A number 33 flied lice and prawn balls cunting please for this arsewipe, who, despite coming from a rat hole of a country that believes all property is theft, is a billionaire, who, like most wankers who come into money, makes pretention into a bloated art form:
Chinese Billionaire to Build London Mansion
If he must bring himself and his stinking brood to London, whats wrong with a two bedroomed flat over the Full Moon Chinese Takeaway in the Dawn Butler constituency?
Pretentious foreigners, especially the yellow peril, ought not to be pandered to in London (or anywhere else in Britain).
He reminds me of some neighbours we once had – they have moved on to a classier area now. He, too, was a business magnate – he owned three dry cleaners shops and Mrs. Patel (not their real name but it gives you an idea of where they came from originally), run a cleaning business. Their first action was to install a white and gold (obviously fake, but it was, as Alan Sugar would have said , “a mugs eyeful”) lavatory and cistern, which was delivered with due reverence and left on the pavement outside their home all day. They just can’t resist their bling, and their ostentatious display of wealth, can they?
How did he manage to become a billionaire in a Communist country?. I doubt legally. What a cunt.
Nominated by: W.C.Boggs
Utter cunt
Here was me thinking communism resulted in the equal share of fuck all but misery.
Not if your name is Mr Cheung or Mr Abramovich though – and London is of course the destination where you wish to show off your grotesque ill gotten wealth.
Dats laycist, olso we will kick you arz. yes. We has all yor politico s under are skin, yes. we have Mrr hestletinny and your Cambridgo and Oxfrod yes. We have your nucla power and you covid. yes HAHAHAHA.
wo go ri o ong ma bad 2 hahahaha
Chunky chung?
Fuckin dogeater.
Would it not be better to have more like him move into town than the camel dung floating in?
The government of the day lets any cunts fucking cunts in nowadays, illegals, Eastern European’s with criminal records, Russian oligarchs -they really don’t give a flying fuck where they got their money or what effects this has on those that live here.
Rich foreign fuckers like this cunt have been buying up the more desirable parts of Londonstabistan for years. Naturally he gets planning permission for this monstrosity from Westminster council because they are all scuttling off with big bulky brown envelopes. Londonstabistan is the place foreign criminals come to park their dirty money. For the declining white, British minority there is only one comfort…….at least the Chinkies, Ruskis, Guptas and P*kis ain’t going to nuke London because they own most of it. You don’t shit on your own doorstep do you?
In Swansea, where we have a small terraced house, the council rates, which are already extortionate, are double for 2nd homes. Maybe the little twat who masquerades as Mayor of London, should consider doing the same.
As usual not a fucking peep from the Labour Party plastic working class hero gobshites of Granny Raynor or Litha Nando’s. Maybe they are still pissing their pants over Boris and who is paying for his expensive Downing St wallpaper.
LL: Todays womanly whinge from Dame Keir is that he is outraged that Boris said yesterday that Mrs. Thatcher, closing the pits in the 1980s was good for the enviroment. According to the Labour wanker and old Sturgeon in Jockland he was “crass”, but I thought Labour wanted the pits closed for years and was frightfully worried about the enviroment today?:
As regards that skanky whore Rayner I can agree, but I have mixed feelings over my busty Liza. I think I would make it a law that if she wants to comment on public policy she must do so, stripped to the waist , and wielding maraccas. That thought, has, as the saying goes, given me the horn 🙂
I noticed from the link that he is actually from Hong Kong – watch out folks, he is the first of around 3 million Hong Kong citizens who will have the right to come and liv ein the UK – worked so well with the Ugandan asians didn’t it?
Quite so. The last thing this country needs is entrepreneurial types or those with a strong work ethic, especially if we are to have any hope of getting out of the massive depression that’s about to hit us.
The etymology of entrepreneur is to ‘reach out’ and ‘grasp ‘.
You are Igor to CS’s Frankenstein and I claim my £5.
Bit late for you RTC. Bunions?
By the way, Miles, «entrepreneur» does not connote “reach out” or “grasp”, nor are these meanings any part of its etymology. It is directly from the French equivalent of English verb “to undertake” meaning, more-or-less simply “to do”. In German, the equivalent word is „unternehmen“. These (foreign) words straightforwardly and unambiguously refer to business/businessman/etc with no additional nuance.
As a loan word from the French, this simple meaning of “businessman” is modified into the more nuanced meaning we are all familiar with.
