“Good evening. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee, reporting on the dire situation in Afghanistan. I’m joined on conference link with the head of Afghani security forces, Field Marshal Admiral of the Fleet Mohammed Mohammed al-Mohammed, from a top secret location somewhere in that grief-stricken nation, to discuss the rapidly deteriorating situation”.
“It is my pleasure. If I may begin with a slight correction. It is with infinite regret that I do not join you from my beloved country. Rather, I join you from a top secret location in infidel Switzerland”.
“Ah, so basically you’ve fled, no doubt with an absolute shed load of money, leaving behind helpless people to their fate at the hands of the Taliban”.
“Absolutely positively not, no no. I do not have a camel load of money, only gold, diamonds and opium. It is from here that I will lead from the front, directing the heroic actions of our faithful armed forces against the barbarian Taliban, with the help of the Prophet, peace be upon him”.
“Heroic efforts? You’re joking surely. Your so-called security forces have simply disappeared like snow off a dyke at the first sign of the Taliban. It’s shambolic”.
“Please, refrain from making comments with a sexual innuendo. Our forces are not to blame. Most importantly, I am not to blame. We had only a few hundred men. The Taliban number more than the grains of sand in the great desert. It is all the fault of the American president Clooney, who has left us to our fate”.
“Clooney? I think you mean Biden…”.
“Him as well, by the beard of the Prophet”.
“Now hold on. In the last twenty years, the western powers, particularly the US, have spent billions attempting to equip and train your armed forces, and have lost thousands of men defending the country in the meantime. Your army was said to number 300,000 against an estimated 75,000 poorly equipped Taliban, and it appears as though they’ve connived to live a soft life at our expense, only to fade away at the first sign of the shit hitting the fan. They lacked the courage and conviction to fight, the feckless cowards”.
“No I repeat that this is all the fault of the Yankee dog Boris. All that was needed was for him to send another $500 billion and 500,000 troops, and by the will of Allah, I would now be in my palace in Kabul”.
“I see. You want the western powers to defend you, when you won’t stand up and do it yourselves”.
“That is it exactly. We are prepared to fight to the death of the last American soldier. Ah, but now I must rush. My bodyguards are here with the coke and the pretty little white schoolgirls. Salaam Alaikum”.
“And the same to you, not. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
More by – Cuntymort
Sorry cunters our favourite warmonger Mr Antony Linton Blair again. Having involved us in two unnecessary wars this CUNT is now pontificating on sleepy joe biden. Thanks to the aforementioned piece of shite the fabric of this country has been changed beyond all recognition.
The amount of money that this cunts government pissed against the wall is beyond belief, and for what? A cabal of veritable cunts of both sexes and levels of incompetence.
It’s a pity that this cunt has not been tried at the Hague for war crimes, If he wriggled out of that a simple trial for treason would work for me. In conclusion a cunt of cunts.
And another – Cunty Gordon
Boris Johnson
Emergency cunting?
Afghanistan is… well, you’ve seen what is going on. Dominic Raab is a psychopathic, apathetic cunt for just lounging in Greece when all he had to do was make a 5-minute phone-call to rescue people. Boris at least flew straight back, but what was the first thing the cunt did? This…
The cunt went to Marks and Sparks? Look at him, all rumpled and confused – and no Covid mask like he lectured us plebs on about a dozen times. Joe Biden and Boris Johnson, between them they supposedly run the western world but they are both utterly fucking useless, out-to-lunch, blabbering CUNTS.
Why the fuck is the leader of Great Britain in a shop? And why does the PM of Britain not travel with security? He’s totally alone. Did he get there in a taxi? Did he just walk home to Downing Street? Imagine Thatcher doing this. A nutter with a gun could kidnap him easily. To me, this further proves that politicians – even the “leader” of a powerful country – diznae mean shit anymore. The charade seems to be ending and the REAL LEADERS like Klaus Schwab are coming out of the shadows.
