For many years, some people would post a link to YouTube as ‘evidence’ of some ridiculous claim they were making, and to them it seemed better than any peer reviewed or reliable information available, usually because it fed their paranoid delusions.
But lately, Youtube has been ruined. Not by those fucking adverts that are there mainly to bore people into signing up for their premium, ad free service, but because of those pesky fact checking fuckers.
For years, the internet has allowed anyone to say anything about anybody, without a shred of evidence to back up their claims. The printed press and what is now labelled the ‘MSM’ have to by law provide concrete evidence of any accusation against an individual or organisation if it is going to make claims that are in any way damaging.
As it should, because if you are potentially going to ruin someone’s life or business, you need incontestable evidence of what you are accusing them of. Some people are thick, read a headline and make their opinions on that, and even if the person is exonerated completely, they will utter shit such as ‘there’s no smoke without fire’.
Enter the new platforms bitchute and brandnewtube, which look like budget versions of YouTube, and seem toe catering exclusively for the tinfoil brigade. I clicked on a link or two to see what was being given in ‘evidence’ of some kind, and it’s just rubbish.
The promoted content that surrounds the video was all the usual suspects, Pier Corbyn, Vernon Coleman, and other agitators, who I was going to refer to as loonies, but they are making money out of their shite.
Money. Yes, that’s a big factor with the whole conspiracy industry, as that is what it has become, and the 3am loners and stoners can’t wait to shower these bullshitters with cash.
Nominated by – Gutstick Japseye
There was a fairly interesting video about pizzagate on YouTube by someone called mouthy Buddha. Rather unfounded, but alright.
They got deplatfomed and went to bitchute. Their follow up about the history of the world was so anti-Semitic I gave up after 5 minutes. I think it’s still up too. Freedom of speech is one thing, giving voices to allow anyone to spew hatred without facts/evidence is another.
Indeed, LB. Sooshul Meedja give Carte blanche to loons to regurgitate their garbage as infinitum. The tinfoil brigade have never had it so good.
Some really strange coincidences with that Pizza pea dough shite. Those emails were fucking weird as fuck I recall.
Ok, I’d best stop before the 5G rays read my mind and give me the Aids.
When the MSM, government, and institutions, are engaging in bare faced lies and distortions then it’s only natural that people with functioning faculties are going to start groping around in the dark for answers. They will make errors and poor judgements, like with learning anything, as they fumble for a new plateau of truth. Our education system doesn’t teach people how to think, especially in regards to authority, and you’re surprised people make mistakes?
You can’t just fall back and rest on the prestige of institutions, Japseye. This idea that peer review and institutional eminence resolves all intellectual quandary is just a fucking fantasy.
It’s like believing all judges are angels, that the judicial system is incorruptible. It’s fucking bullshit.
Why am I getting a sinking feeling about this thread once a couple of others wake up… – DA
Just another crazy day on Arthur C. ISAC’s Amazing World of Cunts, DA.
DA – Well, I’d be surprised if it didn’t get heated. Can’t expect everyone to share a singular philosophy on how we ought to be thinking.
Nah it’s not that. I’m waiting on Basement Bob to post 30x in 10 minutes like a blitzkrieg in my admin panel. – DA
I doubt it’ll get heated. People are getting tired of arguing with conspiracy loons. It’s a waste of time.
Worst ‘argument’ I hear is ‘Whatever your government/establishment tells you, you should believe the exact opposite.’
Because that is not a fucking argument. Do governments lie? Yes. Does the media lie? Yes. Mostly by ommision and narrative. All the time on absolutely everything? Nah.
There are too many (and I’m guilty of this too at times) who only believe in stuff that suits their own narratives. They dismiss any evidence which shows a counter narrative. Cherry picking is another trait I’ve noticed too (one expert says ‘x’ but 50,000 say ‘y’ but they dismiss all the ‘ys’ as shills or whatever.) Again, not good enough evidence to convince me, sorry. Doesn’t mean I dismiss the minority argument, it just means I’ll find it hard to be convinced of it. Screaming ‘They’re just shills, all of them – wake up sheeple!’ at me just makes me think you’re a mental, sorry.
However, we can’t totally dismiss stuff on other platforms. There are some edgy vids with facts (I’m taking about how different groups are more likely to commit certain crimes like murder, rape etc.) I’m taking vids with official government stats to back up their points, but the content is too controversial for YouTube to touch.
But this is not the case in the majority of vids I’ve seen on Bitchute, sadly. Some absolute nutjobs on there who make David Icke sound credible.
