Antonia Kinlay – Unknown Actress Sues for Mental Stress

Antonia Kinlay is a cunt,

Qho? i hear you ask and your right, that’s what i thought when Mrs Fugly said to me check out this cunt on the news.

Anyway this fucker got paid 4grand for 30 seconds work in a JK Rowling mystery, then on the sequel she was 7 months pregnant so they didn’t cast her.

This cunt has sued and won 11k against the film makers for mental stress amongst loss of earnings.

Fucking hell her lawyers even said it was down to the film company to spend 22grand edit this tarts 7 month bump out of the pictures or block the view, what a cunt, so this fuckers wants them to spend more than she was going to get paid sorting all this shit out.

You just know she’s going to be one of those breast feed in restaurants that put you off your food….what a cunt the world is fucked because of people like this….

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

61 thoughts on “Antonia Kinlay – Unknown Actress Sues for Mental Stress

  1. So much for a quiet Sunday pm…
    I’d spunk all over her bump, and gi e her a good rubbing.
    Meanwhile, Sarah Beeny is on the box, going round some couple’s house, opening cupboard doors…
    “Oooh, what’s in here? 1/2 inch thick inflatable rubber suits, whips, handcuffs, vibrators…”

    • I always worried that Noel’s House Party would one day go live to somebody’s living room, to reveal an unsuspecting bloke cracking one off in front of 25 million viewers.

      • I was lucky they didn’t come to my bedroom when I was 14. I think my entire fourteenth year was spent monkey spanking.

  2. Well, it’s 11K less they’ll have to make shite I suppose.
    We live in a time of madness.

  3. I take it she doesn’t want to be an actor any more, then.

    Talk about how to make yourself unemployable!

    Silly cunt!

    • But then she’ll sue for employment discrimination.

      Thus the circle of idiocy is complete

  4. Breast feeding, that’s hate speech, it’s chest feeding ?

    This case is typical of how fucking stupid this country has become.

  5. Will it get Child Benefit?

    An enraged Sir Fiddler shall be abroad shortly I imagine and rightly so.

    This pretentious sperm recepticle should be put in a home for the morally unsuitable.

  6. I am sure the production company would have coughed up for the termination. I’ve said it before, dressing up and pretending is not a proper job. And a lot of actors are shirtlifters. Would do Kiera Knightley given the opportunity mind you. And the dirty lezza tart from Brookside.

  7. I want to sue the makers of the Battle of Britain for not considering me for a role, specifically the one given to Michael Caine. It doesn’t matter that I was a toddler when it was made, that could have been disguised by the clever use of props to hide my stature, like putting a big cushion in the cockpit of the spitfire, and they could have used a voice actor to overdub me crying for my mum, or moaning that I’d shit myself again.
    Come on Saltzman, pay up.

    No more ridiculous than the story above.

    • Likewise I wanted to be Jane Fonda in Barbarellla. Okay I was only a preteen back in the late 60s but I could have identified as a woman, and insisted on a boob job pouty lips, big eyes and funky hair.

      But alas my application to the director, Roger Vadim and the studio was ruthlessly rejected.

      I think I have a case for unfair discrimination on age, gender and lots of other made-up things.

    • It’s the fact that they pay these bogus claims is what irks me GJ
      We all, the normal end up paying for this laziness
      Insurance are the greatest of Cunts almost on a par with the legal profession

    • Good for her.
      I did the same when I was a stuntman for Steve McQueen.
      First week jumping off things, riding motorbikes, doing cool dangerous shite.
      Nailed it.
      Week 3 they asked me if id sleep with Ursala Andress,
      I nearly split her in half.
      She said my cock looked like Yul Brynner carrying 2 suitcase.
      Rumour went round Hollywood.
      Next thing everyone from Joan Collins to that vain cunt Ryan O’Neal wanted a portion.
      I sued the cunts.
      Bought a Luton van.
      Never looked back.

      • Naw, was me.
        He told everyone he did .
        He was always in makeup!
        Wore more slap than Dolly Parton he did.

      • Little-known fact that Miserable was indeed a stunt double for Steve McQueen in The Towering Inferno and can be seen flashing Faye Dunaway but due to 1970’s technology, could not be edited out.

      • ..was then when Faye laughs,points and says ” it’s just like a penis…only smaller”?

      • Re: Ms Joan Collins-it still wouldn’t have touched the side.

        * incidentally, she also looks like Yul B.-bald as a modern day cunt?

  8. I’d give her one.

    However, she’ll find it fucking difficult to get any acting jobs now, the silly tart.

    I know if I was a director, I would have a list of troublemaking cunts. I wouldn’t care how fucking good they were either. Agent calls me and suggests her I’d say, ‘She’s shit. Don’t call me about her ever again.’

    I bet the ‘industry’, despite all the wokeness, is exactly the same in reality.

  9. A good combination for me. An actress I have never heard of. More shite from JK fucking Rowling. Not likely to trouble me.

    • In fairness, the Strike books are very readable.

      I haven’t watched the TV adaptation, because in my experience, they’re shite & nothing like the book.

  10. Why are the BBC filming some JK Remoaning shit anyway? She’s a fucking transphobe as everyone knows. A hate criminal.
    Shut down the transphobic BBC I say!!

  11. “Kinlay is the daughter of hedge fund manager Jonathan Kinlay and granddaughter of Fleet Street editor James Kinlay.” (Wikipedia.)

    Poor friendless, uninfluential waif. No doubt she got a bit part in LOTR on the basis of her unsurpassed talent alone. She couldn’t possibly be a dilettante for whom all other career options were closed due to having an IQ matching her shoe size. Incidentally, Equity is loving this, and has sent its congratulations.

