Boycott the Media (a rant)

As amusing and accurate as a lot of the comments are, and they are, isn’t it seriously time to have a boycott of all the media, picking on individuals is easy as several notable ones make it all too easy for us.

The whole London-centered TV, sports, ad agencies etc etc point the finger whilst doing very little to initiate real change, they want all of the woke/BLM stuff to carry on and on and on because they all get paid, often stupid fucking amounts, to sit on their often talentless arses, and virtue signal/accuse us white brits of, honestly I don’t really know what but it seems we’re the ones to blame.

Even those black actors who benefit from being put in front of a camera, in ridiculous situations, to advertise products made by a company owned by rich white man should see something is wrong.

I don’t know how much room I have to vent my feelings, I suspect there isn’t enough, but until we actually do something, like really fucking kick off, this country is certainly going to be no place for old white men, the white men who are descendants of those who won the two world wars and one world cup.

I realise we have no platform for even reasonable discussion, the capital-centered media gravy train is so out of touch with the rest of the country as to be both very annoying and very frustrating. I personally find myself getting angry day on day with headlines of brave young fit well paid/extremely overpaid slebs who can’t hack it but get lauded for letting people down.

The media, much like the government, does not exist for the benefit of the many, nor does it represent the many. Cannot someone with more energy and more savvy than me start to right these wrongs cos there’s only one way it’s going.

I personally would leave this country tomorrow, restrictions or not, it’s a very different country from the one I was brought up in and I genuinely feel I would be happier and maybe even prolong my life anywhere but here.

Finances make this highly unlikely, or lack of, and unfortunately I’m not one of those people who will openly beg on the social media. I’ve made the best of what I’ve been given, I’ve never asked for anything that I’m not entitled to and I’ve certainly never whinged although I’ve certainly got more grounds than a lot of the folks I read about.

I say let’s stop targeting individuals but I realise that is the crux of this website, having said that, even Jeremy Clarkson has, in this morning’s paper, had a fully justified pop at king cunt. Thanks for listening.

Nominated by – Keith Hall

84 thoughts on “Boycott the Media (a rant)

  1. Couldn’t agree more, Keith.

    I refuse to use social media. II believe it is a hive for narcissists, snowflakes, nutters, weirdos, and just plain cunts.

    I also have removed my TV aerial out and refuse to pay for either the BBC or Sky.

    The papers can fuck off and all. Especially the much hated Guardian.

    I am also sick to death of Black Lives Matter and promotion of poofters being shoved in our faces. Bollocks to the lot of it.

    • Norman@ – The voice of the angry majority.
      Well said Sir!
      Good nom KH – fertile ground! 👍😀

      • Cheers Vern.👍

        Another thing I hate is this continuous promotion of Peacefuls. We all know the BBC News turns a blind eye to their antics, but the way TV shows pander to them and try to promote them is a disgrace.

        In Doctor Who(ke) there is a nauseating sidekick who always yadders on about her ‘P@K!stani heritage’ and she says it every five minutes. East Is East Enders and Currynation Street are now full of them, and even the once great Endeavour is telling us now about the poor put upon P@K!stanis. These cunts suck Britain dry, they spread hate, they rape and murder with impunity. Yet the TV stations are trying to sell them to us?!! A joke’s a joke. They can fuck off.

  2. This is a fair point well made. The media has boycotted us, The general non reporting of the millions protesting against their vakzine passports, every weekend, is a massive case in point. Fuck them, cunts.

    • The protests are in France, of course. I am so fucking angry I can hardly type.

      • Twenty@ – Massive protests all over the UK on a weekly basis now, the MSM report NOTHING – our next one will take us to Parliament and then Downing Street – let’s see if the media report me chasing Johnson down it.
        Wait while I get in front of a fucking BBC microphone..

    • Boycotting the media?

      I’m pretty much there, Keith.

      I’m not on social media either.
      It’s all wank.

      • Ah, but ISAC is anti-social media, in at least a couple of ways. Love it.

        I like to think of it as one of the last bastions of proper free speech. You may disagree with people’s opinions, but you’re free to have them. Unlike in most places and people respect that. – DA

    • There aren’t that many things which are easy to influence but the French vaccine pass is an good example of one that can be stopped, if everyone in France just refused to sign up there is fuck all that Macron could do about it.
      The French are usually good at saying Non!

      • Does IsAC count as social media? Always thought it was limited to sites with ‘friends’ and ‘followers’.

