Biden & His War on Mexican Drug Cartels

When Trump came to power in 2016 one of his chief aims was to keep Mexican drug traffickers from crossing the US/Mexico border. He wanted tougher immigration rules, stricter applications to live in the US, and generally wanted to keep the cunts out – not just drug mules, but illegal immigrants by the hundreds of thousands.

Inevitably he was heavily criticised for his remarks and subsequent actions from MSM, the Dumocrats and the SJW-types – accusing him of racism, discrimination and bigotry, as well as being extremely heavy handed and not understanding the inherent problems of drug trafficking into the US.

Fast forward five years and a Biden administration. And it is plain to see he doesn’t have a fucking clue! Not that MSM will admit this, which is one reason I go for other news sources (see links below).

It is true to say that both Republican and Democrat Administrations over the last 15 years have been found wanting in terms of what to do about drug enforcement on the Mexican border, along with helping past and present Mexican presidents in assisting with tracking down the main cartels in the country.

Biden wanted an Open Borders policy for “undocumented migrants” coming in from Mexico – a complete reverse of what Trump wanted. And inevitably hundreds of thousands of migrants have crossed the border either legally or illegally, with little or no enforcement from Border authorities.

This of course has been a God’s send for the Cartels and their drug mules. Not only has the import of drugs into the US rocketed since Biden took office, but the war between the cartels themselves, and the cartels and law enforcement agencies has exploded into a sea of violence and death. Assassinations, kidnappings, rape, torture of prominent Mexican politicians, judges, celebrities and news reporters, have also sky rocketed as Mexican & US presidents look for answers.

According to reports, some 415,000 Mexicans have been killed, and 82,000 others kidnapped presumed missing since 2006. Human Rights activists, had high hopes that the Biden administration would do something meaningful to help the country and its many victims. But it would seem that all the election campaign promises have come to nothing in the cold light of day.

Biden and his second in command, Harris, are both stuck between a rock and a hard place. The woke and MSM want them to keep the borders open and to remove all of Trump’s “racist” policies, especially his “Title 42”. And yet they still haven’t done so, quite possibly realising that controlling drug trafficking across their borders isn’t quite as easy as first imagined.

Thousands of Mexicans killed by the Cartels, and the import of drugs into the US is rampant. And yet it would seem all Biden is bothered about is appeasing the BLM, MSM and the Woke on domestic matters. But in essence the cartels are the bigger concern.

The BLM is just a mere piss-take compared to the sheer bloody-mindedness of the Cartels. They don’t fuck about with demos and protests. If you piss them off prepared to be kidnapped, tortured and dumped in a shallow ditch. And yet if you criticise the cartels you’re accused of being ignorant racists!

Welcome to the Real World, Biden & Harris.

Nominated by – Technocunt

75 thoughts on “Biden & His War on Mexican Drug Cartels

  1. Good to see the Proud Boys are giving the real fascist Antifa a run for their money. U S fucked even the generals are woke……

    • The Proud Boys are considered “domestic t*rrorists” by the thief in chief – but Antifa and BLM are not?
      Loyalty rebranded as right wing t*rrorism – where have we heard that before?

    • The US state and its ridiculous “free press” is a spunk stain on freedom and liberty. The 6th of jan meandering (otherwise known as the biggest threat to the Republic since the civil war) has led to people being imprisoned without charge in solitary confinement for months,.Just like the Soviet Union. The US and its second amendment has been found wanting and pointless. Americans are a bunch of cunts. Were not much better.

  2. Biden is a gutless, greedy useful idiot for the US communist Party masquerading as “democrats”.
    Rigged election, uncontrolled immigration and every “Government” Department in the US compromised and infiltrated by the CCP.
    Rigged elections have consequences – just ask Taiwan in six months.