  12. Cheeky fucking mare.

    It’s a fucking disgrace that everyone is meant to pander to pregnant women or women with brats…maternity leave,parking near shops,giving up ones seat on public transport,child benefit,child-friendly Pubs and , of course, screaming hormonal hissyfits from the demented brood mares when they don’t get their own way. I’d ban the lot of it and far from making allowances, I’d make it fucking uncomfortable for them. They are responsible for their own condition and should accept the consequences of their poor and selfish life choices.
    They are also depriving their poor husband ,who has to constantly listen to their whining, of the body and figure that he married…it should be grounds for divorce in my opinion…nobody wants to spend all that money on a wife only to be stuck with a female who, due to her desire to breed, has lost most the main reason that he married her.

    #Stop child benefit…Save the Country.

    • If the eggheads can make cures for diseases, then I’m sure they can take these babies out of the lazy mares’ bellies, and put them in jars from when their ‘bumps’ show?

      Then, these lazy split arses can get back to work (to pay for the babyjar science stuff) and keep their nice figures and tight fannies for their husbands.

      I’m thinking of bringing my ideas to the next Labour Party Conference. I bet they’d give me a standing ovation.

      I’m trying to educate myself on being more woke. How am I doing?

      • Surprisingly enough I think that you’ll be O.K. if you give your speech to The Wimminz wing of the Labour Party… all women are simple beasts who appreciate clear instruction. Rather like horses and hounds, women just need educating as to who is the Boss…once they have learned their place,they are actually far happier. It frees them from worrying their pretty little heads about things that are beyond the female brain capabilities and allows them to do the job that God made them for…looking after their man.

    • Whenever I look at pregnant women I firstly think
      “Loves cock”
      And secondly
      “Hope her waters dont break”
      Dont want to get dragged into it!
      Can be right drama queens the pregnant!
      Fat cunts.

  13. My immediate thoughts was that she is a bunny boiler but it sounds like her contract provided for another appearance and the producers reneged because she was visibly up the duff; big mistake imho Take the series Frasier. When the actress playing Daphne was pregnant they gave her slimming clothes to minimise the bump at first and then wrote around it, making out she was putting on weight due to restaurant food and chocolates given by Niles. Its not hard to be creative around these things and no need for cgi/special effects really.

    However, its a lot of bother to go to just to get a mere 11k and ruin your chances of getting another job in the industry. Now she has a reputation of being difficult. If she is the daughter of a wealthy hedge fund manager and has loads of parental cash, there was no need to pursue this. But then she could have one of those Dads that are adamant his children don’t get a penny. If she is cash rich she could have stayed quiet and waited it out for another gig. We don’t know all the facts.

    The BBC love it because its discrimination shit that they love writing about.

  14. I bet the film company hopes her baby comes out sideways with long finger and toe nails, yep I’m sure the spunk trumpet is now pretty much unemployable, film companies just need to think how to fuck her off carefully so they don’t get sued, in fact with cunts like that even if you do employ the you still get sued.
    So when her application form lands on the desk, strait ti file 13, when she rings tell her to fuck off, when the court summons arrives, do your worst you Gollem looking cunt….

    • Like Antonia im extremely litigious.
      Any slight or ill treatment (real or perceived) is answered with a legal summons.
      I sued Mr Kipling’s when I found a alledged pube in a french fancy.
      And when I was falsely accused of stealing off kate Bush’s washing line,
      She settled out of court.
      Its just modern living.
      If in doubt, sue.
      Im currently sueing Uncle Bens rice.
      Since they took that old sootie off the packet,
      Ive filed for emotional abandonment.

      • Uncle Ben was the most reassuring of faces MNC
        your right to sue mars bar, for removing the face of a mature man ,satisfied with the income he received every time a pack of uncle bens left the factory
        it was a waaysist thing to do, who going to look after him now that the only job he had is gone.
        The wokeys didn’t think this one through . They fired a black man
        Who would have thought that could happen

      • Evening Mecuntry.
        No, you misunderstand.
        Uncle Bens face on the packet stopped me eating it!
        It was for dietary purposes.
        Like a earwig on a chocolate eclair or something.
        His little gargoyle face stopped me in my tracks!

      • Aunt Jemima pancake mix always got me in the mood for some minstrel showtunes. Mammy!

  15. Another entitled cunt of an actress. I wonder if she thinks smartphone users should pay a tax to fund the arts?

    • Whilst also saying men are not men anymore and then moan and moan and moan. Whilst the bloke looks after the child putting the chilled breastmilk in the poor fuckers mouth.

  16. Breaking: Ghani’s pissed off to Tashkent to save his skin – wouldn’t you?. Kabul now owned by Taleban. Security Council to meet now there’s fuck-all to be done. Fur cup’s full.

      • They will decide Something Must Be Done, and put up a Resolution to Do Something. The Russians and Chinese will whistle tunelessly while smilingly looking at the ceiling or each other, and decline to sign, the UK representative will ask the US representative for permission to sign; the US representative will ask the Israeli representative for permission to sign, and be told that’s absolutely fine, but the tribute must be raised to $4.5 Bn next year, and why don’t you invade Iran for us, eh? The Frogs will go for a leak and the Germans will insist everyone takes the refugees.

        And Nothing Much Will Happen.

    • And how much money did the cunt abscond with
      Rats are always first to desert a sinking ship

  17. Moaning faced,bad tempered talentless piece of shite. Now fuck off munter your life in oblivion is calling.

  18. This would be the last acting job this whore will ever get.Who would give her a job after this. May get a acting job in a porn, but thats about it.

  19. I’m suing for £3 billion because I wasn’t even offered a part in the film.
    Fuck off you pasty-faced recycled jamrag.

  20. If she is going to breastfeed in a restaurant, She will have to pay someone to superimpose a pair of tits on her.

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