        I blame Friends ReUnited and Tom from MySpace.

      • Dictionary definition of social media site:

        A form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, messages, and other content (such as videos).

      • I think ISAC counts more as antisocial media, thankfully.
        Every time I visit here, I half expect the site to be gone, with only a sanctimonious “message of hope for the future” from Google left to fill the gap…

        It’s surprising we still exist really – DA

      • I really have concerns for the demise of this splendid forum once some infuential cuntee decides they can’t take a joke and pulls some strings in high places to get the site unhosted.

        You just know it is coming. I suppose the only way aroudn this is to host the site in some faraway country where the sensitive Marxists can’t interfere with it.

      • “Earn extra citizen points by reporting a family member or friend”
        (The Running Man)

      • It is my understanding that ISAC is safely hosted beyond these shores, GibTelecom or summat. Moved during March this year, I think.

        It’s complicated. We can still be taken down and done for things under UK law. Hence why we have the rules. – DA

      • I have no issue with the rules, they seem reasonable enough, regardless of UK law.

  3. Christ, what a resonating nom!

    The MSM is jam-packed full of skewed nonsense and the kind of shite (i.e. their kind) that these cunts want you to digest..

    The BBC is the main offender. ITV isn’t far behind. The tacky tabloids would rather show you stills from Love Island or similar ‘bread and circuses’ entertainment, guaranteed to blunt any residual intelligence of the viewer.

    My wife’s Aunt complained about the monthy paper bill – over sixty notes per month. I told her to save her cash and join ISAC instead!

  4. There is only one story on the MSM today, and the last few days…

    All the rants about everything from BLM to XR to LGBT are played out on social media, shut down fucking Twitter, Fuckbook, insta-tictoc and much of the shit we have to put up with would disappear. MSM seem to spend an awful lot of airtime reporting on what is happening on social media, usually stuff driven be a minority of cunts.

  5. I still log into ITV player once a week for Henry Cole’s Motorcycle Show and even that has a (presumably compulsory) token segment every week about wimminz achievements in motorcycling, like it’s something new. Women have been riding bikes ever since bikes were invented and it’s nothing new at all, just an annoying finger wagging from the media overlords.
    Apart from that, even a few seconds of TV or leafing through my old Dad’s newspaper has my piss boiling and blood pressure skyrocketing.
    Blow them all out, the cunts…

    • BB@ – I have stopped watching the Motorcycle Show as Cole has turned into a nasty whining little shit who constantly preaches about waycism, slavery and wimminz rights.
      Hateful little cunt he is.

      • I’ve only watched two so far, still have the rest to watch but if that’s the way it’s going then he can stuff the show up his Eton arsehole.
        In fairness I suspect it’s the only way Henry & co are allowed to make any UK programming at all. Toe the line or we trash your company, reputation etc.

        To quote a popular Youtuber who’s disgusted with all this shite…

        “Without respect, we reject”

  6. There is no need to represent the Silent Majority anymore.
    We will all be dead and the island will become a caliphate.
    Anyone with any money will have fucked off to Poland or maybe Hungary.
    Britain is a sponge for the world’s filth and the MSM revel in it.
    Oven the cunts.

  7. I used to be a journalist and have done everything from reporting to editing a daily newspaper but the standard of today´s “journalists” makes me despair. A couple of examples from the last two days, both from CNN. The Taliban obviously knew the Afghan army would collapse and have been doing a massive PR job over the last week, letting the western media in and telling them all kinds of lies about how they will not take revenge etc. Believe it or not but one CNN hackette was wearing the full black head to toe outfit, with only her face showing as she faced the camera. This is the kind of bint who would be accusing western males of sexism if they told her how to dress. After the earthquake in Haiti, an American reporter was standing at the site of a collapsed building where dozens of people were dead or trapped. Behind him looters were removing metal bars and sheets, making no attempt to help with the rescue efforts. He described them as “opportunistic” as if they were admirable entrepreneurs.

    • I saw a clip of that CNN bitch. With a perfectly straight face she says to camera…” They are shouting death to America but they seem quite friendly.”
      The same school of journalism that reports on “mostly peaceful protests “ while in the background buildings are burning and cunts are strolling by with massive great tellies.
      Fucking joke.

      • FtF@ – “They are playing a friendly game of football. With a Christians head”..