And another by Cuntybollocks
The evacuation of Afghanistan
Yes, it’s awful for those living there, but why is this place our fucking responsibility?
The west went there in the misguided hope that they could get rid of the Taliban and bring a semblance of peace.
It’s kind of possible to do, but a huge expense that the west can’t keep paying for. We helped equip and train their ‘army’ to look after the country when we left. An army that turned out to be really good at running away, but nothing else. It requires our troops all over the fucking shithole forever to police it. The place will always be a war torn rat hole. The place is massively tribal and the population would not (for the most part) adapt to western life.
But because of this, we will now, no doubt, be lumbered with about a million of the cunts by the time they’re done.
It seems the west have said, “Free lives in the west if you get yourself to the airport.’
These people won’t speak English. Most will be peasants. Many will have backward and strict beliefs. Pakistan and others have already told them to fuck off and not darken their doors. If the Pakistanis see them as too backward and extreme, what could possibly go wrong by moving loads of these cunts near our families?
Again, most of the islamic world won’t help, but are only interested in getting more of their kind into the west. Notice a pattern?
We were already fucked, but it seems some cunts somewhere really want to dumb down our populations and create division and insecurity everywhere.
This fucking country is absolutely finished. Done.
And this from Meat Curtains
The Biden Administration
Exactly where the fuck does one begin with this floundering collection of cunts that make up the US government these days?
When it comes to much needed military action these sorry fuckers only prove to be military grade cunts!
They have turned this once great nation into a global embarrassment and laughing stock.
They are politically ambitious people who love being in power but haven’t a clue what it means to love and serve one’s country or it’s people.
Once in power their boundless incompetence becomes more than just annoying, it becomes absolutely devastating on a global scale.
Daily they display how drunk they are on arrogance and their own inflated sense of self impotance.
The entire government is corrupt, incompetent, and clueless and has turned the US into a leather clad gimp with it’s wrists handcuffed to it’s ankles waiting to get fucked by the entire world.
The latest travesty in Afghanistan is the convergence of several disaster courses playing out in a spectacular way.
There is no way for these cunts to spin this into anything other than what it truly is; a gigantic goddamn cluster fuck that will change the course of the world by shifting power and prestige to the worst of the bad actors on the World stage.
BORN 7-4-1776
DIED 11-3-2020
The fucker got his cats evacuated, yeah fuck the translators who are likely to be killed for helping our lads we’ve prioritised some cunt on social media and his cats. FFS.
Indeed. Even a cat lover such as myself would put cats last on the list of evacuees. Cats are great survivors and would do a lot better than anyone else abandoned over there.
Too right. I mean, let’s face it, there’ll be plenty of meat lying around, cooking in the sun.
The whole of Afghanistan is a litter box anyway.
One sliver of a silver lining if loads of Afghans settle in Blighty – for the most part they despise stanleys and the latter are suitably cowed by them.
Could make things interesting.
Ok, I dId say it was a sliver.
The Taliban are absolute cunts, but you’ve got to have a sneaking regard for them in a way. They’re fucking hard-nosed, and they hang in and won’t quit.
As I say, absolute cunts.
As for the so-called Afghani ‘security forces’, it looks like it’s been a case of take the money for twenty years, then run.
Between Afghanistan and Cristiano Ronaldo rejoining Manchester United, 2021 is really going all in on 2000s nostalgia.
Seen the clip of the abandoned Blackhawk heiicopter being taken for a taxiing joyride? Go on, pull up the collective – how hard can it be? ?
With all the hardware that the Septics have left behind, the Taliban must be one of the best equipped forces in the region.
Morning DCI, trust you’re well?
And morning all, indeed!
‘Morning Ron! Yep, they’re even wearing the American uniforms complete with NVGs and body armour. Fair few other aircraft as well as the Blackhawks, too. Shame the Afghans don’t show the same tenacity for defending their country as they do for clinging onto lilos.