    You’re doing a lot of this lately. Unsubstatiated claims ‘proving’ things with zero evidence. You can have an opinion all you like, but opinions aren’t facts. – DA

    • DA@ Rigged election, communist usurping of a constitutional Republic – opinion are now PROVEN FACTS, but pointing out FACTS is not an issue.
      Sick and fucking tired of this discrimination, and tired of this FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!!!!!????????????
      Fuck me off the site if you want – BUT I AM SICK OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      I’m not binning you off this site or being discriminatory against you. My role is to uphold the rules nothing more. Opinions are fine as I said, stating opinions as cast iron facts without evidence could potentially get the site into trouble. I have no desire for that to happen. In case you haven’t noticed I’ve not deleted any of your comments (the only posts today I’ve deleted were from someone randomly deciding to personally insult me). You’ve interpreted my reminder of the rules as a personal attack for some reason. – DA

  3. The US has people at the levers of power who are:
    1) Completely disconnected from reality.
    2) Doing the bidding of other powers who own them.
    3) Both.
    The insuing shit blizzard grows more each day. I would love to say Trump 2024! But elections no longer matter so I will just live one day at a time.
    Cunts have overtaken us I’m afraid.

    • “3) Both”


      ” I would love to say Trump 2024! But elections no longer matter.”

      Correct; but Trump was never going to be any kind of ‘saviour’, he was plucked, trussed and paid for back in the 70’s when his ’empire’ collapsed leaving him with $3bn in commercial debt but more importantly another $billion in personal liabilities to over 70 different banks!
      Democrat or republican? it makes no difference because either way you’ll get a zionist… and you can take that to the bank.

  4. My Chinese flatmate phoned me while I was at work and asked, “Have you seen my cocaine.?”
    I said, “I’m at work, why are you phoning me and asking shit like that.?”
    He said, “I need to know, have you seen my cocaine.?”
    I said, “Well, the last time was probably when he starred in that film Zulu”….

  5. I might be mistaken but I am sure I heard Biden put a coherent sentence together yesterday.

  6. If there is a wrong side of history, senile Joe is gagging to be on it.

  7. The Democunts don’t give a fuck about drugs coming in, except a certain cunt who is careless with laptops who is hoping the price comes down. All those cunts coming in are future voters for them. If a certain number of terrorists and criminals come with them, so what? Not their fucking problem. Not that the other mob are much better, that’s why they hate Trump too.
    As the Orangeman said the other night “Everything woke turns to shit.”

    • Violent, mental cunts that the greasy beaners undoubtedly are, at least they only seem to murder specific people who are a hindrance to their drugs activities.
      Slightly better than our own coffee-coloured cunts, who’d think nothing of blowing kids to smithereens at an Ariana Grande concert.

      • Plus there are millions of Mex chics worth a bang, whilst there has never been born to a woman, an attractive

        Salma Hayek vs Moustache Mina.
        You decide??

  8. I was reading a post on the internet this morning, where an American gent asked the question, “Do you think Biden will do a worse job than Trump”? The responses were interesting, most of the people who defended Trump’s presidency, spoke about how he’d improved the economy, strongly opposed trade with China, was tough on immigration and the problems that having a weak border brought. And all that the Biden supporters could come up with was that he was “A genuine, reliable and trustworthy person”. Now granted, these were anecdotal opinions from random internet nob heads. But basically the democrats believed in Biden because he has a nice smile. While Trump is a fucking prick, he wouldn’t be someone I’d want to go for a beer with, sometimes you need the guy who everyone hates in charge. Because they don’t give a fuck what people think and you can’t deny some of the wins he got for the US, wins that Biden is reversing and not for the better.

    • Just give us a UK PM and POTUS who don’t divide the nation into hysterical screeching fractions who bring up politics and social issues 24/7/365. Not much to ask is it?

    • Biden has got handlers covering his arse 24/7, even when he has notes on briefings he goes on these down the rabbit hole memory lane ramblings. Trump, including family and (long dead) father was under massive scrutiny from 90% of the press from day one, Sleepy Joe meanwhile gets grilled on shit like the White House cat or his love of ice cream.

      • Ronald Reagan was the same according to his son, Ron in his 2011 memoir, “My Father at 100”. The 40th President needed cue cards during meeting and would often get them mixed up and move off topic, much to the confusion and embarrassment of the staff. In his second term, Reagan would mostly watch television and old movies on VHS, neglecting his duties and failing to sign official documents so often that his aides began forging his signature to as to not arouse suspicion. Reagan never really recovered from his assassination attempt and surgical trauma (shot through the lung and liver at age 70) and while lucid and witty in speeches, he wasn’t calling the shots, it was George Bush.