    • Me too, Mr P. But the days when a journalist started at the bottom of the pile are sadly long gone. Hours-long council meetings (while the editor was “researching” in the pub) honed your powers of staying awake, if necessary stomaching days-old council Cona coffee, picking out anything of slightly greater interest and writing it up, without inserting your own opinion, and in comprehensible English. After a while you could progress to better things and even write the weekly thinkpiece if the editor couldn’t be arsed. But it was very much a progression. Walk before you can run stuff.

      Nowadays, a “journalist” is a little-girly woman who cannot speak the Queen’s English or an understandable dialect thereof. She has a journalism degree, and wants to start at the top, writing volumes of guff about lipstick and shoes in the fashion supplement. Asked to go out in the pissing rain to cover a car crash, her lower lip quivers and she pleads a rain allergy, if necessary taking it to a tribunal.
      Her speciality ( as she was indoctrinated on the degree course) is “human interest”, which is what the media are for. Not facts. Not informed comment and analysis. Human interest with cute or shocking pics, please.

      Gaaah. I feel a rant coming on.

      • Hee-Hee, I remember those days, endless council meetings, village fetes, anniversaries, dealing with the local single-issue nutter, cheque presentations, and the one that really toughened you up – death knocks after fatal accidents.

  8. I don’t have a TV licence and only watch occasional catch ups and films on channel 4. I only have one newspaper a week on a saturday for the weekend footy. Fuck the media! Also, has anyone else noticed that only very effeminate gays get presenting jobs; Joe Lycett, Tom Allen (can’t believe this cunt gets away with 1980’s humour when a straight guy would be pilloried) and Rylan Clark Neal. Cunts!!

  9. This nom very much sums up my feelings. It also sums up the feelings of a fair number of my customers, over a cuppa.
    There’s a lot of anger out there. I often wonder if it will ever boil over and how severe it will be.
    Meanwhile, dinghy’s keep arriving and now, planeloads of lovely Afghans are on their way to add to our enrichment.
    After twenty years of dead and injured service personnel we pull out of the Afghan shithole, having achieved the sum total of fuck all.
    Why did we bother ?
    Another example of Lions led by Donkeys.
    I absolutely despair, I really do.
    The West is weak and it shows.
    The Sun is setting.

  10. Little known fact.

    In Afghanistan they wear a different type of headgear when there is blustery weather conditions, it’s a wind turban….

  11. I’ve always thought ropers are cunts, because that’s what they are (mostly). However, I just thought the Kalergi theory was a step far, and the politicians were incompetent and hadn’t really noticed how many of the cunts there were, or just how bad they are. One day maybe they’d wake up and say “ oh we’ve fucked it here, let’s start sorting it out”.

    Now I still think politicians are incompetent, but they are trying and succeeding in the Kalergi plan. You don’t have to be competent, you just keep the doors open, bring their boats over, pretty much let them off for bombing Manchester Arena, let them have kids, start begging them to come from wherever the fuck, let them build their fucking “places of worship” and “schools”.

    So, I believe it’s happening. It’s fucking obvious but I’m still not sure why. Why the fuck would you WANT these cunts? You’ve still got to rule them and when there’s enough of them they’ll turn on you. Is it just that they hate Western culture? I guess that’s all it is…

    Fucking cunts.

    • Maybe these career politicians (and presumably their offspring) fancy a position in the totalitarian regime that will eventually rise from the cesspit that used to be called civilization.
      Better to be inside the jackboot than beneath it…

      • Maybe that’s it. Would have thought that was far fetched years back but it sort of looks like that. Not to say ALL Ropers are cunts but it’s a lot and obviously plenty of them are anti West. Stabbing Christians at Speakers Corner, grooming gangs, the dinghies. Working people have to pay for all this shit and now we’ve got these cunt politicians telling us how “generous” they’re going to be with these Afghans, when soldiers who fought there are homeless. It’s a fucking disgrace.

      • BB@ – Got it in a nutshell – the “elites” think they will use their money to be left alone.
        Boy, have they got a shock coming.

    • If the Kalergi plan is real, how come the East get to keep being the East; at least for now?

      • I don’t know. You probably don’t HAVE to go along with. Fuckin who knows if it’s real. Maybe politicians just don’t know what the they’re fucking doing. Even though it looks real I can’t see what the fuck the benefits of it would be.

        You keep bringing ultra conservative religious types in (and that’s being kind!) then it’s there’s going to be problems. I don’t know why anyone would choose to have MORE of it and why the media think MORE of it is good.