The Afghan army retreated even faster than the Italian one in w.w 2. Biden has lost all credibility with everyone. I reckon Kamala Harris will be sworn in before Christmas.
Did you see the press conference where Sleepy Joe slumped over the mic while a reporter was having a go at him?
It was really alarming, the bloke looks so out of his depth.
No way he’ll last out his term, low odds he’ll last till the end of the year. Imagine that Kamala bint as president ?
The cunt will be lucky to see out the month.
Only the smell of Timotei shampoo in a 6yr olds hair keeping him on his feet.
Kamala won’t last five minutes either, she’s already deeply unpopular with the American public, including Democunts and much of the MSM that had previously lauded her inclusion on the ticket.
It’ll be Trump all the way in 2024.
Trouble is we have 4 years of this shit storm until the next retard is elected.
It was a complete fairy tale to train afghans to behave like western troops.
All the money in the world wouldn’t have stopped them running off at the first sign of trouble.
Our leaders are fools.
Makes you wonder if a lot of them weren’t closet Taliban all the time as well.
Wouldn’t surprise me, the sneaky, devious cunts.
Giving an Afghan an M16 doesn’t make him a US Marine.
We keep learning the same lesson over and over invariably the hard way.
We lost a whole army out there in 1842, none of this shit. Just should have abandoned them. Life’s tough.
Yes it is all Bliars fault, as is the hag Krankie. Fuck em, fuck em all.
If Blair had not got involved in the first place we’d had not lost 500 of our lads ,saved billions and wouldn’t be finding our schools, hospitals etc overrun with undesirables.
Ireland for the Irish,Afghanistan for the Afghans.
Rocket science it ain’t.
In one way I’m sort of glad I grew up in the 50/60/70’s.
I can’t imagine the world in say 20 (or sooner) years time. What a mega shit show everything is.
The common denominator being?
The 50’s were great.
This countries last ‘serious’ decade.
Britain as it should be.
Seems the US are now in cahoots with the Taliban to track down ISIS-K, the group allegedly to blame for the Kabul airport blast that killed over 170 people last Thursday.
ISIS-K are even more hardlined in terms of islamic fundamentalism than the Taliban, and both have been fighting each other for years. But the US have allegedly had to ask the Taliban for help in tracking down the group in order to carry our a planned drone airstrike on them.
Talk about muddying the waters.
When the weapons abandoned in Afghanistan are used to kill Europeans in Europe will we be able to put a price on Biden head “ dead or alive”
And don’t forget the list of Afghan “quislings” the US conveniently handed over to the Taliban.
And then the UK forces were requested by a US general to stop rescue operations as they were too successful and making the US forces look bad. Fortunately we refused to play ball.
You couldn’t make it up. Stunning incompetence.
Bloody hell, is that right about the US general? What a fucking shit shower they’ve been made to look.
I’m afraid so Ron. Worthy of a separate Cunting –
Ffs! They’ve denied it, of course…
As if the cunts needed anybody else to make them look bad. They’re more than capable of doing that all by themselves.
Biden, Dead or alive? Much like a virus, the answer depends on the circumstances.
That abandoned tech will be hot footing it to China for reverse engineering, bulk production and redistribution… almost certainly to European based sand nogs at some point.
All excellent cuntings and all spot on.
President Joe O’Bidet has made the US into a laughing stock and caused allies such as the UK to call into question the value of allying with the US in any future disputes. The only beneficiaries of this are the likes of Iran, Russia and particularly China, who will be eyeing up Taiwan with renewed confidence.
It’s a terrible tragedy for ordinary Afghans, not even sweetened by the admittedly delicious spectacle of all those Libtards that praised O’Bidet as a great statesman solely because he wasn’t that other guy. They all have blood on their hands.
Had no respect for Biden before this, but Afghanistan really shows he’s totally incompetent in his role.
I agree. And that “other guy”, although he started the process of withdrawal, would not have made such a mess of it.