        Joe Biden is similar to Reagan, but at least Reagan was likeable, witty, honest and truly patriotic. Joe is just a scheming, lazy, clueless creepazoid.

    • Indeed Elcuntio. Maggie Thatcher was a hard cunt that a lot of people hated but she got things done and in the long term for the better

  9. The “war on drugs” has to be the most pointless and expensive project in human history. By turning cocaine and heroin into chic and sexy forbidden fruits, the governments of the world created a culture of addiction, crime and death. If all substances were legal, regulated and the populace informed on the dangers of them, then we’d all get out of this mess. It worked in Portugal. No one REALLY wants to put coke up their nose or pump junk into their veins, but certain people do it because it is illicit and cool, young people are drawn to it and end up fucked up by it.

    We act like children because we are TREATED like children by the government and other institutions.

    • Somehow, I cannot disagree with this except for one aspect.

      Why regulate them?

      Let them shove as much as they want into their veins & up their noses. They are all fucking useless members of the human race, and when the drug cartels have killed all the customers off, where’s the cash cow?

      • Well, you’d have to at least pay some sort of lip-service to the health lobbyists and puritans if you are going to let drugs be sold in special pharmacies.

        But as you say, the cartels don’t want the dope to be as easily available as beer. During Prohibition, booze was still easy to be had and people were drinking all kinds of shite and getting poisoned or locked up. Meanwhile the rich cunts were still downing the champagne and imported whisky in their Gatsby-esque mansions. The government are cunts on all levels, but with drugs they are most openly totalitarian. Give us our mushrooms, you cunts!

    • Is this really a “war” if you’re letting it happen? More like a partnership of some kind it seems.

  10. The world needs to unite as never before, act as one voice and demand an answer to the most urgent of questions: “President Biden, what day is it?”

    • And “why did you say in an interview 2 days ago that your dead son served in the Navy in Afghanistan and then that he served in the Army in Iraq?”

      Fuck me Joe, I wouldn’t forget such a fundamental detail of my dead son’s military service, unless of course I was demented and not fit to be in office.

      (Needless to say the broadcaster cut that bit out before airing the interview on TV)

      • Hunter was in the Navy (cue Village People) at age 43 (how’d he pass THAT physical?) for about nine seconds before he was booted out for hoovering up the Charlie and the cunt had the gall to try and blame his brothers in arms of putting the coke in a smoke, that old chestnut. Hunter is now Picasso of course.

      • It will likely soon be President Harris in which case the BBC, Twitter etc will hopefully self-implode with joy.

      • The amount of sex fluids flowing like fountains when Kamala Harris is inaugurated as President will probably drown the whole world. That might be a good thing. There’s your ‘Great Reset” folks!

    • Did you ever see him on his campaign trail? He was totally lost. He didn’t know what state he was in or which city/state he was heading to next when asked. I get the feeling that he never left Delaware or DC that often, which is typical of many careerist politicians and Americans in general. They get shit for not knowing world geography, but their knowledge of their own country is pretty crappy when you quiz them.

      Biden is being softly set up to step down. Then Kackling Kamala the Krazy Klown steps in as the First Woman/Person-of-Ovaries/Black/Asian/Indian/Mixed Race/etc POTUS and that will be a whole new saga of psychopathy.

  11. Finish Donalds Great Wall of Fuck You.
    Then napalm all the mithering rubbish on the Mexican side.

    Biden is a floundering dolt.

    • Yes it’s all Biden’s fault. What is? Anything you like.

      Donald Trump said that one of the biggest problems facing the US was illegal immigrants. He declared with a fanfare that, if elected, he would build a wall between the States and Mexico to keep them out. Not only that, he would make the Mexicans pay for it. He told the voters what they wanted to hear.