        After Manchester, Paris and all the other stuff it was time to look at reigning things in. Close the extremist mosques, reduce risky immigration, lots more things could be done without going fucking mental and there’s plenty of other types of immigration. Hong Kong, Copts in Egypt etc etc. There’d be fuck all issues with them. Maybe just a lack of space.

  12. I think you have to engage with the MSM, it’s there we find the narrative they are being told to set.

    Once you see the MSM lined up for or against someone or something you get a good grasp of what’s coming.

    Today for example we see much of the MSM lined up to condemn Biden.

    Even the BBC and CNN are kicking him. I’d lay money on more revelations to come from Hunter’s laptop or leaked from “anonymous sources” very soon. Either way Biden is on his way out, Pelosi and Kamel toe Harris are circling the living corpse waiting.

    There was much of what Biden said in the run up to the US election that would have failed a fact check, hunters laptop story was smothered by the MSM to smooth his passage into power.

    I think it’s wise to keep an eye on the MSM no matter how detestable they are.

    • I agree. If it hadn’t been for the papers telling us Mandelson was back in circulation hovering round Starmer’s arsehole, Starmer would doubtless said nothing (as he does about most things). It was the Telegraph who told us back in 2009 about the shitstain MPs taking money they were not entitled to – at least that saw an end to Hazel Blears and her ilk.

      As for Biden, it becomes increasingly clear the old cunt is senile, he barely knows what day of the week it is, let alone anything else. It seems clear he was the wooden horse for Harris as the Democrats were sensible enough to know the voters would not have let the darkie win. No doubt next year she will be President, and the Polozi tart will be her very own Mandelson.

  13. They are busy telling us to take thousands upon thousands of Afghans. They will be lovely people they say. Their children will put on the burka and will want to kill us like Abedi. I’m fucking sick of this bollox.

    • The only explanation I can think of is that they believe that if you control the Imams you control the rest of the cunts and you can buy the Imams and Ayotollahs with money, prozzies etc. They make the mistake of believing that these cunts think like them.They don’t.

    • Smugcunt@ – Number of Afghan “refugees” taken by the surrounding muslim Countries? None.
      This is not humanitarianism – it is an invasion.

  14. Many thanks for the responses, I’m knocking on a bit now and I live on my own, it would be easy to think that this is the way things are now but I know I’m not alone in being both angry and baffled by the way we are subjected to drivel on a massive scale on a daily basis. I feel for the 70 years old couple in Carlisle who must wonder what the fuck has happened to their country every time they open a newspaper or switch on the TV. I’m starting to rant again now and it’s not good for the bp. Thanks again.

  15. Yesterday Rory Stewart, the pint sized former Conservative MP and would-be LOndon Mayor, said we “must” take “thousands” of them.

    He does realise we are a small island and already have many passengers on the RNLI water taxi service arriving unannounced every day, I take it?

    • WCB@ -What’s wrong with muslim Countries taking muslim “refugees”?
      I will be loudly shouting that at the Waitrose mafia every time they start from now on.

      • Ask the fuckers how many ‘refugees’ they’ll be taking. Tell them they get a free avocado for every medieval rapist they house at their expense.

  16. The whole media complex is in effect a conspiracy to censor the views of ordinary people, to neuter common sense and black out anything with which they disagree. For a while I had thought that sites like You Tube would redress that because you can watch what you choose. It largely still is, but they too are showing signs of wanting to ban anything they consider unpalatable.

    Excellent and heartfelt cunting.

  17. Spot on cunting.
    Coudenhove-Kalergi rolls on, full steam ahead, all the usual suspects have tto do is deny it, claim it’s a conspiracy theory.
    I came back to GB in mid 2015; if only I’d known, I’d have done anything to stay in Austria. Only yesterday, their comment on accepting even more gimme grunts was “We have our own population to protect.”
    Three years of being treated for depression… I barely recognise this country. I, too, would be away like a shot if it were possible. Who knows, the Swiss might, just might, give me back my C-Permit (surrendered voluntarily on departure). Maybe I could even claim political refuge!
    Britain is fucked beyond the point of return.

  18. I am in no doubt that the government control the media.
    All media, TV, radio, newspapers and social media.

    I can’t see how every editor can come to the same decision that it’s acceptable not to publish the race of black and Asian criminals, no matter how horrible their crimes were.

    I can’t see why any comment which doesn’t follow the narrative on Facebook gets immediately taken down.
    I don’t understand why videos which dispute government statistics about COVID are removed from YouTube.