Even Barry O’Bummer once said “never underestimate the capacity of Joe Biden to fuck it up” – or words to that effect.
Know what Joes middle name is?
…… Robinette.
Says it all.
The little puff.
Hes caused fuckin mayhem with his ill thought out meddling.
Impeach the old cunt.
“…no respect for Biden before this, but Afghanistan really shows he’s totally incompetent in his role.”
Disagree, he’s fulfilling his role perfectly and as ordered by Isn’trael of dutifully hastening the collapse of the US. It’s almost cyclical, they’ve hollowed that nation out to a bare husk and like any adaptable parasite it won’t administer the coup de grace whilst it is seeking a new host… shalom China.
The said Gaddaffi was a ‘great statesman’ as well.. when it suited them and there was a bit of oil sloshing around.
Bunch of spineless fuckpigs.
Biden and co will be sucking up the MSM like no one’s business. I don’t know who their Press Secretary is but he/she/it needs sacking. Or is that person still too busy worrying about offending some woke tranny BLM cunt rather than focusing on the shit storm in Afghanistan
Do Afghan Lives Matter?
Precisely, but Afghans are not white, which would therefore make them BAMEs. But the Woke probably wouldn’t categorise them as “black” (unlike Sparkletits), and therefore not worthy of any vocal support.
Just the latest militarised political panto.
I just hope now the Taliban savages have an arsenal of the latest weaponry they start a war with the Stanley vermin next door.
Open a beer and watch them obliterate each other.
Oh and we should never have become embroiled in that shit hole of a country.
B.liar should be put against a wall and shot.
A truly filthy cunt.
Hear hear!
Although I’d rather see the evil piece of filth tortured first…
Please UT hang him by the bollocks first.
It’s Cherie that has the bollocks.
One other thing to bear in mind. We’re rapidly approaching the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
One would hope Biden and his “intelligence” organisations, are working hard against any proposed terrorist threats in the US come that fateful day.
Biden’s appalling mistiming of pulling his forces out of Afghanistan so close to 9/11, is just another reason why he and his advisors are nothing more than fucking idiots.
And 30 years on from Bush Snr making his New World Order speech.
I’ll bet a shiny penny something terrorism related happens. These globalist cunts love their symbols and numbers.
“One would hope Biden and his “intelligence” organisations, are working hard against any proposed terrorist threats in the US come that fateful day.”
Why would they? They were complicit and active agents in the original event!!
Sorry for another comment but this situation makes me sad about the current state of western politics. If I were American I wouldn’t vote for either and it’s the same in the uk they’re all the same. I vote for local independent candidates now as I’ve seen the fuck all that labour and tories have done for my town in the last 40 years.
Trump must be laughing his arse off, watching the hair sniffer Biden carry the shit can for this debacle. I have no idea how tangoman would have handled it, probably not as bad, but not much better, as it is inevitable that the Talliban would just carry on where they left off. However, Trump is going to enjoy the fallout, as people forget that it was him who started the withdrawal process and it seemed a popular decision with the electorate. No more foreign wars and that.
Why Blair gets a free ride from the press is beyond me, as he is one of the prime architects of this monumental shitcake, and should be remembered for it, as well as his destruction of the U.K.
Fucking cunt.
Tony Blair – rhymes with Electric Chair.
Way too quick for that criminal.
And he just won’t shut his fucking gob, will he? Not only a megacunt, but utterly delusional in his belief that anybody gives a flying fart for his opinion on anything.
Blair is truly worthy of IsAC’s ultimate award, that of being declared a National Cunt.
It was originally Barry O’Bummer’s policy to withdraw from the shithole. In 2014 he cut the 34,000 troops by 70% to under 10,000, before reducing that number to 5,500, intending to withdraw U.S. troops entirely by the end of 2016. Trump came in and initially increased their number to 14,000 but pledged to reach net zero by 2022.
