Beck – Singer Songwriter, allegedly

He’s a born and raised scientologist too.

How this tosser is revered as some sort of postmodern ‘genius’, I will never fucking know. Everything this man has ever done has been nicked. Early songs like ‘Truckdrivin’ Neighbours Downstairs’ and ‘Beercan’ (I liked Beercan – DA) came across as substandard and limp wristed Gram Parsons or Neil Young.

With his big break, ‘Loser’, Beck defined the early Nineties US rock whining slacker. Like an American Neil from The Young Ones, or a passion-less Kurt Cobain. ‘Loser’ was a heavily contrived and staged piece of self-loathing and self-pity to lure in the music press and MTV.

With Odelay, Beck somehow ended up as name to drop and the hip 90s hero. But like that other talent-free 90s cunt, Twatboy Slim, Beck’s Odelay is just garish crap and cheap thievery, the musical equivalent of nylon shirts, cheap cologne, and Del Boy style slacks.

Ripping the riff off the Beatles ‘Taxman’ (already done by The Jam with ‘Start!’), some sitar samples (again, been done) and badly made Austin Powers style videos were unquestionably lapped up by cunts like NME and various celebrity bellends of the time and seen as ‘cool’. When it was just so much second hand shite.

Beck makes out he is man of many styles, but in fact he is a master of none. Like those other unoriginal cunts, Oasis, Beck made his ‘living’ out of stealing off other artists (allegedly – DA).

He may see himself as some sort of enigmatic and gifted Scott Walker (RIP) type figure. But Scott was a one-off who was always true to his art. While Beck is a clown who makes The Ruttles look original.

And let’s not even start on Beck’s latest ‘collaboration’ with Paul McCuntney. (I won’t defend this though – DA)

Nominated by – Norman

(More guff info here – Day Admin All About Beck )

71 thoughts on “Beck – Singer Songwriter, allegedly

  1. Beck?
    Needs throwing in one.
    But wait – would the water give him a devils haircut or cause new pollution?
    Lazy shifty fkin hippy..

  2. Never heard of him.

    Looks like a floppy haired twat.

    If Norman says he’s a cunt that good enough for me. He’s a cunt.

  3. The only time I ever heard of this geezer was on an audio sample in the music folder of what I think was Windows ME. A rather apt name for an operating system as it functioned like something with Chronic Fatigue.
    Perhaps Technocunt can confirm?
    Looks doped up to me.

    • PS: those nostrils look like they could hoover up some seriously large amounts of Columbian marching powder. Is he a distant bleached cousin of Dr Kananga?

  4. Agree with this, Norman. His music sucks dog’s balls, he looks to be an irritating cunt and he’s a scruffy looking bastard as well.

  5. This berk, like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Elisabeth Moss, Laura Dern, and Nicole Kidman, believes that Man is an immortal spiritual being called a Thetan, although I’m not sure from which series of Star Trek this came.

    Unsurprisingly, there is no evidence.

    • Captain M, I believe Kirstie Alley was in that film, Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Sadik Khan.

      • Spoonmeister, was that the one where 1400 kids on Planet Rotherham were abused by dirty, Klingon immigrants?

        Star Trek: the Next Exploitation

    • Nicole Kidman never fucked with that $cientology shit, she’s Catholic and she left Cruise because he wanted to raise the kids according to Hubbard’s wacky worldview.

      $cientology is insane, but then so is the basic orthodox science view of life when you take a closer squint at it. Big Bang? Evolution? Earth is a globe hurtling through space? Hmm…

      • I’ll take your word on it, Gordon. I heard it was a marriage of convenience arranged by the Scientology Church and the film business. She was guaranteed four films but had to stay married to the little feller (extremely macho and definitely not a pillow-biter) for ten years. The children were imported/adopted to reinforce believability. She more than flirted with the Scientology Allen-lovers.

        Ten tears and four days later, shd filed for divorce.

        All rumours, of course.

      • She thought Scientology was insane because she’s a Catholic? Hahahaha – Yeah, and Catholicism is sane by comparison? All religion on any level is insane. Stupid cow that she is.

      • Pretty sure the big bang, evolution and earth being a globe moving in space are supported by evidence.

  6. I’ll admit I did own an album of his when I was a teenager as well as a few albums of the floppy-haired Britpop bands. but it’s a good take-down of him nevertheless.

    I really enjoy your musical cuntings, Norman.