Yes, because people who voted for Blair are paragons of truth and virtue RTC. ?
You could always run to Reuters to fact check any claims Chunky.
The same Reuters fact checkers whose Chairman is Jim Smith who is also on the board of Pfizer and goes by the name of James Smith.
Dr. Phil Magness (an economic and political historian) has looked at a number of ”fact-checking organisations,” including NewsGuard (who was parented with Microsoft and others). They do not have “expertise” in much of anything, except perhaps English literature and journalism!
But still more factual than MSM
Bitchute has a layout like a 5 year old with attention deficit syndrome made it. Went on it for 5 minutes a few months ago; it was like visiting a digital asylum.
I find it easier and healthier to listen to Talk Radio because good questions are asked and answered by experts on both sides of an argument and its not tarred with the loony brush.
Tim Burton is really showing his age…
Looks like a 20th Century Dr.Who or the bastard lovechild of Keith Richards and Ann Widdecombe.
You leave ISAC’s resident pin-up out of this (the delectable Ms. Widdecombe of course – phwaoar not ‘alf).
Great cunting GJ – I could not agree more. ?
Thanks RTC. I’ve got a bit cheesed of with them lately, not random people on the internet, but two people in particular I know who have disappeared completely down the rabbit hole. Before last year I thought self radicalisation through the internet was bollocks, yet I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
Struck off, fraudster, ex-doctor Andrew Wakefield seems to be getting rich from Yanky fools. And killing a lot of them. Follow the money as Gutsick says.
Wakefield is a greedy, narcissistic psychopath. Shipman was a saint by comparison.
Does this apply to pharma whores like Fauci, Whitty, and Hancock?
I’d wager selling a few books is peanuts compared to the backhanders you get for shilling pharmaceutical products.
He was right though btw. Question the church of pharma and you get crucified.
Correct. Farage referenced the lobbying power & control they have over global government & other institutions on his GB news 7pm slot last night. He stated it’s frighteningly the biggest power / stronghold that anyone has globally.
These cunts should be manufacturing to meet healthcare demands, not demanding governments order stuff from them in order to manufacture.
Just been reading about Saint Athanasius of Alexandria. The famous quote about him-‘Athanasius against the whole world’. The point here (I better say in my belief). The whole Christian world was heretical. One man was orthodox.
Looking at the picture of Piers Corbyn. Could he be kind of like an Athanasius in the modern secular world. Everyone else is wrong and Piers Corbyn is right.
Watching a speaker on Youtube about the ‘conspiracy theory mentality’. He said you can’t argue with them because they have all the information. They know all there is to know about the conspiracy because that’s all they think about all day.
Wasn’t he hoaxed recently into taking a bung?
Who Saint Athanasius? He’s been dead for over a thousand years.
Oh Piers. Yes I heard that. Really has undermined his credibility I would have thought. It was monopoly money.
?St Athanasius would never have taken a bung !
Yes your right
Piers was conned into taking a bribe to only question some covid vaccination, but not Astra zeneca.
True to his convictions he took the bribe which turned out to be monopoly money.
What a cunt. Just like his brother.
“If the Father begat the Son, he that was begotten had a beginning of existence: hence it is that there was when the Son was not. It follows then of necessity that he had his existence from the non-existence”. (Arius)
I still think the Arians were no more mad than the Athanasians. Neither faction could produce data to support their claims.
Just saying. How did we get here?
But the Athanasian belief has gone on to become the orthodox (in the sense of ‘right thinking’) position. While the heresy Arianism faded away.
Providence proves the truth of it.
If you’ll believe that you’ll believe….oh, wait. You do.
I’m holding a pin here. How many angels?
I remember reading about this debate in Gibbon. Very abstract.
‘Homoousios and Homoiousios
The First Council of Nicaea in 325 debated the terms homoousios and homoiousios. The word homoousios means “same substance”, whereas the word homoiousios means “similar substance”. The council affirmed the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Godhead) are of the homoousious (same substance). This is the source of the English idiom “differ not by one iota.” Note that the words homoousios and homoiousios differ only by one ‘i’ (or the Greek letter iota). Thus, to say two things differ not one iota, is to say that they are the same substance’
And there you have the difference between the Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox- Homoousios and Homoiousios.
Not to be confused with Hummus.
Greeks are all hummusexuals.
In Thailand they say ‘ Same, same but different’.
I have just taken a look at Bitchute and these are some of the edifying and informative videos on offer –
– Antarctica : alien secrets beneath the ice !
– Agatha Christie decoded !
– Big pharma is coming for your children !
