What could a bunch of opticians possibly do to make this grumpy old cunts piss boil over? The answer is above. I was happily watching YouTube last night when an ad for this latest fawning partnership shitfest rudely interrupted the great Alf Garnet going at full steam which really pissed me off.
According to them, IsACs least admired smirking jug lugs cunt is a much loved sports personality and something of a fashion icon, and has chosen his favourite style of eyewear to foist upon us!
Not content with p*ncing £159 from the wallets/purses of around 11,700 telly tax payers, or getting however much from the likes of Walkers et al, this most odious of cunts now gleans yet even more cash for this latest round of cuntitude from companies using the already obscenely wealthy to peddle some overpriced ‘endorsed by a so called celebrity tat’ thinking that its something we all want.
The gushing content of that link is vomit inducing, prattling on about his ‘fruit and veg days’ like Suckdick Khan goes on about his dad being a Bus driver, and don’t even look at the many pictures unless you’re gay. I only looked because I know IsAC needs reputable links these days and I wanted to cunt this pairing. One way or another, patrons of Vision Express will be paying for this bollocks, but luckily I’m not one of them. Based on this collaboration I never will be. So Vision Express, go take your partnership with this slimy overhyped turd and go fuck yourselves because you’ve scored an own goal with me. Cunts.
Nominated by: The Eternally Grumpy Cunt
If they think Linecunt will improve their image then they should of gone to Specsavers. Blind twats.
No depths to which this cunt won’t sink to make a bit more moola. What styles is this maggot trying to pull off then? Discount Reservoir Dogs look? Tax dodger on the run, relaxes by pool at Costa del Crime villa? That’s right Gary, put on your ‘serious specks’, that’ll fool the Policia Nacional.
I fucking hate this jug eared, immigrant loving prick. He is such a cunt. A cunt of the highest order.
160 nicker to look like a blindman?
Get fucked!!
Some folk have more money than sense.
He just needs a fuckin Labrador to complete the look.
The only thng I want to see linekunt in is the Chapel of Rest.
Leicester’s answer to Stevie Wonder, strolling around diverse neighbourhoods humming ‘Ebony and Ivory’.
It’s hard to imagine a BIGGER cunt than pseudo intellectual 4 “O” level Gary Lineker but step aside he must for single digit IQ creepy pedo brother Wayne who’s claim to fame is he’s Gary’s brother and he fucks girls younger than his own daughter !! BRAVO
What a pair of cunts …………
Why are these wankers employing this smug piece of shit? He’s old and he’s white. Get with the times for fucks sake.
On the topic of football (smooth eh?), it seems Jack Grealish told Wokegate he wanted to take a penalty in the European Championship final (via his Twitter account). He’s saying he’s not having it (the media and people saying he refused to take one and left a 19 year old to carry the can).
The plot, as they say, thickens..
Jug ears? He’s a money grabbing cunt. Might be needing it though once he potentially receives his tax demand.
I reckon there’s more than a grain of truth in your last comment. I reckon he’s fearing for his pension pot.
Could be right. Works for BT and the BBC and I think he may even have done a few stints here and there on non UK international broadcasts for the Premier League.
If I was on 1.5 mill with a good 20 mill in the bank, I wouldn’t be arsed about a second or third job and giving up my time to flog any old shite.
I’d probably just fucking retire and enjoy myself.
But he keeps working.
Either a greedy fucker or he knows he might be needing all the money he can get his hands on asap.
Yeah there’s a rumour going round that Wokegate picked his penalty takers to make sure a BAME scored the winning goal. It sounds crazy but then so was his selection.
Vids on his Twitter prove he said yes to taking a penalty. I bet Wokegate’s fuming that Grealish has thrown him under the bus, but Grealish was getting dog’s abuse on social media and the media itself.
But he’s a honky of course so fuck him lol.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Southgate deliberately tried to make sure that a BAME representative of his merry band of snowflakes scored the winning penalty.
Sounds cynical but when you look at how Southgate in particular, relentlessly pushed the outrageously divisive BLM kneeling bullshit then it doesn’t sound so unrealistic.