Although entrepreneurs may well often be “grasping” or indeed apt to “reach out”, especially when wearing a bowler hat on the Central Line at Bank, there is absolutely nothing in the etymology of the word which suggests this.
Sorry to disappoint/disabuse.
‘The word “entrepreneur” originally comes from the combination of two Latin words “entre”, to swim out, and “prendes”, to grasp, understand, or capture. In the year 1800, French-Irish Economist Jean-Baptiste Say combined the two words to popularize the term, “entrepreneur”.’
Etymology is not quite as you think, Miles. Indeed I’m grateful for your reply, in which you attempt to rebut my comment to you last night, as you give me the opportunity to explain in a touch more detail.
It took me a few seconds to find that you have derived that reply (and quite probably your original earlier remark) pretty much verbatim from this web page.
I was going to say you demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of etymology, but more accurately, you demonstrated several misunderstandings. I should say, in your defence, that “Inno Evergreen“ (presumably a pseudonym) who wrote the above-linked article is also no etymologist. Nor am I.
Very briefly, the first misunderstanding is that etymology is simply¹ a matter of sleuthing out the route by which new words, or new meanings of words come into existence. The problem with this approach, as you (or should I say Inno Evergreen) nicely demonstrated is that ultimately you end up merely attempting to substitute newer meanings for the building blocks of the word you are analysing.
For example, here you (Evergreen) talk of “entre” meaning “swim out” and “prendes” meaning “grasp” (&c) in Latin. Quite apart from the inaccuracies here (“entre” isn’t Latin for anything – that’ll be “inter” meaning “between”; also “prendes” is not the root word in Latin, that’ll be “prendo”) the simple fact is that the idea of “entre” and “prendre” combining together to mean “undertake” in French long predates Jean-Baptiste Say’s intervention. What he did do is produce a new meaning from a pre-existing Middle French construction to describe what he perceived as a new phenomenon.
Just to underline/emphasise this: the German „unternehmen“ (from exactly the same antecedents) had been in use long before J-B Say’s neologism, as indeed had the English “undertake”. The fact that the nature of “business” was evolving rapidly at the time of Say explains his motivation for a new coinage, but precisely this should be a major part of any etymological analysis.
The second fundamental misunderstanding of etymology is the notion that you can always parametrise these different morphologies of words quite so easily. A classical example of a successful attempt at this is the shared root word of “tuin” (Dutch: garden), „Zaun“ (German: fence), “town” (English: errm, town). These now rather dissimilar meanings all have in common a word which meant “hedge” or “fence”. The shared etymology is the concept of “enclosure”. Unfortunately, etymology is rather seldom quite so neatly encapsulated (pun intended) as this, and «entrepreneur» is a good example.
I could go on but even I’m getting bored of this. Three final things I would say though, Miles, are: always look for more than one source and don’t try to run before you can walk… or simply don’t bother about it.
¹ In fairness, it is partly that; but only at the most elementary level. Susie Dent’s attempt to popularise the discipline on Countdown is perhaps partially to blame for this misconception.
Thanks for that Led Zep. So this Say fella ‘coined’ it to decribe the new modern get up and go seize the day working on your own initiative type of businessman he saw emerging. He coined the word to describe that aggressive tyoe of man. I bet if you go back to the real french origins of how the words were used in what contexts they would have those connotations of reaching out and grasping. This Jean Baptise was French remember. He would have that instinctual understanding of what French words put together could describe this new aggressive business spirit.
I suspect he coined it as a pejorative.
For some reason Miles you seek to depict the term entrepreneur in as negative a fashion as is possible.
Entrepreneurs are to be celebrated, without them we’d still be freezing our arses off in caves.
It may surprise you to hear that until now I’ve never heard of Jean-Baptiste Say, and from what I’ve just read I’m unsure I’ve missed much.
I’m also unsure that it is accurate, wise or helpful to attempt to overlay onto the etymology of “entrepreneur” one’s own prejudices or preconceptions. (That statement can be more generally made without any diminution or dilution.)
As so often, I have little extra to add to what I’ve already said. I think my comment of earlier today was fairly clear, and if not there is plenty easily accessible for further perusal and erudition on this.
I hope a 500lb chandelier fails and stoves the cunts skull in.
You missed a trick their…,
You should have left Mr Patel a welcome home present in his shiny new gold shitter
It was in full view of a bus stop and a Launderette on the opposite side of the road!. I suppose I could have got Mrs. Boggs to oblige, but she would have rocked herself to sleep getting up from it – it was quite low slung.