  7. Another bag of…..oh fuck off this is getting ridiculous. The world is full of the cunts.
    Talentless,worthless attention seekers with nothing to offer but off the scale narcissism.
    No sense of self restraint, modesty,self awareness just me me me.
    UT , oven please.

  8. Beck was just one part of the deluge of 90s shite. Cornershop were crap as well. That ‘Brimful of Asha’ was total shit. But it was massive, because there was an unhealthy trend for garish loungecore crap at that time. Mike Flowers Pops sent it all up, but clowns like Beck jumped on it. ‘New Pollution’ is like a bad Sinatra or Andy Williams impression to the tune of ‘Taxman’. Trying to get that kitsch ‘Music To Watch Girls Go By’ vibe, but failing miserably. But at the time this cunt was lauded like he was some saviour of pop music. It was nothing that hadn’t been done before and done better.

    • Norm I saw Cornershop live, weeks before they “broke”. They were supporting my mates band in Londanistab.

      They had a “token honky” (his own words) guitarist-the only musical cunt in the band?

      Bag of absolute shite?

  9. The music press (Q magazine etc) gushed about Beck in the mid 1990s, so I picked up 3 CDs – Mellow Gold, Odelay and Mutations, reasonably cheap thankfully. Big mistake. Try as I might I could not see what all the fuss was about, very run of the mill shite.

    Consequently have not given the cunt a second thought since.

      • Bought one of their CDs yonks ago, can’t remember whether I liked it or not.

        The Flamin’ Groovies – now there was a band!

      • Evening Maggie.
        They’ve been around for donkeys years, (early 70s?)
        But only got any recognition with Yoshimi battles..
        Thought Ruff might like them.
        Like your artwork.
        That dame Judy Dench?

      • Yes Sir Les, “tis Judy Dench culturally-appropriating Yoshimi onstage.

        Herr Rüff-Haus might also appreciate ‘Do You Realise’ by the Lips.

  10. I could never understand the fascination with this twat.

    He was mediocre at best, but otherwise unlistenable.

  11. If some new music gets hyped to the Heavens then that means it’s shite. The music corporations pay the media companies to wank over the latest singers, band etc. The truly great bands are playing in bars and will probably never be heard of. You have to suck dick to get a big contract now and be pushed hard in the media. If you show any signs of being “hard to work” with ie. standing up for yourself and wanting total control of your image, music, money then you’ll never get your foot in the door. So you are better just doing it on your own and get a studio, use the internet, play gigs in the right places, get a manager with balls, a Peter Grant type of nutter and just ignore Warner Bros, Universal, Sony, BMG etc. It’s more fun that way. It’s fucking HARD, but if you take the easy routes in showbiz, you end up with dicks in your mouth and ass and now money and get called a sell-out. Prince realized this and look how he turned out. Dead. But awesome.

      • No, the details of his death aren’t that suspicious. He just worked himself to death I think. He did it all on his own from his mansion: wrote, played all the instruments, produced, engineered, mixed, he was a true genius on every level. I’m not a fanatic of him, but it’s obvious he was the last guy who was on that level in music, but he burned out. The music industry HATES guys like that, they pretend to love guys like that, but they don’t, they like a nice, obedient puppet just as all companies do. They will let a guy like Jay-Z and Kanye West act like they are in control of their destinies but they aren’t, if they don’t play ball, then the knives (and sex allegations) will come out. Epstein Island, baby! Will Smith went there. He had to suck dick back in the day to get fame and fortune, now he is losing his mind like they all are in showbiz. You’d have to be insane to go into showbiz now, it’s a hellscape of demons.

      • Prince was good live but i can’t think of one of his songs that was memorable or any good.
        Local radio play the music of Prince every day. ?

      • Prince was a musical genius whether you like his music or not.

        He certainly didn’t play ball with the establishment either and was often happy to engage in what some would immediately and frantically refer to as “conspiracy theory”

        Each to their own I say.

        What would people prefer? Chris Martin, Ed Sheeran?

      • Prince indeed was a genius and I have a ton of live bootlegs of his 80s stuff. His albums are good, but live? He’s a beast of funk

      • Prince is not my cup of Darjeeling either.

        Lady C has a few of his CDs, never heard her play them though.

      • His genius must of escaped me.
        I thought he was dreadful.
        Luckily I owned some Led Zeppelin albums and was oblivious to him.
        Why I wasn’t at his funeral.

      • I’d be willing to bet he could play guitar better than Jimmy Page.