    Surely there must be a free thinking editor somewhere who wants to air a different point of view.

    I am not sure what hold the government has over an alleged ‘free press’, but I can’t see any other explanation.

    • TAC@ – Well, the woke shitfest that is GB News has certainly been a massive disappointment.
      I am currently trying to get young Farage back into politics – he would win in a landslide.
      Laurence Fox has turned out to be the shill I always suspected he was.

  19. It is my dream that one day, I will be accosted in the street by that hatchet-faced megacunt Kay Burley, mike in hand, and her saying “Hi, you’re live on sky news”……..unfortunately, it’ll never happen, as I tend to stay out of Londonistan as it’s even more of a third-world shithole than the rest of the UK.

    • Compared to what it used to be like, London is now more of a third world shithole than a good chunk of the actual third world. And it’s getting worse by the day.

    • The Kay Burley who ignored lockdown rules, yet quietly slipped back into her role on sky news? the fucking hypocrite

  20. This nom brings several points to mind. The expression “silent majority” is particularly relevant in the UK I think. Tiny minorities of the crazy and/or disaffected make a lot of noise but I believe the vast majority say nothing and regard them with contempt. Complaining tends not to be the British way. Businesses fail without knowing why, when they are perceived to offer poor quality goods or services and the customers quietly go elsewhere; witness Rover. The referendum on Brexit was called because the establishment thought they had it stitched up. I was amused when Jon Humphrys told us how the managers in Broadcasting House on the day after appeared to be shell-shocked! The MSM have supplied a valuable service to democracy over the years, e.g. the Times’ exposure of rampant corruption in the MET back in the sixties and the more recent exposure by the Telegraph of the MPs expenses scandal. As for boycotting the MSM, surely we are already well on the way there? Look at the newspaper’s circulation figures over recent years and an MP recently advised the BBC that they were heading for extinction due to the way they are losing licence payers at an ever-increasing rate. I’m rabbiting on again. Sorry.

  21. The media is a one-way broadcast from the minds of the ruling elite straight into your heads. The most powerful weapon of all, because with it you can disarm and program your enemy without any force.

    Intel (CIA, MI6) are embedded throughout the news sphere, and indirectly feeding their poisonous shite to unsuspecting journalists too.

    We saw it with the Iraq war. We see it now with Covid. When there’s a narrative to push it’s unbelievably obvious strings are being pulled from high places.

    Turn it off. Stop letting them shit into your skull.

  22. I think some people see what they want to see, and no amount of reasoning will ever be enough. For a couple of years some have said they preferred to watch RT or Press TV, because they reckoned it was more accurate, yet both are state run by anti western nations, who quite happily dish any dirt, both real and made up, on the U.K. and US, have pushed pro Brexit stories and viewpoints not because of democracy, but hoping that it would destabilise Europe and effect the NATO alliance.
    Now, even those lying lumps of crap, who will never hold their own governments to account, are too ‘msm’ and have turned to sewers like bitchute and the lunatic fringe, and anyone who isn’t on board with whatever their opinion is are ‘shills’ who are paid by the elites to brainwash others against them. Nearly every week someone complains that the MSM aren’t reporting on some protest or other, and every time I post links to articles reporting on those incidents. It seems unless the reporting is firmly on their side, these articles, if acknowledged, are ‘more lies’

    Anyone who thinks the Beeb is a government mouthpiece hasn’t listened to radio four. As for the rest? It seems the world’s press have all called out Biden for his shitshow of a withdrawal from Afghanistan, which goes against the whole MSM loves Biden narrative spouted by so many. The British government has taken a fair amount of stick from all sides of the press for its role in the withdrawal, yet with America leaving I can’t see what the U.K. could achieve on its own there, militarily at least.

    I suppose I’ll be labelled a ‘shill’ for trying to have some perspective on this, but ISaC isn’t an echo chamber, so I don’t give a fuck. I’m no fan of the Beeb, far from it, but they have plenty of real issues to be held up for. Bias and lies by omission being two for starters.

    • The point is any major MSM outlet, domestic or foreign, should be taken with a dumptruck full of salt. Who funds these organisations, and what are their affiliations?

      Advertisers pay huge sums for tiny smippets of airtime. They would not do that if TV/Radio was not effective at influencing minds. It’s a logical conclusion that those with bigger agendas would likewise seek to abuse this technological power.