– All the vaccinated have been chipped !
– A Rothschild speaks out !
– Big pharmas worst nightmare – David Icke!
– The lie of Apollo 11
– Proof the Earth is not a spinning ball !
– Charles Manson on the Jews and WW2
– Albert Einstein – plagiarist of the century !
– Brexit morons !
It’s like National Enquirer, but for those with an even lower iq.
Fuck a duck, Peter Capaldi has hit the meth hard.
The latest conspiracy is that the Taliban uprising is a false flag fake event. The airport is a film set and the airplanes aren’t real just inflatables. I love the imagination these people have.
This is deliberate shite put out to stop people asking questions.
There was an ex-para who served in Afghan on talkradio yesterday. He made the point I would make; you are having a fucking laugh if you think our intel didn’t see this coming, or could have put a stop to this by eliminating the training camps years ago.
It’s fucking theatre. The deaths and misery is real though.
‘This is deliberate shite put out to stop people asking questions’
So its a conspiracy to cover up a conspiracy?
Disinformation campaigns. Destroying credibility by association with obvious nonsense.
The immediate response to seeing nonsense is to look for sense from reliable sources, not to keep asking difficult questions. It works.
Do they mention Covid at all ?
Incessantly Dick. It’s like a gateway drug for them, get you hooked on that hokum, then they hit you with the 5G, bit of holocaust denial, next thing you know you’re calling everyone shill, sheeple and telling everyone to wake up with the caps lock on.
Even mad cunts need a hobby.
Mad cunts used to just collect stamps or construct elaborate model railways.
Never been on bitshite or the other thing.
Im happy to receive my information via radio waves transmitted directly to my brain via the mothership.
Although the article about how the CIA are working with vampire Jews to steal peoples shadows rings true.
Live long and prosper
Nanu nanu….
There is some good stuff on these platforms and there is batshit crazy stuff on there too.
Not everything that challenges the bullshit that passes for the mainstream media has to be necessarily conspiracies or tinfoil hat wearer (yawn) though not everything is accurate either (bit like the beloved mainstream media) far from it obviously.
I think we should be grateful for what freedom of speech still remains on whatever platform because it is rapidly becoming a thing of the past in true Orwellian style.
Look no further than horse teeth NZ pound shop tyrant and mainstream media darling (naturally) Jacinda Ardern for evidence (yes that’s evidence and not conspiracy) and her “single source of truth” bollocks while she locks down a healthy nation over one case of Con-a-virus.
Don’t you dare question anything and do as you are told like good little citizens.
She is fucking insane going on an impossible mission (for now at least) for zero covid. Absolute nutcase.
There is some thought provoking stuff on Bitchute, but there is a lot of mental stuff. Lots of huge claims with no evidence (or bullshit evidence).
I also saw the most right wing mad as fuck video of all time on there. About 8-10 hours long called summat like Battle Europa (I think I could be wrong).
I lasted about 15 minutes. Even Adolf would’ve said ‘Gone a bit too far there lad.’
Every voice has a right to be heard’….
Said some crank.
I enjoy listening to conspiracy stuff, its funny!
But they all tend to look like Piers, clash with their social worker, the authorities,
The council, local MP, etc
Who are all working together to destroy them.
But it can be destructive.
If your missus leaves you saying your like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters of the third kind,
Your workmates take the piss
Your facing court action etc
Then chill the fuck out and drop your obsession.
Its effecting your life.
* That Richard Dreyfuss?
Hollywood jew!!!
Bet he meets under the pizza shop if you know what I mean.
Watch yourselves Truthseekers
They have eyes everywhere…
Indeed MNC.
These fuckers have eyes everywhere.
They’re often too close together as well.
Everything is a lie, the truth is out there, leave no stone unturned and finally
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
Heard that one before ?
It’s alright for you lot – I’ve got hell on here defending my moonbase against fkin vampire Jews – why did the CIA give them laser weapons ffs? (Luckily only MNC knows about my deal with the moonmen and the recent delivery of 50 litres of Country Cream paint has guaranteed my evil secret is safe! ?).
I have found in my experience that questioning obvious BS is for some a mission, for some (the barmy Bitchute mob) an ego trip and for some an income and when the MSM trots out propaganda and blatant untruths they are never challenged on it does make me wonder who is pulling the strings and why.
When there is a lack of truth the void is filled with nonsense, filter out 90% then remove around another 9%, and the fact is at the bottom – it’s like panning for gold in the dark. (And both elongated and hellishly frustrating from my experience – when taxpayer funded and answerable Government departments will use any excuse and need to be threatened with legal action to force them to produce basic facts it makes me wonder what they have to hide).
