Chris Bryant MP (4)

Tony Blair is envious of that grin.

An emergency cunting for this pansy ex-vicar, Labour MP for the Rhondda, who has seen fit to republish a cartoon, again questioning the intelligence of Brexit voters:


You have to wonder at his mental faculties, that he insults a majority of his constituency and numerous ex Red Wall voters. Perhaps Dame Keir knows he can’t win, so encourages all his nancy boys and race baiters to come out of their loony bins, so he can blame them, rather than himself, when it all goes tits up again.

As for Bryant and his rictus grin, why does he (and Adonis and Mandy) think that sniffing and licking and worse round another blokes arsehole makes him superior to the rest of us. What a cunt.

Nominated by – W. C. Boggs

51 thoughts on “Chris Bryant MP (4)

  1. Another shrill, prissy, Labour flambé. Loves and defends Peacefuls too, the stupid twat. Good nomination. What a cunt. Fuck off!

    • Oh dear. Cunt of the highest order. If there was a cunt Olympics this fuck weasel would win bronze silver and gold. keep up the good work you absolute fucking mug.

  2. Bryant is just another talking head with absolutely fuck all to say other than to keep banging the Brexit drum to death.

  3. He looks deranged.
    Im all for him insulting the electorate.
    Come the time of a election he can have a head scratching moment and ponder where it all went tits up.
    Winning votes with insults.
    Not the best angle.
    The daft Rick Mayall looking twat.

    • We have an eclectic mix of the deranged in our government. This stinking smugface looks like the bastard love child of Blair and James OBrien.

      I’m convinced they breed these rats under Parliament in some dank satanic spunk dungeon. They’re all fucking mental to the same degree.

    • MNC@ – Labour do not want power, they do not want the forensic glare of the spotlight and they do not want any kind of responsibility as they are IMHO a bunch of fucking morons and crooks.
      We are in the last days of Rome.

      • Yes there will be chariot racing involving Ben gender neutral as we cannot call it Hur anymore, in case that is offensive

    • ‘He looks deranged.
      Im all for him insulting the electorate’

      I spat my beer out when I read that MNC

  4. His tie looks like a rainbow flag over the blood of a man’s arse too. Cunt.

  5. Welsh ✔
    Remoaner ✔
    Lefty ✔
    Not too bright ✔
    Looks like a minor character called Ruoert or Derek from a yesteryear BBC sitcom ✔
    Aroused by the odour of men’s shitty public toilets ✔
    Cunt ✔

  6. It’s no wonder that this country is rapidly going down the tubes.
    I’m fucking sick of this shit.

  7. Why doesn’t this crafty butcher stick to uploading pictures of himself to a gay website, wearing nothing but Y fronts as he did previously for his chutney ferret chums.

    Spiteful little gaylord. He will be the first to be pushed off a tall building by his mudslime chums.

    • I forgot about that episode. Perhaps a career at the bbc would be more suitable for him. Himself and John Barrowman could get their knobs out together on the set of a children’s program.

    • Corbyn as PM ‘ in accordance with the wishes of our friends from hamas and hezbollah i’d like to show you the roof of party HQ.’

      Bryant: ‘oh goody bumdrops lucky me! What is that gibbet doing there?’

  8. Another hopeless moron suffering from Brexit Derangement Syndrome. In his case it looks like it’s terminal.

  9. When the left struggle in a debate, they resort to name calling, or suggesting people are thick, bigoted, that kind of stuff. Rear Harmer’s gang of demented single issue merchants find this comes completely naturally.
    And to think that with an opposition like this, Boris still behaves like a more timid version of the lion from the wizard of oz.

  10. What a fucking loser this sad excuse of m a man is.

    The only way to get his sad and pathetic self the attention he clearly craves.

    Does anybody know what the point of this twattish f499öt is?

    Thought not.

  11. These remoaner cocksuckers will never get over 2016. It was a terrific shock to the system when us dimmos didn’t do as we were told by our betters. The remoaning will only be gone and forgotten when all of those cunts are dead. In the case of this particular dirty little fa**ot the sooner the better.

    • And just look at their reaction to 2016.

      Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory they say. Well, if it is, it’s the biggest coincidence I’ve ever seen because that theory is becoming more true every passing day.

      The reaction of this lot to 2016 (they control all institutions and social media) has been vicious.

      Even sport has been attacked and even that particular means of escapism has been taken from us. Evil, pure evil.

      This gent is another one at the trough caring only about his cushy well paid job and wonderful pension.

      A massive clear out is needed, but how when they control everything? I’m hoping enough wake up to what’s going on and vote for some cunt who will sort this shit out, which could include prison time for some of these baiting, troughing cunts.

      I’m hoping for a national holiday called ‘Traitors’ Day’ one day, when we celebrate these cunts getting their just desserts.

      • Nothing is going to change.

        The MP’s haven’t given a flying fuck about anything for many years and the rest of us are waiting for someone else to do something.