What’s the problem with this guy coming to the UK?
He’s bringing a shed load of money with him. He will not be scrounging off the state. He will not be a burden. He will pay tax. He will spend money, make investments in the UK and perhaps help create jobs.
Rather him than the Camel Flotilla crossing the Channel every day.
If only it was a choice – you are correct, but unfortunately we get both.
We do get both.
But I see no disadvantages with the billionaires that chose to make London their home – apart from their offending some cunters with their poor interior decoration skills.
The Camel Flotilla, on the other hand, bring absolutely no advantages whatsoever.
The government needs to make it clear that Britain is closed for business and that wealth creators from abroad will not be welcomed.
As Boris said: “fuck business”.
I’m not sure that ISAC does irony, Ruff.
I admire the cut of the Hong Kongers jib.
And unlike many cunts in this country they understand the true value of democracy.
Both lots are scum. The Pakis with their arses hanging out of their trousers with their constant “give me benefit give me three council houses for my wives and thirty children” are indeed, a pestitential nusiance, but this pretentious old wanker is probably as bent as a nine bob note – where did he get his money from?. He might well be a slitty eyed Ronnie Kray type importing his crimes into this country – perhaps his “palace” is a front for a chinky whore house and he will be importing chinky STDs to wipe out those that Kung Flu didn’t get?. He’s a wrong’un, you can guarantee that.
I wouldn’t be seen dead in such a tacky and pretentious “new-build”… it’s just one ghastly step-up from a Laurie Barratt-style “Cuntry-living ” estate for middle-management gobshites.
Just wait until he paints the monstrosity Country Cream.
WCB – most cunts who are uber rich have cunted others around them to get that rich.
Coming over here, flashing his cash, fuck off to Wuhan and help them.
If you cunters are bored you can watch a transwoman argue with a old store manager who’s tired of the gays had a transphobic sign supposedly I dunno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ifvofnxh6gM
Hilarious ?
That old dude is hilarious! The way he says, “fucking nuts” is so definitive and absolute, it just cannot be countered by the young lady. Reminds me of the great Little Britain character…
Banned now.
Mouthy trans trash can’t even confirm if he’s still got his dick in his frillies
My grump is more with the piss poor quality of reporting in the Evening Standard than this rinky-dink tyc00n.
“It comes after the local authority imposed a ban on new super-sized mansions over 150 sq metres in a bid to create more space for affordable homes.”
Super-sized mansions over 150 sq metres? Fuck me, if this is the case then I must be living in a super-super-super sized mansion. Daft cunts.
My grump is more with the piss poor quality of reporting in the Evening Standard than this rinky-dink billionaire.
“It comes after the local authority imposed a ban on new super-sized mansions over 150 sq metres in a bid to create more space for affordable homes.”
Super-sized mansions over 150 sq metres? Fuck me, if this is the case then I must be living in a super-super-super sized mansion. Daft cunts.
DA, please delete the post held in the shit-bin. I thought I could get away with the two zeros instead of the two ‘O’s in what is an innocuous word.
You clearly mean your “grouse”, not your “grump”. The former means “complaint, issue, plaint, beef” (etc) and makes perfect sense, whereas the latter means “bad mood, sulk, sullenness” (etc) and doesn’t. At best, being charitable, it’s an unnecessary stretch of anything approaching its normal usage; at worst it’s plain wrong.
Coincidentally, I used the word “grouse” earlier today, with a contextual meaning of exactly this – but masquerading as a reference to the shooting season of the game bird.
Small world!
You are Lawrence Logic from Viz Magazine and I claim my £5.
“…several severe beatings later…”
One of my favourite Lawrence Logic segues!
Maybe he will take in some channel migrants, it will need an army of slaves to keep it crean
Unlike the shit that is coming in every day mr Ching Chung will be spending his dorars not sucking them out of the tax payers
London’s fucked already, by all accounts. This cunt would probably improve it. The Albert Memorial was the subject of some mockery when it went up, many of my parents’ generation thought the Houses of Parliament a hideous Victorian pastiche of better work, and most of the Docklands is covered by ostentatiously ugly commercial shite which will have to be torn down at immense expense as the structures age. Go on, Hu Flung. Just don’t ask me to live there.
Rich ethnics are too few to outbreed the natives and we get their money. It’s the other ethnics that need kicking out.