But when one side of a debate is silenced by intimidation and threats of legal action and people who are recognised “go to” experts are sacked, ridiculed and demonised for having a different point of view and we are fed total bollocks by farcebook, twitter etc self proclaimed “fact checkers” who turn out to be shills for big pharma (former news provider Reuters being a classic example) it smacks of propaganda and gaslighting.
Gut feeling isn’t wrong, and what the behavioural experts and psychologists the “Government” employ (directly or secondarily) are doing to to people is just plain wrong and IMO rather sinister..
Is our government liars?
Are they devious, conniving, and self serving?
Did they take advantage of the covid situation?
Well, i would if it was me,
So yes
Are they drinking babies blood in secret meetings?
Champagne is more to their palate.
Do I believe everything im told?
Do I believe everything I read?
Am I pro government?
Am I fuck.
Am I anti establishment?
I dont believe any cunt whos either grinning sincerely
Or eyes are bugging with righteous zeal.
If someones shouting theyre probably lying.
MNC@ – The madness in always in the glaring eyes and the increasing hysteria when they are challenged with facts, a classic defence is when they start bellowing insults and try and shift the conversation because they know their nonsense will not stand up to scrutiny – their MO is very similar to the tactics the leftists use.
We live in an age where the taliban have an official twitter account and we are told to believe Men are Women – strange times!
A typical moonbat window licker (and youtube exile), vile stuff.
I’ve never been to either site, as i’m a shill for big pharma and 77th brigade ops sat in GCHQ Bude.
Its a problem when the Lancet, Scientific American and Nature all get told by a group of senior researchers that the lab leak theory is a conspiracy theory, and sites like Vox and Slate slap ‘racist!’ on it as well.
It’s also a problem when the media assert that Trump colluded with the Russians and there’s loads of evidence ‘being looked at’.
I thought all the 77th shills were hiding out (not very well hidden) at ?
They can’t keep up with burying threads created exposing media lies. More pruning goes on by the 77th in a week than the Beech grove garden has seen since day 1.
On YouTube, who checks the Fact Checkers?
Fact checking “fact checkers” is not allowed.
We did not have “fact checkers” before, we just had facts or bull.
It was recently confirmed (again) that Ilhan Omar, the peaceful yank politician married her own brother and committed immigration fraud. When the allegations first came out fact checkers all over the internet decreed them false. Ask yourself why someone would want to become a fact checker, to prevent the spread of misinformation and improve the human condition? Or to promote one political viewpoint and suppress opposing views? It’s a fucking conspiracy. The racist baby meme was fact checked on Twitter and found false, lefties have no self awareness or sense of humour.
How many of the loons look at articles that oppose their views? Confirmation bias is so prevalent among them that they can never have a balanced view. You can tell this when someone posts about some protest somewhere and say the ‘msm’ will never report on this, and even when you post several links to online articles in big news outlets you are either ignored or it’s blasted as propaganda because it dares to be unbiased. Remember the slamming GB News had for daring to be unbiased? That shows how far you’ve gone if unbiased is not good enough.
Instead, get on the net and brainwash yourself with anti establishment propaganda. Half the crap on there is pumped into social media by foreign governments who would love to see a collapse in law and order in the West, others are pushed by religious nutters, especially the anti joos stuff.
I try to watch some of the links people put up, sometimes out of curiosity. What do they have to say? What is the level of evidence required by the person posting the link? In all honesty I can barely watch a couple of minutes before I have to fuck them off, as they are usually nonsense.
The ‘msm’ are far far from perfect, but as I said above they have to have serious evidence to back up anything they broadcast or print, particularly if it defames or accuses someone of criminal or moral outrage. No one on these cunt platforms can say that.
The world’s press has been scathing for the last week about the withdrawal from Afghanistan, slamming the American and the British governments, with Biden and Boris firmly in the crosshairs. Thee BBC has been revelling in the hate thrown at the government, forgetting to mention we are a very junior partner in Afghanistan, instead pumping out every gory detail of the backlash against the government.
Hardly a fucking mouthpiece eh? Try listening sometime.
By that logic GJ, you more than likely avoid all forms of media in their entirety then.
You hit the nail on the head when you said the msm are “far far from perfect”
Though I still think you’re giving them too much credit because they’re worse than that and their behaviour has often been a fucking disgrace.
Good nom by the way.
27 police officers injured in mainly peaceful protests
BBC reporting on Burn Loot Murder riots last summer.