      The mono-directional nature of media is exemplified with the CV19 No10 briefings. No real questions, stage managed.

      People are looking elsewhere for answers because MSM does not accept questions. It tells you how it is. I prefer a dialogue, not a fucking sermon by some bubblehead being paid a six-figure salary.

      • So ignore everything from a regulated and legally liable outlet, yet believe everything that gets put in videos by people who don’t have to back up their claims with facts or face prosecution, many of whom make a tidy sum of cash from it.

  23. Turn off the telly, the radio and that abyss called social media, and you experience life free from noise and fear. Just do it for a few days, a week even; you will feel like you’ve been having personalised lessons from a Zen Master. I pick my bias with care when I want to hear some.

    As Bill Hicks said “Watch CNN headline news for an hour, its the most depressing fucking thing: war, famine, death, AIDS, homeless, recession, depression… And you look out your window… Where’s all this shit happening?!”

  24. OP is so right with this nom. However I sense the tide is turning. The snowflakes are growing up an starting to realise that they cannot change the world by posting on social media. Heard much from Greta or climate extinction lately? Footballers getting booed for taking the knee, I stopped buying anything from companies who advertise using exclusively minority actors, obviously don’t want my money. not bought a tv licence in ten years. Got no social media presence. All these things modern businesses need to reach out and either sell you something, or use you to sell something. Common sense will prevail, like it did with the EU referendum

  25. Evenin’ / Mornin’ / A’noon Keith

    “…the capital-centered media gravy train is so out of touch with the rest of the country…”

    No no and thrice no!!! This is a fundamental but understandable assumption/conclusion/mistake to make. The reverse is true; ty have their finger firmly on the public pulse and know EXACTLY how far they can ‘nudge’ the herd. These are not amateurs we’re dealing with here, they’ve got this down to a fine art.

    “The media, much like the government, does not exist for the benefit of the many, nor does it represent the many.”

    Because that is not its function. Never was. ANY government’s first priority is self-preservation in aid of which it deploys self-justification.

    “I personally would leave this country tomorrow,”

    But where would you go? There’s nowhere left to run. Do we all retreat into ever more isolated and diminishing ‘enclaves’ in Wales? The West country? The Hebrides? Ireland? Iceland? Fuck that game plan with a spikey cactus!

    “…until we actually do something, like really fucking kick off, this country is certainly going to be no place for old white men…”

    That’s the plan chap and it’s all going better than they had any right to expect.

    “…the white men who are descendants of those who won the two world wars,,,”

    If only that were the case, by no measure could we be called ‘the winners’. We were set up to be the net losers in both. For a start Roosevelt was little more than a loan sharking, asset stripping gangster and basically robbed us fucking blind. For example… (and this is just one of countless similar pronouncements)

    Roosevelt – cabinet meeting May 1942 – as recorded by the Vice President Henry Wallace in his private diary…
    “…my great dream and ambition is the DESTRUCTION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE beginning with India.”

    …with ‘friends’ like that etc etc

    “… and one world cup.”

    Don’t give a toss about that really, just bread ‘n circuses.

    “Cannot someone with more energy and more savvy than me start to right these wrongs…”

    I hear you but the danger there is the adoption of the messianic ‘saviour’ personality cult whereby a whole populace invests/surrenders/gambles its fate on the whims of a single charismatic individual.. Stalin, Churchill, Adolf, Mao, it makes no difference. Besides, with the media under complete ‘smurf’ control such an individual would never get a platform. It’s down to you.. me…us… to pull this off Keith by finding the causes, sifting the facts from the horseshit and passing it on face to face
    You’ve got to find the source of those cyclical, ever repeating “wrongs” and it’s a filthy sea in which to dive with no shallow end but an essential and accessible springboard is the first hand account of one who was literally sat next to the seat of power..

    Benjamin Freedman’s critical Willard Hotel speech in 1961

  26. The Covid reporting is a joke. It’s been sold as massively dangerous and the goalposts have been continuously moved. Told that lockdowns are to protect the aged, but once everyone is vaccinated it moves onto children having to be vaccinated. Now you’re hearing more and more about booster shots.

    Also, there’s been no question of bringing everyone over from Afghanistan. It’s been presented as a matter of course, at a time when close to a thousand illegal migrants enter in each day on boats. The people brought over from Afghanistan are going to cost a fortune and have not been fully vetted. That’s very occasionally mentioned in the paper but the narrative is much more “thank god we’ve managed to bring so many of them over here”

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