I wouldn’t blame Southgate entirely for the woke virtue signalling agenda though because no doubt those instructions will have come from somewhere way above in the darker and corrupted corners of the FA.
This tournament was overshadowed by race baiting politics from start to finish.
The woke agenda was in fucking overdrive from rainbow coloured advertising hoardings preaching diversity through to token women commentators and pundits.
The absolute cunts!
It’s only because very old habits die very hard (sadly) that I persevered with this crap.
The FA and scum media should hang their heads in shame as far as I’m concerned because they knowingly attempted to divide the nation even further by allowing the sport of football to be so manipulated.
The fans on the whole, obviously did not want to witness the kneeling and lectures from dimwitted millionaire footballers on how racist and ignorant or whatever else they happen to think of the white working class.
Breakaway European Super League? – Listen to the fans… We must listen to the fans they cried…
Kneeling for dubious American politics with a lashing of black power thrown in? – these fans need to be educated innit.
They really must take for granted that people are really that thick with a sprinkling of short term memory loss to swallow such crap and not notice, just as within 12 months, kneeling apparently has nothing to do Burn Loot Murder either.
I know Joe public maybe isn’t the sharpest tool in the box but unless you’re a socially conditioned non questioning zombie, then you’re going to smell the stinking hypocrisy coming a mile off.
Southgate is a cunt of epic proportions and his continued and arrogantly defiant holier than thou obsession with ramming the FA’s diversity crap down the nations throats backfired big time in the rat faced cunt.
And where the fuck was the nations saviour Pound Sterling?? Conspicuous by his absence in the shootout while a 19 year old child is thrown under a bus.
Southgate, the FA deserved everything they got as far as I’m concerned.
Indeed. This tournament will not be remembered for the football or the fact England got to their first major final in over 50 years.
From the very start, they (England) made it all about race.
Had they won it, I have no doubt it would’ve all been about race. Lose? A few tweets from abroad and an idiot spraying a mural and now all we get is how racist the country is. Players blaming the Tories.
And it’s not political they say.
All in all, I think FIFA carry the can for this. England team says bend the knee. FA agree. UEFA then agree. At that point it’s up to FIFA to tell them to stop.
Well here we are. Stupid cunts.
And yes, i have to admit that it’s difficult to see any other reason than some kind of weird woke agenda was behind the choice and order of the penalty takers. Gary Neville came out and said the choices would’ve been data led and known pre game, but this shows poor management again even if it’s true. You can’t recreate the pressure in training and the impact missing the crucial penalty would have on a 19 year old.
You go with experience and players who take them at club level. Grealish is about 7 years older than Saka, is a club captain and takes them for his club.
No fucking brainer, unless you’re stupid or have an agenda.
Brilliant post by the way.
Woke won the cup for Italy. He wanted I am sure to ‘drive inclusivity’ by having a black player drive the winning penalty home.
And even better a very young black player to do it. And that’s what lost us the cup.
They all look worried going up but Saka didnt look worried he looked terrified. The responsibility should never have been given to him.
Truly football we can say now is racist. When the tactics are dictated by the colour of your skin.
Indeed Miles.
The powers that be are making absolutely everything about race.
Like a battering ram through society.
Football happens to be a very very popular distraction for the masses and a prime target for yet more division.
Take the knee for BLM = Good
Object to race baiting gestures = bad
Brexit = bad
Remain = good
Etc etc
Now they’re kneeling at the Rashford mural.
‘Take care of them’ is the meme/theme going around regarding the 3 who missed the penalties.
Of course, this is exactly the same kind of caring treatment the likes of Beckham, Pearce, Waddle, Batty and Southgate himself received, when they missed crucial penalties lol.
See where all this subjugation leads to, Jamaica now demanding £7 billion in reparations from Britain for the slave trade, yawn….
@RTC Drop a bucket of instant sunshine on the drugged up, idle, gangsta cunts.
And be done with it.
Evening, RTC.
More than likely one of B&WC’s scams that he knows nuffink abaaaht!
Evening Jack. ?
Jack Grealish is getting stick, but Saint Raheem Luther King Pele of Assisi has not been asked why he didn’t take a penalty, has he?