I think I’d prefer Bitchute’s version of events regarding that, and I imagine they’d be a tad more accurate an all.
Thanks. As I’ve said many a time, with the media it’s usually lies by omission, or don’t report it at all. Say X is mental but leave out the bit about his religion. Say Y is a right wing fanatic but leave out the part about him being mental.
If there was a hundred thousand people on the BLM March and a thousand cunts kicked off at the cops and caused those injuries to the police, you could still say legitimately that it was a largely peaceful protest. This is not sticking up for BLM, just adding perspective. We humans love to exaggerate.?
Just like all other internet platforms there is truth & lies however when you have YouTube shutting down people questioning the media narrative and often blatant lies, I’m thankful for the platforms allowing free speech. Most of these so called fact checkers didn’t exist until people started to analyze & question the shit our media feeds us. Just look at who’s behind most of these fact checkers too.
People have been dumbed down by media lies, more so since the start of this pandemic but it’s went on for years. The years between the EU referendum result and getting Theresa the traitors arse out of number 10 was when I noticed the msm really upped the ante. For example you could probably today show my elderly parents a video clip filmed in a hospital five years ago and if a narrator verbally said as clip was shown that 5000 people died today of C19, they would believe it and argue with me until blue in the face even if I presented them with ONS figures that said 3 people died.
The Afghanistan stuff rolling out reeks of lies and bullshit dumbing people down no doubt in preparation for masses of refugees coming here and drum up anger in the public to justify sending troops back in.
Take today’s offering from Sly News, the truth is hiding in plain sight. People ‘reportedly fell from a plane’, ‘some ‘trying to board a plane as it took off’ when using footage of the plane landing.
They show a tweet from Ariana news stating that ‘hundreds of young people clung to the plane’ yet how many of those ‘hundreds’ died? One fucking footballer apparently, so the others all survived?
Who clings to the outside of a fucking plane to escape a country? Really? They even state that the plane was surrounded by hundreds of Afghans ‘before they could unload the cargo’ and they decided to leave the airfield ASAP.
How the fuck did they manage to make the cargo suddenly vanish from the picture supposedly taken in the cargo hold claiming 640 people inside? You zoom in and look at the picture Sky and those other UK networks are feeding you and tell me with a straight face you even see 250 people. It’s a pure photoshop made from heads & faces from various other pictures.
They suggestively lie while hiding the truth within their articles. Ofcom should remove these cunts from broadcasting but they are in the government pocket giving the MSM a free pass. Ofcom become a bigger fucking joke by the day on their silence.
Sky article…
People need to wake up and read past the headlines and critically think about details buried in articles they are reading./ watching.
I think you need to realise there is more than one plane involved. I can reasonably say that the load of cunts hanging onto the aircraft jumped off as soon as it started powering up the engines for actual take off. Only one or two clung to the fucker, and one had to be a footballer, as they are thick as fuck.
Another dead guy was found tangled up with the undercarriage on another flight, which have been leaving every hour.
I don’t even think Afghanistan exists.
Just another construct in the Matrix.
Film set at Pinewood studios.
Not fooled,?
You’re thinking of Australia (not a joke, flat earthers believe this is true) – DA
I dont believe in Australia either.
Some bloke said he went and there’s nothing there.
Just a big X floating on the water.
You’d be surprised how many places aren’t real.
But you know the polar region,
The proper Northern one not the daft southern one,
Well, apparently underneath is a tropical rainforest and theres still dinosaurs!
My mate Billy Bob told me.
The clip most media outlets jumped on initially used the same clip which was the plane racing to the apron after landing. The plane is also crawling at such a slow pace that the cunts can keep up with it & many are easily running faster than it without tripping over their curtains.
I doubt anyone without an actual death wish would try to cling to the underside of a C17, C130 etc and that’s before they fire up the engines to move.
Given they jumped the fence and didn’t have access to flight info such as destination, it would be fair to anticipate it’s destination on departure could be USA.
.The Afghan cunts know about oxygen decreasing at height as they have mountain ranges themselves so what mentality does a person have to believe that they can cling on for the duration of the flight at 500kts at 40,000 feet plus when they can’t hang on at 4mph on the ground? Note the Ariana tweet states hundreds of young people? Why only young people?
Meanwhile the nasty Taliban they fear so much they will grab onto a plane exterior sits parked in a corner in town in the back of his acquired Toyota Hilux smoking a cigarette, striking his beard posing for BBC/sky news not giving a fuck as loads of people walk past not a bit scared every minute without even a word from him or even a glance.
