Alok Sharma (BloJo’s Climate Minister)
UK’s “climate minister” flies by private jet to 30 (thirty!) countries in 6 months.
It’s gone beyond farce now – that was when we voted these clowns in.
Remember, be good, don’t heat your home, drive anywhere or take any holidays – these things are for the privileged elite and not plebs!
I don’t think the word “cunt” is derogatory enough to describe this hypocrite. I’d like to nominate him as Climate Change Hypocritical Cunt of the Year.
Climate Minister Flies the World by Private Jet
Nominated by: mikdys
Quite. The hypocrisy from this government is almost left-wing in its intensity.
Yet another Do as I Say Not as I Do full of shit hypocrite cunt. Put him alongside that Stratton bitch who drives around in a diesel car. Or C*mmings, or countless other fucking rich and powerful cunts who always know what’s best for us. NO….they know what’s best for them and their rich mates.
They can stick their climate change, their Greta Thunderbirds, their electric cars and their green bullshit back up their arses where they came from in the first place.
A climate minister playing around the world in 80 days!
A government adviser driving 200+miles to test his eyes.
A minister telling you your killing your granny by not staying home, out and about shagging his secretary.
Keep getting caught out dont they?
Keep showing their hypocrisy?
Thats because they dont respect us
Thats because they think We’re fuckin dummies.
Theyre all like this.
Doesn’t matter who you vote for.
Youll get career politicians,
Posh con men, liars,
Self serving pirates,
Jostling at the trough.
Never trust a politician.
Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?!
MNC@ -Repeated incidents like this are why my attitude is “stick your rules up your arse”.
Johnson and nut nuts remind me of a Poundshop version of the thief in chief and hyena Harris.
Right, time to see if I can find Jeremy Vine – got the Ben Hur type disembowellers fitted to the wheels! ?
Morning Foxy.
Yes, don’t believe in leading by example do they?
This is the stuff they have been caught doing.
God only knows what else they’ve been up to?
And as for that Stratton slaag. Never trust a woman who is named after one of British Leyland’s finest heaps of shit.
Where the fuck is he from with a name like that?
He’s another ràghead telling us what to do. ?????
Must admit I saw the name and assumed it was another nom. about grooming gangs,exploding backpacks,benefit fraud etc.
Morning,Lord C.
He’s Hindu
Usually Indian/Hindu, that name. They’re not a problem, are they?
Hes got a pet lizard.
Its a Korma chameleon.
Being a Johnson’s sycophant makes him a problem by default. Not his heritage or supposed Hindu religion, they would be plus points.
Dont Hindus believe in sky fairies?
Alright, might have six arms or a elephants head but none the less, so how would it be a plus point?
Thought you hated religion?
Johnson, not “Johnson’s” ?
You’re right Miserable. The plus point is that he’s not a Parking Stanley or a Müzzie, Hinduism being benign in comparison, not to mention a lot more fun than most organised delusions.
Apart from the widow burning.
I think his name is an anagram of total cunt, but I might have had to change a few letters to make that work
There was a climate conference in Sicily in 2019 when 114 private jets flew in. Twats.
Thought #36…
I’m just surprised that he could find a private jet that wasn’t already busy ferrying businessmen,pop singers,politicians,sportsmen,actors and royalty in and out of the Country…..still…nice to see that Prince “Air Miles” Andy has shown a typical House of Windsor understanding of the mood of the Common People by setting an example of how we can reduce our carbon-footprint by never..never ever.. leaving British soil again.
Cunts that insist on taking their dreadful tacky fortnight with their mewling brats in places like Benidorm deserve everything they get…as do curry-munchers who flew out for a “family wedding”
I’d revoke their passports while they were there.
Staying at home may not be much use either –
Though the practicalities will be tricky. Wrap round brick and hurl through window, perhaps?
Just get a couple of 6th formers from Cheltenham Ladies’ College to indulge in a spot of lezzing on the eighteenth hole of the local golf course…if that doesn’t tempt him out,nowt will.