The bottling sacred cow little cunt trumpet.
Stirling is Cuddles the monkey, to Southgates Orville.
Even Fraudiola prefers Foden to the dancing, baboon arsed, diving, over-rated cunt.
I decided many years ago not to use Vision Express although I now have no idea what the reason was. This just gives me a fresh one.
The utter cunt. Also, from what I’ve heard, a total sexual predator who has buried stories about him for years.
These advertising companies haven’t got a fucking clue have they.
Adverts just piss people off, especially when promoted by complete twats that the majority of the public cannot stand (such as Rylan Clark or Keith Lemon or Jugears) or those banal annoying juvenile adverts that annoy from the very first time they are shown (such as the latest Domino Pizza ad).
At 62 my eyes are just starting to go and I have decided to wait until they get really bad until sorting it out.
One thing (amongst many thousands of things) that really fucks me off are those people who decide that they need to wear really zany, colourful glasses in order to try and project some sort of character that they are unable to do themselves. Cunts.
Don’t leave it too long or you won’t be able to find the optician’s.
I’ve had these adverts pop up on my Facebook recently. And judging by most of the comments on there, Vision Express have made a monumental marketing fuck up. Suffice to say, it’s not just us on isac who can’t abide the slimy cunt. He really is an unpopular fucker and they won’t be getting my hard earned or many other peoples from what I’ve read. They’d have had less of a backlash if they’d hired Stuart Hall.
Thought this was a piss-take until I clicked the link.
So if I buy these glasses, I’ll be more like FA Cup ears…
Na, thanks. I’ll stick to me’self and be a cunt.
I saw a poster for this Simod Cup-headed cunt when I walked past the local Vision Express. I immediately thought that was one good reason not to buy a pair of glasses from them.
What does the smirking cunt think he looks like – Altabani in the Italian Job? Gary’s suit looks more 1985 Mr Byrite than Armani.
This cunt is ripe for a nitro-glycerin suppository.
TV advertisement breaks were always a bore but at least, on occasion, there were some clever or imaginative adverts. Not any more. Advertising breaks now feature –
Mixed marriages
Linecunt crisps
Mixed marriages
Linecunt spectacles
Go Compare
We – buy-any-car-dot-com
Dear-keys yodelling for chiggin and pizzas
Dear-keys, dar-keys, dar-keys, mixed marriages, dark-keys, dar-keys, etc.
It’s made me mad.
You forgot the over 50’s funeral plans, the online gaming ads and Africa £3 a month appeals.
And I’d rather buy a laptop off a pie key.
I’d rather take it in the bottom.
Oh I say, steady on, old bean.
Let’s not get carried away.
Good evening.
It’s the ‘Shake and Vac’ phenomenon.
Get a really annoying cunt or a really annoying tune and people will remember your product.
I remember cuntish adverts for the very specific reason of making sure I never even consider buying the product.
Shake & Vac was rancid, smelt nearly as disgusting as that Haze Rose air freshener the old whores squirted down their drawers between clients.
That Shake and Vac bird was a bit of alright.
Tis’ a weird product when you think about it.
Put it on the floor. And then instantly hoover it all up.
I’d happily pay for this cunt to go on holiday to Malaysia let’s say.
He could wear his fancy sunglasses and fall down an open sewer to be eaten by rats.
If he didn’t die I’d want my fucking money back immediately.
I got my last specs from VE.
They can fuck right off for my business from now on.
Gary Lineker is a WANKER is a WANKER
Never understood the concept of celebrity endorsement. I can only wonder what Linekers qualifications are in optometry. What qualifications in banking are held by Ant and Dec? Why would I buy a second-hand car on the recommendation of a homosexual?
…..because you want to pick up poofs maybe?
Apologies for being off topic but it look like it’s all kicking off in parts of South Africa. I bet At Gary’s paymasters won’t be reporting on this… https://www.bitchute.com/video/aHVuw5rIJgEX/
Its been that way since the early 90s BB, the difference now is they’re doing a Mugabe and stealing the land off whitey (you know people who actually know how to produce food), they’ll never fucking learn, stupid cunts!!!