I think odds of him letting me live than that of grabbing onto a plane would be obvious even to someone as dumb as a box of rocks.
No pilot with an ounce of responsibility or credibility would dare take off even if it were possible for 640 cunts to somehow embark & fit in to the cargo area.
This is the kind of shit Hollywood movies dumb people down into thinking is achievable and a reckless sorry hero pilot would do.
Pilots won’t take off if there’s even a risk of a bird strike at airports yet we are to believe this would be didn’t care about one of these cling on cunts turbans or curtains getting sucked into one of Pratt & Whitney’s finest turbofan engines?
The news cunts on our TV should begin with the roaring lion or the 20th century fox logo as they present their fiction productions to us all.
“The plane is also crawling at such a slow pace that the cunts can keep up with it”
How fucking fast do you think an aircraft, fixed or rotary wing (if fitted with wheeled undercarriage rather than skids), taxis??
“No pilot with an ounce of responsibility or credibility would dare take off even if it were possible for 640 cunts to somehow embark & fit in to the cargo area.”
Have you seen the size of one of these aircraft?? If an A380 can fit 853 passengers in fixed seats, I can see no issues with 640 in a free-for-all.
“Pilots won’t take off if there’s even a risk of a bird strike at airports”
@DCI, yes really. I have a family member who was in charge of airside operations at a UK airport which regularly hosts UK & Military aircraft. They have measures in place where they detect & track flocks of birds & their movements on the airfield and deploy vehicles with bird scare equipment prior to take off and landing of aircraft as required.
That footage was portrayed by the media as a plane taxing out for take off when it was actually heading to the apron after landing. Strange they could show you this with a bullshit agenda, show pictures of a plane climbing after take off even suggesting bodies falling from it but the cunts couldn’t actually show you any detail that matters one fucking bit. They were up close & personal for the footage they showed but they couldn’t get up close & personal with images of the plane when it did finally taxi off the apron with all them fucking cling ons and take off after going down a runway probably well over 3500 metres long? All those fucking media cameras present couldnt capture any images of that planes 3500 metre journey where they could have zoomed in and easily captured images of the alleged cling ons? There was no such fucking images to capture that’s why. If they had such images, they’d be showing / milking it on every media channel to tug every fucking dumb gullible heart string they could. They settle for the shit they put out because they know people are dumb enough to believe low effort propaganda
“They have measures in place where they detect & track flocks of birds & their movements on the airfield and deploy vehicles with bird scare equipment prior to take off and landing of aircraft as required.”
I know. But this wasn’t Stanstead with an Easyjet Airbus waiting for clearance…
Be under no illusions about the impending refugee crisis and the fact the masses are being buttered up via the 24-7 media coverage, for yet more cultural enrichment.
The blame will be laid firmly at this country’s door so who the hell are we to refuse asylum to multiple thousands of future terrorists and child rapists.
Impending refugee crisis of white South Africans….
Any chance of 24-7 blanket media coverage regarding the very real plight of born and bred South Africans….
No didn’t think so.
I’ve worked airside at two U.K. airports and there are measures for bird scaring, Ive seen an heard them. But, they don’t scare people, and it is a regular occurrence that dull cunts will stow away in a wheel well or hang on to the undercarriage, only to be found frozen to death at the destination, or in some poor cunts garden or roof near Heathrow, when the undercarriage is lowered and the frozen stowaway falls out.
The point I made on bird strikes was made solely about safety and the obligations the pilot has to safety measures to protect not only those on board but also ground crew. The plane shown was arriving, no way would any pilot initiate moving from a stand still if the apron was not clear of people. I’m sure this was done prior to departure hence no such footage however there is so much more about these media releases that should ring alarm bells. Take the sky article I posted that most UK & global MSM are feeding the public and the sources such as Ariana news twitter feed they posted which states. .. “Zaki Anwari, a player from the national youth football team, was among hundreds of young people who tried to leave the country by clinging to a US military plane”.
You are correct that occasionally the odd stowaway case in commercial flight undercarriage that happens. Our media is quoting ‘hundreds’ on a military flight which should be under far more security & scrutiny given crowd behaviour when it arrived.
This football player is quoted as being 19 years old, so why the fuck is he and all these young people allegedly grabbing on to the plane to escape the Taliban? Firstly it goes way beyond the human ‘fight or flight’ instinct but the real point is what the fuck they fleeing from?
He’s only 19? Him and his fellow youngsters weren’t even fucking born before 2001 when coalition forces took control of Kabul and other major cities & town so they haven’t even had a days life experience of living under Taliban control. You would probably need to be born pre 1995 to remember such times. It’s also been historical that it’s females most likely to fall foul of Taliban laws. I couldn’t see a single female cling- on in the footage.
