
Well neither can I so shut your stupid slag gob. Bitch.
Can he afford a bike or train ticket?
What a cunt.
I’d like to see these cunts glue themselves to the next transport plane out of Kabul.
I’d prefer it if it were the plane to Kabul.
This whole climate bollocks is another ploy to tax the fuck out of us dopey sheep who just accept it. Strange how the poncy met police allow these marxist fuckers to just carry on with this shit instead of piling in and kicking the shit out of them. We as a country are well and truly fucked.
By the time the ocean is lapping at the bottom of the drive i will have been dead for about a thousand years. There are much more likely and direct threats to human survival, such as nuclear war and large volcanic eruptions as well as a pandemic that has a much higher CFR than the Chinky lung.