        Unfortunately there is clearly no organisation and it ain’t going to happen.

      • Well, I hope you’re wrong WS because that’s a very bleak outlook. Let’s wait until enough people’s lives are directly affected.

  12. Looks like a “taker of the knee” has a touch of the Tony about him as well, smug looking cunt that’s for sure. We pay this cunt a fortune too. Doomed is the word doomed.

    • Definitely one of the most punchable faces in the country. An arrogant gobshite.

      Morning all!

  13. The poof couldn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks,far too busy calculating expenses claims.
    So will fit right in then with all the other 600 odd cunts in Parliament.

  14. Yes, well known expenses fiddler, remoaner and bumbandit. Apparently this posh cunt was originally a vicar but felt it necessary to resign because of the Church’s reluctance to embrace poofery. (absolutely nothing to do with choir boys….oh no) The cunt should have hung on , he could be Archbishop of Cunterbury by now. Truly one of the most nauseating cunts in British politics. He always reminds me of Neil’s dad in “Inbetweeners”.
    Oi! My dad ain’t gay, right!

  15. Fuck! Gone into moderation for the use of the word b*mb*ndit.
    I keep forgetting about that one.

    (Sorted now, but yeah, just bear that one in mind – Day Admin)

  16. His shit eating grin reminds me of Tony the cunt Blair. Just for that alone he’s a wanker of huge proportions

  17. You can bet your bottom dollar that if a second referendum was called, and the results were by the exact same percentage points but won in favour of the Remoaners, there would be absolutely NO prospect of a 3rd referendum from Brexiteers complaining about the exact same things as the Remoaners complained about in the first one but in reverse!

    • I voted remain. However, after the absolute shit show that was the years afterwards with how nobody had a clue what they were doing I’d now vote leave just to end it all. We’ve left and they’re still droning on about the thing.

      • I too voted to Remain, but it really is quite embarrassing to witness our so-called “betters” behaving like brattish 5 year olds purely because they didn’t get the result they wanted!

        Bryant is one such cunt. And its no surprise he’s allegedly sucking up to the BAMEs and Peacefuls if it means garnering a few more votes come the next GE, which could ultimately mean another referendum and a win for the Remoaners.

  18. What pisses me of is that this cunt, and his bent mate Adonis keep going on about another referendum and ignoring Brexit, and Keir “under new management” Starmer for all his bluster wont repeat to them that Brexit is now in operation. Tear them of a fucking strip, Starmer, if you want to look like a man rather than a jelly. Given that fancy nancy Starmer is being “advised” by the Princess Mandy, we all know he will capitulate to them, he just hasn’t got a backbone to admit it. I wonder when Dame Keir will announce he is in a lavander marriage himself

    Starmer has to be the biggest chancer Labour has ever had – something else that annoys me is that he will do anything to ingratiate himself with anybody. For example (and no offence to any Jewish reader) he makes great play of the fact that, though non Jewish himself, his wife is, and that he is bringing up his son and daughter in the Jewish faith. If Mrs S was 100% Kosher, she wouldn’t have married a goy, so what right has he to deal with the kids possible faith. Blair converted to Rome, but that doesn’t entail any “modifications” to the offspring.

    He will be taking a knee for the flat earthers next, grovelling sum. If grovelling were an Olympic sport, Britain Keir would have won another gold for us.

    • Kweer Starbucks was grown from the same foetal cells as Cameron and Clegg, then placed in a vat and played Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ for 9 months.

      ‘He’ emerged a fully grown adult of indeterminate gender a few years ago and was sent to a farm in Devon near GCHQ Bude where he was kept in a paddock during the day and trained in the ways of the slimy cunt inside a barn at night..

      Anyway, that’s what Sooty and Sweep told me.

  19. One of a number of things in Britain today which I find inexplicable is the fact that this specimen is MP for the Rhondda! I’ve been there and it seems to be inhabited by perfectly normal decent folk.

  20. And I’ve just seen that picture at the top again. I can’t tell you how much pleasure it would give me to take several swings at that grin with a three foot length of four by two.

  21. Bryant has some books to his name, one of which ‘The glamour boys’ is recommended by Fry, quelle surprise?
    About a bunch of 10 or so gay MPs with ww11 looming.

    Who’d have thought it? Ten gay MPs in parliament.
    Buggers can’t be choosers as Churchill quoted Bowra.

  22. I don’t know what the dirty little shitpipe pirate is getting vexed about, it’s not Brexit we’ve been given. Certainly not the kind I hoped and voted for.

    • The only thing I’ve noticed since ‘brexit’ is that it’s more difficult to go to Europe but it appears much easier for the inhabitants of North Africa to come here.

  23. Why’s he smiling like that in the pic? Is Russell Lloyd Moyle rimming him?

  24. This poof along with the Leftie Labour lot still cannot except the Brexit result you lost move on ?
    We have left it’s old news that’s the problem with Labour they are stuck in the past ??

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