Scenario… If Germany decided to mobilise armed forces and came across to England today (which would be a piss easy invasion today), would you see people all drop everything and run to Gatwick, Heathrow etc and try grabbing onto outside of aircraft to escape because history told them that Germany used to round up people in countries they have invaded & took control of before putting them onto trains to camps they built?
What will I do? Will Merkel & Verhofstadt maybe set up a camp in Batley Spen to send me to on a train? Fuck! that might happen. I’m off to climb the airport fence and cling onto the first departing easy jet or Ryanair flight and face certain death today? If Kabul airport security/ Afghan forces didn’t stop them teenagers fleeing, the Gatwick boys will let us all jump their fences too?
Obviously my foreign invasion scenario is stretching it to make an alike situation where people of UK would feel threatened.
Maybe Boris will turn on the UK masses with our own armed forces before the day before the invasion by Verhofstadt & Co.
“Firstly it goes way beyond the human ‘fight or flight’ instinct but the real point is what the fuck they fleeing from?”
How the fuck do you know what someone will do in a ‘Fight or flight’ situation??? You don’t. You have no fucking idea the lengths that desperate people will go to, so, stop posting canards as facts. The very thing you’re accusing the media of doing.
In much the same way as who guards the guards, who fact checks the fact checkers?
Stephen Fry.
Bob has been quite restrained, DA.
He has actually. I was wrong. – DA
“They” must have got to him!
I spoke too soon.
Apologies, DA.
Calm down, I was just joking.
I see it all as fun, a parlor game. If people want to make insane videos and share them on the webz then so be it. Decades ago, no one in the governments and mainstream media gave a flying fuck about the internet, they saw it as a place for dumb nonsense that no one looked at. Well, cut to around 2012 and suddenly they started to take the internet seriously as certain uncomfortable truths were now being picked up not by a ten thousand weirdos but by 10-100 MILLION smart-phone addicts who never used the webz before they got their pocket oracle.
So these days, the governments, TV news, newspapers etc are all shitting their pants as their deceptions get exposed in no short order as they are getting lazy at trying to fool what they think is a mass of fools, but we digital drop-outs have gotten hip to their jive, daddio! Even the most naive conformists are now questioning the comical nonsense we see and hear from our glorious leaders and fountains of facts in the media.
Let the chips fall where they may.
“Youtube has been ruined. Not by those fucking adverts… but because of those pesky fact checking fuckers.”
They’re called the Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith and are Youtube’s “strategic partner” and are not their to ‘check’ facts but to remove them.
“…allowed anyone to say anything about anybody, without a shred of evidence to back up their claims.”
Then anyone with an ounce of critical ability will (or should) reject such claims. Unless the accuser can cite actual published or archived ORIGINAL source documents I’m not interested.
“…because if you are potentially going to ruin someone’s life or business, you need incontestable evidence of what you are accusing them of.”
If only it worked reciprocally, if/when they ‘deplatform’ an author or researcher they effectively kill their career and income stream and more importantly they deny that information to the wider audience. That is open suppression.
When they then require their allied ‘strategic partners’ such as PissPal, Amazon, Western Union, Faceberg, Twatter et al to follow suit and remove them from their respective plaforms and payment processors then that is open oppression!
Come to think of it… I’d call that an actual conspiracy, not a fucking ‘theory’ wouldn’t you?
“The printed press / ‘MSM’ have to by law provide concrete evidence of any accusation ”
Bollocks…cough….anthrax…cough..Iraq…cough..Mohammed Attah…cough..Prague?????
And it’s not so much what they say that matters, it’s what they conveniently and glaringly omit that’s invariably where the real story lies. I mean fer fuck’s sake how many cunters have heard even a single 15sec soundbite of Biden’s multiple calls to Poroshenko on mainstream TV? Ukrainian prosecutors have 6 hours worth of the cunt (complete with transcripts) cutting deals for himself and his fucking prevert meth head son, I’ve got through about 3 hrs of ’em and if this was Bojo or any other world leader (bar the One we do not speak of; the One we do not name) the cunt would be in a fucking cell right now. Do we even need to mention the deafening silence over that laptop/s?
“Enter the new platforms bitchute and brandnewtube, … tinfoil brigade. I clicked on a link or two… and it’s just rubbish.”