Afternoon,K…..did I see you say that you’ve now retired?…enjoying it?
Oohh, you said ‘curry’. I’m telling!
Afternoon, Dick. Retirement, like old age, is overrated until you consider the alternative. Everything was getting nauseatingly woke at work, and I was glad to leave that behind, also commuting daily in order to do virtually bugger-all except cuntish online training courses, though that did save on the heating bills, I suppose. I am now refurbishing a quadcopter in order to get a better view of the luscious but Gen X Tabitha Crumhawn down the road. It keeps me off the streets.
Morning Dick,
Lost his love for travel our Prince hasn’t he?!!?
Sure when shooting at Balmoral I noticed a ‘tag’ on his ankle?
All the local girls schools are investing in dead bolts for the dormitories.
Yeah, no more AirMiles for Andy. From now on it’s holidays in Scotland with Fergie and the occasional trip to Pizzahut in Woking.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
No doubt the child abusing Scottish government will grant Prince Paèdo asylum once they’ve achieved independence.
Hopefully Prince Harry can set a similar example by never ever ever coming back
I will never vote again. I used to vote Tory because I thought the other cunts would bring the country to it’s knees. Well that shows what a fool I was. All politicians are cunting hypocrites and like to feather the nest while telling us plebs to cut back on just about everything. I detest the shite.
Nobody voted for a Jellyfish, let alone a green Jellyfish, but that’s what we got. Johnson has been pussy whipped into this green bollocks by that slag he’s shacked up with, just like soyboy Harry. At least Gingerbollocks has the excuse of being as thick as a plank.
Choose your flavour of jellyfish, children;
lime – Johnson
strawberry – Starmer
lemon – Davey
Johnson and his father tick all the boxes for a John Le Carre Novel if you get my drift.
I know the nom is right, but it is always at the bak of my mind that the only replacement, as things stand, for Boris, is that oily cunt Starmer and Christ knows what useless vacuous BAME/Lesbian/Q ueer he would send to mince round the world to guard our interests. Mandy swinging his handbag perhaps.
The cunt you know is better than the cunt you don’t know.
A government filled with corrupt appeasing liars?
In Great Britain?
They think of us as serfs.
I think of them as foul vermin.
The problem is of course is that ministers, MPs, top civil servants, scientific advisors (SAGE) and other supposedly “important people” are exempt from the very polices they’re constantly forcing down the throats of the mere hoi polloi.
It’s a form of Parliamentary Privilege, giving them some immunity from doing the exact opposite of what they want in law. And this cunt is no different because he thinks that his actions are totally justified because he is trying to save the fucking planet!
They don’t lead by example. They’re just obnoxious, two-faced smug cunts who are all part of the Great Reset and Build Back Better mantra. But when they’ve fucked off (either through a Cabinet reshuffle, a general election, or a resignation), they will have moved on from the shitfest they’ve left behind. And letting the plebs face the consequences as per usual.
‘Build back more gender neutral!’
(Cheers Carrie).
When Don Henderson went all “shooty” down in Plymouth, the other day, it’s a shame he didn’t vent his anger on those corrupt cunts in Westminster, instead.
*obviously a joke: nobody at IsAC would condone such an action.
I may not condone it but I would, sure as shit, fucking cheer if it ever happened.
A most odd atrocity. Basically his mind turned to jelly as he couldn’t find a girl willing to let him empty his balls inside her.
‘Tis a funny old world.
I thought it was Rory McGrath.
We need massive demonstrations otherwise these fuck will make life intolerable.
Doris and his gang of criminals are hell bent on wrecking our lives.
Like all do gooders they ain’t motivated by a desire to do good just a desire to control.
As the song goes ‘you ain’t seen nothin’ yet’
We’re being trolled. We must be.
In a time when you can use Skype, Google Meet or Zoom to have video conferences, there is no reason for these cunts to be swanning off on jollies all year round.
It was like the BBC sending cunts to Japan for the Olympics. Yes, they used a fake studio (green screen) in London for the main presenters, which looked like a plush Tokyo apartment, but there were still loads of cunts reporting from Tokyo itself. And they had no rights to show most of the events live!