      The border in question is nearly two thousand miles long. Apart from alterations to existing barriers, a total of eighty miles was erected while Trump was in office. Eighty miles in four years, and it isn’t even a wall, it’s bollard fencing. And how much do you think the Mexicans have paid towards it? You’re right. The next peso will be the first.

      So what was Trump doing, besides fiddling his taxes and clattering around the corridors of power like a bull in a china shop?
      He thought he could fool enough of the people enough of the time to stay in power. He didn’t care about his country or his party, he cared about Donald Trump. Even now, despite all the evidence, he still manages to fool people who have bought into the myth. They want to believe it so much.

      • He served a very valuable function as the ‘Judas Goat’ identifying the uninformed right, collecting them up, weaponising them with a handful of cheap soundbites and then dutifully handing them over to their executioners. The man’s a fucking menace and a treacherous tool of an embedded foreign agency.

      • That being said, he was exactly the kind of unpredictable asshole needed to deal with a situation like Afghanistan. Despots knew he was just crazy enough that he might actually carry out his threats.

  12. Biden is a cunt. I know it’s a matter of opinion and I don’t know how to prove it, but…..

    • “and I don’t know how to prove it, but…..”

      …then Cornpop’s Revenge (see above) is for you and will remove any lingering doubts you have.

  13. Mexicans are lazy, asleep under a cactus sombrero wearing cunts.

  14. The problem is that if Kamala becomes Prez before the end of Joe’s first term they will be forced to put her up as candidate for 2024. She is even more unpopular than Hillary and will lose. The real horror is that she may well be up against Tango and that doesn’t bear thinking about for the wokies.
    Still, there’s a lot that could happen between now and then.
    I must admit that Uncle Joe has unravelled much quicker than I expected.

    • I like Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, non woke with some conviction, but its all down to who can raise the funds to run as a candidate. Jan 6 on the Capitol exposed a lot of cunts in the Republican Party.

  15. Have to say the Mexican rozzas in the picture look suitably intimidating as they arrest the Latin Chuckle brother, ‘El Chuckalo’.

  16. A fuckin chimpanze would serve as a more clued up president that that senile old zombie cunt Biden. To think this old useless, dementia ridden cunt is the leader of the western world. Frightens the shit out of me. And if the old cunt croaks we’ve got the commy marxist cunt Harris to reek havoc. What a fuckin future!!!

  17. Fuck Latin America, never mind rats, the fuckers breed faster than bacteria. You can keep them and their skummy drug trade.

    Heard a debate earlier on radio four about Afghanistan, and how it’s impossible to unite the country as there are so many different tribes and languages.
    Diversity not a strength there then? If you tuned in halfway, you’d have thought they were talking about London.

    • Turn the entire country into molten glass.
      Then a pub crawl.
      Fuck those goat mudslime.

    • Eyeyeyeye, dese poor amigos not a tortilla to feed the baby,
      Hombre have you no heart?
      A bit of murder
      A bit of intergang decapitation is de mexican way senor.
      In the words of the great revolutionary/bandit Zapata

      “Ondelay!! Ondelay!! Riba!!riba!!!

      Possibly Speedy Gonzalez?

  18. Just had a Sky newsflash on my phone. One of the newly arrived “evacuees” from Afghanistan is on the no fly watchlist.
    Must be a clerical error surely?
    That can’t happen.
    Can it?

    • Yes, a massive cleric whose error was flying to the wherever whilst on a watch list.

      • No. Why would a Peaceful p*nce and terrorist be heading into Uganda? The cunt is here. Fatarse Patel is dealing with his deportation right now so expect him to be moving into a council house near you soon.

    • ” is on the no fly watchlist.
      Must be a clerical error surely?
      That can’t happen.
      Can it?”

      ‘course it can, s’exactly what happened with the 9/11 hijackers. They knew who they were, where they were, who their handlers were, had flagged up that they were attending flight training schools, knew Riggs Bank (CIA money launderers same as BCCI) was one of the funding conduits… yada yada and the list goes on…

  19. My mate takes out small groups in the Autumn when certain magic mushrooms appear. He explains about each variety and the effects attained from each type.
    He’s a trip advisor….

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