That footage could easily be Chicago or Minneapolis, same result Burn, Loot, Murder
Hopefully, a new and super deadly strain of racist covid will appear and wipe the cunts out.
Since we stopped running the world, things have taken an alarming turn for the worse.
Get To Fuck.
Good fit – Lineker is a cunt and Vision Express are cunts.
Spex4Less are the way to go?
Breaking News.
The much awaited vote on foreign aid (aka pissing pounds into Africa) has been won by the government, I am sure Gary will have an opinion, maybe he will chip in to make up some of 0.2% shortfall
I know its vain,
But ive still got the vision of a hawk,
Id be gutted if I had to join the squinting Eric Morecambe look alike, 4eyed masses.
It’d worry me that people would think I was trying to be a intellectual,
Luckily im still more Superman than Clark Kent.
Most speccy twats are that way from looking at porn in darkened rooms.
And the furtive squinting is from guilt.
I think that now they have a medical procedure to correct it?
Vasectomy or something…
My eyesight was great until I was around 45, since then it’s been reading glasses for me.
Can still watch porn so I’m counting my blessings.
Gary is a cunt, maybe he needs more money to feed the horde of refugees living at his place.
If it wasn’t for the fact im crosseyed as fuck id be happy.
have a mate at work always claims he has “ears like a hawk” and never understands why we piss ourselves laughing, the thick cunt
Good news – but it’s still 0.5% too much!
They can use some of the 0.2% to pay the people smugglers Not to send the channel surfers our way ?
Still 10 billion straight down the fucking Zambezi (Swanee).
They will still get every penny and probably more through other guises. The Mophead recently pledged £430M to some Global Partnership for Education at that G7 summit and all these go back at cunts will have no trouble milking him for plenty more taxpayers queenheads… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57445184
This cunt has started how he means to go on. Needs chucked in the Thames with a concrete raincoat.
I’ve had some vision problems recently. It all started when I was chopping up some herbs and I made the mistake of rubbing my eyes. I’ve seen an optician and a doctor and it’s now been confirmed that I’m now parsley sighted….
It’s thyme you stopped that.
Maybe the doctors at SAGE can help you.
Did you let the bayleaf cumin, finally?
It’s just another company to boycott who are associated with that little turd, along with Walkers crisps, the BBC, BT Sport. Cunts.
Aside major sports event coverage, the only thing I miss about Sly TV was the ability to record programmes of interest and watch behind time or later where I would skip the as breaks. TV advertising is absolutely brutal these days.
I don’t know which is my at irritating right now but the one the soppy young hipster cunt ‘going solo’ in the new electric car daddy bought him.
OR the one for the designer supermarket starring the peaceful which conditions the masses to the idea that it’s ok for them to allow methods of trickery to access your children up in the safety first f their bedroom with the offer of ice cream. Why hasn’t the cunt got any puppies for them to go and see?
The bank ones with the geek in the brown suit are all shit too.
Not bought Walkers crisps for decades as they are shit T hey also ruined every brand they bought out like Quavers & monster munch. Thank fuck I haven’t seen St Gary’s Specsavers offering yet. Nothing will entice me to buy anything this plank endorses
For a company that sells optical aids, did the fuckers not see what a monumental shit idea this was, i think they need to use some of their own stock.
All together now, “LETS CANCEL THEM!”
Utter fucking tool. Oh how I despise this smug wanker.
Lineker’s got a fat reg I’m still standing vibe in that ad what a homo
The only times I liked him was Italia 90 and Euro 96.
Now I would only like him if he ended up jobless and committed hari kari
Slightly off topic but it I’m irritated by the unrealistic nature of the depiction of BAME types in adverts as much as the over- representation. You know the sort of thing- someone on here a while back mentioned an Xmas advert with a peaceful family tucking into their Xmas day dinner. My particular beef is Moslems being depicted as dog owners
On my way to work I pass a billboard warning dog owners about lungworm – the gent in the picture looks like he’s called Mohammed or Abdul. A tv advert featuring a variety of modern people going about their lives and there a young, peaceful lad who walks his dog.
They hate dogs (for very sound, Quranic reasons) ,unlike British people