Piss taking cunts.
And yes, I will be refusing smart meters, leccy cars and fucking new age expensive and shite boilers for as long as possible. Because the cunts telling us to restrict and go back to the stone age will still be driving big cars, flying in private jets and burning gas and leccy to fuck in their 5 mansions.
They can shove it all up their fucking arses.
We are pissing in the wind anyway, because the bat munchers and wobbly heads won’t stop polluting anytime soon. There are billions of the cunts.
The UK going full Greta, will have the same effect as taking a paracetamol for an axe stuck in your head.
The key issue for the fucking planet is sorting out this rona shit and the damage it has done/is doing. Which includes taking the bat munchers to fucking task to make sure they’re taking steps to stop this happening again.
But still the wet markets open so what’s the fucking point?
Long rant sorry, but they can all get to fuck.
“The UK going full Greta, will have the same effect as taking a paracetamol for an axe stuck in your head.“
Love it – I’ll have to quote you on that?
The Channel Holiday boats set a new record on Thursday 592 unwanted undocumented unwashed utter useless cunts arrived on our shores…. What a fucking joke and our leaders want us to stop generating CO2, well fuck it as long as these cunts keep coming I have no fucking interest in anything from Boris and bungling bastards.
The left constantly portray Priti Patel as a heartless cunt who is evil beyond belief for her stance on illegal immigration, yet from actual evidence it doesn’t look like she has one, or if she does it’s hardly unwelcoming. It looks like she gave the French government 67 million quid to buy dinghies for those fed up of war torn France to get a mile out to sea so they can be rescued and brought to freedom, safety, and prosperity, be it through the extremely generous benefit system, or the black economy.
If they thinks she’s bad after all that, how accommodating would they be?
They’d probably allow child rape if it was culturally appropriate.
Oh wait, they have… Rotherham.
I saw a video of a boat arriving on the beach at Hythe this week. About 30 young blokes ran across the beach, up the stairs and gone. Didn’t look much like a load of oppressed, war weary refugees to me. Looked like a bunch of fucking criminals actually. Welcome to the U.K.
Hope they’ve had their jabs.
Alok Sharma is Squealer from Animal Farm and he can fuck off. Somebody send him a cheat sheet on Zoom for dummies.
Yes, you can guarantee that those cunts will contribute nothing to society.
This country is just a haven for the dodgy dingy-dabblers to rape and pillage all they can from us.
Sink a few dinghies, and they would soon stop coming.
Has anyone got a contact for that speedboat driver who crashed into Kirsty McColl?
Err…agree the cunt is a monumental hypocrite – essential for today’s aspiring politicians – but where’s this ‘private jet’ bit coming from? There’s no mention of this in the link, and I can’t find any suggestion that he has been using a private jet, elsewhere. In any case, I doubt it makes much difference to his emissions (the central point of the piece) whether he is first-class on a major carrier or with his entourage on a much smaller aircraft.
Cunt, yes. No argument. But let’s keep to the facts, eh?
I’d assumed he’d been flying out of Northolt on a 146 like the rest of them do. Maybe, maybe not. Doesn’t make a whole load of difference to the cuntitude though does it?
If he’d been using a private jet he’d have been up there with Bair in the cunt stakes. Especially if he’d been using the a/c of another megacunt such as Richard Caring, Paul Kagame or Naguib Sawiris (to name but three). I would welcome any sightings, of course, but IMO he’s just a run-of-the mill politicunt.
More on that one rule for the rich –
Remember Komodo, Wikipedia does not count Breitbart as a legitimate source.
I checked it wasn’t just Breitbart. It was the Telegraph, but that’s behind a paywall. The Torygraph doesn’t generally make stuff up.
Cunt cunt cunt cunt
I’ve never flown by jet, never owned a vehicle with an engine larger than 2.1 litres, used trains for nearly all of my journeys until my mid twenties, and usually work within twenty miles of home.
I will not listen to these cunts.