A full blue and gold flag cunting please for a bearded cretinous arsehole who thinks, though he voted Leave in 2016, that the referendum was “stolen” from him:
Brexit Voter calls for 2nd referendum and wants to remain
At the time the little cunt voted to leave – now he wants a second referendum, to join the Euro AND subscribe to a European Army.
It begs the question – how much has Soros, or Adonis or Mandy paid him to make such a 180 degree turn?.
The motherfucker claims he will never rest until a 2nd referendum is offered, so he is singing from those poofters hymnbook
Nominated by: W.C. Boggs
He looks foreign so I’ll assume he’s a fucking liar!!!, he’s got that look that say’s “I’m European”, the cunt!!!
looks like poofter has just been banned
Doesn’t sound muck like a brexit voter to me . Sounds like a remoaning cunt. Ignore the irrelevant cunt.
Fuck off Simon. You voted, last chance you get. Fuck this shite we are out thank fuck.
Simple answer. Move to fucking Europe.
Fat double chin cunt…
Sorry to interrupt this Nom but Meghan and Harry released a statement on the deterioraring international sutuation-
you heard it from the experts. poor victims (sparles and half blood)
And who gives a fuck for their opinion?
Fucking no one, mate.
I’ll tell you who gives a fuck about their opinion…
Fucking no one – that’s who!
Hahahaha ??
Cunts! All those fucking cunts!
Subtext –
‘We are so distressed by the current world situation that we want to use it as an opportunity to promote ourselves and remind you all that we are still here”.
Sparkletits and the ginger whinger should get on the first flight out to Kabul, leave their electronic devi es at home, and assist the natives on the ground.
I don’t want to hear any more of those two unless it’s an obit. I hope they both get arse-fucked by a pack of extremely large, vicious dogs.
“…even though the events may leave people feeling “powerless” people can “put our values into action — together”.
Is the ginger cunt volunteering for another tour in Helmand?
But he’s quite right about the people feeling powerless, and the need to put our values into action. Removing freeloaders from the top and bottom of our society would be a start. Right, Harry?
That doesn’t sound at all like a pr (propoganda) statement. All we want to hear from him is who his real dad is. My money is on James Hewitt. Cunt!
I don’t even think it’s Spewitt any more. Just some random. deranged ginger hobo the Princess picked up on Kensington High Street.
Pretty sure it wasn’t that al-Fayed chap. Cunt!
I reckon it’s Bungle, from Rainbow.
Sounds like he had a fall and banged his head.
Either that or he’s developed schizophrenia.
MMCM@ – Remoanervirus.
What a thick bastard
Yes indeed.
Vote Oven.
Oooh, aaah, a new AGA!!
(Aga Khunt?!)
Think as pigshit, and a massive James O Brien fan. What a cunt.
Who the fuck gives a shit what Simon from Southampton thinks? One anonymous idiot phoning in to a radio station debate isn’t news. Who cares?
RTC@ – I asked my spiritual adviser Mr T what was the best course of action.
He said “Kill the fu”! ?
“Make the sucka feel PAIN”
If we have a second referendum and we vote leave, will he want best out of 5? Daft cunt. And I see that the faux royals have been out of the limelight for almost a week and issued a statement to prove once and for all what prize cunts they are! King and Queen cunts of cuntery!!
Simon can kiss my fuckin plums.
Only two things come out of Southampton,
Sailors and cocksuckers.
Simons not a sailor.
MNC@ – I wonder if Dame Keir has a holiday home there?
Bet he does Foxy!
Right on the waterfront?
“Yooohooo,hello sailor!
Come up and have some spinach?
Any port in a storm Popeye?
Bet Kier likes foreign sailors best,
He saw the 7th voyage of Sinbad at the pictures 30times.
Endless referenda until the “right” result is manipulated.
Fuck off to an EU Country Simon.
Don’t come back.
That is all.
I want seven referendum votes. Best of seven.
No, 11.
No, fuck it, 17.
No, no, mo, I mean 19. 19 referenda, one every few months.
Fuck it, one a month. Every month. For ever.
Bit like the Swiss model then, Capⁿ?
Or, like those cicadas that mate alternately every 13 or 17 years (depending on species) have a fresh referendum at those intervals, with the final winner emerging when they coincide after 221¹ years (cf the cicadas).
¹ ie 13×17
He seems a natural Luxembugger…
Cunt is a natural born loser.
Simon the beardy cunt is a shill. Employing left-field thinking tactics to bolster the resolve of the Remoaners and to attempt to have others see this as typical thinking.
What a cunt. Fuck off to Belgium you cunt, you can then Remain as much as you like.
Brexiteer Simon from Southampton wants another vote.
Brexiteer Simon from Southampton wants a slap.
He resembles one of those Incels, doesn’t he. A 38-year-old virgin, angry at women, Brexiteers, people who use Microsoft, men without beards, and small animals.
Coming soon: The Southampton Massacre
Needs his chocolate starfish melting with a blowtorch.