Rather begs the question of why the MAGA cunts are so outraged by Biden’s hasty pull out. Trump might – might – have taken a few months longer, but there’s fuck-all evidence the dumb cunt would have handled it any better.
Truth is we and the septics were blindsided as to the scale of the Taleban’s grip, and the total abject corruption and mendacity (it’s an Afghan tradition, ffs) of the cunts we were supporting at such cost.
There had to be an exit strategy at some point, and judging by that, Trumps’ was probably the better option. I wonder how many Americans are regretting voting for Biden on the premise that ‘he couldn’t be worse than Trump’?
Let’s be honest, if you’re looking to blame a President for this mess it isn’t Biden, nor Trump nor Barry O’Bama.
It is all firmly in the lap of Dubya Bush and the insane mission creep that began on his watch. The others have just been trying to manage the inevitable.
@ GJ – Not sure I follow you there. There had to be an exit strategy, (why? Trump’s strategic sense is not a matter of record, in any field.)therefore it had to be a better one? But Biden’s planning was firmly based on Trump’s, as far as anyone outside the DoD can hope to know.
I’ll trade your unfounded supposition for my unfounded supposition. They are of equal value.
MBE’s nearer the mark.
Of course there needed to be an exit strategy, we shouldn’t have been there in the first place, and leaving should have been a priority, but re-enacting the fall of Saigon was a terrible decision, and from the above stats that RTC provided, Trump had the the least worst shit sandwich, at least 18 extra months for a measured withdrawal, maybe with UN forces from the region temporarily replacing western forces.
This is not an endorsement of Trump, they are fucked either way.
Bush’s big fuck up was diverting U.S military attention from Afghanistan and Al Qaeda to the wholly unjustified war in Iraq, all for his and Blair’s blatantly self serving reasons.
67 British nationals were killed on 9/11. I don’t think we could simply have turned the other cheek. We should have gone in, sorted Bin Laden and Al Qaeda out and then got out sharpish. Instead we put that on the back burner and went on a disastrous wild goose chase in Iraq, all for the egos of a couple of narcissistic sociopaths.
Blair still thinks we should have remained in Afghanistan to do nation building for JP Morgan, the UAE’s sovereign wealth fund and Naguib (runs state telecom in N. Korea) Sawiris, with all of whom he is closely associated.
Kudos to Biden, after being openly insulted by Blair, reminded him he wasn’t the PM now. Might also have mentioned that Trump told him to piss off as well.
Dare I say it, but bumbling Biden has been unbelievably candid in the last few days. He’s basically been saying what everybody at state level has been denying for 20 years. Would we have ever gone into Afghanistan if AQ bombed the towers from a safe haven in Yemen? Quite!
The can has been kicked down the road too long, especially since O’Bama agreed to scale back the mission in 2014 (when I was still serving). But with all the money invested and wasted they were desperate to keep a foot in the door when it was obvious they were not welcome. This is the doing of individuals far beyond the President alone, and I think you’re right to think DoD amongst others. Collective denial and procrastination led to what we are seeing today, and for the record the troops out there are bloody amazing, a professional opinion.
Woke/BLM/Extinction Rebellion versus Islamic fundamentalist Hardliners.
Talk about a clash of civilisations.
If only the fuckers would eat each other. We might get a bit of peace.
None of these groups have the balls to front-up to the Taliban/ISIS-K, and yet they’re the most backward bunch of cunts out there, especially with regards they treat women, children, animals and the environment.
But the BLM/XR and the Greta-types just don’t want to know about how ordinary Afghan civilians are treated in that country. They might mumble a few words of faux outrage on SM, but they won’t fly out to Kabul and “walk the walk!”
So come on Rashford, Lineker, Lily Mong, Sparkletits, Thundercunt, Thompson et al. You’re the figureheads for most of these Lefty groups. So why don’t you fuck off to Kabul and protest in the streets, and vandalise a few statues of Mohammed!