        And I’d be willing to bet both Plant and Page wouldnt disagree.

      • To deny that Prince as an incredible talent proves that what somebody knows about music could be written on the back of a stamp with a magic marker.

        It’s each to their own like anything in life but quality is still quality.

        I keep hearing how awesome Trout Mask Replica is but I disagree.
        I love Captain Beefheart as it happens but find that album a very difficult mish mash of racket.
        However, I wouldn’t dispute the ability or craftsmanship involved in its creation.

      • Im willing to bet theyd humour him.
        A purple clad midget in stack heel shoes and a quiff and spiv moustache like Private Walker?
        Theyd not know what to make of him?!
        Id class him as a 80s novelty act.
        Like Keith Harris & Orville.?

      • You basically straw manned my arguments there MNC but it did make me laugh as well.


      • ,???
        Sorry Herman,
        No offence, in a teasing mood
        Each to their own as you said!
        Some like Princes music
        Some dont.
        Agree to disagree ??

      • That Walter Mitty Fenian fuck, Sinead O’ Baldie cashed in on Prince’s demise. Talking huge amounts of shit about him. He gave her her biggest hit, and that is how the slag repaid him.

        Prince could be hit and miss, but he was an exceptional musician. I remember that solo on the George Harrison tribute.

      • Not a fan of Prince, in that I have none of his stuff but saw him twice and can honestly say he was a fucking genius live.

        What a musician.

  12. He certainly would not fit in with the Field Marshal Montgomery military brass band.
    Therefore,oven the weasel cunt.

  13. Never knowingly listened to him. Can’t really fully indulge in cunting him but as he’s stooped to collaborating with McCartney he’s some kind of cunt.

    Only thing left to work out is who in this collaboration thought it would help make them relevant?

  14. Ok , i’m going against the majority here and say I LIKE BECK.
    Most his cd’s are different from the last one but agree not all the songs are that good.
    So i’ve made a playlist on my ipod of all his ( in my opinion ) best songs.

    • He was good and rather amusing until he split with his girlfriend and made sea change all mopey.

  15. Never heard of him before today. Never heard any of his ” music”, unless someone has synth it as lift muzak.

    Interesting though, that he changed his name from Bek to Beck.

    Do you think he adds the C because he knew he’d get cunted?

  16. Just yank shite.
    Never listened to him bar ‘Odelay’ when it came out.
    Holds no interest for me.
    Id steal his dinner money and Smokey and the bandit t-shirt and give him a short back an sides with my lock knife.

  17. Have watched a couple of documentaries about him- quite an unusual character.

    Came away thinking he was an incredible musician and an fantastic act to see live.

    Didn’t like all of his stuff, and whilst a prolific songwriter felt sometimes quantity over quality was where he was at.

    Compared to the banal fucking dreary shite produced these days the guy was a joy to listen to.

    • I saw him live way back in the 90’s and was totally blown away but in retrospect his early albums were no Stone Roses or Rumours by Fleetwood Mac where I think all the songs are strong. I have to say though I’ve been trying to learn to play the guitar for 20 years now and I’m shit and this guy can play anything. So for that and being a Scientology dude he is a cunt.
      Did someone say he was born into the cult or did I misread that?

  18. Music is so subjective. It can be the most incredibly written and performed song or tune, and if you don’t like it, if it doesn’t resonate with you, then it’s ‘shit’
    Being a musician, even an clumsy musically illiterate chump like I am, I can tell the difference, and I can love a three chord trick, yet hate what is considered a masterpiece. Even then, I can appreciate the talent even though I don’t like the overall result.
    I’ve been in my back bedroom studio tonight, mastering a couple of songs ready for streaming. One of them is a really happy song, vibrant and full of joy, yet I wrote it at my lowest ebb last year, when I could have quite easily chucked myself off a cliff.
    Music is a funny old game

  19. No fucking idea. Was he as good as Black Lace? The Spice Girls? Fuck That? One Direction? If so he must be a fucking legend.

    • As good as Black Lace?

      You have to go back to Holst and Stravinsky for that level of musical talent.

  20. Beck reminds me of a termite that’s choking on the splinters.
    I personally don’t care for most of his stuff but when I hear a song of his it takes me back to the 90s daze.

  21. No disagreements here Beck is a bonafide bellend I like the loser song tho I can’t stand any other of his songs devils haircut annoys the fuck outta me

  22. He’s an eclectic fellow making his way through life in his own way. I kinda admire that.

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