Is this the cunt who listens to James O’ Cunt on LBC? Was on Iain Dale as a guest contributor on Cross Question two weeks ago, making an absolute twat of himself. Voted Brexit but only because he was “lied to by The Sun”, which is what James O’Cunt always tells his listeners. Started saying that since he started listening to O’Cunt he’d changed his mind on immigration and now wants “as many as possible”. A sad, stupid, cunt.
Just clicked the link. Yeah that’s him. Bit of a delay on this cunting. Well deserved. The cunt looks a real sad case, saggy tits, no bird, very small cock. Not that I’ve seen it, you can just tell with some cunts.
CD@ – Anyone who is “Lied to” by the Sun kind of deserves all they get.
Ooooo someone needs to cunt James O’ Cunt big time. This is one individual who holds himself in too much high regard. Cunt needs slapping down a rung or two.
These wankstains who want as much immigration as possible, will be singing a different tune when he or his partner (Tarquin) need a hospital bed or a home and can’t get one because of the old ar-abs lying in them, or his local artisan bakery is closed down to build another cheap block of concrete flats to house the bleeders.
Brexit Simon is a wanker.
I bet his mums a prostitute, I hope she’s dead too.
I’d like to kick the scruffy cunt in the bollocks, when doubles over smack him on the back of the head with a brick.
He looks like a european
Wrap him in razor wire and run him over with a steamroller.
Probably one of them turks that think their a Englishman.
Like Boris.
Boris’s initials are bj. ‘Nuff said. Cunt!!
I voted to stay in back in 1975. Took me 41 years of lies to vote in get away from thieving bullshitting cunts.
So Simon you can fuck right off and join the EU army. WANKER.
He’d undoubtedly make a good officers’ groundsheet. Can imagine Barmer and Verhoftwat bumming him.
Quite simply, who gives a flying fuck what this rodent faced nobody says or wants?
Simon from Southampton wants another Brexit referendum and that’s news?
Some nonentity cunt throws a tantrum and wants a democratic vote overturned? Hold the front fucking page, eh?
I want the Glazers to perish in a helicopter crash, I want Christina Hendricks as my live-in errr housekeeper (let’s just say that), and I want Megain and Harry to disappear, never to be seen again. But I don’t expect to be on the news.
If this cunt was in the European army Putin would be pissing himself laughing. :Let the tanks roll tovaritsch.
He just looks unhinged so fuck him. Obviously spent too much time in his mums basement.
I voted conservative at the last election, so seeing as Boris has failed on Brexit, immigration the bbc etc, can I have another go? No I fucking can’t. Well not yet anyway.
No doubt, sometime in the distant future, we’ll have another prime minister who will want us to rejoin. Until then, I wish these people would shut the fuck up.
That’s fucking Rene from allo allo. I was pissing by the door….
Maybe he misses Gruber.
Does Simon from Southampton have a surname? He’s prepared to display his ugly dial on the MSM, so why the reticence? Might he not be wholly integrated with the UK? I also note he can’t hang a picture straight. This might be a valuable clue.
I bet his hard drive is makes interesting reading….
Definitely an O’Shithead stooge. Probably one of his thousands of “mates” he’s always bragging about, although they are usually of the camel riding Peaceful persuasion. LBC is infested with remoaner cocksuckers, one more makes no difference.
He’s changed his mind, really?
Nothing to do with bringing stuff over from the other side of the Channel with minimal inspection, then.
No do overs, you cunt.
I’ve got to say that I’ve been somewhat techy since menthol cigs were banned.
I have a solution, literally, so now I’m a happy bunny again.
Sorry if I was a mardy cunt.
Fucking cunts banning menthol cigs. It’s to keep everyone safe I suppose.
No actually. It was part of an effort to stop young people smoking. Apparently ” they” decided that menthol cigs were glamorous and appealing to kids.
Go figure, I’m in my late 60’s, smoked menthol so people who smoked OP’s didn’t ask me for one.
You’d have been safe with me. Menthol cigarettes gave me headaches for some reason. “Cool as a mountain stream” yeah, fuck off.
Strictly a No.6 / Sovereign man me. And later, when tabs by government decree were standardised to king size, a B&H man.
They were fucking awful, there was nothing glamorous, or cooling, about Consulate.
They ripped your throat lining out.
I used to buy these nifty little slimline from Mallorca. They deffo were cool.
Male kids of my generation regarded menthol cigs as effeminate, which meant at any rate they were less likely to be scrounged or stolen. Defying convention, I found that a menthol crystal (still available from, eg, Superdrug) pressed into the filter of an Escort/No.6 worked fine. Push it well in if you are averse to iced lips…
Or Google Instahit?
Dunholl Menthol were great.
Young people are now just addicted to vaping – and how long before someone decides that’s bad for your health?.
I know at least 4 cunts who have changed their minds the other way so they wipe your vote off the table Simon, you Sun reading dimmo.
When I say “at least 4 cunts” I mean I know some other cunts, besides the 4 definites, who have serious doubts. But they are middle class so they have a real problem with admitting they were ever wrong.
Have you ever heard a middle class person say …..”oh I was a right fucking prick back then”?
No, you haven’t have you?
Wouldn’t know, as I don’t know any.
Soyhampton. Say no more.