A statue of Big Mo in Kabul Techno?
Fucking hell. If you wanted to trigger a 3rd world war then that’d be it.
These nutcases can’t handle a cartoon imagine what a 20 ft stone monument of the cunt would do them.
The making of representational images is forbidden by hard Islam*, hence the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas and much else. Hence the statues of Mohammed have been destroyed in advance, as it were.
*Hence, partially, Charlie Hebdo. Didn’t affect the Savafid Persians or Ottoman Turks much, though. They even managed a drink now and then.
I reckon Lily Mong would go to Kabul just to get rogered by those Taliban chappies.
They woukd struggle in Kabul. No Waitrose or Costa coffee shops for the poor dears.
Pomegranate and feta salad? Forget it.
This was an actual headline today, complete with pictures of pillar boxes:
Taliban tell Afghan women to stay at home because soldiers are not trained to respect or deal with them.
8th Century Culture – coming to your neighbourhood, very soon.
Still finding it difficult to believe that the Biden administration is even legitimate.
I mean look at the guy for fucks sake.
The senile dementia/cognitive decline was clearly apparent in the build up to the election so this latest debacle can’t be much of a surprise to anyone.
Not only could the doddery cunt barely string a sentence together, his rallies couldn’t fill a bathroom either (though I’m sure the libtards and woke cunts would use covid, social distancing and shite like that as an excuse)
And as for his VP…. God help the USA.
Bidet held a number of useless press conferences recently.
In one he was shuffling his cue cards around desperately looking for the right card to read what had been prepared for him. Probably the one that said “good morning”.
In another he said he had been “instructed” to say something or other. Probably “good morning” again.
Whose pulling the strings? Clearly their not doing a good job.
More a case of propping him up… like the old Soviet presidents of yore.
Is everyone looking forward to an ISIS K (fuck knows) neighbour, if there is anyone who thinks that the process of sorting out the wheat from the chaff is in any way shape or form robust then good luck.
We already have cunts here who shouldn’t be here and now we are adding more dangerous twats.
Biden is a useless cunt, Boris is just as bad and now we will reap our rewards, Afghanistan is going back to what it was twenty years ago, Stone Age tribes but with sophisticated weapons.
If a US trained Army cannot defend its own country why the fuck are we (US and UK) taking all the blame, leave the cunts to sort themselves out. ‘Oh, there isn’t air support’, well neither had the Taliban, actually now they do ?
Just wait for the usual suspects complaining ‘we don’t have enough houses’, ‘people living in poverty’…. ‘Immigrants aren’t being looked after’ makes me want to drink my own boiled piss ?
Top drawer cunting, Ron.
I like to imagine how The Donald would have been treated if he had made the decisions Taliban Joe is making. The Donald would have three separate impeachment proceedings filed against him every day. The cunt Pelosi would be pissing her knickers with rage and the BBC would be in full flow about the evils of Trumpism.
The MASA aka Make America Shit Again marxist agenda has been foisted on decent Amercians in a dodgy election and there is fuck all they can do about it short of civil war. The USA is fucked, and we are being fucked up the arse by way of collateral damage.
Fuck right off. Cunts.
The speed with which Sleepy Joe has been revealed to be utterly and completely out of his depth is frightening. Others were always pulling his strings and dragging him about, but he’s proved to be incapable of even putting on a bit of a front.
The west’s enemies are having a fucking field day.
The Peacefuls can smell weakness from a mile away and the Western world fucking stinks of it. The Chinkies and the Ivans must be pissing themselves laughing.
I would avoid any crowded places in the next few weeks especially on September 11th.
Pikeystan should be called out for what it is
A shit hoarder of fundamentals
If they threaten back then make it abundantly clear that full scale nuclear attack will ensue
Call there bluff and be finished with it one way or the other
This shit needs to end
This would need the cooperation of USA Russia and China and of course Israel who would love it
A proper stand off to fuck fundamentalism forevermore.
