“Good evening. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee, reporting on the dire situation in Afghanistan. I’m joined on conference link with the head of Afghani security forces, Field Marshal Admiral of the Fleet Mohammed Mohammed al-Mohammed, from a top secret location somewhere in that grief-stricken nation, to discuss the rapidly deteriorating situation”.
“It is my pleasure. If I may begin with a slight correction. It is with infinite regret that I do not join you from my beloved country. Rather, I join you from a top secret location in infidel Switzerland”.
“Ah, so basically you’ve fled, no doubt with an absolute shed load of money, leaving behind helpless people to their fate at the hands of the Taliban”.
“Absolutely positively not, no no. I do not have a camel load of money, only gold, diamonds and opium. It is from here that I will lead from the front, directing the heroic actions of our faithful armed forces against the barbarian Taliban, with the help of the Prophet, peace be upon him”.
“Heroic efforts? You’re joking surely. Your so-called security forces have simply disappeared like snow off a dyke at the first sign of the Taliban. It’s shambolic”.
“Please, refrain from making comments with a sexual innuendo. Our forces are not to blame. Most importantly, I am not to blame. We had only a few hundred men. The Taliban number more than the grains of sand in the great desert. It is all the fault of the American president Clooney, who has left us to our fate”.
“Clooney? I think you mean Biden…”.
“Him as well, by the beard of the Prophet”.
“Now hold on. In the last twenty years, the western powers, particularly the US, have spent billions attempting to equip and train your armed forces, and have lost thousands of men defending the country in the meantime. Your army was said to number 300,000 against an estimated 75,000 poorly equipped Taliban, and it appears as though they’ve connived to live a soft life at our expense, only to fade away at the first sign of the shit hitting the fan. They lacked the courage and conviction to fight, the feckless cowards”.
“No I repeat that this is all the fault of the Yankee dog Boris. All that was needed was for him to send another $500 billion and 500,000 troops, and by the will of Allah, I would now be in my palace in Kabul”.
“I see. You want the western powers to defend you, when you won’t stand up and do it yourselves”.
“That is it exactly. We are prepared to fight to the death of the last American soldier. Ah, but now I must rush. My bodyguards are here with the coke and the pretty little white schoolgirls. Salaam Alaikum”.
“And the same to you, not. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
More by – Cuntymort
Sorry cunters our favourite warmonger Mr Antony Linton Blair again. Having involved us in two unnecessary wars this CUNT is now pontificating on sleepy joe biden. Thanks to the aforementioned piece of shite the fabric of this country has been changed beyond all recognition.
The amount of money that this cunts government pissed against the wall is beyond belief, and for what? A cabal of veritable cunts of both sexes and levels of incompetence.
It’s a pity that this cunt has not been tried at the Hague for war crimes, If he wriggled out of that a simple trial for treason would work for me. In conclusion a cunt of cunts.
And another – Cunty Gordon
Boris Johnson
Emergency cunting?
Afghanistan is… well, you’ve seen what is going on. Dominic Raab is a psychopathic, apathetic cunt for just lounging in Greece when all he had to do was make a 5-minute phone-call to rescue people. Boris at least flew straight back, but what was the first thing the cunt did? This…
The cunt went to Marks and Sparks? Look at him, all rumpled and confused – and no Covid mask like he lectured us plebs on about a dozen times. Joe Biden and Boris Johnson, between them they supposedly run the western world but they are both utterly fucking useless, out-to-lunch, blabbering CUNTS.
Why the fuck is the leader of Great Britain in a shop? And why does the PM of Britain not travel with security? He’s totally alone. Did he get there in a taxi? Did he just walk home to Downing Street? Imagine Thatcher doing this. A nutter with a gun could kidnap him easily. To me, this further proves that politicians – even the “leader” of a powerful country – diznae mean shit anymore. The charade seems to be ending and the REAL LEADERS like Klaus Schwab are coming out of the shadows.
And another by Cuntybollocks
The evacuation of Afghanistan
Yes, it’s awful for those living there, but why is this place our fucking responsibility?
The west went there in the misguided hope that they could get rid of the Taliban and bring a semblance of peace.
It’s kind of possible to do, but a huge expense that the west can’t keep paying for. We helped equip and train their ‘army’ to look after the country when we left. An army that turned out to be really good at running away, but nothing else. It requires our troops all over the fucking shithole forever to police it. The place will always be a war torn rat hole. The place is massively tribal and the population would not (for the most part) adapt to western life.
But because of this, we will now, no doubt, be lumbered with about a million of the cunts by the time they’re done.
It seems the west have said, “Free lives in the west if you get yourself to the airport.’
These people won’t speak English. Most will be peasants. Many will have backward and strict beliefs. Pakistan and others have already told them to fuck off and not darken their doors. If the Pakistanis see them as too backward and extreme, what could possibly go wrong by moving loads of these cunts near our families?
Again, most of the islamic world won’t help, but are only interested in getting more of their kind into the west. Notice a pattern?
We were already fucked, but it seems some cunts somewhere really want to dumb down our populations and create division and insecurity everywhere.
This fucking country is absolutely finished. Done.
And this from Meat Curtains
The Biden Administration
Exactly where the fuck does one begin with this floundering collection of cunts that make up the US government these days?