Here we have a winner. He has won the jackpot with his investments. He was already a winner I mean before just being a part of the big Capitalist game in Hong Kong. Now he has won so much he can buy a bit of England up.
The 470 odd come over today have never been in the game as yet. They want to be winners as well like this fella.They would never be winners in shitholes they come from. So the risk life and limb to get into the game.
Or, coming here for free ride, get in the ‘game’ after seeing the occasional interview with the channel surfers my impression is that of freeloading, ‘can’t stay in France cos we get nothing’
The ones encouraging the cunts to come here tell them everything will be good in England.
After getting the ‘hotel’ and a fiver a day, waiting for ‘the right to stay’, eventually getting pissed off and joining the other estimated up to one million illegals, what’s not to like.
Fuck off back to kung flu land you slitty eyed twat.
Personally I would rather have him and potentially 3 million Hong Kong peeps than all the shit we’re getting from elsewhere around the world (naming no names)
Yes some of them might be dodgy cunts, but then again there are plenty of British dodgy cunts with fingers in pies and stacks of brown envelopes at the ready.
Hong Kong types do have a good work ethic and love making money as well as looking out for cheap labour. So again we have the same kind of cunts here too.
So given a choice between this cunt potentially employing a shedload of Brits, and bringing money into the country, and some M’Bongo type with absolutely fuck all to offer, but want all the free benefits… well, there’s no choice at all.
Yup. We’ll said. A lot of contractors will make out nicely building that huge house. Will have British staff and keepers employed. I’d welcome him with open arms cunt or not.
Caution, there. The Chinese strategy, and very successful it is, is to make their host nations so dependent on them that political freedom of choice begins to disappear. And if their African activities are any guide, the skilled and high-status jobs generated by Chinese money tend very much to go to Chinese workers, however they are introduced. The shite jobs will go to the cheapest labour, immigrant if necessary. The Chinese are excellent businessmen, regardless of their system’s failings. They are the ultimate pragmatists, and rightly regard themselves as superior to the West in most respects.
Our half-arsed leaders will not see this,if at all, until far too late. Half of them will have accepted Chinese sinecures and kickbacks by then.
See the Chinese attitude daily in png. get the road building contracts and it’s all chinese managers and local coolies. open shops and the boss sits on a platform over the cashier watching every Toyah, within kicking distance of her head. Scam land and build hideous trading fortresses. cash in paper bags to the local politicians. Doubtless hocking the locals to huge unserviceable debt. it’s the chinese way
Methinks you’re confusing the Hong Kongese with the mainland Chinese.
Chung-Kiu might be confused too.
Cheung was born in 1964 in Chongqing (biggest city on earth, central Peoples Republic) and educated there until 1980, when he was given Hong Kong residency (with the help of his father, a government official who dealt with overseas affairs). At the time a permit to live in the British colony was a valuable asset as China had just opened the door to economic reforms.
I have no care for the “Men” of greed not war.
I am a simple beast – always battle, always.
I try to use experience and proof, and ideally the maturity of knowing I cannot act like this but unfortunately always revert to war. (LB and Quick will maybe explain this better – I can’t).
Difficult to explain, I am a born killer.
Sorry – I am a monster.
I wouldn’t worry about Charlie Chan the Hong Kong man coming over here mob handed. The Commie bastards would never let them out. How bad would it look if 3 million cunts suddenly fucked off. Anyone would think people who have experienced communism don’t fucking want it. (See the Cuban population of Florida)
Last time we were in Hong Kong we went to see a Chinese rapper tribute act.
Vanilla Rice….
Further to the question how did he become a billionaire in a Chinese country,
Why are so many of them emigrating? I once thought it was a communist country whose borders are closed. Yes but that’s the previous stage.
Now they are fully indoctrinated they are being sent out with orders. World domination.
Hong Kong is a Capitalist country.
Or rather it’s a Capitalist region with a high degree of autonomy, or at least it used to be.
Oops Ruffers I got ‘Honkers’ confused with ‘Great West Taiwan’; I presume GWT also has a battalion of billionaires active outside its borders; are they talking co-prosperity sphere?
Evening TS.
I rather like the cut of Singapore’s jib.
Gute nacht.
I can’t understand how all these communist countries like Russia and China produce thousands of billionaires.
Got to be fucking corrupt.
I’m seeing this country more and more like one of those old wealthy families that have fallen on hard times and are selling the family silver, antiques and any other valuables to make ends meet.
The problem being this: what do you do when you have nothing left to sell?