Of course I’m dreaming and haven’t woke up yet
I legitimately couldn’t give a fuck.
The notion that our intel didn’t know this was going to happen or couldn’t have put a stop to it. It’s just too ridiculous to believe all these Afghanis stood down and we leave a huge cache of military equipment.
Couldn’t forsee it, apparently. But could foresee a spur of the moment terrorist attack at the airport? Get the fuck out. How stupid do they think we are?.. Oh, right!
Pure theatre.
There’s a fucking wealth of material here for a pisstake;
‘Afghanistan; the Musical’. The libtards will claim that it’s racist if effnicks don’t play every part, inc. the Yanks.
Morgan Freeman’s a shoe-in for Sleepy Joe.
As the great Bernard Manning once said about the Dutch being taken over by the Wermacht in a couple of days in 1940. “What were they fighting with, fucking tulips?”. The Italians “The only army to have reverse lights on their tanks. There flag should be a white cross on a white background”. The French “They fought every other Wednesday between 1 and 3 o’clock in the afternoon”.
Me thinks all this can be applied to the Afghan Security Forces.
‘there flag should be a white cross on a white background’. Fucking typical Bernie; brilliant!
Don’t forget the reason we were in that third world shithole in the first place.
Osama Bin Laden.
Who was found next door in Pakistan, a couple of hundred meters from one of their leading military academies.
I wouldn’t usually reference the Guardian, but it’s got a lot of info in this piece:
“Horst Ehmke, former coordinator of the West German secret services, observed: “Terrorists could not have carried out such an operation with four hijacked planes without the support of a secret service.”
Either the CIA are incompetent (there’s that word again..), or there’s traitors right at the heart of the USA.
I think we’re long overdue for transparency in our secret services. No one is holding these dickheads to account and it’s clear even from declassified materials they are dangerous entities in themselves.
Who polices the secret police?
Plausible. The prime suspect would have to be the Saudis, though. They undoubtedly have good access to US intelligence, and the hijackers were Saudis, as was OBL. Occam’s Razor suggests that no real change is required in our perception of 9/11.
M.Atta has been suspected to be ISI. Think one or two others are too. His own mother thinks he’s still alive, and there’s been people saying the same for others over the years.
I don’t buy the official line, as you might suspect. I think there was a very small group of co-conspirators in the CIA, Mossad, ISI, fuck knows who else too. What makes it so complicated is the demolition and the missile at the Pentagon (stealing a giant missile is a conspiracy itself).
I’ve read about 9/11 conspiracies in several books. Some of the happenings a week or so before the events are suspicious to say the least. Unofficial workmen in the twin towers working in lift shafts in the early hours of the morning. No lift maintenance was scheduled or recorded. What were they doing? The US Air Force test scheduled for 9/11 with all the confusion this caused on the day. A coincidence? Several reports given to President Bush advising that an attack was imminent and planes could be used. Security was not even beefed up in US airports in fact you could say it slackened. Letting Muslim passengers on planes with sharp box cutters? Events on the day. The slow response from The President. The collapse of the Twin Towers and World Trade Centre 6 later in the day looking like controlled demolitions. Eye witness reports seeing no plane going into the Pentagon, the video of the plane then ‘appears’ a week after but this still looks like a missile. The day after the attacks Richard Clarke the US Security Advisor is asked by President Bush of Iraq’s involvement. “Iraq has nothing to do with this Mr President”. We all know what happens next.
Historians used to (and will again in the future)
Missile hit the pentagon……
You’re mental if you believe a plane hit it. It didn’t scratch the grass lawn in front and hit the Pentagon literally at ground level! Even expert pilots wouldn’t be able to pull that off, and these were noob pilots ?
Cruise missiles, specifically naval ship busting ones, are programmed to hit just above the water line though.
Also, planes can apparently slice through steel thicker than tank armour (WTC), but can’t slice through a brick wall? Yeah, ok then ?