When it comes to much needed military action these sorry fuckers only prove to be military grade cunts!
They have turned this once great nation into a global embarrassment and laughing stock.
They are politically ambitious people who love being in power but haven’t a clue what it means to love and serve one’s country or it’s people.
Once in power their boundless incompetence becomes more than just annoying, it becomes absolutely devastating on a global scale.
Daily they display how drunk they are on arrogance and their own inflated sense of self impotance.
The entire government is corrupt, incompetent, and clueless and has turned the US into a leather clad gimp with it’s wrists handcuffed to it’s ankles waiting to get fucked by the entire world.
The latest travesty in Afghanistan is the convergence of several disaster courses playing out in a spectacular way.
There is no way for these cunts to spin this into anything other than what it truly is; a gigantic goddamn cluster fuck that will change the course of the world by shifting power and prestige to the worst of the bad actors on the World stage.
BORN 7-4-1776
DIED 11-3-2020
We are wrong to slate the Afghans for not fighting for their country. We don’t fight for ours.
Spot on, we should be on the beaches clubbing the fucking invaders as they come ashore ?
9/11/2001 should have never happened. Everything about it points to a conspiracy within the U.S. government. The official story of 9/11 makes as much sense as a schizophrenic’s diary. There’s no way that it was Bin Laden and his clueless gimps pulled off one of the ultimate acts of violence in human history all by themselves and completely unmolested by the world’s intelligence forces, aviation security, NORAD, Air Force, CIA, FBI, etc. No. Fucking. Way. What really happened, how it happened, why is happened, is where it gets crazy, so I’ll spare you all that.
Cut to 2021 in Mondo Retardo and we now have the Americans seemingly declaring the “War on Terror” (a war on a noun?) pretty much over it seems, so let’s rejoice! At a safe distance, of course, with two doses of Big Pharma secret potion in ya!
As for Biden stepping down, word on the street is the Republicans will instantly impeach Kackling Kamala with damning evidence. I have the feeling that an almighty clusterfuck omni-shambles will occur soon in the Yankland halls of power. There could literally be NO PRESIDENT or some sort of White House janitor running the high school for a few weeks. Or Obama. He made some cryptic comment a few weeks ago about a third term as Prez, not the first time he has done that. Failing all of that, it will be Skeletor-with-a-wig, Nancy Pelosi driving the Magic Bus off the cliff.
As for Britain (remember Britain? it was a country in the 20th century that ran the Universe) we have Boris doing his shopping in Markies as either a publicity stunt go awfully, awfully wrong, or he WAS ACTUALLY DOING HIS SHOPPING. Hard to imagine Thatcher or even Blair doing this. I feel like I am on a bad acid trip these days.
It’s going to get worse! Invest in the popcorn industry! Endless hours of TV gold ahead!
Yes the evacuation from Afghanistan is a complete fuck-up and Biden as commander in chief will have to carry the can. But the damage was done long before he took office.
Early last year Trump says ‘the election is coming in November, won’t I look good if I’ve signed an agreement to bring our troops home?’ So he arranges for his secretary of state Mike Pompeo to meet the Taliban. Only the Taliban say they don’t want anyone from the Afghan government to take part in the talks. ‘We’ll negotiate with them later’ they say and amazingly, Trump agrees to this. So they make a deal whereby the ragheads promise to allow the Yanks to exit without interference by May 1st 2021, they’ll hold talks with the legit Afghan government and they won’t allow international terrorist groups to have a base in their country. And Trump, knowing of course that the Taliban are men of honour who always keep their word, signs off on it. The scene is set for his triumphant landslide election victory which doesn’t happen because the majority of Americans aren’t taken in by his bullshit. The Taliban now know the whole plan and have time to prepare. After twenty years of keeping their heads down they’re saddled up and ready to roll, and it takes them just a few days to take over the whole country.
Biden was provided with the exact same intelligence (?) and strategic planning that was made available to Trump. As bad a fuck-up as the evacuation has been, at least they managed to extend the withdrawal deadline by four months.
And now Trump sits on his arse in his Florida mansion saying ‘I told you Biden’s useless’, which proves he still believes that ordinary Americans are nothing but a bunch of fucking dimwits.
Amen to that. Not only John Bolton (linked earlier), but HR McMaster agree with that assessment. Neither is a Democrat , and neither has the slightest regard for Biden. Looks like Pompeo’s trying to wriggle out of taking the blame, but his bluff’s been called.
Joe fell asleep during a talking with some Jewish guy today…
Get this man back home to Delaware.
Kackling Kamala will be worse, of course.
Popcorn at the ready…
Cornpop at the ready more like…
A war that was never to be won. The death of British, American and allied soldiers as well as the innocent civilians was far too many, the price to pay for the cunts in charge.
I have heard and listened to criticism of the Afghan army and an estimated number of 66,000 were killed (including the Afghan police) in that 20 year period and I have listened to many a soldier say that they were good people. Some Afghan soldiers were evil fuckers, trained by the allied forces only for them to point the gun and kill those trying to help them..
I think it would be a laugh if the Chinese and Russians had Nirvana’s ‘Lithium’ blasting from their diplomatic vehicles, knowing full well it was a major hit by a major American band.