Can’t be denied, there is a huge proportion of shite, probably 90% of it in fact. Too many trumptards, end time preppers and religionists, coat tail riders and people repackaging other peoples’ original work and the comments are spammed to fuckery. To be expected, it’s called free speech. It’s the remaining 10% that are click-worthy of which 1 in 10 are worth seeing through and from which something can be learned. It’s not meant to be Youtube where 99% of the content can be instantly disregarded.
“…Vernon Coleman, and other agitators, who I was going to refer to as loonies,”
Agitator? Loony? The old boy seems to have hit every nail on the head.
“…but they are making money out of their shite.”
Don’t know about Corbyn. As for Doc. Coleman I don’t see how he’s creaming it in seeing as no publisher will touch his titles now and none of his content is monetised or paywalled nor was it ever.
Not making money? If you can convince some fucker to listen to a load of crap, you can usually get them to pay for it. Every Icke video I’ve seen he refers to his books, how he goes into greater detail etc. As for the others, there is probably a way you can donate to help them keep ‘truthing’.
Free speech is one thing, as is having an opinion, it is both a right, and a privilege, as people have fought and died for such principles. However, poisonous lies and accusations aren’t free speech and are quite rightly avoided by a free press.
If the fact checkers remove or repress something that can be proven by evidence, not hearsay, but real, cast iron irrefutable evidence, they have to restore the article and issue an apology.
What exactly is it that you object to in the truth-seeking community? I’m just curious as you bring up your hatred of conspiracy theories a lot but never go into detail what they are. Cheers.
I’ve gone into detail why it bothers me above. I’ve watched two friends have the life sucked out of them and become consumed with this fucking nonsense that’s why. Now, two people who used to be fun to be around are paranoid delusional who think that people who don’t share their beliefs are part of the problem. And for what? Spurious claims with fuck all evidence, easily debunkable nonsense and misinformation that they are making life changing decisions on.
Truth? They’re not looking for the truth, they’ve looking for a narrative that makes sense to them, a good story that ties up all the loose endings and has clearly defined bad guys.
So where’d I used to giggle at some random talking a load of bollocks I now get annoyed, because someone out there will buy into that crap, and they will be poisoned too.
Not to push you on this, Gutstick, but what exactly is it that your friends go on about? There’s a lot of paranoia these days, it has been growing for twenty years, mental disorders are REAL pandemic. Hopefully it subsides by the end of this bizarre decade.
Despite not agreeing with most of the stuff on Bitchute, I wouldn’t ban it.
YouTube have banned loads of people for fuck all, more or less. Tommy Robinson is hardly what I would class as ‘far right’. But he’s banned. Should he not be allowed a voice? Stefan Molyneux was never one I got into (a bit mental for me) ,but he did back a lot of what he said up with good evidence. He stuck to YouTube’s guidelines and tried to be a good boy, but they kicked him off for good without warning or reason. They just didn’t like some of his controversial topics (gays being more likely to be pea doughs or dark keys being more likely to murder etc.). Think he had a million followers and his income relied on the donations through YouTube. He should never have been banned.
In summary, these platforms are needed, but you have to plough through loads of mental shit to find anything slightly decent if clicking at random on there.
I would ban any of them either. Just like YouTube, there is and always will be a shitload of content that we will scroll on past. People comment about them being ropey but they all have to start somewhere. YouTube just had the monopoly for too long. Banning creator accounts enhances suspicion and if they drive content producers off the site, the subscribers will follow.
The level of censorship has gone too far when you consider the porn the cunts have allowed kid’s to access with ease over the last 20 years. They seem quite happy to infest young, innocent & gullible minds with stuff in the hope they become the next generation of deviants & weirdos and a mental health issue epidemic within the next 20 years when Tracy formerly known as Jim wants a family & kids and realises his teacher who told him 20 years earlier it’s ok to feel you should be a woman set him on the path to leaving his wedding tackle in the surgical bin of the local hospital.
Regarding your point about the almost ridiculous ease porn can be accessed.
Well said Bob.
Want to watch a video where someone reaches the conclusion, through data analysis that peacefuls are over represented when it comes to raping kids for example – censored
Fancy watching a hardcore gangbang – no problem.
I know it’s an individual platform issue and is less simplistic than all that, but the point is still well made.
It’s that Only Fans site and others like it that scare me. It’s so easy for a young girl to set up their own channel and sexually debase herself and make over $200,000 per year and then she’ll think, “oh fuck that training to be a chartered accountant boring crap, I’ll be a millionaire by the time I’m 21 thanks to this poosai, bitches!” And their parents will be fine with that, as they have been brainwashed into the degeneracy too.