The problem is that if you are going to dismiss the real story, along with the eye witness reports and the scientific evidence, then there is fuck all I can say that will make any difference.
Perhaps you should research impact damage from anti ship munitions, or missiles in general, you would see its nothing like the damage sustained by the Pentagon.
And my 30 years experience in aviation archaeology probably counts for nothing either.
‘Either the CIA are incompetent’
They are.
“You’re mental if you believe a plane hit it. It didn’t scratch the grass lawn in front and hit the Pentagon literally at ground level!”
The lawn does not extend up to the building there is/was a parking area between the two.
It was the original “Loose Change” agitprop that got the kook-ball rolling ably assisted of course by the all purpose fat fucknut Alex Jones.
“Your so-called security forces have simply disappeared like snow off a dyke at the first sign of the Taliban. It’s shambolic”.
“Please, refrain from making comments with a sexual innuendo…. ”
If you aren’t already, you should be doing this for a living, Ron.
Thanks Komodo. I’m always up for a good piss take, and boy, do these cunts provide us with some material.
Have read recently that many members of the Afghan security forces were into “boy play” baki bashee or something. This fine old Afghan tradition involves boys from 10 to 18 dancing in drag and then being arse raped by their owners or just arse raped. Some years back an American special forces soldier was sent back to USA because he kicked the shit out of some Afghan militia man because the horrible cunt had a boy on a chain attached to his bed.
Once the lad grows a beard he’s out not beautiful any more. The thing that worries me is that there is a bloody good chance we are importing hundreds of fucking nonces who when suitably housed etc will think they are in heaven drowning in gravy.
We do not need more fucking liabilities we already have far to many peacefuls and liloists.
Always look on the bright side, Brian. With any luck our traditional Afghan cultural imports will be deeply attracted to our soy-complexioned woke gender-homoevocative youth, and, (using the correct pronoun), bugger them senseless. Satisfying both parties and keeping them away from me, thanks.
There was a passage in “A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush”, by Eric Newby (the other one) which described a border guard on the Turkish-Iranian frontier, mid-discussion with Newby, pushing his ( the guard’s) young subordinate into a cupboard “from which unpleasant sounds emerged”, as I remember the line.
I am of the opinion that since we were already over there and heavily invested we should have doubled down and set up a super base to maintain a presence. That would be money better spent than 90% of what the U.S. budget is for these days. Then do what the fucking Chinese are doing and go for the rare earth mining. This pull out could not have been more poorly managed.
And for fuck sake Joe, stop invoking Trump you sorry cowardly cunt! He didn’t do a pull out precisely because he was told this would be what happens.
Well, it’s another stick for the completely unbiased MAGA mob to beat Biden with.
OTOH, when I see a platinum grade Republican neocon megacunt – who was central to Bush II’s foreign follies, and who then experienced Trump’s management skills, and like so many others left – asserting that the current debacle was Trump’s fault, then I am inclined to believe him. This isn’t a clintonite foilhatter. This is one of the original PNAC (google it, can’t be arsed telling you) Iraq chickenhawks at the centre of US policy. And intelligent with it, the evil US exceptionalist cunt…
A big +1 re Bolton, he’s nearly up there with Kissinger when it comes to undiluted cuntery.
For cunters who don’t know what PNAC was (still is) here’s a write up by John Pilger…
…interesting factoid. They’re considering parole for Sirhan Sirhan after 50 years in jail. He was allegedly the sole suspect/perpetrator of Robert F. Kennedy’s assasination at the Ambassador Hotel in L.A., (13 shots fired from his 8 shot revolver???) Pilger was in the room at the time…
I notice that Megain Sparkletits has said fuck all about those poor sods in Kabul.
Oh, I forgot. They’re not black. There is nothing in it for the self serving shoeshine slag.
You haven’t been looking, have you?
Black, maybe not, but wimminz? Oh, yes. There’s a bandwagon we can jump on, Harry…